//------------------------------// // Prologue: Into the Storm and Unknown // Story: To the Heavens and Unknown // by Kitsune_Kenshi //------------------------------// War. There are many definitions for this word. Some say war is about greed and power, while others say war is about fighting for peace. There are others who fought for freedom while others to protect their home-land and loved ones. But no matter what your intensions or definition of war is, it will only lead to a few things. Death, violence, and destructions. People kept saying war never changes regardless to the era, but its ways, tactics, and warfare always changes. From sticks to stone, sword to arrow, from muskets to machine guns, warfare changes form time to time. Mankind always manages to build bigger, deadlier, and more destructive war machines; From ironclad to aircraft carrier, chariots to tanks. Even the sky isn't peaceful as before; from the earliest glider to the modern fighter jets. And the sky, is where I belong. Heh, I know some of you might be asking 'who the hell is this dude? Saying sky is his place.' For allies, I'm known as Osean Bigshot, dumbass, hero, Harling's murderer... As for the enemies, they shall tremble while calling me 'Three Strikes'; That old bastard Mihaly included. But they do have one thing in common; they known me, as Trigger. Born on Oured, capital city of Osea Federation, I served in the OADF (Osea Air Defense Force) as I achieved the rank Captain during the Lighthouse War as the leader of the Strider Squadron. But that was in the past, now I'm just a retired veteran from the Air Force after my retirement time came. Now hold it right there gentlemen, you might be asking 'Aw com' on! Three years? Does that even count?' Yes it does. After my last dogfight at the Space Tower with the two drones, due to extreme G-Forces overload, the Docs found me wounded from the insides, that means no more dogfighting for me. Any G-Forces that goes higher than 9G can ends up in internal bleeding or worse; death. So, yeah, no more splashing enemies and flying around doing stunts 'Mihaly style'. Thanks to the efforts of the LRSSG which consists of Strider and Cyclops squadron, we were able to end the Lighthouse War. I received quite the award and medals during the war. As a compensation for my service, the Osean military and the government decided to allow me to keep one of my many fighter jets, the F-2A. They even gave me a land and a house on the outskirts of Oured. Did I forgot to mention that they even lend me one of the airstrip in Oured so my flying skills won't rust? Heh, think so. Anyway, I lived in peace as there wee no more wars to fight for Osea, until now. The only war fought after the Lighthouse War is the Aurelian War, which Osea did participate in. Currently I'm flying at 12,000 meters above ground in the Osean airspace to test my jet; did I forgot to mention that I still has the Three Strikes marks on? Strangely enough, the aircraft preparation groups even loaded my jet with live ammunition such as the Vulcan cannon, LASMs, (Long range Air to Surface Missiles) Air to Air homing missiles, and rockets. DOn't get fooled by those 'sortie' preparations; it's not like I'm going to another war or something; just a weird, quiet, retried guy who wants to enjoy his time in the sky; as well as splashing aircraft and land target dummies. Over the years, there had been lots of events that happened as far as I could remember. Huh, who had thought that Count, my former wingman and now the Captain of the Strider Squadron and Huxian, another fight pilot in the Strider Squadron hooked up with each other. Hell, they even got married and had two kids. And Count had me as the godfather of his first child. Jaeger retired earlier than us since ehe wanted to spend more time with his family. H maybe an old man, older than me but her sure is living happily throughout his life. I can still remember the awe look on his son's face when he told him the story of me beating Mihaly and dogfighting two mad drones. Mihaly A Shilage, the top ace of the Erusia Air Force during the Lighthouse War passed away peacefully in his sleep. At least he found peace knowing that his granddaughters were still working to maintain the peace. Princess Cosette, let just say she's busy with all the politics, but whenever she had time, she always visited me or invites me to her palace. Avril Mead, known as Scrap Queen, still did what she do best, buffed up the jest to top conditions, now she even got herself to work at the airfield where I usually sorties for test flights. Though she always beats me up for burning tout he engine of the jet; it's not like I could help since that's the way I fly... Currently flying in the Osea airspace, I silently thought about the Lighthouse War. It only been three years since the war ended and my last kill, yet for me it felt like decades; guess my old habits showed up again. It's not like my skills are getting rusty, it just that test flight are missing the thrill and excitement of shooting down enemy aircrafts and getting chased by missiles. Even in time of peace, where I have friends that I can rely on and fame for war effort which I could make it into bedtime stories for kids, even though I never got married since I'm a silence type... But something inside of me is waking up, something that I have yearn subconsciously... BOOM! Holy! The