//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 // Story: Fellowship is Miraculous // by Praynfaith96 //------------------------------// I was very fortunate to have gotten my paperwork planned for today finished in advance. As a result, I was able to use one of my vacation days today to address the Apple family. I couldn’t help but reminisce at the beauty of the local countryside. Not before long, I found myself in a familiar place: Sweet Apple Acres. My family’s relationship with the Apple family goes back generations as they bought the iron tools we made. As I knock on the door, a familiar green matriarch smiled as she answers the door. “Is that you, Pastor Sharp Iron? Nice of you to come by today!” “Hello, Granny Smith. I’m glad to see things are going well around here.” “They sure are. Come on in!” As I came inside, I sat at the dining room table next to Apple Bloom. She had a piece of paper in front of her. “Hey, Apple Bloom! What are you working on?” “Hey Pastor Iron! This is just some homework I’m getting done before school starts. It’s almost finished.” I smiled. “Nice to know.” Apple Bloom then looked over at me. “Pastor Sharp Iron, some of the kids in my class teased me because I brought my Bible to school. Especially Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.” “Do they now?” Apple Bloom nodded. “Well, the Lord tells us while it may be tempting to fight back, we ought to ‘turn the other cheek’ and pray for them (Matthew 5:38-39).” “Amen!” Just like in church, Granny Smith always knows to say it out loud. “Thanks for the tip. My friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle try to support me but are unsure of how to respond to those who pick on me.” “That’s what God’s grace is for, Apple Bloom. You leave Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the rest of them in His hands, meanwhile your character will stand out as an example to those around you of the good fruit that you bear. They will recognize you by these fruits (Matthew 7:20).” Granny Smith then looked up at the wall clock. “Well darn tootin’! It’s time you head off to school, Apple Bloom.” “Alright, see you later, Granny Smith and Pastor Iron!” As Apple Bloom trotted out the door, I came into the living room to talk with Granny Smith. “So, how are things going with Applejack and Big Mac?” “Seem okay to me. They’re out in the orchard harvesting apples, as is the usual, I reckon.” “Right. I was kind of hoping to speak to the two of them because I noticed that several of Applejack’s friends have taken an interest in coming to my church, and some of them have even surrendered themselves to the Lord. At last night’s youth group meeting, they were all there but said that Applejack didn’t want to come.” I then sighed. “Granny Smith, they’re still not… hurting from the loss, are they?” Granny Smith bit her lip. “Well, both of them renounced their belief in God after the accident; they felt that because they felt it ain’t fair God would do this to them and their parents. Apple Bloom and I keep praying for them, but nothing has changed.” “Do you think I will be able to talk to them? I can understand why they may be upset, but perhaps I could at least try to get through to them.” Granny Smith smiled. “I’ll bring them in, and we’ll see how this goes.” She then walks out the door and called out towards the orchard. “AJ! Big Mac! You both have a guest!” Applejack looked confused. “Guest? I ain’t expecting no guests today. Were you, Big Mac?” Big McIntosh shook his head. “Eenope.” “Well, he’s inside waiting for you both!” When the two Apple siblings came inside, they were surprised to see me. “Pastor Sharp Iron?!” I smiled and waved. “Hello, Applejack and Big Mac. I know you weren’t expecting me, but I need to tell you both something important.” Applejack sighed. “Look, Pastor, if this is about Apple Bloom’s latest antics at Sunday School, Granny Smith already told…” “This isn’t about her, Applejack. I wanted to address you and your brother specifically. What if I told you two about your friends? I saw them all at the youth group I led last night.” Applejack looked skeptical. “All of them? I doubt it. Right, Big Mac?” “Eeyup.” It honestly was dishearting to see that was the only way Big Mac now responds. He used to be a lot more talkative before losing his parents. “Well, what if I told you that even Rainbow Dash was there. She surrendered her heart to God yesterday.” “Really now? Don’t sound like her, she would be the last one to admit that she is anything less than the best.” I looked directly at Applejack. “And that was once true, but then Rainbow Dash had a dream where she met an angel. This angel showed her Heaven and Hell as well as ponies she knew here in Equestria. The angel also told her about Jesus. When she spoke with me about it, I told her not believe every spirit…” “But test the spirits to see whether they are from God (1 John 4:1). We still remember that one, Pastor Sharp Iron.” I remember teaching that one to Applejack and Big McIntosh during a study of John’s Epistles. “Right. Well, now that I’ve mentioned your friends, I also wanted to talk about your, uh, parents.” Both Applejack and Big Mac perked up at this. “Our… parents?!” I am really hoping now this whole discussion doesn’t go pear shaped. “Yes, your parents. Applejack and Big Mac, I heard from Twilight and everyone about that talk you had with her and Fluttershy yesterday.” Applejack blushed. “Well, I don’t usually get teary like that, but it’s been hard. Last week marked five years since we lost our parents. Pastor, why would God do this to us?” Both Applejack and Big McIntosh had a pleading look in their eyes. “Well, as I taught you both before, God has a plan for everyone, and…” Applejack then stood up. “Wait, are you saying that God wanted our parents to die?!” “Calm down, Applejack! Let the Pastor explain!” At Granny Smith’s insistence, Applejack sat back down. I resumed. “Everyone in this world will die someday because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We