//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Master and Apprentice // Story: Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// Saddle Arabian Capital, Evening Light reflected around the hall as dusk filtered in through the windows of the Saddle Arabian palace. To the ordinary eye, these windows appeared ordinary, contrasted by the fanciness of the hallway. There were twelve, with six on each side, each measuring six feet in height. But crystals and gems were embedded in the glass, cast into interesting patterns each symbolic to the citizens of the nation. It could be as grand as the pyramids which lie southwest of the capital city, or as ordinary as the livestock which can be found in farms all over the land, but every piece was captivating. The colors of each individual gemstone created a small rainbow creating a slope to the ground. There were only two others in the hallway, asides from the figures in the glass. A pony and an astromech droid strolled side by side, each taking in the sights quietly. The stone floor echoed with each step the pony took, as she gazed at the sights from beneath a hooded robe. Eventually, she stopped, and took down her hood. Sweetie Belle stood parallel to the windows, casting a shadow due to the light. She wore Jedi robes of beige and brown, similar to her master. A sash and belt was worn over the tunic, the same shade of color. Attached to it was her lightsaber, the metallic hilt cast in silver and the more intricate casings having a hint of rose gold. It was hidden beneath the robe, but could be drawn at a moment’s notice. Taking a breath, she studied the windows, and the intricate patterns embedded in the glass. “Did we pass this hallway before, or is this a new section?” A5 shook her domed head, confirming this was new. “You’re probably right. Thanks to agreeing to come on patrol with me.” The droid beeped happily, and a small smile quickly appeared on her face, just to disappear. It had been seven years since she had become an apprentice, and had learned over time that silence could be just as disturbing as the most chaotic of battles. She couldn’t tell if it was her own tiredness which disturbed her, or the silence that lay pensive through the palace. Looking inward, she saw her own emotions, and fear as bright as day. I need to calm myself, even in this hall. I’m not always going to have the time for a full meditation, so there has to be some techniques I can use. Perhaps breathing will help. She let out a few deep, long breaths, feeling the rhythm and flow of the Force, and matching it. She closed her eyes only for a moment, for she knew she would fall asleep otherwise. “Do you know anything about these murals? There’s only so much reading I could get done before this mission.” R5 thought for a moment, and chirped off a few quick facts, and asked her a question. “To be fair, you would make for an excellent opponent. And if I need to be attacked randomly to keep awake, I’d much rather it be you.” The droid laid down a heavy compliment, and Sweetie Belle laughed for the first time all day. “Thanks, I needed that. I don’t know how much longer these talks are going to go on, they’ve been at it for hours at this point.” “At least nine to ten, if my math is correct.” Normally, Sweetie Belle would be able to sense if someone was incoming towards her through the Force. Kaleb had stressed this as part of her training. But in her tired state, she jumped and glanced around to see Spike walking toward her, equally surprised and amused. They had both grown in the past seven years, with Sweetie Belle being around three feet, and Spike only a few inches taller. In those years, he became leaner, developing small muscles around the arms and legs, along with a slightly longer tail. His wings, stretching the length of his back, had grown slightly over the years. Developing them over time, Spike had been slowly training to fly longer distances. He had the same blue backpack over his shoulder as he went towards her. “I knew from Twilight these things can go long, but never like this…” “Not to mention it’s the fifth round of negotiations in seven years,” she added. Her heart began to race as she took notice of how the sunlight caught his scales, and how they highlighted the various shades of purple and green. His eyes reflected a darker shade of forest green than the scales on his body, which seemed to peer into her soul. “Uh…Sweetie Belle…are you there? Earth to Sweetie Belle…” She jumped, and blushed hard. “Oh, sorry about that. Guess I’m pretty tired today, which is normal considering how long this tour has gone on.” “I can’t imagine,” Spike replied. “You and Kaleb have done a great job guarding the two princesses and their friends through this entire tour.” He pulled out a part of a granola bar and offered it to her. “You want the other half?” Sweetie Belle smiled. “Thanks,” She leaned against the wall, and began to take a few bites. “How has your day been?” “Pretty quiet, since most of it was to myself,” Spike answered. “I explored more of the royal grounds, including the archives. They had a pretty great exhibit on gemstones and mining in the region. Had some rare ones I’ve only seen in textbooks up to this point. The gardens were also pretty awesome, they have a ton of cool plants. Then I went to the palace library to read. How about you?” She thought back to her day. “Well, it was pretty quiet. I have orders to patrol this building until the talks are over.” She pulled out a small notebook from her saddlebag. “Kaleb wants me to keep a journal through the mission, so I can reflect on every detail. I’ve been working on an entry throughout the day, when I’m not walking around in circles.” He nodded. “It seems pretty rude of him to leave you this one task, with nothing to really do.” “It’s more complicated than you think,” she replied. “It’s more than just walking around; I have to be actively listening to the Force. Besides, I’m not all alone.” She raised an eyebrow. “Sorry A5,” Spike apologized meekly. The droid let off a bunch of sounds that recognized that. “I got a message from Twilight three hours ago saying they would be finished in two minutes.” “I got the same thing from Kaleb,” Sweetie Belle replied. “I guess something held them up.” There was silence for a few moments before Spike broke it. “Well, I should probably be heading back to Twilight’s room. I’ve got to finish up some studying for the big exam coming up in a few weeks.” “Awesome! I’ll see you later.” She waved as Spike left her and A5 in the hallway. Sweetie Belle let out a deep breath, as they went near the other end of the hallway to one of the main drawing rooms. R5 had been watching this interaction carefully, and was not oblivious to what was happening. Without further delay, she commented in a very teasing way. “What! No! No, I do not…where the hay did you get that?” Sweetie Belle replied in a quiet, flustered tone, her face turning red. “For the last time, we are just friends. There’s nothing between us, at least not right now…but maybe in the future.” R5 advanced, chirping and whizzing around the room with her arms out. Sweetie Belle let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, I do really like him…but not a word of this to anyone. You hear me? Not to him, or anyone else, is that clear.” Once the droid agreed, Sweetie Belle shook her head, trying to clear it. Dang it, and I thought I could keep that a secret, at least from everyone except Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. She pushed those thoughts aside, as she turned to A5 with a determined look. “Right, we need to focus. Kaleb is counting on us to keep on patrol.” A5 beeped in confirmation, and let out a bunch of other sounds. Sweetie Belle could tell the words were directed at her master, and they weren’t exactly positive. She chuckled. “Well, if you do decide to burst into the meeting and drag him out, be my guest.” An echo of doors opening went throughout the hall, along with loud voices, and the apprentice turned to the droid. “Well, I guess they’ve finished. If I remember, this drawing room is close to where they were holding the talks. He should be here soon…” The main doors opened, and Kaleb Taymar walked into the room. He was wearing his usual Jedi attire, the beige tunic standing out against the navy blue robe. The past seven years had aged him, with his curly hair longer and a short, light brown beard on his face. Still, he still had the same youthful, mischievous eyes and smile when Sweetie Belle started her training. He grimaced as R5 began to go off at him, and Sweetie Belle let out a small smile. He let the droid finish. “I guess I deserved that. Sorry to leave you hanging, the meeting went longer than anyone expected.” She shrugged, “Is nine hours a lot for these kinds of negotiations?” “Depends on the context. Normally? No. But for final dealings? Yes. This was the first time the Queen has attended beyond the first round; normally the prince and princess handle matters of delegation.” Kaleb replied. He knelt