Fellowship is Miraculous

by Praynfaith96

Chapter 8

“Wow, that’s really is, uh, something, Rainbow Dash!” An astonished Twilight simply couldn’t believe that anypony could have a dream like that, let alone somepony who deemed anything outside of her narrow range of interests as being ‘for eggheads.’

“It’s all true, Twilight! The angel showed me my former comrade, and Wrought Iron, and Commander Hurricane, and a bunch of others I knew! It all felt so real to me!”

Spike tuned in to their conversation. “How can any of it be real, though? Was it not a dream?”

Twilight turned towards Spike. “Well, sometimes there’s more to a dream than just a few images in one’s head. Perhaps this specifically meant something to Rainbow Dash and that she was meant to get this dream.”

“It wasn’t just me. The angel told me that all of us would meet the same fate as Commander Hurricane and millions of others!”

“Well, what did Luna tell…”

“That’s the other thing. I never saw Princess Luna in my dream. She normally appears in our dreams, but she wasn’t there this time! It’s gotta mean something different if she wasn’t there, Twilight!”

“Hmmmm, perhaps so. Why don’t we speak with Pastor Iron; does it not this sounds like his sort of thing?”

The three nodded and headed to First Baptist Church, once again greeted by my cheerful secretary Charity.

“How may I help you three today?”

Rainbow Dash went up to Charity’s desk in desperation. “Can we please see Pastor Sharp Iron?! I… I had a dream that I need help understanding.”

Before Charity could say more, Pastor Sharp Iron and Pastor Glowing Wool came walking into the lobby.

“Well, it’s nice to know that we have all those leftover bits in this year’s budget! I think we…” Pastor Iron then notices the three friends standing there. “Good morning Twilight, Dash, and Spike!”

“Good morning, Pastor!” The three greeted in unison, with a desperate Rainbow Dash coming up to me.

“Pastor, you won’t believe it! I had this dream, and I saw an angel, and…”

“Whoa, Rainbow Dash. Why don’t you and your friends come to my office to discuss it.” I then turned to my long-time friend. “Glowing Wool, why don’t you pass on the good news about this monetary blessing to the Head of our Missions department? It looks like I’ve got some laypony duties ahead.”

Glowing Wool smiled and nodded. “Right away, Sharp Iron!”

I then guide the three of them to my office. “So Rainbow Dash, please tell me everything about your dream last night.”

“Well, it started off with me in this dark room. I was getting scared because I was alone, when all of a sudden this big, bright being came before me. It was totally unlike any creature I’ve seen here in Equestria! It was all like: “Do not be afraid,” and I followed it. First he showed me Heaven, where I saw my recently-deceased fellow Wonderbolt, Surprise, as well as your ancestor, Wrought Iron. It was so beautiful and awesome! Afterwards, he took me to this really horrible place called Hell, which makes Tartarus look like the time-out chair in comparison; I also saw Commander Hurricane there, among others. I not only learned that he was the one who ordered Wrought Iron’s execution, but he also told me to go and tell everypony about Jesus. He said that was the only way they could avoid this wretched place!” Rainbow Dash panted as her little rant ended. “I know, you probably think I’m crazy for saying this stuff.”

I then chuckle as I pull my Bible out and open it to the fourth chapter of 1 John. “I don’t think you’re crazy, nor does the Bible. It says here: ‘Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:1-6).’”

“So that means…”

“Rainbow Dash, this angel you met led you to knowing what eternal salvation is, and the consequences for those who turn their back on the Lord in favor of their own sinful pursuits. All the while, he confessed to you that Jesus is our savior. Dash, this angel clearly was sent from God to you.”

Rainbow Dash looked surprised. “But why me? Don’t you remember what I said to you when I first met you? That I wanted to live for myself and seek glory in my achievements? What’s God going to do with someone like myself?”

“Rainbow Dash, look at many of the other figures in the Bible.” I flipped through and showed her numerous examples. “Adam allowed Eve to be deceived (Genesis 3), Noah got drunk (Genesis 9:21), Abraham lied (Genesis 12:10-13, 20:2), Moses got angry and disobeyed God (Exodus 17), David was an adulterer (2 Samuel 11), Solomon was addicted to his carnal desires with hundreds of women (1 Kings 11:4), Peter denied knowing Jesus when he actually did (Luke 22:54-62), and Paul persecuted those who followed Jesus before he did and continued to sin afterwards (Romans 7:18-25).”

Rainbow Dash, along with the others gave me a confused look. This didn’t stop me from getting my main message across. “Look, I know it seems confusing, but God still used all of these men for His glory. I don’t see why He couldn’t do the same with you here in Equestria.”

“Which exactly plays into this idea that we all have a purpose, Eureka!” We were interrupted by Twilight’s sudden epiphany. “It’s so clear now that God has given us a purpose in our lives, and we ought to obey Him! Rainbow Dash’s dream makes that clear!”

“Exactly Twilight, but you know, salvation is about just ‘knowing’ the Gospel, but rather surrendering yourself to God alone and bringing Him glory! That’s what we were created to do!”

The three of them all seemed to be overjoyed by the idea that they too could be saved.

“Pastor Sharp Iron, how can we be saved?” I was glad that Spike understood what Rainbow Dash’s dream meant. I turn to the three of them.

“Close your eyes and bow your heads. We can ask the Lord for forgiveness, for He took the punishment for those sins so we can be saved.” We all did these things as I started this prayer. ““Dear Lord Jesus, these three individuals: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Spike know that they are sinners, and ask for your forgiveness. They believe you died for their sins and rose from the dead. They turn from their sins and invite you to come into their heart and lives. They want to trust and follow you as their Lord and Savior. In Your Name. Amen.”

“Amen!” As we came together in a group hug, all of Heaven was rejoicing in God’s three newest children. Our happiness was interrupted by a sudden sense of hunger. It was now lunch time.

“Listen, guys. Why don’t we go downstairs to the fellowship hall for some lunch? We run a soup kitchen Mondays-Saturdays and it’s available free-of-charge to everypony.”

“Sounds great, Pastor” As the three agreed with me, I closed up my office and we went down to an area with several tables and chairs. Already, several ponies had come in to enjoy today’s special, which was mac ‘n’ cheese with collard greens and bread rolls. As they were being served, they encountered a familiar mare.

“Trixie? What are you doing here?!” The three of them seemed astonished to see her in a church.

Trixie turned towards them. “Why yes, it is I, the saved and repentant Trixie! Thanks to the work of God and Pastor Sharp Iron, of course.”

I smiled. “Lovely to see you again, Trixie! Why don’t you join us at our table? These three just accepted Jesus Christ into their lives.”

Trixie leapt with joy. “Hallelujah! Trixie is joyed to hear that they will be a part of our congregation!”

We then sat down, and I lead our group in saying grace, thanking God for this food and our other many blessings. As Trixie was about to open a package of peanut butter crackers, I turned towards her.

“Trixie, would you mind sharing your testimony with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike? I’m sure they’d love to hear it.”

Trixie smiled. “Trixie is pleasured to share her testimony about how I escaped from a dark life of shame and bondage. It all started about two years ago, after I was run out of Ponyville…”