//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: Fellowship is Miraculous // by Praynfaith96 //------------------------------// Late that afternoon, I arrive home to my wife, Sweet Iron. I had told her in advance about my plan to have Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike over for a dinner to celebrate their acceptance of Jesus into their lives. My wife pecks me on the cheek with a kiss as soon as I come in. “Hey, honey. I’m glad to hear that you had such a nice day, especially with what happened with Applejack.” “Well, it’s clear that I was ordained from the beginning to spread the truth of God’s Word among the citizens of Equestria. I have high hopes for them.” Just then, we turn to my son, Sharp Iron Jr., who just came in the door from school. “Hey Mom!” My wife embraced our son in a hug. “Hey Junior! How was your day?” “We learned more about the land that makes up Equestria, and we also learned counting. I see a pattern in everything, which is just like God’s creation.” Junior then turned towards me. “Hey Dad!” “Hey Champ! I’m glad to hear you had an awesome day at school and that you can use these lessons in everyday life.” “Yeah, it sounds so cool!” “By the way, son, did you know that we’re having some special guests for dinner tonight? A bunch of my new friends have proclaimed the King of Kings as their own.” Junior’s eyes widened. “Wow, Dad! That’s so cool! One day, they’ll be in Heaven like us!” I chuckled. “That’s right, and it’s also why your mother is preparing a roast squash.” I then look at the clock. “Look at the time, it seems they’ll be here in an hour.” My wife then peeked her head out of the kitchen. “Don’t worry, everything will be ready. Junior, I want you to take a bath and change out of your school clothes for our guests.” Junior smiled. “Yes, Mom!” He then trotted up the stairs to get ready. My wife then came out to sit next to me at the table. “Boy, it must have been quite a bit of work to be able to get the Gospel across to them, wasn’t it?” “Well, there was quite a bit of wrangling, some skepticism along the way as well as some hard feelings, but it was all worth it in the end.” An hour later, my seven friends arrived to enjoy a decadent roast squash dinner. After we had finished, I decided to allow our guests of honor to all share their testimonies to my family as we sat in the living room. Sure, some of them were still quite new to the Bible and may not know all that much about it, but I encouraged them to find something that spoke to them personally and base their testimonies around that portion of scripture. Twilight Sparkle went first. “Hey everyone, my name is Twilight Sparkle and today I am here to tell you about my new relationship with the Lord. Growing up, I had few friends and a lot of ‘book smarts,’ but never really thought about my relationship God, the Bible, or salvation. I always thought of myself as a good pony in everypony’s eyes. Clearly, there is more to living than seeking the approval of others, but rather that God has given us each a purpose to glorify Him alone. I realized this at the foot of the cross, that there was nothing I could do myself to save myself from my sins, but that Jesus was the only one who could save me, for He alone is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). I would also like to thank God for bringing Pastor Sharp Iron into my life, for he has been a wise and discerning Bible teacher. Praise God for all things!” Next was Rarity. “Hello everyone, my name is Rarity and I want to tell you about my walk with God. All my life, I was steeped in vanity. Whether it was fashion, relationships, or shopping, I thought I had it all as I looked to worldly things and made it my identity. Fortunately, none of those things are what I look to for salvation anymore, but rather I have realized that I can have peace in our everlasting God. It was said in the Word, ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).’ I too am also thankful that God put Pastor Sharp Iron in my life, for he has shown me just how much God loves me just as I am. Thank you, God!” Next was Rainbow Dash. “Hey, everyone! My name is Rainbow Dash and I am here today to tell you about the amazing work that God has done so far in my life. For a long time, I have always prided myself on my achievements in life, which meant that I always thought that I was always the best pony in the room. Unfortunately, this blinded me to my own sinful inclinations and only led me away from the Lord. I thought that because there were all these expectations others had of me, I had to trust in others’ judgments. Clearly, God has shown me another way, for which I will say: ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust (Psalm 91:2).’ I am also thankful for Pastor Sharp Iron as a spiritual teacher and advisor, for if it weren’t for his guidance, I would never come to understand and appreciate the truth of the Word. Praise God!” Next was Applejack. “Howdy, I’m Applejack and I wish to share my testimony with you today. For my whole life, I always quite headstrong. I had an independent streak in me, where I always felt like I had to do everything myself. However, this attitude basically broke me a few years ago following the loss of my parents. It was during this time that I thought that I could trust in myself, which sent me into a dark place emotionally. Fortunately, God had other plans for me. It was in the Word where Job proclaimed: ‘Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).’ I am also thankful for Pastor Sharp Iron, for if he never met my friends, they would’ve never been able to share the Gospel with me and I would still be trapped in darkness. Praise the Lord for what He’s done for me!” Next was Pinkie Pie. “Hi everyone! My name is Pinkie Pie and I’m so excited about what God has done for me! Growing up on a rock farm, I had no idea that that there was anything greater than the things that I immediately knew of. However, over the past few days I realized that because of what happened with my friends, that there is something greater in this world than us, that there is a God who cares about you so much that he gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16)! Seeing how God has used Pastor Sharp Iron and my friends to proclaim the Gospel’s truth is just so amazing to me. I can’t wait to be able to serve God in all ways possible!” Next was Fluttershy. “Hi, my name is Fluttershy and I’m glad that you came to hear my testimony. Yes, it is true that I have spent my life crippled by my shyness. I don’t remember how it started, but I was clearly in a dark place, cowering away from the world around me. Even though I had a happy life with my friends, I now realize just how badly sin and darkness have a grip on this world. I am forever grateful that God used Pastor Sharp Iron to reach out to my friends, because God alone gave them all the strength they needed to then reach out to me. My friends also edified me in the Word, so then I can put on the whole armor of God and be able to stand against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). Praise the Lord for freeing me and giving me the confidence I need to stand up in this world!” The final one was Spike. “Hi, my name is Spike, and I’m here to share my testimony. I never knew anything about God growing up, nor did I care much about it. It wasn’t until I heard more about this from my friends recently that I began to think about it more myself. I had a realization when I read ‘We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28),’ and I realized that I had a specific purpose in life as endowed by God. I therefore wish to honor God through all that I do every day, because He created me and everypony for all these things. God is so great!” Me and my family applauded at seeing how far these young mares had come. Just a few days ago, all had seemed utterly indifferent to the cost of sin. It was all sparked by the curiosity of Twilight Sparkle and her quest to discover what our ‘purpose’ was in this world. One conversation after another, six young mares and a young dragon had eventually been brought to glory and salvation. I had the special honor of baptizing each of them a few weeks later when they finally all felt ready to make a public proclamation of their faith. Also, because of the prominence of these mares in Ponyville’s society, I began to notice that more of Ponyville’s residents began to check out my church, and a few began to regularly attend as well. Shortly after Twilight’s baptism, she wrote a letter to her mentor. Dear Princess Celestia, Ever since my friends and I have discovered what our true purpose in this world is and surrendered ourselves to almighty God, it has opened up my eyes to new things in the world around me. Ponyville may seem calm and idyllic, but there are many who live their lives unaware that there’s more to life than we know. It is true that we all eventually receive our cutie marks, but I now realize that we are also not solely defined by them. It is clear that there is a God who loves us and wants all, Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and even alicorns to spend all of our days glorify Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. I hope you can understand the position from which I write to you, as well as that I cannot wait to see how I can do all these things next. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle