//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Chrysalis // by 1023nelly //------------------------------// Rarity hummed as she trotted along the main road in Ponyville, a small saddlebag on her back. She was visiting Applejack to drop off a new hat she had made to replace AJ’s old one. Applejack had accidentally ripped her usual hat while climbing a tree to get that one last stinkin’ fruit when she was bucking apples, and appealed to Rarity to make her a new one. This Rarity had done, and was now delivering a leather headpiece to Applejack that would make any self-respecting cowpony jealous. Rarity looked around Ponyville and saw, to her approval, several ponies wearing her designs. Even Derpy was wearing something, a pair of yellow socks. Rarity smiled. She then spotted Pinkie Pie bouncing down the street towards her. “Pinkie, darling! How lovely it is to see you! I was just on my way to visit Applejack and drop off her new hat. Care to come along?” Rarity didn’t particularly want Pinkie to come along, but refusing to offer seemed like a bad idea. “Oh, hi, Rarity! I was just going to Sugarcube Corner because Mrs. Cake wants me to help her with a new recipe! I finally get to make my Cherry-Chongas! Or is it Chimi-Cherries?” Pinkie mused. “Which do you think sounds better? Chimi-Cherry, Cherry-Chonga, or maybe Chimi-Cherry-Chonga!” Oh no, not this again, thought Rarity. She cleared her throat. “I think the Cherry-Chonga sounds best, but that’s just me, dear.” “You’re right, that does sound the best!” exclaimed Pinkie. “Well, sorry I can’t come with you, Rarity, but I really have to get going! See ya!” Pinkie twirled her legs around like Roadrunner and sped off. Rarity shook her head and chuckled. That Pinkie was the most random pony in Equestria. Rarity noticed that she was already coming to the outskirts of Ponyville, and turned in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Even though Rarity hadn’t been here very often, the path wasn’t hard to miss; apple trees lined the road leading up to the large farm. Rarity began walking up the road towards the acres of apples. When she arrived at the barn, she saw Big Macintosh gathering baskets together and hoisting them up into a large cart. Applebuck season was nearly over, and only the farthest away, longest-ripe apples remained to be bucked. “Why, hello, Big Macintosh! Where’s Applejack? I have something to give her,” said Rarity. “She’s buckin’ apples,” replied Big Mac. “Oh, I see,” said Rarity. “Are you heading out there too?” “Eeyup,” he confirmed. “Mind if I come with you, dear?” “Nope.” Ten seconds later, Rarity was riding in Mac’s cart as the two of them headed out to the fields that contained the last apples of the season. As she looked around, she realized that the rolling hills of green were very beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that they deserved to have their own recognition in Ponyville. Perhaps a new fashion line would do, thought Rarity. She whipped out her emergency sketchbook and quill and began drawing furiously, her magic gripping the writing utensil. Time passed. After about forty-five minutes, an exhausted Big Mac stopped walking. “Are we there?” asked Rarity. “Eeyup,” panted the stallion, before collapsing on the ground. Rarity stepped daintily out of the cart. She looked around for Applejack, but could see no sign of the orange earth pony. She did, however, hear a sound. Was that…a munching sound? No, thought Rarity, Applejack would never eat on the job. Something was up. Walking in the exact middle of the road to avoid getting anything whatsoever on any part of her body, Rarity was still sketching a dress, but her mind was occupied with thoughts of Applejack. Why on earth would she have any reason to eat the very apples she was harvesting? For the munching sound was the unmistakable sound of crunching apples. Some horrific event must have traumatized her to eat emotionally, Rarity reasoned. Yes, that was it. Just after this thought crossed her mind, the eating sound stopped. “Applejack?” called Rarity. There was no answer other than a groan. Rarity dropped her sketchbook and quill and broke into a trot, then a gallop. She came over the top of a hill and saw Applejack on the ground, surrounded by mountains of apple cores. “Applejack!” Rarity levitated the cores out of the way and rushed to Applejack’s side. The earth pony was doubled up on her side, clutching at her chest. “What happened to you? You ate too many apples, didn’t you? Shame on you, Applejack. You should know better than to eat on the job. Why—” Applejack silenced her with a groan. “No—no, tha’s not it, you don’ understand,” she said. “Rarity—No time t’ explain. Go find Fluttershy. She’ll—know what t’ do.” Another moan of agony escaped her lips. “I-I don’t understand,” replied Rarity, taken aback. “Why would Fluttershy—” Applejack interrupted again. “Jus’ do it!” she yelled. “Ah don’t know what’s goin’ t’ happen t’ me, but tell Big Mac…tell him t’ initiate Plan A.J.D. Got it?” She was starting to gasp for breath. Rarity nodded, small tears forming in her eyes. “I got it, but—” “See ya after all this is over, Rarity,” said Applejack. Her voice was barely a whisper. “I promise y’all will see me again.” She closed her eyes and rolled onto her back. Was she gone? “No. It’s not possible,” whispered Rarity. She put her head on Applejack’s chest. For a horrifying moment, there was no pulse. Then there was a slow thump. Another, ten seconds later. Rarity was relieved that her friend was alive, but she had no idea what to do. Then she remembered Applejack’s words: “Find Fluttershy. She’ll know what t’ do.” Rarity stood up slowly. She concentrated hard on her horn, and blue magic enveloped the limp orange mare. Applejack’s body was lifted into the air and settled on Rarity’s back. She started walking towards Big Mac’s cart, her body numb with shock, her mind more so. What was going on? How had Applejack known what had been happening? And why had Applejack insisted on going to Fluttershy for answers, even though she had no medical experience? Rarity came over the top of the hill and spotted Big Mac’s cart. She went closer and used magic to deposit Applejack in the cart, then looked around for Big Mac. She spotted him some feet away, kicking an apple tree with his hind legs to shake the apples down. “Big Mac! Come quick!” shouted Rarity. Big Mac turned and trotted over. “Eeyup?” he said. “It-it’s Applejack,” was all she needed to say. Big Mac looked in the cart. His face was entirely occupied by horror. “We need to get to Fluttershy’s house. Can you make it?” asked Rarity. The stallion’s face hardened into a look of sheer determination. “Yep!” he said. Big Mac hooked himself up to the cart, turned around, and took off in the direction of Ponyville.