The Golden Child

by Fusionflare374

Chapter 10: Ponyville Introduction and Tour

As the main 6 we’re starting to head to the stage, Austin and Wingding were behind them and they both look a bit nervous to go out there. As they were going up the stage, Wingding didn’t want to be spotted the moment he goes out there, so he shrunk himself to about Austin’s height. Wingding started to sweat a bit from being nervous, but Austin held his hand and gave him a warm smile. Feeling a bit comfortable they both went out together, still holding each other’s hands. The two of them were now behind the group, waiting for something.

“Fillies and gentle colts, please give a warm welcome to...” the pony at the microphone said as she gestured her hoof to the group. The group began to move to the side of the stage, revealing Austin and Wingding. “Austin and Wingdings!” The pony said as she clapped her hooves together.

Awkward silence sweep the room as soon as Austin and Wingding was revealed, but only a few stomped their hooves. Austin and Wingding heard whispers around the room, but they are not sure if it is good or bad. Twilight laughed nervously as she noticed the whispering.

“This is not what you had in mind I’m guessing?” Starlight asked quietly to Twilight.

“Hehe... no.” Twilight said with a nervous expression.

“Erm... how about we let our guests introduce themselves and share some information to us.” The pony said as she looked at Austin and Wingding.

Austin and Wingding looked at each other and then looked at the pony, waiting for them to come up there. Austin took a deep breath and went to the pony, Wingding soon following behind. Austin got a better look at the pony and the pony was a pale light grayish amber female earth pony with pale light grayish, light cerise mane, as well as moderate phthalo blue eyes. Austin got up on the podium with a microphone attached to it and took a deep breath.

“Hello is this t-thing on?” Austin asked as he tapped on the mic, causing it to make a loud noise that made the ponies in the room cover their ears. “Whoops s-sorry hehe...” Austin said with a nervous giggle. “M-My name is Austin and the one in the black coat is my friend Wingding. He i-is like a brother to me and a mentor as well,” Austin said as Wingding went back to his normal height and waved nervously. “Some o-of you might know me from the party, but some don’t know who I am...” Austin said to the audience.

“Is he what I think he is?” a voice whispered to itself.

“For those who weren’t a-at the party, I am a...” Austin started his conversation.

“If my ancestors are right that is a...” the voice whispered to itself again, sounding excited.

“human!” Austin said happily. “For those who don’t know w-what a human is they are-“ Austin said to the audience before a pony got up of their chair and squealed highly. The pony then ran to the stage and tackled Austin to the floor.

The group and the audience gasped when the pony tackled Austin. Austin opened his eyes again since he closed them while being tackled and saw a very light aquamarine female unicorn. Her mane was pale, light grayish cyan with white highlights and her eyes are brilliant gamboge. Austin and the pony’s eyes were locked on each other while the pony was smiling widely. Austin looked at the main 6 and their faces were filled with embarrassment.

“Your real!” The pony said excitedly.

“Uh... yeah I am?” Austin said confused.

“Other ponies said humans are not real and said I was crazy. But now theirs a human, who’s crazy now every pony?!” The pony yelled at the audience.

I’m pretty sure she is the crazy one. Austin thought to himself.

Austin was about to use his shapeshifting powers, but stopped himself when another pony came running to the stage too. It was a light apple greenish gray female earth pony. Her mane was moderate cobalt blue and very light pink stripes. Her eyes are moderate arctic blue.

“Lyra get off of him you are making him uncomfortable!” The pony yelled at the pony named Lyra.

The pony looked at him and noticed he was a bit scared. She gasped for scaring the human and got off of him. The other pony came to Austin and gave him a hoof to help him up which he accepted. As he got up the pony looked at her friend with a disappointed look.

“Lyra apologized to this small child that you scared.” The pony said to her friend, which the pony looked ashamed.

“Sorry for tackling you and made you afraid. Can you forgive me?” She said as she gave Austin the sad eyes.

“Yeah I will forgive you. Maybe next time don’t tackle me on t-the floor.” Austin said to Lyra.

“Will do.” Lyra said happily.

“Thank you for helping m-me um...” Austin said to the other pony.

“Oh where are our manners. My name is Sweetie Drops, but every pony calls me Bon Bon and this is my friend Lyra Heartstrings.” Bon Bon said to Austin while Lyra waved at Austin.

“Well it’s very n-nice to meet you two, even though our introduction was... strange.” Austin said to the two.