fucking hell?! That almost shocked me. That strane=ge, weather broadcast didn't forecast about a storm during the evening. Hell, that's the biggest yet beautiful storm I've ever see. And of course, just like something that messed-up Bandog would say; 'What a smart move for a dumbass.' I flew straight into it. I've never seen a storm that's this violence, its even messing with the system! Shit, I couldn't contact the AWACS about my current status. Calm down Trigger, do what Bandog once said stay calm and check the HUD system for error. Good, seems like there's nothing wrong, now do what I do best, fly a damn plane. But the storm made it difficult to control the jet with rains pouring on the canopy and I gad ro evade thunder clouds. One wrong move and the coffin dancer will surely come for my grave. But as what people always says, fate is a bitch. A lighting bolt suddenly came form a thunder cloud and exploded next to the jet, and that ended up making the system malfunction. "Warning, system malfunction. Warning, system malfunction." Shit! At this rate I'm gonna crush. I'd never felt a tiny but of fear since the dogfight with Mihaly in a storm, and the system ain't helping by screaming malfunction in my ears. When I thought I was going to crush, a bright light suddenly shot from the storm and blinded my vision as everything went dark afterwards. "Warning, attitude below 1,000 feet. Warning, attitude below 1,000 feet." I slowly came to, and the first thing I heard was the god dman system screaming for the attitude, which my jet is falling from the sky in a high speed and velocity. Yeah, high speed falling from the sky... FALLING FROM THE SKY IN A HIGH SPEED! I'M FUCKED UP! I'm going to crash... You thought!!! "Caution: Pull up, pull up." Quickly taking over the jet to raise the nose and thrust, I was able to save myself from a certain death. Plus, it would be too embarrassing if the news got on report: "Legendary fight pilot Trigger, feared by foes, beaten Mihaly, was killed in a crash when flying in a storm". Hell not, not today bitches! Now the question is, where am I? All I could see is a green, REALLY green forest in the horizon. Hang on, I don't remember having forests along at the outskirt of Oured. I tried to contact the Osean airstrip or the AWACS, yet no avail. Suddenly, the radar found multiple blips off yellow to the northwest from my position. The blips that will change my life. The blips that showed a new breed, of War. -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Captain Rainbow Dash's POV) Here I am, fighting another battle, or war, since the Battle of the Bell; in my aircraft "Spitfire" MK.V. After Twilight's coronation, she decided to put on a technological revolution in both daily lives and military; knowing the fact that the weakest countries always gets invaded or looked down. Thanks to the researchers and my fellow teammates, a new type of fighting machine called "Warplanes" were invented, now that was about 20 years ago. Currently, the newly discovered Western Minotaur Empire (No, not the ones like Iron Will, the ones from Greek Mythology), was found with superior technologies, instead of signing a peace treaty with Equestria, they immediately declared an invasive war against us after seeing our rich lands. With no other choice, Equestrian with its allies were thrown into a massive war. I'm Captain Rainbow Dash, leader of the Rainboom Squadron, which is the updated version of the Wonderbolts, Equestrian Royal Air Force. Right now I'm leading my squadron with my new and old teammates; Lighting Dust, my old foe, but as tike passed, she came to accepting me and apologized for her past mistakes, now becoming the second in command in my squadron, also my wing-mare. The Minotaur Air Force were well quipped with the newest fighter jets, which we later learned that it is called Me-262. (Coincidence?) They're nearly two times faster than the Spitfires, armed with deadly auto cannons while we're just simply armed with machine guns. This is not gonna end well, I can already see the gates of heaven opening for me and my squadron. Suddenly, I heard Lighting Dust shouting, "Rainboom 1! Check your 2 o'clock! I see something!" Turning to the direction Lighting Dust provided, at first I saw nothing, but then, a small black dot began to appear. Then it got closer, it's colored with dark blue, but its unlike any of the aircrafts I've ever seen, I can tell it was a jet, but not the ones like the Minotaurs. I have no idea what that boogie is or its intensions. Suddenly, the boogie zoomed passed our squadron with a loud sonic boom. Okay, this is defiantly NOT something the Minotaurs would come up with. Their Me-262 can only fly up to 869 kilometer spot hour, and this boogie's jet? From my calculation, holy Celestia... This mysterious jet can fly up to around 2,000 kilometers per hour! That's like... THREE times faster than the Me-262! (They don't have the knowledge of supersonic or Mach speed yet) Whoever or whatever piloting this mysterious jet is, I prayed he or she is a friendly, or Celestia knows how this would end up... "Cap, should we contact the boogie with the radios?" Lighting Dust asked. "Premission granted, and try to get that boogie on our side." I replied. I have this feeling from my mind that this mysterious boogie will determent the tide of the war. And my guts, are correct.