Fellowship is Miraculous

by Praynfaith96

Chapter 6

Fluttershy was up in Cloudsdale later that day, waiting for Rainbow Dash to finish up her shift controlling the local weather. While she waited, she had the notes she took from my last discussion with her. She was anxious about how Rainbow Dash would react to hearing this.

Fluttershy shakes her head. “I simply can’t believe that what’s around me was built upon the slavery of other ponies.” Even though the pegasi had long shed their brutish past, many still looked down on other types of ponies. For them, their history as feared warriors remained a sacred cow-like idol.

“Hey Fluttershy! Glad you could make it.”

“Hey, Rainbow Dash. I thought I could talk to you about what Pastor Sharp Iron was talking to me about, especially our history. It’s been bugging me, lately.”

Dozens of heads turned towards Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Do they dare question Cloudsdale’s achievements?

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Heheh, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Perhaps we could take this discussion to my house.” The two pegasi quickly flew back to Rainbow Dash’s house.

“So, what exactly did Pastor Iron tell you, Fluttershy?"

“Well, he told me about how his ancestor Wrought Iron settled in Ponyville, and how our Pegasus Empire ancestors were so cruel to them.”

Rainbow Dash looked surprised. “The Pegasus Empire?! You mean some of the toughest warriors in our history?!”

“Now Rainbow Dash, I’m sure he wasn’t trying to blame either of us… Wait, where are you going?” Just as Rainbow Dash was about to rush out the door, she turned towards Fluttershy.

“To give Pastor Iron a piece of my mind!” As Rainbow Dash zipped out the door, Fluttershy struggled to keep up.

“Wait for me, Rainbow Dash!” Once they got to Ponyville, it didn’t take long for them to find my church by spotting the church steeple that towered above the rest of Ponyville. As they entered the church lobby, they caught the attention of my secretary.

“Hello, welcome to First Baptist Church of Ponyville! How may I assist you?”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went up to Charity’s desk. “Hi, we need to speak with Pastor Sharp Iron now.”

Charity smiled. “Let me see if he’s available. One moment, please!” Soon after, I came out to greet them.

“Why, hello! Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash! How can I help you two?”

“Fluttershy told me about what you told her, and I’ll have you know that us pegasi are the strongest, fastest, and toughest out there!”

I was taken aback Rainbow Dash. “Hmmm, well, perhaps this is something we can all discuss in my office. There’s no need to get all worked up.” The two pegasi follow me back to my office.

“So, where would you like to start, Rainbow Dash?”

“Let’s see, uh, perhaps everything!

I sigh. “Okay, I was thinking of something a little more specific than that. Have a detail you want to discuss?”

Rainbow Dash paused. “Hmmm. Okay, how about the part where you encounter the Pegasus Empire! They surely weren’t that bad! They couldn’t have been!”

I give Rainbow Dash a disappointed look. “Rainbow Dash, I’m honestly surprised you’re saying this. I mean, you were probably sitting in the same history class as Fluttershy when they taught about this. Surely, they taught you about these things I told Fluttershy.”

“But Pastor, I learned too that we were the best ponies. I too was shocked by what you said.” Fluttershy’s defense was fair, as she was actually surprised by a lot of what I said earlier.

“Well, here are the words of his journal, passed down through the generations.” I open up a book titled ‘Iron Family History’ and lay it on my desk. “I’m sure what you find here will be consistent with what I told Fluttershy.”

The pegasi were amazed as they read it. “Whoa, so you really were right about what Pastor Iron told you.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, I mean it’s not only shaped the early history of modern-day Equestria, but also shaped the spiritual life of my own family. Remember this, Rainbow Dash, the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).”

“The wages of sin is death?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”

“It’s simple, ladies. Any thought or act that goes against God is sinful, and a combination of pride, greed, and wrath caused the old Pegasus Empire to collapse following the Civil War, once the consequences of those sins came to pass. They may have claimed the life of my ancestor Wrought Iron among thousands of others, but his legacy and our family’s faith still holds strong today. Meanwhile, the former Pegasus Empire is largely forgotten, exacerbated by the fact that most of their records from that time are considered as lost.”

Rainbow Dash looked at me like I was crazy. “No, it can’t be. Many of us pegasi look up to them as gods.”

“And they’ve clearly failed as gods because they not only gave into sin, but also have ceased to exist. Only the true God of the Universe is both sinless and eternal in nature. Not that I blame the pegasi for believing their propaganda, but just because the majority is doing something doesn’t make it automatically right.” At this point, an angered Rainbow Dash tries to lunge towards me, only to suddenly look down in disappointment.

“D’oh, I can’t attack someone like you. Look, I know that mine and Fluttershy’s ancestors weren’t perfect, but they still mean a lot to us. Do you have any idea how humiliating it was for us to have it all in the Empire, only to lose it and then find ourselves subject to the rule of Canterlot?!” Fluttershy put her hoof over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder for comfort.