“Yeah sorry, when you said humans, my mind went crazy.” Lyra said to Austin while scratching the back of her head with her hoof.

“I thought ponies d-didn’t know humans?” Austin asked the two.

“Yeah the ponies don’t know what humans are but my ancestors met a human and talked to them for a day, until it disappeared the next day and never saw them since.” Lyra said to Austin.

“A human met your a-ancestors... cool.” Austin said in awe.

“Yeah but it was a long time ago and ponies didn’t believe them because they didn’t see them, until now.” Lyra said to Austin happily.

“Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat.

“Oh sorry we should go sit back down.” Bon Bon said to Austin.

“Right. It was n-nice meeting you two.” Austin said happily.

“It was a honor to meet a human with my own eyes,” Lyra said with a big smile. “Maybe one day we can hang out with Bon Bon and I.” Lyra said happily.

“Sure that w-would be fun.” Austin said with a warm smile.

“Well bye for now Austin.” The two of them said as they left the stage.

Austin and the two waved at each other and the two ponies sat back down on their seats. Austin went back to the podium and cleared his throat.

“Sorry about that everybo... I mean every pony,” Austin said with a embarrassed chuckle. “Anyways, h-humans are like monkeys but without the hair, except for our head.” Austin said to the audience.

Some ponies were whispering to one another once again, which made Austin a bit nervous of what they are saying.

“Uh... humans also have magic as well. They can use magic t-through their souls but they can only make weapons for defense.” Austin said to the audience.

“Can you show us?” One pony asked out loud.

“Unfortunately I c-can’t right now.” Austin said sadly.

“Why’s that?” Another pony asked.

“Because o-of this...” Austin said as he lifted his one arm up and his soul appeared, still cracked but the gray spots are disappearing slowly. Every pony looked at the soul and they all gasped with sad expressions.

“What happened?” A pony asked again.

“This happened when I was born. I had too much power for my soul to handle and it released all the energy at once. Now my soul looks like this, b-but it is improving slowly,” Austin said to the audience. “Anyways enough about me, let’s talk about my f-friend Wingding,” Austin said as he gestured to Wingding. Austin waved his arm for him to come over to him, which Wingding nervously walked over. “This is my teacher, mentor, f-friend and my brother Wingding.” Austin said happily to the audience.

“H-hi there...” Wingding said nervously.

“Wingding use to be a cloud of smoke that his creator made a-and now he took shape of his creator, but his eyes are the only difference between them,” Austin explained to the audience. “He h-helped me with my soul to make it better, but we stopped for a bit when we came here,” Austin said with a little frown. Wingding put a hand on Austin’s shoulder to comfort him. “He have teached me a lot of things and how t-to use them. He also cares for my well being and makes sure I eat, as well as drink daily to keep my body healthy,” Austin said with a chuckle. “He has magic of his own too. He can summon his b-bone hands and bones.” Austin said to the audience.

“Can he show us?” Lyra said eagerly.

“If he wants t-to he can,” Austin said to Lyra. “Wings do y-you want to?” Austin asked Wingdings.

“Sure.” Wingding said as his left eye turned blue and his bone hands appeared in front of him.

His bone hands waved in sync from the left and to the right before disappearing. Every pony awed in amazement as he showed his bone hands. Wingding’s right eye turned orange and then his bone magic appeared behind him. The audience ooo’d at the bones before they disappeared too.

“I’m pretty sure that is everything that I can tell you all... s-so I’ll let this pony has the podium once again.” Austin said as she was about to leave the podium, before a pony said something to him.

“What about that power you used on Chrysalis?” A pony said out loud.

“Yeah and your past, you didn’t tell the rest about that.” Another pony said to Austin.

“Oh uh... the l-last one is a touchy subject one for me b-but I c-could show you that power I used on Chrysalis.” Austin said as he left the podium and got to the middle of the stage.

Austin took a deep breath in and the black fog surrounded him and he became Soundwave. Many ponies were amazed like Lyra and Bon Bon, but others were scared of him when he turn into Soundwave. Soundwave waved at the ponies and some of them waved back. The black fog surrounded Soundwave and Austin was back.

That fog... it looked similar to Greninjas. Sweetie Belle thought to herself.

“That power is called s-shapeshifting.” Austin said to the audience.

“Just like a changeling... Are you a changeling?!” A pony asked scaredly.