down to A5, inserting a small drive. “This contains information from my datapad in relation to the proceedings. Can you deliver it to Twilight, she’s in the lounge near the library?” A5 beeped, grumbling a bit as she rolled out of the room. Sweetie Belle pointed with her head over to the glass door, which entered a small garden. Kaleb nodded, and the two of them walked over, opening it. Sweetie Belle looked over to him. “I like how the gardens are structured. Even in the smallest places, they leave room for animals to nest.” Kaleb nodded. “They make good use of the small structures.” Their bond as master and apprentice had grown over the years, and it had been difficult at first. For Kaleb, the responsibility of mentorship laid much on his shoulders, but he did his best to rise for the occasion. Although Sweetie Belle and him never always saw eye to eye, they got along with each other well. He turned to his apprentice, leaning back on a pillar. “You’ve done well, for this entire trip you know? Much of this is new, but adjusting to the changing circumstances when it comes to guarding can help you.” “Thanks,” Sweetie Belle replied. “At times, it’s exhausting though. You’re in the present with whomever you’re guarding, yet your always look ahead, predicting and planning.” “It can be,” Kaleb empathized. “But you get used to that with time. And with the Force, and proper training, it becomes instinct.” This sentence was largely familiar to her, as it was where she needed the most improvement. It soured her mood. “I feel like I’ve heard that word a lot over the past few years.” “None of us our proud of our flaws,” Kaleb admitted, trying to give some reassurance against the slight angst. “But we have to try, and learn from every experience. You have improved greatly going from then to now. Particularly in the past two years.” I have grown, but I still feel so far away from where I need to be. Sweetie Belle sighed. “Even so, it’s not much. I’m sure you were much better at my age.” Kaleb had heard this before. “You are your own Jedi, and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I had been training my whole life, but even then wasn’t perfect. We each learn at our own pace, and I am proud of how you have improved through this trip” Her ears perked up, and eyes reflected surprise at the praise. Kaleb was always genuine when it came to compliments and critique, which she appreciated. “I guess this whole experience has made me learn a lot. I’ve never traveled outside of Equestria before this trip, so there’s a lot to take in.” “Did you understand everything there is to know from this?” She shook her head. “Insight comes with age. But I am glad you’re having this experience now. If we were in my galaxy, you would have planets worth of memories.” “I kind of wish Rarity’s rule with missions had been looser,” Sweetie Belle added in retrospect. Rarity and her Jedi Master had an agreement that he wouldn’t take her on these kinds of missions until she had gotten her cutie mark, which had only happened recently. Kaleb nodded in understanding. “I had to argue with her more than a few times to do some of the missions before that. Still, those missions in Equestria were still good experiences for you.” The two of them sat down across from each other on the stone benches, listening to the sounds of the plants rustling. She looked around. “This has been an interesting few weeks. Visiting different nations, learning about these cultures I had only read about till now. It’s an eye-opening experience that not even a school field trip can provide.” Her Jedi Master smiled. “Exactly, and that’s what I want you to get from this. The world is always bigger than we think.” He chuckled slightly. “There’s always one mission…” Sweetie Belle looked confused. “What do you mean?” Kaleb took a deep breath before beginning. “There’s always one mission that every Jedi goes through. It can be at any age, mostly at a young one. But it shapes them. It can change their life, their perspective, and even their philosophy on why they became a Jedi, and what continues to drive them.” Her eyes widened in amazement. “Really? I don’t remember that from any of the Jedi teachings.” “It was something my Master would say,” Kaleb explained. “Each of us is on our own path with the Force, and that journey reflects that. Half of the time, you would only know it by instinct.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “This isn’t mine, but it’s still a good mission. What was yours?” He thought back, remembering. “I was fifteen, probably a year before the war. It was my first solo mission, and I had been tasked to protect a young princess on Kashyyyk on a journey. Every year, a pilgrimage was made to the Origin Tree, which took many days. The treetop stood higher than any mountains in the Dragonlands. It tested me, and made me relook at the natural order of the world. There were many animals who were out to kill both of us. I had to learn how to communicate in a new way, or kill them to defend us. In the end, I escorted her to the highest peaks of the branches.” What Sweetie Belle and Kaleb shared was the appreciation of good storytelling, along with knowledge. She smiled slightly, remembering the early days of her training with Kaleb telling stories to her sister’s friends near a campfire. “It must have been thrilling.” “It was,” he added. “And completely changed my outlook of the galaxy and any ecosystem I encountered. My connection to the Force became stronger as a result.” He rubbed his shoulder, it being sore from the hours of negotiations. “It’s something you’ll go through at some point.” She nodded. The crickets began to chirp as dusk moved over the edge of the horizon. “I’m confused about something, even though I read the background file on every location we visited. Why is there so much secrecy visiting Saddle Arabia, as opposed to the other nations? I know this mission across the continent was supposed to be low-key, but we teleported directly to the palace from the train.” Good observations, Kaleb noticed. “Because these talks are supposed to be secret. There is general knowledge Equestria and Saddle Arabia are in negotiations. But the actual dates and times have been kept a secret aside from the initial announcement. The main reason being for security.” Instinctively, she glanced around, making sure nobody was behind them. “I thought the palace and grounds were safe from organized crime.” “The palace is one of the more secured places in the capital,” Kaleb explained. “And the government has done a good job in securing with security this far. But the main concern is the giant crime syndicates, which exist in every nation. They come in through the cracks of chaos caused by every world-ending villain, it seems.” Sweetie Belle counted the three which seemed to emerge since her training began. Sombra, Tirek, and Starlight. Though I guess she’s more of a reformed ally at this point. “I guess there’s only so much you can do when the ground is constantly shifting…” “…but you got to keep on your feet quicker than a jump to hyperspace,” Kaleb finished, and the two chuckled. He checked his pocket watch, which was tucked inside his robes. “Come on, let’s be going. Twilight will be wondering where we went off to.” The two got up, and entered the palace, going through the very same doors Kaleb went through. They walked through the maze of corridors, leading to where Twilight, Cadance, and everyone else were secure in a room protected by wards. Sweetie Belle made her way through, walking beside her master. “Is there anything else you want to tell me before we leave tomorrow?” “Not of note, but I want you to be present for the decision, which should be made tonight. The Queen will most likely be present as well.” A wave of nervousness went through her. Even though she had met the leaders and diplomats of various countries when they visited Canterlot or The Crystal Empire, meeting royalty was still a challenge. “What should I say? I’m going to make a fool out of myself.” “You’ll be fine, and just think of it as a step on your journey in a larger world.” Kaleb gave her the advice, but he only felt a slight reassurance. They arrived at the room by the library, and Kaleb let out a strategic knock on the door. It opened, and revealed their fellow companions. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Cadance were all resting on the couches in the center of the room, talking quietly among each other. Spike was reading a book in the corner, as was Starlight. He could still feel the anxiety of his apprentice. “Try and do some writing in your journal, or do a light meditation. It will help calm yourself. And get something to eat if you’re hungry.” Sweetie Belle nodded, and went over to the fruit bowl, grabbing a mango and settling over to the opposite side of the room. Kaleb went over to where the seven were talking, still standing. “Kaleb! Good to see you,” Twilight greeted, as she looked around and saw his padawan eating while looking out the window. Sweetie Belle waved at all of them before Twilight continued. “That took a while to sort out.” “The negotiations were long,” he admitted. “but hopefully worth it. Has there been any word?” Candance shook her head. “Not yet, but we should be hearing back soon.” He nodded. “While we’re here, we should probably talk about the plan for tomorrow. Once we’re ready in early morning, we’ll teleport out to the empty part of the train station where we first arrived. The moment we land, we file into the train and depart once we confirm the security. Since the route is more direct, it should be a short trip out of Saddle Arabia and back to the Crystal Empire.” Everyone nodded, looking slightly exhausted. Even Pinkie Pie, who had a tired edge in her voice. “Kaleb, it’s been nine hours. I’m too tired for this.” Everyone stared at Pinkie Pie until Rainbow Dash broke the silence. “Damn, Kaleb. You got served by the Party Planner herself.” Kaleb coughed slightly, trying to hide his realization and slight embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head. All of them laughed, including him. “Yeah, sorry about that Pinkie.” Twilight thought for a second. “You can relax since there’s wards on this room. Sit down, Kaleb.” He sighed with amusement, and sat down on the chair right next to Fluttershy. “All right, but only because of that.” He turned to her, sinking into the chair slightly. “How are you holding up?” She shrugged. “Not bad, just tired. You’re a great guard, but that must be exhausting. How do you do it?” “Mainly through meditations, that allow me to rest while also keeping alert,” Kaleb said, squeezing her hoof. “I still sleep, but require less hours. Though, it’s never a replacement for a nice warm bed.” Fluttershy nodded. “True, and you seem to have your hands full now.” She glanced back towards everyone. “We’ll have time to ourselves soon, I promise,” Kaleb said, knowing how long it had taken for this tour to be set up. Months of planning had gone into it, with barely enough time together beyond sleeping and sharing meals. “That would be nice,” Fluttershy replied. “I know that you’re still on duty, it’s just that we haven’t had a date night in a while.” Both of us have been so busy this year alone, he thought. We’ve spent a lot of time together, but haven’t fully relaxed in a while. “True. How about we plan on the train ride back?” “I have to go over the blueprints one more time, but after I should be free,” Fluttershy said, chuckling a little. “I guess the days of spontaneous dates are over.” “Not necessarily, Fluttershy,” Cadance pointed out. “Shining and I plan small surprises for each other every week. You have to keep the magic alive, or in your case the Force.” Kaleb was slightly annoyed at that last addition. “That’s not how the Force works.” Applejack interrupted them, not interested in the argument. “When ya’ll get the results, are we going to tell Princess Celestia?” “We should be able to, but I’m not certain,” Kaleb said, thinking. “The holoprojector should work, but it needs a clear signal. Since we’re in the middle of a city, there might be interference.” All of them heard a knock at the door, and everyone went quiet. Kaleb held up a fist, indicating everyone to stay quiet where they were. He jumped up, landing softly on the balls of his feet and moving quickly to the door. Putting a hand near the lightsaber, he cracked open the door slightly. After confirming who it was, he opened the door. Princess Amira and Prince Haakem entered the room. They both wore traditional robes and helmets; Amira’s set in purple and blue, and Haakem’s in shades of blue and gold. The princess entered the room first, her light blue eyes reflecting in the light of the sunset from the window. Everyone stood up, moving to bow to them before Amira raised her hoof. “I do not mean to alarm; I just wish to inform you of what has been decided.” Twilight nodded. “It’s alright, everyone is tired from these talks. Kaleb, please keep watch if you could, but I still want you inside the room.” Kaleb nodded, as the two delegates smiled at him. He set a hand near the ground, and reached out to the Force, listening and sensing any outside movement. “No movement outside of these halls.” Amira nodded to her brother. “I am happy to announce the Queen has decided to these terms. And negotiations have been successful, with leading the way to a formal treaty.” The silence in the room was short, as the cheers of the Equestrian ponies rang out. Kaleb let out a small smile, as Haakem looked to the room. “Thank you for all your hard work. Especially Kaleb, for his expertise in diplomatic negotiations.” “The pleasure is all mine, Prince Haakem.” As Kaleb replied, he saw Sweetie Belle walking up to him with a similar smile on her face. It could also be read as relief as she wasn’t meeting the Queen. The two turned to the apprentice as Kaleb introduced them. “Princess Amira, Prince Haakem, I would like to introduce you to my apprentice, Sweetie Belle.” The princess nodded. “It’s good to meet you, Sweetie Belle. How are you enjoying your stay in Saddle Arabia so far?” “I’m…just really enjoying it,” she said with hurry, meeting both of their eyes. “Your gardens are beautiful, as well as the glass around the palace. How do you embed the gemstones?” “It is through the glass-blowing process, which is one our craftsponies have kept a secret for generations,” Haakem replied. “You would be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to reveal its secrets. But perhaps during one of the festivals, one would oblige.” While the two began discussing artwork, Princess Amira took Kaleb to the side, indicating Twilight and Cadance to follow. As soon as they were together, Amira addressed the group. “What happens now the negotiations are settled?” “We would send our reports back to Equestria, and then work with everything that has been done to craft a formal treaty and any other documents,” Twilight rattled off. “After or while this is done, we would make arrangements for the date of signing.” “I’m sure we can get that all taken care of by the end of the year,” Cadance added. Kaleb had been looking out the window, as the sun began to disappear over the horizon. Something doesn’t feel right. Just as he was about to mention this to the group, Prince Haakem called for quiet as a scroll appeared in front of him. Amira rushed over, and they read it quickly. “We just got word from one of our patrols. A landslide occurred over the Eastern train line.” The group looked up in shock, and Kaleb turned to them. “Will someone please get me a map with all the train lines? Prince Haakem showed Pinkie Pie the bookshelf where the maps were, and she quickly pulled out a map, handing it to Kaleb. He set it down on the large table. Princess Amira took a pencil, reading the coordinates carefully, and marked out a large circle with a dot at the epicenter. “Was anyone hurt?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking concerned. “Nobody was hurt,” Princess Amira reassured to her along with everyone else. “There had been flooding in the area for the past few weeks, but we thought the ground was stable.” She turned to Kaleb. “The tracks are completely buried under twelve feet of sand, dirt, and gravel.” He nodded. “How long do you think it will take to clear the tracks?” She sighed, knowing the news wasn’t good. “Given the large mass, it would probably take us two days to clear the ground and make sure the tracks are further stable.” Kaleb kept a calm demeanor, turning to his travel group. “Given the circumstances, the original safety plans are going to have to be altered. We can either wait here for another two days for the original route to be cleared, or travel on a different train.” Twilight thought for a few seconds. “Given these talks are supposed to be secret, I don’t want us wandering out there to help clear the tracks. It’s a small thing, but can be larger due to the circumstances.” Applejack chimed in. “I wouldn’t mind the labor, but I see your point Twilight. Couldn’t we go on a commuter train instead of a private one?” “There is a train that goes out of the capital and runs up into Equestria,” Prince Haakem suggested. “It has sleeping cabins beside the normal ones as well. It wouldn’t be that packed this time of year, so you can lie low.” Kaleb glanced at Twilight and Cadance. “This is your decision, not mine. However, both options have their risks.” Twilight nodded. “Although going on the train is a risk in itself, our extended stay could threaten the secrecy of these talks.” Kaleb reached out to both of them through the Force. I believe whatever decision is made, we can trust the information they have given us. The two princesses exchanged small words before Cadance turned to Amira and Haakem. “We should probably go on the commuter train. You have our sincere apologies for our early departure. I have a newborn daughter back at home, and it’s for the best I get back on time.” Haakem nodded. “We completely understand. I will send word to the station director. If I recall, all of your