//------------------------------// // A Chaotic Scarf // Story: Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension // by GeekCat //------------------------------// A green unicorn whistled a merry tune as he walked down the hall, carrying a pile of books in his magic. Things were going his way today—then again, they seemed to go his way every day! Professor Apple Bloom had given them an extension on the potions homework, which meant he could fix his assignment a bit more, he had caught a flyer in the wind for a play that he was sure Mandible would enjoy...and now, he was going to Professor Belle's sewing class, but with Professor Fluttershy acting as a substitute! Yes, things were going well for Lucky Clover. He kept whistling as he headed to class. The shortcut he took would make him a few minutes early, but it never hurt to be so. Besides, Professor Fluttershy was one of the best teachers—maybe she'd let him work on his project for Professor Belle before class, or quickly tell him some interesting advice or animal facts. With that in mind, he smiled and opened the door to the classroom...though what he saw made him blink in surprise, his magic flickering enough that his books fell to the ground. Lucky Clover stared blankly at the scene in front of him. Professor Fluttershy was sitting at the teacher's desk, looking at papers—not surprising, as she always tried to prepare before teaching a class. And seeing animals wrapped around her or perching on her shoulders wasn't exactly uncommon, either. What was odd was that instead of any of her usual animals, her husband was wrapped around her. His head was laid on top of hers, his eyes half-lidded and sleepy. His hands gripped her shoulders, though his arms had looped around her torso. His serpentine body was coiled around hers, and...Clover glanced at his professor's back hooves. Discord's tail had wrapped around one of them. While he was still processing this, Professor Fluttershy glanced up. "Oh, hello, Clover!" she said cheerfully. "You can have a seat early, if you'd like. I'm just looking over the lesson plan." "Um...thank you," he said. His horn flared with magic, and he picked up his books and headed to his desk...though he glanced nervously at the draconequus. Their eyes met for a second, and Clover felt a shiver go down his spine. He wasn't that scared of Discord, and on most days, he convinced himself that what had happened that one frightening night was just a dream...though it was hard to shake off the uneasiness he felt around him. Discord glanced away a second later, closing his eyes as though bored. Clover sagged in relief as he plopped into his chair...though he still shot nervous glances at the draconequus. He tried to sew a bit of his project for Professor Belle, but he kept shooting confused and nervous glances at the draconequus wrapped around their substitute teacher. And she was still sitting there, casually reading the lesson plan as though he wasn't even there! One by one, more of his classmates entered, each of them pausing in the doorway and staring at Discord. Professor Fluttershy happily greeted each of them as though nothing odd was happening, and everyone settled in their seats, confused looks on their faces. "Is this normal?" Mandible whispered as he took a seat next to Clover. Everyone shook their heads, and whispering began—wondering why Discord was in their classroom, and why Professor Fluttershy hadn't introduced him. An idea sparked in Clover's mind. "Maybe she doesn't know he's there," he said. "I mean, he has powerful magic...surely he could make himself invisible to certain ponies, or just seem like a normal scarf." "But why would he hide himself from her?" Mandible pointed out. "And why wouldn't he make himself seem like a normal scarf to the rest of us?" Though no one could answer Mandible's questions, the whispering continued. Everyone agreed that even though it had too many holes, Clover's explanation was, so far, the best they had thought of. There was a little more discussion, but no one could agree on any other explanation. Their conversations slowly reached their end as the classroom filled up. Clover put his project away, taking his seat just as the first bell rang. Professor Fluttershy's ears flicked up, and she stood up, turning her attention to them. "Good morning, class," she said with a smile. "Today, we'll be knitting a scarf!" The class murmured, their interest piqued. "Of course, you don't have to finish it today! A scarf can take a lot of work, and a lot of time. So don't feel like you have to rush." A young Griffin slowly raised one of her claws. "Professor Shy?" she said. "What does knitting have to do with friendship?" "I'm glad you asked," Professor Fluttershy said as she set a box of knitting needles and a pile of yarn on her desk. "A scarf could be a gift for a friend—something you made yourself, something from the heart. So, while you're working, I'd like you all the think of someone you'd like to give this scarf to." She smiled and reached up to rub Discord between his ears. "And...if your scarf is long enough, two creatures might be able to share it, if they're very close to each other." Clover could pick up the faint sound of the draconequus purring. He exchanged a glance with a few of his friends. She totally knows he's there, they all thought at once. She wouldn't pet a normal scarf like that. "Now, could you all please come up in an orderly line?" she said. Discord stuck out his tongue. "You can choose a pair of needles and a color of yarn—once everyone has some, I'll show you all how to get started." Clover slowly got in line with everyone else. Though he had ended up in the back, there was still a ball of the mint green yarn he had been hoping to use. He grabbed that and a pair of knitting needles, then went back to his desk. He watched as everyone else got their supplies. A few creatures paused, opening their mouths as though