“No I am not a c-changeling. I don’t know much of changelings b-but what Princess Celestia said i-is that they eat love to make them strong and to survive. She also disguised themselves as ponies to blend into the other groups.” Austin said to the audience.

“You met Princess Celestia already?” A pony asked Austin.

“Well more l-like-“ Austin said before he was interrupted by a group of armored ponies burst open the door and Princess Celestia coming in the town hall.

“Austin!!” Celestia said as she flew over to him and gave him a sky hug. “Are you alright? I heard a loud roar and it sounded like it came from Ponyville. I grabbed as many of my men to come over here, but I didn’t see any danger, but I wanted to make sure you are alright.” Celestia said with a worried expression.

“I’m fine momma. their was a bit of trouble but the ponies a-and I took care of it.” Austin said in a whisper.

“Alright sweetie, I just wanted to see if you are alright and safe.” Celestia said softly and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

“Mom not in front o-of the other ponies.” Austin said with a embarrassed look.

“Sorry dear.” Celestia said with a small giggle. “Well I better go. You have fun and be careful okay.” Celestia said to Austin.

“I will momma, I love you.” Austin said as he whispered the last word to Celestia.

“I love you too son,” Celestia said as she kissed Austin’s forehead and gently placed Austin on the stage. “Let’s go guards.” Celestia demanded her guards. The guards nodded and left the town hall. Celestia stopped at the door and waved to Austin, which he waved back.

As Celestia left, Austin looked at the audience and saw most of their jaws drop on the floor.

“Well now you know that answer.” Austin said to the audience.

“YOU ARE CELESTIA’S SON!?!” A pony yelled out loud to Austin.

“Hehe... yeah. She saved me from falling to the ground while I was in the sky and she took me in.” Austin said to the audience.

“Why were you falling from the sky?” Lyra asked with a worried expression.

“I’m not sure. I could’ve been teleported here but I don’t know,” Austin said as he shrugged. “Are their anymore questions?” Austin asked the audience. The audience was silent for a few seconds and Austin spoke once again. “Well I’ll let the pony have the podium now.” Austin said as he left the podium and back to the main 6.

“Well that was... a lot to take in, but that is Austin and Wingding! Please give them a round of applause to them!” The pony said to the audience and the audience stomped their hooves to the ground.

The main 6, Austin and Wingding went back to the curtains. As they got behind the curtains, Wingding exhaled his breath and huffed a bit.

“I did it! I didn't retreat back in Austin from fright!” Wingding said happily.

“I knew you could do it Wings! I’m so proud!” Austin said as he hugged Wingding.

“Thank you Austin.” Wingding said as he returned the hug.

“See I told you it was going to be fine darling.” Rarity said to Wingding.

“Thanks Rarity, but remind me to not do that again.” Wingding said to Rarity and Rarity made a deadpan look at him.

The group heard footsteps coming from behind them and the pony on the podium came in the room.

“Hello... Austin right?” The pony asked.

“Yep that’s me.” Austin said to the pony.

“My name is Mayor Mare. it’s a honor to meet you.” Mayor Mare said as she lifted a hoof for Austin to shake.

“The honors all mine Mayor Mare. I’m happy to be here in Ponyville.” Austin said as he shook the Mayors hoof.

“I’m glad you like it here, especially being Celestia’s son.” Mayor Mare said to Austin as she bowed to him.

“Oh yeah that... yeah but I don’t want to feel like royalty around others. I just like to meet new people and get to know them.” Austin said happily.

“Well that’s great. Well I’m sure the ponies here will open up to you in no time but they might need time to get comfortable around you and your friend.” Mayor Mare said to the two.

“That’s fine, we don’t want to make them scared of us right Wings.” Austin said to Wingding.

“Right. We should give them time and if they want to have a conversation, Austin will have the conversation with them.” Wingding said to Mayor Mare.

“Wait why me?” Austin asked Wingding.

“It’s because you can talk to anyone you encounter and I can talk to them for a minute.” Wingding said to Austin.

“You to are funny when you two argue,” Mayor Mare said with a giggle. “Well I must get back to work, more paperwork for me to do today, but if you need anything let me know alright?” Mayor Mare said to the two.

“We will thank you Mayor Mare.” Austin said happily to Mayor Mare. Mayor Mare nodded her head and left the room.

“Well now that the surprise is over, we would like to give you two a tour around Ponyville.” Twilight said happily to them.

