//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Fellowship is Miraculous // by Praynfaith96 //------------------------------// The next day, Rarity and Fluttershy were on their weekly spa date. For the both of them, it was a relaxing way to wind down after each week. However, their usually topical spa discussions were pre-empted in favor of Fluttershy telling Rarity about our encounter yesterday as they sat in a mud bath. “Whoa, darling. That’s quite a family history for Pastor Sharp Iron.” “I know, I never knew that it was so instrumental in Equestria’s history. Do you think you and Twilight are the descendants of those unicorns aboard the Mareflower?” Rarity paused for a second. “Well, I know that my ancestors would’ve remained in Canterlot at that time because we established a fashion house that’s still operating there today. We couldn’t have arrived here until much later. Twilight on the other hand, I don’t honestly know. Perhaps we should tell her about this so we can find out.” “Sounds like a good plan, Rarity.” After they left the spa, they went over to the library to see Twilight. Fluttershy didn’t want to have to explain the same things over again, so she handed Twilight her notes. “Wow, that’s quite an interesting personal touch to our history. Even though I’ve read just about every book there is about Equestria’s history, it’s interesting to hear it from the perspective of Ponyville’s earliest known clergystallion.” “Why yes, darling. Even though I doubt my family came to Ponyville this way, perhaps yours might have.”[ Twilight laughed. “I don’t think so. I mean, I only came to Ponyville a few years ago when Princess Celestia wanted me to learn how to live among regular ponies. Before that, we spent our whole lives in Canterlot. Perhaps a visit to the town archives might clear things up. Spike!” “Yes Twilight?” “Can you keep watch of the library? We need to see Mayor Mare about something important.” “Oh, okay Twilight.” “Great, we’ll be back soon!” As the three mares entered the town hall, they were greeted by the tired gray stallion at the front desk. “Can I help you three?” Twilight spoke up. “We needed to see Mayor Mare to get access to the town’s archives.” The stallion sighed. “Do you have an appointment?” “Well, no…” “Sorry, Mayor Mare is busy with her duties and requires an appointment in advance. Have a nice day.” “But…” Just as Twilight was about to object, Mayor Mare came down from her office. “Ah, it’s nice to get your duties done ahead of time! Oh, hello Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity! How can I help you three today?” “Hello Mayor Mare! The three of us need to access the town archives to be able to answer some questions. Would we be able to take a look?” “Why certainly! I’ll take you back to the public archives; I hope it clears up any questions.” The three smiled and spoke in unison. “Thanks, Mayor Mare!” As they headed back, the gray stallion turned towards them. “Wait! You need an appointment to…” “Don’t you have those reports to file, Mr. Solimaire?” Mayor Mare and the others caught the bureaucrat with a game of solitaire on his computer. He became flustered as Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity laughed. “Uh… yes, your worship. I’m on it!” As they went into the archives, they pulled out several folders. One of these was marked ‘Ponyville records: Pre-1900, Volume 1.’ As they sifted through the laminated records, some of which were hard to read by now, Twilight found just what they needed. “I found it, girls! The first Ponyville census.” Rarity became antsy. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s take a look at it, then.” “Yes, let’s take a look.” As Fluttershy also wanted to see it, Twilight held the page in front of them. Twilight was musing aloud, so Rarity and Fluttershy could follow along. “Hmmm, let’s see. There’s Wrought Iron here, and both the Apple and Pie family are recorded, so Pinkie Pie and Applejack’s ancestors were clearly among the same stock of Canterlot’s Earth pony underclass. They’re even listed as having arrived on the Mareflower, which is on the next page. I don’t see my family name, which basically confirms what I already knew. Hold on, Rarity!” “Yes, Twilight?” “Take a look at this.” Rarity was surprised by what she saw. “Wait just a minute. So, my ancestors arrived on the Mareflower too?!” “It seems so. According to this, Elusive Belle is counted among the census, and she arrived from Canterlot via the Mareflower.” “But that’s impossible! My family was always in Canterlot with the other unicorns.” Fluttershy then spoke up. “Umm, well, Pastor Sharp Iron did say that some unicorns also joined him on the migration.” “Rarity, perhaps there’s more in your family’s folder. It should be in section A-F over there.” Twilight then pointed Rarity to the section containing her family’s folder. As she retrieved it and opened it, the three studied it further. “Okay, here we are: ‘Elusive Belle, born as a unicorn in Canterlot among the affluent merchant class. Established the original Carousel Boutique and worked as a renowned seamstress. Her innate generosity meant that she sympathized with Canterlot’s Earth pony-dominated underclass and would provide them with clothing that would be more than the rags on their backs. Elusive grew disillusioned with the way her fellow unicorns were treating these Earth ponies and decided to go with them and help establish Ponyville Colony. From there, she continued to provide clothing and linens to the colonists as she opened a second Carousel Boutique and taught several of the colonists how to make their own clothes. As the Equestrian Civil War broke out, she returned back to Canterlot to resume her operations safely and would remain there for the rest of her life, leaving the 2nd Carousel Boutique in the hands of her unicorn daughter, Destiny Belle. It was here that the uniforms for Celestia’s Royal Ponyville Militia were made, in addition to most of the other clothing worn by the colonists.'” “Wow, Twilight. I never knew any of that about myself. I guess Elusive and Destiny would’ve been known to Pastor Iron’s ancestor, uh, what was his name again?” “Wrought Iron.” “Thanks.” “Hey, is there any information about mine or Rainbow Dash’s families from that time?” Fluttershy’s curiosity had been piqued. Twilight sighed. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Fluttershy. From what I’ve read, the leaders of the Pegasus Empire knew they would be captured in the last days of the war, so that was when they went full out and wanton executed just about anypony who wasn’t a pegasus for the most absurd reasons, even if they were civilians.” “Which must’ve been how they got Wrought Iron.” “Exactly. They also set fire to their archives out of fear the Kingdom of Equestria would know their secret information and use it against them. A pity, as they were meticulous record keepers and much of the early pegasus knowledge and history was lost in seemingly an instant. Even if there are records for you and Rainbow Dash, it would be information from much later. I don’t see it being relevant to this.” “I understand, Twilight.” “Perhaps we should get back to talking with Pastor Sharp Iron about this.” Fluttershy and Rarity nodded in agreement as they left the town hall.