“I sure do, Rainbow Dash. A few years prior to the Civil War, Wrought Iron along with his family and followers settled what is now Ponyville. They originally grew up in the slums adjacent to Canterlot but left because they were looked down upon by the Canterlot elites. Sure, they weren’t warmongers like the Pegasus Empire, but the shame and ridicule many heaped upon them eventually became too much. It still didn’t stop us from establishing Ponyville and doing great things.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Is that so? My ancestors were some of the Empire’s best athletes, always winning and staying on top. I guess it runs in the family.”

The three of us then chuckled. “Right. See, it’s not a bad thing you admire your ancestors, and I bet many were good ponies. That said, we ultimately ought to give thanks to the Lord, for He is eternal, He is sinless, and He sustains all of us as the giver of life. There’s no use in making an idol of created ponies as they are none of those things. Rather, we are commanded to give praise and worship to our Creator for those reasons.

“You mean that someone created everypony and this whole world?”

“Why, yes. It’s not like something as complex as these things are could just appear from nowhere. And because we were created by God with a purpose, it also means that each of us has a purpose in life, which is to bring glory to God in all that we…”

“Now hold up! Your saying that God created all of this? How come I can’t see God?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash, those are very good questions. We cannot see God with the naked eye because God is a spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). As for…”

“Wait, how can a spirit be male?”

“May I finish explaining, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash nods.

“It is true that a spirit technically has no gender as we know it and that God transcends gender in that way, but God cannot be an ‘it’ because God wants a personal relationship with each of us. We cannot relate to, or obey, an ‘it.’ Furthermore, those who grow up in life without a male rule-giver are likely to do great harm to others. Just look at all the colts and fillies who grow up without a stallion father-figure, it’s like that with us and God.” Rainbow Dash looked away uncomfortably; throughout her years at flight school as well as during her Wonderbolt training, she’s met several of those who grew up without a father figure.

“God is also described in male terms because simply, everypony is much more likely to obey a male authority figure. If that can be attached to traits like mercy, compassion, and caring for the downtrodden, they will more likely emulate them. This is why even for those without a father figure, God serves as an effective, if not better substitute, because God is also sinless in nature.”

“Well, when you put it that way, Pastor, I guess it would be nice if more ponies were like that. I just… I already have plenty of faith in myself. Just look at all the awards I have on my wall.”

I remained unconvinced. “Rainbow Dash, when you go to stand before God, none of that will matter.”

“Huh, why not?! Wouldn’t He have seen all my achievements, being the creator of all things, as you claim?”

“See them, yes. Know about them, yes. Using that as a way to be saved? No.”

“But Pastor…”

“Don’t make idols out of these things. Your pride has caused you to focus on created, worldly things and elevate them above our God the creator. Again, when you stand before God and give an account for your life, none of those things are relevant. Rainbow Dash, I want you to think about this one thing. You too, Fluttershy.”

Both mares nodded.

“Even among those who claim the Lord as their own, not all will be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do His will. Many will claim that they did all these things in His name, but the Lord truly knows their hearts, and will turn them away from Him because they continued down a path of sin (Matthew 7:21-23). Now, what does that tell you about someone who disregards the Lord altogether and makes an idol of worldly things? You would both be wise to think about this in your life.”

“Yes, Pastor.”

“Alright then. It is always better to build one’s house on rock than it is to build on sand. The things of this world are like the sand. They can be ‘washed away’ and lost in an instant. Just look at the old Pegasus Empire as an example. They were once a feared military power, but because they put their trust in the things of this world, it was all lost once the Civil War ended and they had nothing left to stand on. God wants better for us, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash looked at me uncomfortably. “You have a good point about that, it’s just… I never thought that God would want someone like me. I’m brash, I’m bold, and I play by my own rules. How could He make use of that?”

I looked at Rainbow Dash with concerned eyes. “Now don’t you say that. Being bold is an essential part of being a Christian, because the righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). Sounds pretty bold and brash to me. Also, following God means to be sanctified by Him, where we begin to emulate His virtues in our lives. It’s all part of the free gift of salvation, which is available to all who wish to renounce sin and take up their cross.”

“Take up you cross?”

I then hand the mares copies of the New Testament as well as a study guide. “Here, perhaps you should take these. The guide will be able to help you with these things more. I wish I could chat more, but I have to fill out this paperwork. Please reach out if you have any questions. Oh, also tomorrow evening we have our young adult Bible study at 7. Why don’t you and your friends come out?”

“Thanks, Pastor. We’ll think about it.”

Fluttershy then gently nudges Rainbow Dash. “Uhh, yeah, thanks.” The two then head straight over to Twilight’s to stew over all this.