Fellowship is Miraculous

by Praynfaith96

Chapter 9

*Two years earlier*

Trixie was seen hauling her wagon out of Ponyville. Not even Snips and Snails were there to help her, for even they were disgusted by her actions; nor could she return home, as her own family had long written her off as a disappointment who selfishly squandered the many privileges and opportunities most other ponies could only dream of. Granted, she was under influence by the Alicorn Amulet, but she was ultimately the one who chose to wear it and lust after its power. Shunned by everypony, she left Ponyville in pursuit of a new life elsewhere.

Trixie sighed. “Well, at least Trixie still has her wagon.”

“All right, stick ‘em up, Trixie!” A masked Earth pony stallion suddenly appeared and held a lance towards her. She rapidly complied with his orders as he went inside to see if anything of value could be taken. Alas, there wasn’t, just boxes of worthless things only Trixie could value.

“Hey, that’s not nice of…”

The robber angrily chuckled as he pointed his weapon back at Trixie. “And who are you exactly to say what nice behavior is?! I heard about what you did back in Ponyville. Don’t you try and pull any tricks on me to get out of this; you almost crushed my friend with that wagon back there!” His hoof was shaking as the lance’s sharp tip stood just an inch from Trixie. She could hardly speak as she was paralyzed by fear.

“B-but, what about my wagon?! You didn’t take anything from it!”

The robber smirked. “You mean that worthless junk? Oh Celestia, it’s practically a dumpster on wheels!” The robber’s eyes then narrowed. “Now, give me all your Bits.”


“You heard me! Your Bits! NOW!!”

“Tr… Trixie doesn’t have any!”

“Liar! Everypony knows that performers like you are totally loaded!” The robber grabbed Trixie by the cape and yanked her towards him. In the process, her pouch filled with several hundreds of Bits fell to the ground. He immediately snatched it up, shoving Trixie to the ground. Before he could run off though, he calmly turned back to face the defeated blue mare.

“Oh, and this is what you get for everything you did in Ponyville and lying to me about your Bits. Hmmph! Not so ‘great and powerful’ now, are you?” Nonchalantly, he lit a match and threw it into an open window of Trixie’s wagon, causing it to ignite almost instantly. As the robber ran off, Trixie stared in utter devastation as just about everything she had left to her name was going up in flames. She then collapsed onto the ground, sobbing until her eyes became dry and puffy. Once she regained her composure, it was dark out.

“Trixie needs to find a place to stay before things get worse.” She took up refuge in a nearby cave in the side of a cliff just outside of Ponyville, with her hat and cape as her only possessions. It was her only choice, as the next village was 10 miles away and she was too tired to trot that distance.

In the following months, Trixie resorted to petty theft, burglary, and selling questionable goods to bring the Bits in. What did it matter to Trixie if she stooped to the level of that robber? Everypony hated her, so it’s not like she had anything left to lose, plus she wanted revenge on the town that not only humiliated her but also caused her to lose everything she had. Eventually though, the law caught up with her and she was arrested one night while attempting to break into Sugarcube Corner for Bits and food, after Pinkie Pie recognized her and called the police.

*In the courtroom*

“By the power vested in me through Princess Celestia, Trixie Lulamoon, I sentence you to 1 year in prison at the Ponyville Correctional Center for Troubled Mares. That is all.”

As the judge banged his gavel and she was led away in shackles, she actually felt a sense of relief. At least now she was in a place where she would be fed and sheltered, not to mention she could be away from those who hated her most. However, prison wouldn’t be as easy as she thought, as her reputation for arrogant hubris followed her there. She eventually lost weight because she barely ate and mostly kept to herself in the outside yard, always fearful that she was a prime target due to her past fame. The majority of inmates gave her dirty looks, and a few even tried to get physical with her, so that she would “know her place.” After many brutal days of being terrorized by her fellow prisoners, she would collapse and sob in her cell. She eventually gained a newly-transferred cell mate, who was a large and well-built pegasus named Ebony Breeze. Ebony Breeze took notice and developed a sympathetic and protective attitude towards Trixie as a result. One day, Trixie noticed her cell mate reading this strange book.

“Hey Ebony, what are you reading there?”

“Why, this is the Bible, I borrowed it from the prison library. I may be here for 2 more years, but it’s been keeping me going while I’m here.”

“The Bible?! What’s it about?”

Ebony Breeze grinned. “Well, it teaches us that regardless of what the world around us may think, God loves us and can redeem us of our sins. You know, I was once an angry and lost mare like you, Trixie. All my life, I was picked on because I have these stripes from a zebra ancestor, so one day I snapped and, well, one thing led to another. It was the cell mate that was I was with before you who told me about this Bible study that’s held on Fridays. We learn about who God is, and how we can be saved from our sins and be loved for who we are. Trixie, you don’t have to be defined by your past.”

“I… I don’t?” Trixie was genuinely surprised at this news.

“Tell you what, our next lesson will be tonight after dinner. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you see.”

As Trixie nodded, Ebony handed her a white business card with gold text on it. Trixie looked down at the card.

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

– John 3:16

That night, she and her friend were led by guards towards the room where our fellowship took place. Trixie was amazed by this atmosphere; the mares here didn’t give her dirty looks or look like they were about to lunge at her. It was so peaceful.

“Nice to see you again, Ebony Breeze! I hope you’ve been dwelling on last week’s reading of Romans 7.”

“Sure have, Pastor!”

“And I see you brought a new friend. What’s your name?”

Not wanting to provoke anyone because of her arrogance, she remained subdued in her greeting. “I’m… I’m Trixie Lulamoon.”

“Nice to meet you, Trixie! I’m Pastor Sharp Iron, and I’m here to teach everyone about God’s love for us. You know, I’ve heard your name mentioned quite a bit before. Even among these mares here, because they were praying for your safety and your salvation.”

“You prayed for me? Nopony’s ever done that before. Most ponies want nothing to do with me.”

“Well, that’s about to change, Trixie! We have a group of unicorns, pegasi, and Earth ponies here who all seek out God’s awesome grace. Surely there’s room for you as well.” Overjoyed by this acceptance, Trixie joined the rest of us as we read through Romans 8.

After we finished reading this chapter, Trixie was overwhelmed by what she had read.

“Trixie can’t believe this! God really does love me and want to save me!”

I then go beside Trixie. “Trixie, get on your knees and tell God that you want him in your life.”

Trixie did just that. “Dear Lord, Trixie realizes that she is a sinner in need of a savior! Please forgive Trixie and come into her heart! Trixie wants to turn from her past and trust and follow you in all things!” Trixie fell to the floor as she finished repenting.

“Amen!” The inmates and I rejoiced in Trixie’s salvation, likewise, all of Heaven rejoiced at their newest child of God.

In the following days, Trixie gained a brighter outlook on her life in prison. Yes, some days were still hard, but she found that she could eat more and do more in the outside yard as she was no longer paralyzed by fear. Trixie was eventually released a month early on good behavior. As she took a box of her few remaining belongings, she gave Ebony Breeze a hug and handed her a piece of paper.

“Thank you for everything! Please keep in touch.”

“I would love that, Trixie.”

Several minutes later, she was picked up by the stallion who taught her to trust in the Lord.

“Pastor Sharp Iron!” She ran up and gave me a hug.

“Welcome back, Trixie! I hope things went alright for you in prison.”

“Trixie’s so thankful that you taught her about God. There really is hope for us!”