“Oh that sounds l-like fun.” Austin said excitedly.

“It would be a good idea to familiarize Ponyville when we return.” Wingding said to the group.

“Perfect! Let’s get going then.” Twilight said happily to Austin and Wingding.

“Lead the way.” Wingding said as he started to walk with the group, Austin following behind them.

The group got outside and started the tour. The group walked over to what looks like a school. The colors of the school had pink, red, white and yellow on the building. The school also had a bell on top of the building. It also had a play structure with swings, tether ball pole and a giant horse shoe outside of the school.

“This is the schoolhouse. A place for fillies will attend and learn with Ms. Cheerilee. Speaking of Ms. Cheerilee she’s right over there.” Twilight said as she gestured her hoof to a pony walking towards the school doors. Austin and Wingding saw a moderate cerise female earth pony. Her mane was pale light grayish rose with light ceriseish gray stripes. Her eyes are grayish harlequin.

The group walked over to the pony, Ms. Cheerilee to say hi to her. The pony turned around and she saw the group coming over to her.

“Hello everypony it’s very nice to see you again.” Ms. Cheerilee said to the group.

“Hello Ms. Cheerilee it’s nice to see you too.” Twilight said happily. “Have you met Austin yet?” Twilight asked as she gestured a hoof to him, Austin looking a bit nervous.

“I’ve meet him on the stage, but not up close,” Ms. Cheerilee said to Twilight. She turned her gaze to Austin and smiled warmly at him. “Hi their Austin, I’m Ms. Cheerilee, the teacher of this school where I teach fillies your age and do plenty of fun activities. It is very nice to meet you.” Ms. Cheerilee said happily to Austin as she lifted her hoof for a hand... hoof shake.

“Hello Ms. Cheerilee it’s v-very nice to meet you too.” Austin said as he returned the shake as well.

“Wow I can’t believe Celestia found a cute little filly and made him her son.” Ms. Cheerilee said to the group as she did a little bow to the child.

“You don’t need to do that if you want. I’m not really a royal type, I just l-like to meet new people or ponies and befriend them.” Austin said to Ms. Cheerilee happily.

“Oh that’s a first. Most ponies with royalty brag about, but you don’t... I’m glad you like to make new friends.” Ms. Cheerilee said as she patted him on the back softly.

“Yeah I love my friends and family that I don’t care if I’m part of a royal family. I don’t want to brag about it because that’s mean and could hurt others around me.” Austin said to Ms. Cheerilee with a sad look at the end of his sentence.

“That is the best treasure to hold on to and I’m glad you don’t want to be mean towards others by being in a royal family.” Ms. Cheerilee said to Austin happily.

“Thank you Ms. Cheerilee.” Austin said with a warm smile.

“Your most welcome Austin.” Ms. Cheerilee said to Austin with a happy smile.

“Well we better get back on the tour. See you Ms. Cheerilee!” Twilight said as she waved at her.

“Goodbye every pony have fun with the tour!” Ms. Cheerilee said to the group. As the group was almost gone from her sight she thought to herself.

Such a sweet and precious child. she thought to herself and she went into the classroom.

As the group were going further away from the town, they came to a farm, a apple farm. Austin looked at the distance and saw a field of apple trees. Austin and Wingding saw a big barn like house with two apples on each side of the entrance. They also saw a apple with a arrow on top of the house. The two also saw a carrot like farm in the distance and more crops on the other side of the apple field.

“Welcome to mah farm, Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack said to the two happily.

“Wow this place i-is huge!” Austin said in awe.

“Eyup, this is where all the ponies get their apples and other crops as well.” Applejack said to Austin happily.

“Woah!” Austin said in awe.

“Truly a fine structure for a barn and a house as well.” Wingding said as he is looking at the farm house.

“Ah’m glad you like it. Come now, let me introduce you to mah family here but not the entire family.” Applejack said as she was going to the farm house and the rest following behind her.

As they got inside it looked like a normal house with a couch, tables, chairs, but only lack the technology like a television.

“Family we got guests!” Applejack yelled in the house and three ponies came out of the kitchen area one by one.

The two saw a pale light grayish olive female earth filly. Her mane is brilliant amaranth and her eyes are brilliant gamboge. She had a big light brilliant crimson bow on top of her head.

“This here is Apple Bloom, mah sister and a hard worker here on the farm too,” Applejack said as she put a hoof on Apple Bloom head and Apple Bloom looked at her with annoyance on her look.

