//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Fellowship is Miraculous // by Praynfaith96 //------------------------------// “Can you believe that guy?! Using all his fancy-schmancy knowledge to rub salt in my wounds and downplay all my achievements?! What an egghead!” Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy stood passively by as Rainbow Dash ranted. “Look, Rainbow Dash, he didn’t mean to do that, he just wanted you to not see those things as the end all and be all in life.” Fluttershy agreed. “Yeah, Rainbow Dash. He was also being so nice to us.” Rainbow Dash looked over at them angrily. “Don’t tell me you’re now defending him!” “Just calm down, Rainbow Dash. Breathe in, and out.” Fluttershy at least managed to calm her friend down before she lost her temper. “Now look, Pastor Sharp Iron wasn’t attacking us as a whole, he was just describing what had happened in the past. He personally said to me that I wasn’t at fault for this, so neither are you.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I think I’ll stick with faith in myself and my achievements, thank you very much! I don’t need him or anyone to tell me what I’m worth.” A peeved Rainbow Dash then heads on home. Twilight shrugged her shoulders. “Gee, what’s gotten into her?” Fluttershy winced. “She’s always been that way, don’t worry too much. Though what if the Pastor is right? What if there’s more to life than what’s around us?” “Yeah, perhaps this is something we should ask Princess Celestia about. We already know that she has a history with the Iron family.” The two of them left the library and hoofed it over to Celestia’s palace. Along the way, they stopped by Sweet Apple Acres and were greeted by Applejack. “Howdy Twilight, Fluttershy.” “Hey, Applejack.” “May I ask where you two are heading off to?” Twilight smiled. “We’re off to see Celestia because we were wondering about what she knows about the Iron family…” “Ah yes, the Iron family.” Just hearing their name brought a smile to Applejack’s face. “They supplied our family for centuries with the finest iron and iron tools in all of Equestria.” Fluttershy then spoke up. “Right. Well, we were recently speaking with Pastor Sharp Iron about some things and wanted to talk to Celestia about it.” Applejack then lost her smile. “Sharp Iron? You mean the son of Pastor Hard Iron? I haven’t heard from him in a few years.” Twilight then answered. “Well, from what I know Pastor Hard Iron is now retired. Sharp Iron has taken over as Lead Pastor.” “Right. Well, you and Fluttershy pass on the Apple Family’s regards.” Applejack looked away with a sad look as she made this request. Twilight looked concerned. “Applejack, are… are you alright?” “I’m fine, thanks.” “Well, tomorrow night he’s doing a Bible study, and…” “I said I’m fine! Please.” Twilight and Fluttershy shrugged. “Well, ok. Please let us know if you need anything.” Applejack let out a grunt. As Twilight and Fluttershy hoofed away, Applejack shuddered as she hid behind an apple tree with a tear coming out her eye. “How could God have allowed these things to happen my family?” Applejack wept quietly as memories of the tragedy that struck her a few years back resurfaced. After gathering Rarity and Pinkie Pie, the four of them bowed before Princess Celestia as they stood in her presence. Celestia smiled warmly. “Hello, my loyal subjects. How may I help you today?” Twilight then spoke up. “My dear Princess, we have spoken recently with Pastor Sharp Iron from that church.” “Ah yes, Pastor Sharp Iron. We communicate regularly as he serves as an advisor on religious freedom in Equestria and abroad. He and his family have been an upstanding presence in my Kingdom going back hundreds of years. I still remember when his ancestor Wrought Iron was among the signatories of the Marena Carta. Since then, he and his descendants have provided a sense of hope and purpose for many Equestrians.” “We’ve heard all about them, your Majesty. We even looked over Ponyville’s records and they confirmed what he told us about his family. Princess, we come before you because we have been told that there’s more to life than what’s immediately around us. I’ve been reading books about so-called ‘metaphysics’ and I credit Pastor Iron with his advice. That said, I am still overwhelmed by all this, as he even claimed that you are not our savior, nor did you create any of us; nor know all things about you or this world; nor that you died for everypony; nor can you provide salvation. He said