also know that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), meaning that the entrance of sin in this world is what consequently causes our deaths. Now I’m sorry that your parents happened to pass away in the way they did, but I also remember them as a God-fearing pair who always did their best to implement Biblical values in their daily lives.” “I get that, Pastor, but it’s still ain’t fair! Don’t you know what Big Mac and I have even been through?! Doesn’t God care about us?!” “I may not know everything, but God certainly does. He knows what is happening to you, as He sees the trouble of the afflicted; He considers your grief and takes it in hand (Psalm 10:14a). Also, God can relate to your pain because He grieved the crucifixion of His Son, Jesus. Even though it was painful, it was His plan to end our bondage to sin and the death and suffering it brings. He wanted to bring comfort, hope, and healing. See, God can and does use our suffering for His greater glory.” “Then why do we still have to die, Pastor?” “Applejack, Big Mac. It’s only a physical, worldly death. Those who put their trust in the Lord through Jesus will have eternal life. It gives me a reason to keep going because I know that I’ll return home to be with the Lord someday. I also know that I will see your parents among many others I knew in life. You two can have this as well, but only if you are willing to let the Lord back into your lives.” To everyone’s surprise, it was Big McIntosh who spoke next. “Pastor Sharp Iron. The truth is, both Applejack and I have never denied the Lord’s existence in this world, but we both have struggled massively with Him ever since the death of our parents. You would remember, don’t you?” “I do. After I told you the bad news, Applejack threw her notebook at my face and ran off, and you followed her out.” I then reached into my pocket. “By the way, I still have that same notebook here in case you, um, wanted it back.” Applejack reached her hoof out and took it. “Thanks, I was wondering what happened to this.” I then continued. “That said, it doesn’t have to be this way anymore. As I said, God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, so then you may dwell with Him in eternity. Applejack and Big Mac, will you once again allow God to come back into your lives? He can and will heal you all from this, but only if you let Him.” Applejack and Big Mac pause to think for a second. “Pastor, do you mind praying with us? We know that losing our parents ain’t no fun, but we don’t want to wallow in this shame no more. I think we will start coming out to church and the youth group again.” Big Mac agreed. “I think I will too!” I grinned in excitement. “Hallelujah! Welcome back to the fold, you two! Let’s take some time to speak with God.” As the Apple family gathered around me, I began to pray. “Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for Applejack and Big McIntosh as both of them want to follow you again after years of bondage to their grief. Lord, I ask that you may forgive Applejack and Big McIntosh for their sins and allow the Holy Spirit to begin working once again in their hearts. I pray that both of them may glorify you in all that they say and do. We thank you for this blessing and pray it all in your name. Amen.” “Amen!” The four of us came together in a group hug, rejoicing in the fact that Applejack and Big Mac are now free from their past sorrows. Likewise, all of Heaven was rejoicing as well. Once we stepped away from our embrace, I suggested bringing Applejack with me to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate. Big Mac resumed his work as Applejack and I went there. “Good morning, Applejack and Pastor Sharp Iron!” Pinkie Pie came hopping out from behind the counter to greet us. Applejack blushed. “Good morning, Pinkie Pie. Pastor Sharp Iron taught Big Mac and I a valuable lesson about faith.” I grinned. “It’s true. They no longer feel like they are in bondage to the grief from before, because the Gospel’s truth set them free.” Pinkie Pie jumped for joy. “Oooh, that is just super-duper awesome you are no longer feeling sad and alone, Applejack! If I didn’t have to clean this place later, I would totally fetch my party cannon!” Both Mr. and Mrs. Cake then come out and see me. “Good morning, Pastor Sharp Iron! How can we help one of Ponyville’s most respected leaders today?” “Well, I convinced Applejack that because of God’s grace she no longer has a reason to feel shame and grief about losing her parents all those years ago. If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?” “Amen, Pastor!” Mr. Cake spoke following Applejack’s outburst of joy. “That’s great news, you guys. Is there anything special we can do for today?” “We’ll have a dozen glazed apple fritters, on me! It’ll be a truly blessed day for all of us.” Mrs. Cake gushed with happiness. “Oh, isn’t that just lovely! Pinkie Pie, we have an order to fulfil!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Right away, Mrs. Cake!” As the two mares went into the back, Mr. Cake turned to us. “So, do you have any other plans for today?” Applejack thought about it. “Hmm, I guess I’ll be heading back to the farm and all, given that there’s plenty more in the way of work…” I then interrupt. “Tell you what, Applejack. Why don’t you and the others come over to my place for dinner tonight. I would love for my family to be able to meet all of you and welcome you as one of our own. Does that sound good?” “Aw, shucks. I’d love that, Pastor!” I grinned. “Wonderful! I’ll send out invitations to the others.” Once the fritters were ready, Applejack took the box of them and we parted ways. Apple Bloom was simply over the moon to see that her two older siblings had been freed from their past sorrows by the God who saves. Likewise, she was also glad to have something she could now share with both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, considering they’ve heard about the Gospel from Rarity and Rainbow Dash.