“Howdy, I’m Apple Bloom like mah sister already said. It very nice to meet you two.” Apple Bloom said as she lifted her hoof for them to shake.

“It’s nice to meet y-you too Apple Bloom.” Austin said softly to Apple Bloom as he shook her hoof.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Wingding said as he shook her hoof too.

The next pony to come out was a big brilliant amaranth male earth pony. His mane is brilliant orange and his eyes is moderate sap green. The pony looked down at Austin and Austin looked at him with a nervous expression.

“This is mah brother Big Macintosh or Big Mac for short. He helps with the farm too, moving heavy supplies, kicking down the apples from the trees, the list goes on.” Applejack said to the two.

“H-h-hi their my name i-is Austin.” Austin said with a shaky voice and he lifted his shaking hand to him for him to shake. Big Mac looked at the child before he took his arm for him to shake.

“Nice to meet ya Austin, I apologize if I made you scared of me from my height, but I’m a nice pony so you don’t need to be scared of me.” Big Mac said with a happy smile.

“O-Okay Big Mac.” Austin said softly to him.

The last pony came out and it was a elderly light lime green female earth pony. Her mane is light gray and her eyes are light brilliant orange.

“This is Granny Smith she was with me at the party and handed out pie.” Applejack as she gestured to Granny Smith.

“Oh I remember her now. She handed you the pies that me and momma Celestia got!” Austin said with a warm smile.

“That’s right young fella and my you have grown a bit. You look a bit paler than I remember.” Granny Smith said as she looked at Wingding.

“Uh Granny Smith... That’s not Austin.” Applejack said to Granny Smith.

“Huh? Oh right their you are.” Granny Smith said as she was now looking at Austin. “Who is this tall and handsome fella?” Granny Smith said as she looked up at Wingding and Wingding blushed a bit from the complement.

“That it Wingding, our friend and Austin’s brother.” Applejack said to Granny Smith.

“Oh, well nice to meet you Wingding.” Granny Smith said as she lifted her hoof for him to shake.

“it’s nice to meet you too Granny Smith.” Wingding said as he shook Granny Smiths hoof.

“Would you all like to stay for a bit for some food? We are having hay cakes.” Granny Smith said to the group.

“It wouldn’t hurt to stay for a bit, sure!” Twilight said as they all nodded in agreement.

The group trotted to the kitchen and some stayed in the living room to have breakfast with the apple family. Half an hour passed as the ponies, Austin and Wingding were eating, talking to each other as well.

“That was d-delicious Granny Smith.” Austin said to Granny Smith.

“Thank you dearly but Big Mac and Apple Bloom also helped out too.” Granny Smith said to Austin.

“Thank you Big Mac a-and Apple Bloom it was d-delicious.” Austin said happily to the two.

“No problem little buddy.” Apple Bloom said as she patted him on the back.

“But I’m a bit taller t-than you.” Austin said to Apple Bloom.

“Meh potato potato.” Apple Bloom said with a wink.

“Okay?” Austin said looking confused.

“No problem their buddy.” Big Mac said to Austin with a smile.

“Do you want a tour of the farm as well?” Granny Smith asked the group.

“Sorry Granny but Austin is probably excited to see more of Ponyville.” Applejack said to Granny Smith.

“That’s fine dearly. If he wants to come back, we can give him a little tour around the place and show him how we feed our animals.” Granny Smith said to Applejack.

“I’m sure he will like that, right Austin?” Twilight asked Austin.

“Yeah I w-would love that.” Austin said with a smile.

“Bye every pony!” Apple Bloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith said in unison.

“Bye!” Every pony said in unison too as they went down the dirt road once again.

As the group got back to Ponyville, they went to a building with a pony on the middle of the sign inside of a pole and the buildings color has purple, pink, yellow, plenty of blues as well. Austin notice two more ponies statues on the top of the building inside of a pole as well and has a flag on the tip of the building.

“Welcome to my boutique and my house!” Rarity said as she gestured to the building.

“Wow this p-place is beautiful!” Austin said in amazement.

“Aww thank you darling. I do take care of my place and never leave a speck of dust anywhere,” Rarity said to Austin with a soft smile. “Come come, I’ll give you a tour of my fabulous boutique.” Rarity said as she trotted in her boutique.

As the group went inside the boutique, they were in a room with some pony mannequins, some mirrors, dresses and a small display stage. Austin noticed that their is a upstairs area as well.