belongings are still in the one storage car.” “Yes,” Twilight confirmed. “There’s a lot of valuables in there, and it’s critical that train car remains locked and nothing is removed.” She glanced at Kaleb at this statement, and he chuckled. “You have our royal promise we will transfer your car safely,” Princess Amira assured everyone. “Our royal guards will oversee the attachment to the other train.” Fluttershy looked at the clock on the wall. “What time does the train leave?” “It leaves in an hour and a half,” Haakem answered. “The route goes the long way through the mountains to the Equestrian border. It’s roughly ten hours to that point, and probably another six hours to the Crystal Empire.” “I would like a map of the route, if it’s all the same to you.” Twilight asked. Haakem handed her the map, and she brought it to Kaleb. “We actually have a small dinner being prepared for you,” Princess Amira revealed to everyone’s delight. “Feel free to eat and relax before you leave. It should be ready in a few minutes. We’ll have a guard inform you when the dining room is prepared.” The Saddle Arabian ponies nodded and left, closing the door behind them. As the ponies began to chatter, Sweetie Belle turned to Kaleb. “What’s so funny?” He explained with a sheepish grin. “While Twilight considers the one possessions I have in that car valuable, Fluttershy is not necessarily in agreement on that point.” His apprentice laughed softly. “That’s a fair point. Still, I can’t wait to have some proper dinner. Did plans change for the two of us?” “Yeah, and I still need to work out the details in my head, and probably should get to that train,” Kaleb explained. “I want you to guard both Twilight and Cadance tonight. You can be in their compartment, but we both need to be more attentive than usual tonight.” She nodded. “As always, I’ll do my best, and maybe outdo you in the process. Remember when all those vines attacked Ponyville, and I had to save you multiple times?” “You and I remember that time very differently,” He said. “In my defense, I have faced many things as a Jedi. Murderous vines wasn’t in the curriculum.” “But you always said to be prepared for anything. Right, master?” Sweetie Belle countered, before moving away to talk to her sister. Fluttershy slinked right next to him. “Your apprentice managed to roast you well enough. She has your wit.” Kaleb had a beaming image of Master Kenobi in his head. If only he could see this. “What can I say? I taught her well.” Kaleb wandered down the small hallway of the train, going from car to car. It was night, and every time he switched cars, he had to wander outside to the platforms connecting the cars to one another. The bumpy ride meant he had to be careful, otherwise it could result in him falling off. Even though there were guardrails, there was still a risk. Before moving from the next car, he looked outside, staring out at the desert soon turning into a mountainous terrain. The moonlight reflected outward, and shone light down on the train. It seems so peaceful out, yet still alive. Even in the late summer, you must have all kinds of animals in this terrain. Closing his eyes, he breathed in and out, feeling the rhythm of the Force around him. Kaleb always found the outdoors peaceful, finding life exists even within darkness. He opened them moments later, and made his way to the next car. The dining car was full of possibility, and was still packed even this late at night. A mix of ponies sat dining at the tables on each side, as the waitstaff made their way through. Kaleb made sure to let them pass, and made his way beside the many parents who sat with their kids. He noticed one family, eagerly awaiting their food as the waiter made her way towards them. In those moments, Kaleb noticed that she tripped, trying to balance the tray on her wings. The food went flying, and he reached out to the Force. The family and waiter were amazed that their plates were now floating in the air, held aloft by Kaleb’s outstretched hand. Carefully, he set their order down on their table. “And I believe this is your order.” The family and the waitress laughed, as the dad smiled. “Thank you, kind stranger. We’ve been looking forward to a good meal together for ages.” “You’re welcome,” Kaleb replied. “Family meals are always something to look forward too.” The daughter looked no more than eight, and she passed a note to Kaleb. He opened it, and saw it was addressed to Twilight. Her mom answered his question. “She’s a really big fan. We saw them when we were going from the sleeping cars to here, but she was too shy to approach them.” Although he was slightly concerned the secrecy had been broken, he knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out. And lucky it was just a family rather than a someone more sinister. “I’ll pass on the message. I’m sure Princess Twilight would be more than happy to reply.” He kneeled down to the daughter, using the Force to float a straw into her drink. She giggled, and smiled back at him. Kaleb got up and turned to the waiteress. “Seems like I got here just in time.” “Thanks for saving me back there,” she replied, her blue hair waving slightly as she blushed. “Would you like anything to eat?” “Would it be possible to get it delivered to a compartment?” She nodded. “Then I’ll have a seasoned chicken sandwich with fries and water please. And I’ll throw in a slice of peach pie while I’m at it.” She wrote down the order, and he used her pen to write down the compartment number. “I’ll have that out in a few minutes.” Kaleb nodded and with a quick smile to the family, left the dining compartment. It took about five minutes to make his way back to where Twilight and her friends were. He remembered something that Master Johanna had told him on one of their missions. Never forget while we serve the Republic, the citizens should always be on our minds. Everyone, from the oldest elders to the youngest child. “She always knew what she taught,” Kaleb said to himself. Once he reached the car, he quickly moved to Twilight and Cadance’s compartment, where the rest of the Mane Six were gathered along with A5. Opening the glass door, he handed the note to Twilight and greeted everyone. “Hey everyone. It looks like we’ve been discovered. Though luckily by the right ponies.” Twilight chuckled, handing the note around. “She certainly loves reading, especially poetry. I’ll do her one better, and visit her family in the morning.” “As long as it’s quick, I don’t see why not,” Kaleb replied. He noticed one absence which concerned him. “Where’s Sweetie Belle?” “Oh, I told her we could manage on our own,” Cadance answered, throwing a hoof over to the side. “I think she’s probably with Spike.” “But she’s supposed to be guarding you, specifically this section,” Kaleb added slightly annoyed. “We had an established plan a few hours ago. I need to go find where she is, at least.” He left before any of them could say a word. Meanwhile, in the section by their sleeping compartments, Sweetie Belle sat with Spike. An assortment of papers and books lie across the seats, as they sat opposite from each other. Spike furiously scribbled in answers as Sweetie Belle looked over the book. “Done,” Spike said as he passed in the practice test. “How long will it take you to grade.?” “I haven’t even looked at the first question, give me a few minutes,” she replied, looking over the test. It took her about four minutes to check the answers from the key in the book, marking off any wrong answers. Finally, she handed the test back to him. “Not bad, though you could still use some work on the chemical formulas.” “Noted,” Spike replied, looking over the questions he got wrong. “Thanks for helping me study. These exams coming up are really going to help me out.” She nodded. “Yeah, no problem. When are the entrance exams scheduled for?” “Sometime in September,” he answered. “You probably already know this, but these scores are sent out to schools all over Equestria.” That reminds me, I really need to talk to Rarity about that, and probably Kaleb as well, she thought. “Where are you thinking of going? I thought Twilight was pushing for some up in Canterlot” Spike nodded. “She still is, I think she wants me to be closer to her parents. Personally, I’m hoping for some schools closer to Ponyville, still farther away. That’s where the geology programs are all centered towards.” He turned the question on her. “How about you?” She shrugged. “I really don’t know, though I need to schedule those tests soon. It’s something I need to talk to Kaleb since it could conflict with my training. Rarity would probably want me to go, but I’m not sure if I want to.” “But if you did, what would you want to go into?” he pushed. Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments. “Well, if we’re talking about something which could help my Jedi training, political science or communications. Or maybe something with animals, like zoology or environmental science. But the problem is finding the time.” “That does seem tricky,” Spike added. “Maybe you could do both. Live that double life like a superhero.” Sweetie Belle laughed. He really does know how to cheer me up. “I could. If anything, we could have used the math superpowers years ago.” They chuckled, remembering the upcoming onslaught of schoolwork that awaited them in a few weeks. Spike settled down. “We all have our work cut out for us. Both in school and with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” She nodded. Even though she, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had all gotten their marks a while ago, they all decided to keep it going. “I think we’re helping to organize some of the festivals this year. Maybe even Homecoming if I can convince. Ms. Cheerilee.” “Perfect! That would be a great way to help out those who haven’t found their special talents,” Spike said. “I’ve got some ideas I’ll talk about next meeting.” “Sounds like a date…plan! Sounds like a plan.” She realized her mistake. Darn it! That was close. Spike didn’t seem to pay attention. “We should probably clear out some of these papers.” Just as she was about to help, she heard a knock at the compartment door, seeing Kaleb standing outside the glass. He opened it, looking at them. “So that’s where you are. I’ve been looking all over.” “But it’s late, surely Cadance told you…” She began. “You’re supposed to be guarding her and Twilight, and everything else,” Kaleb interrupted, slightly annoyed. “Why did you go? This isn’t supposed to be a relaxing trip, it’s still a mission…” “If you would just listen to me, I’ll tell you,” Sweetie Belle talked back. “She sent me away, and Spike and I went here…” “And for your information, we weren’t goofing around,” Spike said, clearly flustered at Kaleb’s accusation. “She was helping me study for my big exams coming up next month. And talking about out schoolwork coming up.” Kaleb paused, looking down at all the papers. “The big standardized exams are next month?” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, exhasperated at her Master’s annoyance. “Trust me, you’d be studying like crazy too.” Realizing his mistake, Kaleb sighed. “I guess it’s okay then. But still, you should have told me or at least had chosen a closer compartment to them. We’re still on-duty, and I have to conduct hourly checks on the other compartments and check in with the drivers.” “Have a good study session.” With a nod, he closed the door, going back to his own sitting compartment the next car over. It took him a few minutes before he saw a waiter, handing food in, hearing Starlight’s voice. “Yes, that would be my order, I’ll…” “Be taking that,” Kaleb interrupted, taking the bag from the waiter. “Thank you, and have a good night.” He sat down opposite of Starlight, who was very close to stealing his order. He sighed in frustration, muttering louder than he meant. “Teenagers.” Starlight fixed him with an amused look. “Republic credit for your thoughts?” Kaleb glared at her slightly. “Not exactly in the mood now, Starlight.” “You should cut her at least a little slack,” she said. “She’s seventeen. Do you really think she would be that reckless? What about you at her age?” “Granted, when I was seventeen, I was fighting in a Galactic war, but I never really had a normal adolescence,” Kaleb added with a sigh. “I do suppose I was a little harsh. I trust her, but still she should have at least told me she was studying with Spike.” Starlight nodded, looking at him. “Look, if going off to study with a friend without telling you is teenage rebellion to you, then I don’t know what is.” Even that got a chuckle out of Kaleb, who began to eat his sandwich. Starlight eyed the bag. “Can you at least give me some of your fries?” Kaleb looked at her. “Given you were trying to take that order a few minutes ago, no. I don’t think I will.” He continued eating, but Starlight sensed there was more to that answer than the food. “Kaleb, why don’t you trust me?” He set down the sandwich, fixing her with a look. “Twilight trusts you, and so does everyone else. My feelings are a little more complicated.” He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before starting to speak. “You do know that a few minutes after you escaped, I arrived in my ship, cannons primed and ready to fight whoever was keeping the Mane Six hostage? I know you may mean well now, but that kind of tactic can change someone. I saw it happen during the Clone Wars, and I saw it with the pony I care for.” Starlight looked at him. “You mean Fluttershy?” He nodded. “Both of us were still recovering from the ferocity of Tirek’s attack. Sweetie Belle and I were guarding Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance at the time in a safehouse. Tirek destroyed much of the forest, including habitats where many animals took refuge. A large amount of them died as well. The ones who did survive managed to take shelter in the cottage. When the map called Fluttershy to your village, she was trying to figure out what to do.” The unicorn had a look of guilt on her face as Kaleb continued. “After I arrived at the village, Fluttershy wasn’t the same. There was a lot of trauma combined from those two events, plenty of sleepless nights. But she is recovering on her own, and I cannot be prouder of her. That’s why what she’s working on now is so important to her. It can help be a refuge to any animal in need.” “I’m sorry,” Starlight began. “I never meant to hurt her. Not like that.” “Admitting wrongdoing is the first step to a path of recovery,” Kaleb said. “While I cannot forgive as easily, I understand. It’s going to take time for me to fully trust you, Starlight. That may be the case, but I’m glad you’re on the right track, and in time, we’ll be friends.” Kaleb heard a knock on their door, and opened it to reveal Fluttershy. She stepped in. “Hey, everyone’s about to go to bed. Want to take a break?” “Sure, just hang on one second,” He grabbed the sandwich and drink, handing the bag to Starlight. “You can have half the fries, there’s more than I expected. Leave the box of pie though.” Starlight rolled her eyes. “Alright, Kaleb. If you insist.” She looked at Fluttershy with slight guilt before Kaleb got out of the compartment. It was a short walk, but Fluttershy and Kaleb made it to their sleeping compartment. They both went inside as Kaleb closed the door. It was small, with two bunk beds and a small bathroom. “I’m just going to wash up.” “Cool, I’ll be out her finishing my sandwich.” She closed the bathroom door. As Kaleb continued to eat, he looked out the window at the forest. The dark pines created a reptative display, but sometimes fireflies would pop out. He could even guess there were a few owls out as well. Fluttershy exited the bathroom, wearing red pajamas, and sat next to Kaleb. “Would you mind doing the breathing exercises with me? You look like you need it more than I do.” He did realize the tension in his body. “Sure.” After finishing up the sandwich, he took Fluttershy’s hooves in his hands, and both of them closed their eyes. They began to breathe together, taking slow breaths in and out. It was something that Lyra had talked to her about, and encouraged Kaleb to help out with as well. For the next few minutes, it was silence before opening her eyes. “For the record, Sweetie Belle argued to stay but Cadance wouldn’t let her. A5 was guarding over us the entire time though.” He sighed. “Yeah, I was probably a little harsher than I meant. I was kind of on edge with the change of plans from today which threw everything off. Coming from someone who didn’t have that normal adolescence, it probably sounded hypocritical.” Fluttershy nodded. “Then apologize to her. You won’t get anywhere with teenagers if you don’t allow them a small amount of trust. You should have seen me when I was her age.” “With the amount of posters at your parent’s house? I wouldn’t have believed it myself.” They both laughed, which put Kaleb at ease. “I will, and maybe I’ll give her the pie to help guide the apology. How are the animal sanctuary plans going?” “Fine, despite some technical difficulties,” she explained. “Look, I’ve been thinking a lot about what Cadance said. Has our relationship grown that busy and predictable?” “I’m not sure if I would say that,” Kaleb thought out loud. “Busy, yeah but that’s normal given our schedules. I think predictability is kind of out of the question given the map. You never know when you’re sent off to next.” Fluttershy countered that. “True, but that doesn’t fully count because of our duties. I mean, when is the last time we had a surprise date night?” He couldn’t answer that one. “I guess it’s probably a part of growing into adulthood. Our schedules are not always as it seems But I bet between the two of us, and every animal in the Everfree Forest, we can figure something out.” “Let’s brainstorm tomorrow, I’m tired,” Fluttershy yawned. “We both need less sleepless nights.” A memory popped into Kaleb’s head. “I remember many sleepless nights in that one nature reserve.” Fluttershy’s wing hit his arm, with both an annoyance and a