A High School Tail

by FlameStar05

Back to Action!

The rest of the ponies in Equestria, who took shelter from Prince Noir, were losing morality but also hope that FlameStar will come back. Rainbow Dash decided to speak up.

"We've been hoping for something to happen or a clue or a sign of FlameStar." Rainbow Dash said. "I think we need to come to terms that FlameStar isn't coming back."

Luna spoke up, "Rainbow is correct. We cannot continue to wait for something to happen. We need to make something happen."

"Lets hit him hard and fast!" Rainbow said. Everyone agreed. Just then, the journal began to shimmer. Celestia picked it up and went to read it.

"Its from FlameStar!" She cried. She skimmed through the message. "Starlight was able to find him but they're still stuck." She goes on. "He says if the portal can be active from our side, FlameStar can use friendship magic to open the other and get everyone back!"

"Then i might have an idea!" Rainbow said. "Twilight hooked up the book onto the device to keep the portal open. So we just have to fix the device and hook the book back up."

"Worth a try!" Sunburst replied. He then got to work on the mechanism.

3 hours later...

"Done! Try it now!" Sunburst asked as he pushed the device to its proper position. Celestia placed the book onto the device and the portal flickered on and off.

"Its working, but FlameStar now has to do his part to fully link up!"

Back in the other world, FlameStar was able to get Loyalty and Kindness. Rainbow went back for FlameStar in a video game they were playing and Fluttershy reassured FlameStar when he was feeling down and troubled.

"Well now that we got most of the elements now, think we can get back?" Asked Alura.

"We still don't have the Element of Magic." FlameStar answered. He turned to Twilight. "I may not be too friendship heavy or anything but I think Magic combines all the elements?" Sunset saw her book shimmer again.

"I think I have the solution." Sunset explained. "When they say magic, they mean the Magic of Friendship." FlameStar paused for a bit then he made a choice.

"Im sure we can make the portal work again now! Let's go!" FlameStar, Alura and the others went out to the school again. When they arrived, they were ready to unleash the magic. FlameStar took a deep breath and raised the amulet up. Suddenly, a shadow figure flew out the portal! "What?!"

"Greetings, FlameStar."

"Prince Noir!!" FlameStar growled.

"Thats the Prince?" Twilight asked.

"You remind me of a cockroach. You're so annoyingly hard to get rid of!" He turned to Alura. "Fancy seeing you try to help out FireFace over here."

"Shut it!" Alura yelled. "No amount of threats will distract us!"

Noir began to charge a beam. "I hope you enjoy this school, cause you're gonna be stuck here FOREVER!!"

"Nooooo!!" Twilight jumped in the way of the beam and she Ponied Up. "FlameStar. We got him, take my pony magic. Get to Equestria."

"Twilight..." FlameStar raised the amulet and took some magic. "Ok. I'm going home!" FlameStar opened the amulet and saw the portal working again! "Starlight! Alura! We are leaving!"

"FlameStar! Wait." Cried Sunset. "Im coming with you!"

"Ok. Let's go!" FlameStar and the others leaped through the portal, leaving the human world.

Back in Equestria, the ponies saw the portal glow. Starlight hopped out.

"Starlight! Did you find FlameStar?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure did" Starlight answered. Sunset and Alura walked out of the portal next.

"Sunset Shimmer! What a pleasant surprise. " Celestia said.

"Im here to help Equestria get back on its feet-- um hooves." Sunset explained. The portal glowed one last time and finally, FlameStar hopped out!

"Oh yes! It feels good to be back on my hooves." He turned to look at his butt and he saw his cutie mark. "Yeah! I've missed you, cutie mark!" FlameStar began to kiss his own flank. The others exchanged blank stares. The red unicorn looked up. "Oh right. Save Equestria first, kiss flank later."

"Um but Twilight is still missing." Starlight remarked. "And the castle is Canterlot. How are we gonna move it back to its correct spot? It'll take every unicorn all over to move it!"

"First, let's stop Prince Noir!" FlameStar said. "Equestria needs its princess with or without a castle." Celestia nodded in agreement. FlameStar paused for a bit. "Oh... but how are we going to get to Canterlot safely? No doubt the prince had defenses everywhere." Sunset spoke up.

"Twilight and the others are holding him off in Canterlot High. We should use this chance to charge and take the castle back!"

"Right! Ok. Brace yourselves, everyone!" FlameStar's horn glowed brightly and everyone disappeared. They all came back at the entrance arc to Canterlot. FlameStar saw his horn overheat and he blew it out. "Alright. Now we need to get to the castle and find Twilight. Discord, I need you to--" Discord wasn't around. FlameStar face-hoofed. "Alright fine. Starlight, Sunset i need you to see if anyone is still here. Rainbow Dash, get the Wonderbolts to survey Canterlot. Sunburst, Luna and Celestia. You're with me. Let's go!"