that only God can do this.” Celestia nods. “Twilight, I am well aware of the Iron family’s teachings. That said, it is true that I am not like those things.” The four looked on in surprise. “You’re not?!” “I am afraid it is true. I never intended to be worshiped as an idol, as my abilities are limited to merely interacting with what is already created. I did not create the sun and Earth, nor did my dear sister Luna create the moon. Pastor Iron is right in that there is more to life than our immediate surroundings and possessions. I would certainly encourage you to continue to learn more about these things and dwell on them. Perhaps your Elements of Harmony could be related to this.” “Wow, thank you, your Majesty!” As the four of them bowed one last time in reverence, they all headed home for the day. That night, all of the Mane Six were asleep, and all of them slept peacefully. All of them except Rainbow Dash, of course. Her tossing and turning was nothing compared to her dreaming. “Whoa, where am I?!” In this dream, Rainbow Dash found herself alone in a dark room. She was well known for her brash and cocky nature, but now she felt neither of those things. She was quivering, unaccustomed to feeling so vulnerable and defenseless. She couldn’t help but be consumed by dread; the room was darker than a coal mine and none of her friends were by her side. Suddenly, a bright light pierced through the darkness. “Who’s there?!” Rainbow Dash was greeted by this strange being, unlike anypony she had ever seen. This being approached Rainbow Dash and dressed her in a bright white garment, totally unblemished by sin. “Rainbow Dash. Do not be afraid, my child.” “How do you know my name?” “Rainbow Dash, I am an angel and a servant of the Lord our God. I was sent here to warn you, so then you could warn your friends. Come with me, now.” Before Rainbow Dash could say anything else, the two of them were whisked away into a whole new place. Rainbow Dash was amazed by the sight. “Where are we? This place is so beautiful and peaceful!” The angel immediately responded. “Rainbow Dash, we are standing outside Heaven, where God’s Kingdom resides. All of those who accepted Jesus into their hearts come hear when God calls them home. Rainbow Dash, do you see that pony over there?” As the angel pointed, Rainbow Dash squinted her eyes. She immediately recognized the mare standing before God. “Tha… That’s Surprise, my fellow Wonderbolt! She just died in that accident while training not long ago.” “Correct, Rainbow Dash.” As the two of them looked ahead, God was speaking directly to Surprise as she gave an account of her life. “Surprise, in spite of your sins you have come to accept me as your savior and had all your sins washed away. For that, your name was recorded in the Book of Life and you have eternal life in me. Welcome home, my child. Well done!” As Surprise entered God’s Kingdom, Rainbow Dash tried to call out to her. “Hey, Surprise! It’s me, Rainbow Dash! Hello! Can’t you hear me?” The angel turned to Rainbow Dash. “She cannot see or hear you, my child. To abide in God means you cannot abide in worldly sin.” Rainbow Dash looked down in guilt. “And to think, I used to tease her when she was reading her Bible in the barracks.” “That said, God has His plans for your friend as he does for all. Come along, I have something else to show you.” Rainbow Dash and the angel looked into another part of Heaven. “Rainbow Dash, over there is Wrought Iron, one who used his God-given gift to bring many others to glory, all the way to the moment he was martyred for his faith. Because he asked for forgiveness of his sins, he now abides in God’s presence.” Rainbow Dash squinted, making out a silhouette of the stallion ancestor of Pastor Sharp Iron. He was singing God’s praises. “Wow, Pastor Sharp Iron wasn’t lying about any of this!” As Rainbow Dash expressed her amazement, the angel once again spoke. “My child, it is written that: ‘Whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven’ (Matthew 5:19). Not only was he saved, but his zeal for the Lord has brought many others to God.” The angel then frowned. “Now come along. I have something else to show you. Something completely different.” Before she knew it, the two of them were in a completely different place. It was nothing like Heaven. As she heard sounds of screaming and weeping, Rainbow Dash became scared. “Where are we now?! Everything looks and sounds so terrifying!” Not far from where they stood, many millions of