“Sweetie Belle we have guest.” Rarity said in a singing tone.

The group heard hoofsteps coming from the stairs and they saw a light gray female unicorn filly. Her mane is grayish mulberry with pale light grayish rose streaks and her eyes are pale light grayish harlequin. Sweetie Belle and Austin lock eyes for a few seconds before Rarity spoke up.

“Sweetie Belle dear can you introduce yourself to our new friends.” Rarity said to Sweetie Belle.

“Oh right. Hi my name is Sweetie Belle, it’s nice to meet you.” Sweetie Belle said as she raised her hoof for Austin to shake.

“Hi Sweetie Belle I-I’m Austin, it’s nice to meet you too.” Austin said happily as he shook her hoof. They both looked at each other with happy smiles. “Oh t-this is Wingding, he’s my friend and brother.” Austin said happily as he gestured to Wingding.

Wingding looked at Sweetie Belle, which intimidated Sweetie Belle a bit.

“H-hi Wingding I’m Sweetie Belle, n-nice to meet you.” Sweetie Belle said nervously to Wingding.

Wingding kept looking at her until he went down to her height and spoke.

“Greetings Sweetie Belle, don’t be afraid of me I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Wingding said as he lifted his hand for her to shake. Sweetie Belle hesitated for a second but then she shook his hand. “See no harm done right?” Wingding said as he smiled at her.

“Yeah, sorry that I was afraid of you, but you look like a nice pony.” Sweetie Belle said to Wingding.

“Why thank you. I try to be nice towards others when I do socialize.” Wingding said but whispered the last bit to himself.

“Uh... Austin? Could I ask you a question?” Sweetie Belle asked Austin.

“Sure w-what is it?” Austin asked curiously.

“Did you see Greninja fight the Ursa Minor and Ursa Major?” Sweetie Belle asked Austin. Austin looked at her for a moment before responding.

“Yeah he was super cool and strong!” Austin said excitedly to Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah he was! I wish I can see him again.” Sweetie Belle said to Austin.

“Well he could if anyo... any pony is in trouble.” Austin said to Sweetie Belle.

“You really think so?” Sweetie Belle asked Austin.

“I know so.” Austin said confidently. Wingding rolled his eyes at Austin.

“Well we have two more places for us to show you,” Twilight said to the two. “Would you like to join us Sweetie Belle?” Twilight asked Sweetie Belle.

“Sure. My friends are going to be there and we are going to do helpful stuff around the town.” Sweetie Belle said to Twilight.

“Okay. Now off to my place! To the Castle of Friendship!” Twilight said happily to the two.

“Castle of Friendship? Strange name.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“I didn’t see you coming up with names for my place.” Twilight deadpanned.

“Fair enough.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Anyways let’s go!” Twilight said as she trotted out of Rarity’s house, the group following behind her.

As the group we’re heading towards the castle, Austin thought he heard his name behind him from afar and when he turned around he didn’t see any pony or anyone. He shrugged and continued to walk with the group. The group stopped for a second and turned to Austin and Wingding.

“Okay we are almost there, but can you two close your eyes for a second?” Twilight asked the two.

“Uh... sure.” Both of them said in unison and they covered their eyes.

“Don’t worry we will be right here so if one falls, we will catch you okay.” Twilight said to the two.

“Right.” The two said in unison.

The two started to walk while their eyes were covered, but Rarity and Rainbow Dash was close to Austin. Twilight and Pinkie Pie was close to Wingding. 2 minutes has passed as the group walked with Austin and Wingding, trying not to let them fall. The group finally got to the Castle of Friendship and Twilight looked at the two.

“Alright you two you can open your eyes now.” Twilight said to the two.

Austin and Wingding uncovered their eyes to see a crystal castle. The castle was almost tree like but it looks like crystals. The crystal roots were light blue, but the bottom was dark purple. The castle had purple areas on the roots and looks to be the living areas. They’re yellow balconies in the center of the building and the left side of the building. The two noticed a giant star on the top of the building. Austin’s and Wingding’s jaws were on the floor by staring at the castle.

“Woah... this place is AMAZING!!” Austin said excitedly as his pupils turned into stars.

“Simply magnificent!” Wingding said as he observed the building.

“Aww thanks for the nice words,” Twilight said with a happy smile. “This castle has made when we defeated a tyrant named Tirek.” Twilight said to the two.