blush. “Save the quips for when I have the blueprints done.” Smiling, Kaleb kissed her cheek. “I’ll probably be another hour or two. I have to patrol again soon and check in with the conductor.” “You do that, and I’ll see you soon.” As Fluttershy nestled in, Kaleb went out into the hallway. Making his way back to the compartment, he saw Starlight had already gone to bed. Sitting down, he finished off the remaining fries while looking out at the window. The terrain had turned into mountains, with the train making its way up the path. He heard a sudden knock. Sweetie Belle was in the doorway. “Twilight and Cadance are in bed, and A5 is with them.” She sighed, about to apologize. “Look, I’m sorry…” Kaleb held up his hand. “I should be the one apologizing. This time, it’s on me. I shouldn’t have been so reactive.” She had a seat opposite of him. “Cadance insisted I go relax, and I couldn’t refuse. Still, Spike and I were close to them in case anything happened.” “She should have told me in that case,” he replied. “In the future, if there’s downtime and you need to study, just let me know and I’ll take care of it. I’m not angry at you, it’s just something to keep in mind.” “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to take them,” Sweetie Belle said. “If I get accepted to these schools, I’m not sure what happens with Jedi training.” “We’ll figure something out,” Kaleb replied. I knew this would come sooner or later. “Your academics are important, Sweetie Belle, and I’ve always tried to work around them so you don’t have to choose. If taking these exams can help increase your knowledge, then that is a good step to take. Knowledge is part of the Jedi way. Let’s just focus on that for now.” She smiled. “Thanks Kaleb,” almost laughing when he offered her the pie. “I swear, what is it with you sharing desserts with me?” “Partially nostalgia for the cinnamon roll, the other part a lesson,” Kaleb answered honestly. “When I was a Padawan, Master Johanna would always insist on eating meals together, including desserts. I think for her, she wanted to share with me that food can have a deep connection to the places we’re protecting. So we never forget why we do this…” “To serve the Republic, and each and every citizen,” Sweetie Belle finished. “And even those outside our reach. You know, I’ve never heard a lot of these food-related stories before.” “There are a ton,” he described. “Especially when Obi-Wan would take me to Dexter’s Diner on Coruscant. So many…” The start of the story was interrupted by a large jolt on the tracks, which echoed its way through the other cars. “A story for another time, perhaps. I guess the mountains are rough territory for trains.” She nodded. “Kaleb, there’s another question I have. Are landslides in Saddle Arabia common?” He thought for a few seconds. “If there’s a large amount of rain in an area, yes. But it also depends on the soil and sand type. Why do you ask?” “Something Spike mentioned was the conditions for the landslide rerouting our train are strange,” she said quickly. “There were no major rainstorms in the area, and the soil wouldn’t seem right. It’s to rocky to fall without the rain.” I trust Spike on the geology, but I’m not sure he’s accurate on the cause. Kaleb looked at her. “Those are strange circumstances. Let’s take a closer look at the map.” Sweetie Belle pulled up the map with the train lines, as well as a map showing the geography of the area. “See, look right her,” she pointed out the area of the landslide. “It’s too rocky for the ground to give way on its own, even without rain.” He nodded. “You’re right. Usually in my experience, the only way those would be coming down is by carefully done explosions. Usually for the sake of mining. Does the map point out any mines in the area?” She took a closer look. “Yeah, but it looks like they’ve been abandoned for years. It could have been an accident…” “Or made to look like one…” Kaleb trailed off, his mind racing. “The only way that was possible if someone knew when our visit was going to be. To cut us off from that route.” “Why would they do that?” Sweetie Belle asked. “If there was going to be an attack, wouldn’t it be easier to use the charges there?” “Unless that wasn’t the intent…” The two of them moved to the window by instinct, just in time to see a large spark fly out from under the rails with a large crack announcing it. “Wait, that was just a fog detector,” Kaleb remembered. “Operators would put the sparkers on the tracks to be triggered by the movement of the wheels before lighted signs. That way, the conductors would be able to see when fog was ahead.” “But wouldn’t it trigger when it hit the front car?” she challenged. “Not unless they’re defective or are remotely triggered.” “And there’s no fog tonight…” Kaleb stood up. “Something doesn’t add up, we need to try and get a signal back to Saddle Arabia.” He moved out of the compartment, with Sweetie Belle in front of him. They moved down the hallway, moving away from the front car to the door. Opening it, Kaleb moved outside with Sweetie Belle staying in the doorway. Taking out the holoprojector, he attempted to get a clear signal out to Saddle Arabia, but alas in the wind and terrain, the attempt resulted in failure. He looked up at the sky quickly, realizing there may be something above before coming back in. “We’re in a dead zone, can’t get a transmission out anywhere.” “Maybe the conductor will know what’s going on,” Sweetie Belle suggested, looking alarmed. “Good thinking,” He took out the comlink, just as Sweetie Belle saw another spark from the window. “This is Kaleb Taymar, do you copy, over? I’m just checking to make sure everything is okay.” There was silence from the other line. “Hello, do you copy? This is Kaleb Taymar…” Both of them could just make out muffled groans from the other end, before a large thud of electronics begin damaged it the signal cut off. Realizing the comm had been smashed, Kaleb looked at her. In those moments, he looked towards the front of the car and her. “I got a bad feeling about this.” With those words, the electric to their car went out, leaving them both in darkness. A moment later, a light popped beside Sweetie Belle as she cast a spell. He indicated quiet, and motioned to get on the ground. The surrounding air echoed in flashes of spells outside. In both of their heads, the same thought popped in. We’re under attack! Moving quickly down the car, Kaleb made his way to the sleeping rooms where the Princesses and Mane Six were located. He put in a rapid series of knocks; a secret code indicating trouble. Before the trip began, Kaleb had instituted a strict security plan with Twilight and Cadance with plans for any kind of assault. The first step of any attack on the train: Barricade their individual rooms in the car, and wait for further updates. As much as he knew Rainbow Dash would want to fight, secrecy took priority. “Padawan, with me.” Kaleb called, as he rushed back to her. Sweetie Belle knew the code: Be on guard for anything. They both knelt down, knowing a plan would have to be formulated quickly. Sweetie Belle had been glancing through the window, looking for signs. “Attacks are concentrated on back of the train, near the dining and cargo cars. No signs of sparks from the tracks.” The sparks are signals, Kaleb realized. “Those were signals, visable from the sky for a staged attack. We need to move back there, keeping hidden for now. Keep an eye on what kind of magic they’re using.” Keeping low to the ground, Kaleb opened the first door, and used the Force to open the other car, rolling with Sweetie Belle behind him. They moved quickly through the first car, sneaking close to the ground. The flashes coming from the outside were the only which illuminated the way. The second car proved to be much of the same. Kaleb signaled for them to stop, and they got beneath a window. “What kind of spells are they using?” Sweetie Belle cast an identifier charm, her horn glowing. “It’s hard to tell; distance is too far. But I think they might be after something.” She indicated to the various cabinets and drawers in the car which had been taken out. A train robbery. Makes sense, given the secrecy and Saddle Arabia’s history with valuables. He nodded. “It looks like we’re going to have to confront them head-on. They’re coming in from the sky.” In that moment, Kaleb sensed an incoming projectile coming from the open window, landing on the floor between the two of them and beeping loudly. “Down, now!” It was only a few seconds too late as the detonater went off with a large bang. Sweetie Belle flew through the air, hitting the door hard. Kaleb went in the opposite direction, rolling and opening the door to clear the smoke. As he meant to hit the railing, a pegasus slammed him into the next car, separating master and apprentice. Kaleb rolled to the ground of the dining car as the door slammed shut, his opponent facing him front and center. The pegasus had a short blue mane tucked in as she taunted him. “You’re mine now. Looks like your runt