ponies were suffering in eternal torment from the complete absence of God. It was noisy and chaotic, completely free of God’s orderliness. “Rainbow Dash, we stand before Hell. They all refused to ask God to forgive their sins and let Him into their hearts; they must stay here for they cannot abide in a perfect, holy, and just God. There are some people here you know.” Rainbow Dash winced, as she recognized a few of them. One in particular caught her attention. “Is that… Commander Hurricane?!” Rainbow Dash froze in horror at the sight. All her life she looked up to Commander Hurricane as a symbol of power, wealth, and strength. Here, he had none of those things. His gaunt appearance was highlighted by the numerous scars all over him. He was being constantly attacked by these ugly demonic creatures while being reminded of his sins from when he was still alive on Earth. He turned towards Rainbow Dash as a desperate means of escape. When he realized it was fruitless, he immediately began to warn her about what could be. “Rainbow Dash! You must tell everypony in Cloudsdale to stop worshiping me and turn to Jesus! I do not want anypony to end up here! All I ever wanted was to be powerful, but I turned my back on the Lord and only cared about myself! Do not let yourself or anyone else be sent here, I beg of you! Aaaah!” Just as Commander Hurricane finished speaking, he was once again attacked. Rainbow Dash recoiled in fear. The sheer depravity of this place was well beyond what she could’ve imagined. “Get me out of here! I can’t take seeing this anymore!” Immediately, Rainbow Dash and the angel were back in the dark room. Overwhelmed with fear, she sobbed into the angel’s arms. “Please don’t send me or my friends there! I beg of you!” The angel then spoke to her. “Rainbow Dash, the reason Commander Hurricane was there is because he never accepted God in his life. He not only lost his Empire, but soon after his own life as he was executed on Princess Celestia’s orders for his many war crimes. He was the one who in fact ordered the kidnapping and execution of Pastor Wrought Iron. For all these sins, he was banished to Hell. My child, if you died today, you would be sent there immediately upon death.” “N…no. What about all the things I’ve done in my life?” “Rainbow Dash, your works don’t matter because the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). My child, this free gift is available for you and all your friends, and only this can save you.” Rainbow Dash was confused. “But why would God send all those ponies there? That doesn’t sound very loving of Him.” “Rainbow Dash, God did not send them there. In fact, He never intended for Hell to be for anyone on Earth, only for Satan and his demons because they rebelled against God. These ponies send themselves there because they refuse the free gift of eternal life and live in sin; they are hardly any different from these demons.” Rainbow Dash looked up to the angel in desperation. “I can’t live like this anymore! Please free me from the curse of sin!” “Rainbow Dash, the only one who can do that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He defeated sin and death so then all can be saved. You must ask Him for forgiveness of your sins. He loves you and everyone so much that he took the punishment on the cross so you could be forgiven.” “God loves me? That can’t be right! I’ve been so arrogant and prideful that there’s no way I can stand before God.” “That is not true, Rainbow Dash. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him (John 3:16-17). My child, I must leave now.” Rainbow Dash began to panic again. “No, please don’t go!” The angel came to her side. “Rainbow Dash, remember what I have told you. You don’t have to have the same fate as your former friends. You must warn those around you to repent and turn to the Lord! They must be born again (John 3:3).” “Born again? But I’ve already been born! How can this be?” “Rainbow Dash, you must be born again spiritually, where the new you turns away from your sinful past and abides fully in God.” The angel then left. Just as Rainbow Dash tried to go after him, she woke up in a cold sweat. “I can’t believe what I just saw.” With the memory of this dream fresh in her mind, she got out of bed. As she walked past where Tank slept, she couldn’t help but feel relieved that she hadn’t in fact died and faced judgment. She went over to her desk and wrote down everything she could remember about this dream. “I gotta tell Twilight about this.”