“The ponies made this castle for you?” Wingding asked curiously.

“Well no. I lived in a library that was a tree and I fought Tirek, but he destroyed it. When me and my friends defeated him, a crystal box flew to the spot where the library was and it made itself.” Twilight explained to Wingding.

“So it was created when this Tirek was defeated.” Wingding said to Twilight while crossing his hands.

“Yeah pretty much hehe.” Twilight said with a nervous chuckle.

“Well either way it looks soooo cool.” Austin said happily.

“Thank you Austin, at least somepony doesn’t like to correct myself.” Twilight said to Austin as he looked at Wingding.

“Well it’s different than being made to being created.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Yeah your right. Now let’s show you two around, it can be a bit confusing since the doors are the same.” Twilight said to the two.

“Okay.” The two said in unison.

“Sweetie Belle dearly do you want to come with us?” Rarity asked Sweetie Belle.

“Nah, my friends are over their and I’ll hang out with them if that’s okay.” Sweetie Belle said to Rarity.

“That is fine darling, you have fun with your friends.” Rarity said with a happy smile.

“I’ll see you later sis. Bye Austin and Wingding!” Sweetie Belle said as she trotted to her friends.

“Bye Sweetie Belle!” The two said in unison.

As Sweetie Belle left, the group started to head up the crystal tree to show Austin and Wingding around. 30 minutes later they showed every room at least once or twice since the doors are the same and it is confusing which door is which, except for one.

“Alright after going through every room at least a few times and getting lost, we have one more room for you two to see.” Twilight said happily.

“I wonder what t-the room will be Wings.” Austin said to Wingding.

“I’m not sure, but we will find out.” Wingding said as he shrugged.

Twilight pushed open the last door of the castle and the group went inside. As the two went in they’re 6 chairs with a giant map. The chairs in the front had the main 6 cutie marks, the rainbow with a cloud, three balloons, three diamonds, three apples, three butterflies, and one big purple star with 5 white stars.

“Woooah!” Austin said in awe as he looked around the room.

“This is the throne room where my friends and I get called on the map to solve problem or hang out in here.” Twilight explained to the two.

“Interesting... the map looks almost futuristic for any pony here.” Wingding said as he walked over to the map in the center of the room.

“Yeah we all were surprised to see this map for the first time and it just came out of the floor.” Twilight said to Wingding.

“Fascinating... oh by the way, how is the history book I gave you?” Wingding said to Twilight.

“It has so many information that I didn’t know was possible like the weapons you use and the technology you made. I read the whole book in 3 days.” Twilight said happily to Wingding.

“I’m glad you liked it. If you want you can keep it, we have more on earth.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Oh thank you Wingding, I might use it for my students for my school... but how did you get a copy of the book?” Twilight asked Wingding.

“I simply teleported a book to here and the way it didn’t take so long to get here it means we’re not too far from earth.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Oh that’s... cool! Now we have one more place, the School of Friendship!” Twilight said happily to the two.

“Wow your very good at making names.” Wingding said sarcastically to Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack giggled when he said that.

“Oh why thank you I know my names are always... hey!” Twilight said before realizing he was be sarcastic. The group laughed for a minute before the laughing calmed down. “Okay okay my castle and the school have friendship in it. My friends and i named them that way.” Twilight said as she puffed her cheeks out, looking unimpressed.

“Yeah I was just teasing you, the names fit you since your the Princess of Friendship.” Wingdings said to Twilight.

“Yeah that’s why I wanted to name them with friendship on the end,” Twilight said to Wingding. “Anyways let head over before it gets too dark.” Twilight said to the group and they all nodded in agreement.

The group went to the other side of the castle to see a door leading outside. Twilight opened the door and the two of them saw the school. They saw a lot of light and dark purple painted on the school. The two saw a Alicorn on a sign at the center of the entrance and saw a sign with 6 gems at the top of the entrance.

“Woah this p-place is cool!” Austin said in awe.

“Yes this place is pretty nice.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Thank you, it took a while for me and the other builders to build this school.” Twilight said to the two.

“Well it seems you like the color purple, it makes sense since your coat is purple.” Wingding said to Twilight.

“Yeah I’m glad you noticed that. Now let’s give you a tour of the school.” Twilight said happily to the two.

“Lead the way.” Wingding said to Twilight.