The ponies trotted through Canterlot. Ruins were scattered everywhere. "Sheesh. this place is always getting destroyed..." FlameStar groaned. He looked up to see a purple light from the Castle of Friendship. "Prince Noir... I will restore harmony." A bit shaky but sure, FlameStar led the charge into the castle. Prince Noir was their waiting for them.

"Hmph. So you met me halfway i see..." Prince Noir sneered. "Well its too late for you."

"Cousin! Are you still planning more terrible things?!" Alura asked out.

"Maybe I am... is this considered... terrible?" Princess Twilight was chained up and saddled on. The ponies were horrified!

Luna spoke up. "Your misdeeds here today shant go unpunished."

"Oh but im not done..." Prince Noir replied. He held up a staff with a crystal ball. He began chanting and in mere moments, King Sombra rose from the Darkness!"

"Sombra..." Celestia growled.

"So thats King Sombra." FlameStar pondered. Sombra gazed at FlameStar.

"A pitiful unicorn with the Flames of Light... pathetic." FlameStar was surprised. He knew his flames were something special but no one had ever told him about the Flames of Light. The red unicorn was perplexed. Sombra chuckled. "Its remarkable really... The perfect build of a unicorn manifesting power that came from the Tree of Harmony..." he paused maliciously "and yet.... he doesn't even know his own power enough to defeat me..." Now, FlameStar was angry.

"How would you know? I didn't try yet!" FlameStar fired a fire blast at Sombra. Sombra just slipped into the darkess and away from the fire. FlameStar paused and sat down to think. "If Sombra relies on the darkness and I try to light up the area... hmm..." from one side Sombra charged at FlameStar! Sunburst jumped in and put up a shield.

Sunburst struggled and strained. "FlameStar, do something!!" FlameStar finally had the answer.

"Sunburst I know what to do. Just sit down and try to focus on him."

"Well thats just pathetic." Said Prince Noir. "My king! Accept my power!" Prince Noir deteriorated and fused with Sombra. Alura was shocked. Her own cousin was gone now...

FlameStar took deep breaths trying to sense Sombra. He waited... and waited... until...

"NOW!!! TOGETHER!" FlameStar and the others rallied their magic and in a spirit bomb like fashion, Sombra imploded with light. The king was finished. When the lighting returns to normal, FlameStar could see Alura was sad.

"FlameStar... you saw what my cousin did... How could you?!" FlameStar's ears flopped down. He started to feel guilty. He had killed his friend's cousin. He didn't know how to respond or how to explain himself so Alura would forgive him. So, he said nothing. All was silent. All was still. FlameStar finally spoke up.

"Alura... I'm so sorry I had to do that." FlameStar said. "I know what its like to lose someone close to you. I don't know how to explain. We still need to put the castle back to its proper place. And free Twilight." Sunset and Starlight busted in.

"Is everyone ok?" Sunset asked. She surveyed what had happened. She shrank down.

"I'll be fine but we need to go and put this castle back." While the ponies were reconvening, Sunburst had freed Twilight from her shackles. She flew down to them.

"FlameStar. I don't know what to say. Except... thank you." Twilight said. Celestia chimed in

"I know it wasn't easy and you may have hurt a heart but you triumphed." FlameStar smiled bashfully.

"Thanks, Celestia." FlameStar said. "Now let's put this castle where it belongs. On 3."

"3... 2... 1..." The castle poofed out of Canterlot. It reappeared in Ponyville and hit the ground with a thud! The ponies trotted out of the castle and saw everypony here to welcome them.

FlameStar nodded but then saw Alurw still crying. Starlight gave an encouraging nudge and FlameStar went to comfort her.

"Alura... I'm still very sorry for what I had to do." Alura sniffled.

"Its ok FlameStar. I forgive you. Its just... I'm sad that my own cousin would do such a thing... He was bitter until the very end." Alura stood up and spoke to FlameStar directly. "FlameStar. I want you to have this... its the crown my cousin made for me when he thought I'd join him. This holds too many memories." FlameStar could see Alura was still upset. He took the crown and placed it on her head.

"If your cousin still cares, he'd want you to fix his wrongdoings as a princess." FlameStar said. Alura smiled.

"Thank you, FlameStar. I will. I need to to head home now." Alura said. She was happy to have FlameStar as a friend.

"Goodbye!!" The townsfolk cried as Alura flew up into the sky and vanished into the light. FlameStar sighed.

"I guess I'm not the only one who learned something." FlameStar pondered about what he should do now.

As FlameStar wandered around the streets of Ponyville he saw that the streets were rather empty.

"Oh not again..." he growled. FlameStar rushed over to the townsfolk and he couldn't believe what he saw. His house got a new upgrade by the townsfolk himself! "What's all this?" FlameStar asked. Pinkie hopped over to him.

"We made you some upgrades to you house since the Prince damaged some stuff." Applejack walked up.

"Y'all helped all of us out..." Rarity walked up.

"So we wanted to give back to you." She finished.

"'This is amazing, everypony!" FlameStar hopped up to the doorstep and rose his voice. "HOUSEWARMING PARTY!!" Everypony rushed inside and had a fun time with FlameStar and his housewarming.