will have to fend for herself.” “You’ll regret saying that soon enough,” Kaleb replied, turning to face her as she moved to assault him. Not having time to draw his blade., he knew that hand-to-hoof combat was the only way. He blocked her punches, disarming them to the side as she pushed him down the cart. With a roundhouse kick, she got him in the ribs, throwing him into the bar in the side, glasses shattering. Remembering his training from Master Johanna, he continued the Soresu technique, even without his lightsaber. Allow your opponent to tire themselves out, and at the right opportunity, strike. It had been a while since he had fought this way, as his technique was sloppier than usual. Flash would be a good sparring partner to talk to. As he noticed a moment of weakness in her wing, he used footwork to switch sides, putting him on the offensive. Using a quick combination of jabs, he disarmed her just as she was about to take out a knife, and used the Force to push her against the wall. She fell back, dazed. He took out his lightsaber, kneeling right beside her. “Don’t move, or I’ll be forced to kill you. This weapon provides a painful death, What are you planning, and where are the rest of your conspirators?” Her eyes grew wide as she began to talk quickly. “We’re hired to rob the passengers, and get their valubles in the freight car. Don’t kill me, they just hired me for this job.” He pressed the question. “Who hired you?” She tried to distract him by moving her head to the side, and trying to tackle him, but it didn’t work. Kaleb took notice, and quickly used the Force to put her to an unconscious sleep, holding his hand above her head. He stood up. That will subdue her for a while, need to get to the freight car. He heard bangs from the other car, as Sweetie Belle must have been engaged in magical combat. She’ll have to hold her own for a bit longer, the door’s magically shut. He began to run to the other end of the car, as he sprinted down the next few cars, moving to the freight car. Scared passengers gazed at him, their doors locked as they were magically sealed in by the robbers. “Don’t worry, I give you my word I will protect you. As a Jedi Knght.” He called, locking eyes with the families. They seemed assured by his words, as thoughts raced through his head. She didn’t need to give away her employer, I saw the symbol on her necklace. Or it’s what she wants me to think. Reaching out to the Force around him, he sensed the opponents were in the next car. Freight cars have a small balcony on each end. Perhaps if I make my way through the top window, I can surprise them. Using the Force to push the door of the car open, he jumped, making his way through the top window and rolling silently in. Below him, he saw armored ponies trying to crack the safes below. He jumped down, landing on the ground with a loud thud. “Hello there.” Immediately, ponies began to attack him. There were about fifteen in the car, but it was the weapons that surprised him. Not just blasters, but vibroswords and electrowhips. All from his galaxy. Kaleb withdrew his lightsaber, igniting it as they began to fire. He blocked each of the bolts, standing his ground. Not being able to move forward was his disadvantage, as well as the small space. He only took out one of the thieves with blasters before the others attacked. How the hell did they get those weapons? Kaleb thought, knowing that construction was difficult or nearly impossible. There was no time to think, only act. Vibroblade met lightsaber, and the ultrasonic vibrations blocked the plasma blade, much to Kaleb’s surprise. The unicorns wielded the swords, swinging and jabbing in an unpredictable manner. This forced him on the defense, using simple blocks and stances to hold his own. Normally, he would be able to use the Force, but the location put that at a disadvantage. The car was small and narrow, where concentrated use of the techniques would be the only thing to have worked. This required more concentration, and for Kaleb, fending off the vibroweapons and blasters was difficult enough. Using a creative use of technique and footwork, he disarmed the four ponies of their blades and killed them on the spot. Rushing forward, he encountered the ultrasonic vibrations on their staffs, which deactivated his lightsaber in his tracks. Kaleb swore as he realized the weapons had a cortosis-weave, rendering lightsaber blades useless. Karabast, no time to think. He used the Force to push his opponents backwards as he backflipped through the air, rolling as he grabbed the vibrosword, activating it. Dashing forward and dodging blaster bolts, he used the sword one-handed against the three ponies with staffs. It was a smart technique, where he would continue to force them into positions that would block the blaster fire, knowing there was a chance they would hit their own. Flash drilled him in one-handed blade combat, often sparring when visiting Ponyville. This allowed him to keep shifting positions, moving in a faster manner than a two-handed approach would allow. As vibroblade met vibroblade, a growling could be heard as the stress on the blade grew only more. Kaleb quickly used jabs to deliver pressure points near the wings of the pegasus, as they fell while separating them from their weapons. As all three fell, he moved forward only to be stopped by blaster fire. The thieves had positioned themselves outside of his range, as Kaleb prepared to use the Force to reveal them. Just as he was about to, one of the pegasus snuck behind him, and struck him in the back of the head with the vibrostaff. The ultrasonic vibrations always had a stronger effect when hitting the head or spine, and Kaleb’s knees buckled. Using this moment as an opportunity, the rest drew forward, using their electrowhips to try and grab his limbs. One wrapped around his left hand, as he pulled the user forward before it could be activated. This worked, as he grabbed his lightsaber with his free hand, intending on cutting it before the activation. It activated just as the blue blade was inches from it. Even trained Jedi masters had difficulty with whips; he hadn’t encountered one since a mission long ago during the Clone Wars. Kaleb resisted the jolt of electricity, intending to attack his opponent behind him, but another whip went around his hand and activated. He kicked and buckled, trying to use the small space to his advantage, but the final whip wrapped around his neck. All three activated their charge at the same time, as the pressure on his nervous system folded. He dropped to his knees, bending over in pain. A voice popped into his head of Anakin telling him his story of being in the same position. Kaleb looked upward, as it appeared the head of the group in the car moved forward. “Pathetic. You couldn’t even stop us when you’re at your peak.” “Fear and intimidation will not scare me easily,” Kaleb replied, his voice defiant despite the choking strain on his vocal chords. “You will not succeed, no matter what pain you reign upon me.” He snorted. “Be my guest then.” Just as he was about to use a vibro-dagger against Kaleb, the door slammed open. Kaleb immeditally recognized who it was, but the others didn’t. “Care to join him in a painful death?” She didn’t respond as the door slammed shut, bringing them back into darkness. Within a moment, a blade of green ignited, illuminating Sweetie Belle in the lightsaber’s light. Her eyes flashed with concentration. “Let my master go!” They began to fire, as she attacked, blocking the blasters. Using the distraction, Kaleb pulled on the whips, forcing them loose as he freed himself. Activating his lightsaber, he stabbed the nearest one, while knocking the other two out with the Force. Sweetie Belle dodged the attacks of the staff, weaving with her own technique before finding her opening. She used the Force to push him into the wall, and magic to blind him. He lunged at her, and reacting by instinct, not intent, she killed him with a blow to the stomach. Kaleb had already moved forward, and killed the remaining attackers before moving back to his apprentice, who was staring at the body before her. “I didn’t mean to kill him…I was going to disarm, but it went so fast…” She explained, a slight sense of guilt in her voice. Kaleb realized this was the first time she had to kill. He thought quickly, knowing how the wrong words and actions had driven his sense of guilt down a dark path. “Death, of any kind, should not be taken lightly, or celebrated,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t kill unless there is no other option, and even then, exhaust every option. But sometimes, it is a necessary choice to defend those we hold to our hearts.” Sweetie Belle smiled, hugging him briefly and remembering why she held him close. He’s always protected me and cares, but never shields me from the reality. Making sure I grow as a Jedi and as a pony. “It’s still disturbing though, promise me we’ll talk about it later. “We will,” he promised. “But for now, we still have more to protect. I’m