The group went to the front entrance and entered the school. It took about an hour to finish the tour of the school because Twilight was talking about the importance of each room and what the students will learn in those classes. The group came out of the school to go back to the castle and it was now the sun was slowly descending to night time. As the group was in the castle, Austin was getting tired and getting sleepy.

“Well it looks like Austin is getting tired, so I guess we should head back to Canterlot, plus Celestia will start to worry if we don’t get back. Wingding said to the group.

“Yeah we don’t want Celestia to worry about the little darling.” Rarity said as she stroked his hair.

“Yes, but I’m sure we will come back here soon.” Wingding said to the group.

“We will be here when you do get back.” Twilight said to Wingding with a warm smile.

“We better get to the train station before it leaves.” Wingding said to the group.

“Yeah, but if it does you know where to find us alright.” Twilight said to Wingding.

“Of course. Bye everyone see you soon.” Wingding said to the group.

“Bye Austin, bye Wingding!” The group said in unison as they waved with their hooves or claws.

Wingding and Austin waved goodbye to the group and left the castle to go to the train station. As the two were walking the semi dark town, Austin began to yawn and his eyes were getting tired.

“Do you want me to carry you to the station?” Wingding asked Austin.

“Yes p-please.” Austin tiredly said to Wingding.

Wingding leaned down and pickup Austin up. Austin put his arms around his neck so he doesn’t lose balance and they both continued to the station. Their saw a train coming up to the station and they proceeded in the train. Wingding sat on a seat with Austin still on him, fast asleep. As he was getting tired himself, he forced himself to stay up until he got to the castle. Wingding looked out the window to see the dark grassland and mountains. He heard footsteps behind him but didn’t turn around. The footsteps stopped near him and Wingding heard a voice talk to him.

“Hello WD.” The voice said to Wingding. Wingding turned around to his surprisement, he saw the three skeletons and the human.

“Gaster?!” Wingding said surprised.

The queen of darkness was looking at her map to see if she could see Austin on her map. Grievous went in the room where the queen was, while coughing.

“What is it general.” Necrafa said without looking at him.

“Your highness, we know where he is.” Grievous said in his raspy voice.

“Where?” Necrafa asked as her head moved a bit to him.

“He is on a planet called Equestria, the planet has creatures like dragons, Minotaurs, but mainly ponies.” Grievous said to Necrafa.

Necrafa looked at him for a few more seconds and then looked back to the map.

“Have your troops to return to the castle, we will leave immediately.” Necrafa commanded Grievous.

“All of them?” Grievous asked Necrafa.

“ALL of them.” Necrafa said to the general.

“But do you want to keep this planet in your control?” Grievous asked Necrafa.

“I will take it back once he get this child’s powers.” Necrafa said to Grievous.

“Why do you want this kids powers and why did you ask the separatist for your help?” Grievous asked Necrafa.

“I asked the separatist because your troops can overwhelm any planet, plus I’m low on troops after the Mysicons defeated me and some survived and hid. You also accepted to help me with the child. I also want his powers because his soul is pure light, it is strong enough to defeat me if he knows his true self. I want to drain his soul’s energy and corrupt it to make it my magic. With that much power, I can take on those Mysticons and then the WHOLE UNIVERSE!!” Necrafa said as she shouted the last words with a evil laugh. “Now bring all your troops NOW!” Necrafa commanded Grievous.

Grievous narrowed his eyes before responding. “As you wish, queen Necrafa.” Grievous said as he walked out the room, grunting to himself.

Necrafa looked back at the map once again and talked to herself once again.

“Once we get their, I’ll start with my second phase, make him lose faith in himself and to others.” Necrafa said with and evil chuckle and lightning crackling outside.

In a white empty place, their was a dark blue male Pegasus pony with a white, gray, and dark gray mane with a zig zag pattern. The pony had a amulet around his neck. His amulet lit up to a red color and when he looked at his amulet, his brow raised a bit.

It seems their is going to be a new threat on Equestria and it may only target the small child, Austin. I’ve been observing him when my amulet started to turn yellow, then white which means he was pure. But this new threat is going to be a problem. If it gets worse, I may have to intervene, but I will not erase the threat because I respect all living things, evil or nice. I also don’t want the princesses to see me... decisions decisions. Well I will observe this threat and if it gets worse, I will intervene, but for now I will watch over this child and maybe give him a visit in his dreams without the night princess seeing me. See you soon Austin... The Golden Child.

To Be Continued...