sensing a large magical power in the next car.” “That must be the head spellcaster,” she realized. “I can hold them off, but not for long.” Kaleb nodded, sensing two additional pegasus coming in from the sky. “It looks like we have company?” She moved forward to the other door, as he used the Force to push open the window on the ceiling, as wind began to blow in. “Wait! How long do you want me to hold them off? And how are you going to get back down. What’s the plan?” He didn’t respond, only let out a small smile that could be categorized as a smirk. Sweetie Belle was frusterated with that response. “So, no plan?” He only gave her a look, and just as she was about to move forward to ask him again, he jumped out of the car. “I hate it when he does that.” Kaleb grabbed handle of the door as it slammed shut, the wind moving rapidly across his robes. He saw the railings on the roof. I should be able to get across this car and the next from here. Need to avoid detection from the spellcaster. His thoughts were interrupted from the two pegasus flying down, firing blasters at him. Deflecting the bolts with the Force, he began to crawl forward on the roof, slowly making his way across the car. His opponents couldn’t get on the roof either, so they were restricted to flying by. It was a slow process stretching over minutes, but he finally got to the other car, only to notice it shaking from the battle of spellcasters. I’ll have to thank Twilight for giving her those lessons in magical combat. Moving quickly, he noticed one pegasus coming around the other side. Igniting his lightsaber, Kaleb, waited until the first was just about level with him before attacking. Killing the first with a quick blow, he felt the call of the Force alert him. The second jumped down in front of him, with the intent to tackle. He rolled to the side of the car, avoiding the blasters just barely, barreling over the edge and holding on just by one hand. The wind almost whipped Kaleb’s cloak out from him, every thread threatening to blow away. Brace for the impact and wait, this is going to be trickjy. Kaleb bent his knees and braced against the side of the car. Just as the other pegasus was about to attack him again, he pushed outward and leapt using the Force. Landing just in front of his opponent, Kaleb let the momentum of the train move him as the lightsaber stabbed below the ribs. As his opponent lost his grip and fell off the car, Kaleb continued moving forward after deactivating his lightsaber, hearing the rumble of blaster fire and spells below. Just hold on Sweetie Belle. Meanwhile, as the minutes drew by, Sweetie Belle was engaged with her own battle with the rival magician. It was more than a battle of spells and hexes, but one of concentration and focus. They continued to fire off spells at each other, his trenchcoat resistant against the magic. It didn’t help that beside the magician, there was another pony with a blaster cannon. Firing off rapidly, it had forced her to take cover under a cabinet Damn it, hurry up Kaleb. Sweetie Belle thought. He’s trying to break my concentration. It was an effective strategy; use the cannon to move her into a defensive position, making her shifting physical locations while trying to fend off attacks from an experienced magician. Thinking on the fly, she noticed the various trunks that still lay about the car, along with the safe set up behind her. Why the heck would they need a cannon to break a safe in the first place? And more importantly, why bring one in the first place? Setting her mind to work, she used the Force, reaching out to the space around her. Use the terrain to your advantage. She rolled forwards, pushing the trunks through the air as projectiles while shifting to an offensive position, firing spells at the magician. The magician cast a shield charm, with the other opponent blasting the trunks out of existence, including one with an explosive material. It went off with a bang. Training kicked in as she flipped back away from the blast zone, taking shelter and clutching her robe to her mouth to avoid dangerous fumes. Just as she was about to think of another strategy, she sensed a presence right outside the car. Using the Force without delay, she opened the sliding doors to her right, as the three ponies were greeted a Jedi Master. The engine of the speeder bike roared, the brown frame illuminated by the lights in the car and the small headlamp on the front. Kaleb threw his blade, killing the pony operating the blaster cannon as Sweetie Belle overwhelmed the magician, knocking him out. Moving the bike closer, he yelled to Sweetie Belle. “Hop on!” She ran, jumping out of the car and right behind Kaleb. Strapping in the safety belt, she tapped his shoulder and he revved the bike forward, flying past the other cars. “Did you even have a plan when you jumped to the roof?” Sweetie Belle asked. “More or less,” he explained. “Those two gave me more difficulty than I expected. Why was there a blaster cannon in that car?” “I think they were trying to open the safe,” Sweetie Belle yelled out in the wind. “It’s one of the most magically protected ones I’ve seen. You need more than strong spells to break the combination.” Kaleb nodded. “Right now, we’re going to the engine car. Whoever took control might still be there, or fled in the process.” They got closer and closer to the car, and Sweetie Belle’s mind was racing. With those weapons, it was more of a battlefield than a robbery. What could have been so important to have brought all of that? The engine car was just in front of them. Kaleb reached down, grabbing a grappling hook. “Use your magic to hook us to the car just behind it. We can jump from there.” Sweetie Belle nodded, concentrating on the balcony in the front of the car. A purple glow illuminated the hook, and she attached it to the railing, making sure it was secure and with slack. Kaleb moved the tethered speeder forward until it was just level with the engine car balcony, while Sweetie Belle undid the safety belt. “Jump!” With that direction, Kaleb and Sweetie jumped onto the platform, as he used to Force to push the door open. There was no sign of the thieves who attacked the train, only the body of the conductor and the broken comlink. He knelt down, examining the body while taking the remains of smashed electronics. “Kaleb, the brake is gone.” Sweetie Belle pointed to the direction of where the brake used to be, now pulled out and damaged beyond repair. He looked out of the windshield of the train, now rapidly getting faster, to see a long bridge crossing a giant chasm.. “Oh shit…” Sprinting to the balcony, he used his lightsaber to cut the connection to the rest of the cars. “Jump!” Sweetie Belle followed him, landing hard on the gravel slope that acted as slide. Rolling, she noticed Kaleb hitting the ground with too much momentum, the roll dislocating his shoulder and ankle. He strugged to regain his balance and used his hands to try and slow down. Quickly, she used a spell to catch him before he fell from the edge, using that magic to get him secure. Twilght and Cadance had managed to stop the rest of the cars using their magic, as the alicorns flew about two hundred feet back. Both of them made it up to the tracks, as Sweetie Belle looked at him. “Steeper fall than expected.” “Thanks for that, I owe you one…” he said, grateful. “But negotiations can be talked about later.” She and Kaleb both looked towards the front car of the train, now going over the bridge fifty feet from them. She let out a chuckle. “At least wait until you’re healed until you start making…” He sensed it mere milliseconds before Sweetie Belle, and barely had time to give notice. Multiple explosions rocked the bridge, from every inch of the tracks to the frame itself. It was as intense as lightning, letting off a large flash, followed by the roar which deafened all in its path. The impact after the sound was a fireball and smoke careening through the sky, followed by shockwaves which shook the ground, letting out wind and debrise. Kaleb threw himself in front of his apprentice, determined to protect whatever was to happen. Sweetie Belle, in turn, cast a shield charm, which was broken by the sheer power of the blast. A Master and Apprentice, both close and willing to put themselves on the line to save each other. First, Johanna and Kaleb. Now, Kaleb and Sweetie Belle. In the minutes that the smoked cleared, Kaleb’s hearing was still fuzzy, but his vision recovering. He noticed Sweetie Belle passed out from exhaustion, only to regain consciousness a few moments later. She got up slowly, pointing to the bridge before laying back down. As he noticed the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike running towards them, he looked out at the scene before him. The bridge was obliterated, not a single piece left from the blast. The scorched trees closest to the blast zone on fire. And the engine car now lay at the bottom of the chasm, its corpse letting out the last dying breaths of smoke steadily into the sky.