to ask Professor Fluttershy a question, but then stopped and walked away. "Is everyone ready?" Professor Fluttershy said once the last creature took their seat. She smiled and picked up a ball of yarn and needles. "Good. Now, to start knitting..." The class seemed to just fly by. Though Clover wasn't terribly skilled at knitting, none of his stitches were horrible...and the mare next to him, who did know how to knit, quietly offered a few pointers when Professor Fluttershy wasn't nearby. Professor Fluttershy patrolled through the classroom, pausing at desks to either compliment creatures' work, or to help them fix a few things. Discord's tail and legs dragged along the floor behind her, not enough to slow her down, but enough to make a somewhat distracting scraping sound. His ears twitched as the scraping sound got louder, and he looked up just in time to see her approaching. "Do you mind if I see your scarf, Clover?" she asked. "No, not at all," he said, holding it out to her with his magic. His eyes flicked to Discord, who currently had his chin and hands propped on top of Professor Fluttershy's head. She looked over the scarf, smiling and nodding. "This looks good," she said. "A few of your loops look a little tight, though—make sure to not pull too hard when you're finishing them." "Got it," he said, bringing it back to the surface of his desk. "Any tips for how to know when I should stop pulling?" "Well...it's easier to demonstrate, really," she said. Discord shifted, and his tail placed an unfinished swatch and a pair of needles into her front hoof. She blinked, opening her mouth for a second, then closing it. "Um...here," she said, grasping the needles. She began to knit more stitches into the swatch, pointing out what to watch, and the points where she liked to stop tightening and move onto the next stitch or row. "...I think I get it now," Clover said with a nod. He tried not to stare at Discord, who took the needles and swatch away from Professor Fluttershy when her demonstration was over. "Thank you, Professor." "Anything else?" she asked. Yes—why are you acting like having him wrapped around you is normal!? he thought. His mouth opened, and he was seconds away from blurting it out. Both Professor Fluttershy and Discord kept their eyes on him, looking at him in an almost...expecting way. He didn't know how to feel about that. He slowly closed his mouth. "No...I think I'm good," he said slowly, still casting a confused glance at Discord. "...alright," Professor Fluttershy said. She turned and headed to the next student that needed her help, leaving Clover to work on his scarf. Clover frowned, his needles continuing to click together (though now his stitches looked much better). He just didn't get it...maybe he should have asked, but his gut feeling told him not to. The whole thing was so...odd. He whispered with a few of his classmates as he worked, trying to come up with a new theory or explanation. But this time, no one could seem to think of anything. The bell rang, making everyone suddenly shoot up and out of their seats. "Everyone, please put your scarves with the rest of your projects!" Professor Fluttershy reminded them. "And have a great day!" Several students returned the sentiment as they put their unfinished scarves away, gathered their things, and headed to the door. Clover did the same, pausing and wondering once again if he should ask about Discord...but decided against it, instead turning and heading outside. "So, this is your free period, right?" Mandible asked once they were in the hallway. "What are you gonna do now?" Clover shrugged. "Go outside, I think. Maybe I can find another four-leaf clover to add to my collection." "It's only the beginning of spring," Mandible said. "I doubt there are many clovers around yet...but knowing you, you'll probably trip and fall right into a whole patch of them." Clover chuckled and nodded. The two of them parted ways, and Clover turned, about to head towards a door leading outside, but spied a water fountain close by. Wouldn't hurt to get a drink, he thought to himself. And so, he made a quick detour, bending his neck to drink the cold, refreshing water. As he finished and lifted his head, he suddenly heard...voices. Voices that were coming right from the classroom he had just exited, voices that belonged to Professor Fluttershy and...Discord. The possibility of getting answers was too tempting. He slowly crept towards the barely ajar door, stopping once he was close enough to clearly hear what Professor Fluttershy was saying. "Alright, alright," she said with a sigh. "You won the bet." "I told you," Discord's voice said smugly. "Creatures are more likely to simply ignore something than ask what's up with odd things! That's why I need to go the extra mile for chaos—to make things so out of the ordinary that they have to ask what in the cosmos is going on!" She giggled. "I suppose I should have known better than to tangle with the master of randomness." Clover slowly peeked inside through the tiny crack between door and wall. Discord was still wrapped around Professor Fluttershy, though he looked less sleepy and more smug now. "We could keep going," Discord said, shifting his coils. "See if anyone else in another class asks." "Are we going to add up the classes, and whoever wins more rounds wins the bet?" she asked. "Or were you thinking that every class someone doesn't ask about you means one more lullaby for you?" Clover rose an eyebrow. A lullaby? Was that really what they were betting on? "Oh, the second, of course," Discord said. "You know that I love hearing your sweet voice! The more times I can, the better." She giggled, reaching up to rub behind his ear. "Well...I suppose it wouldn't hurt," she said. "Besides, maybe I'll win at least once if we keep going." "Heh, we'll just see," he said, leaning into her touch. His paw looped around her front before holding itself out to her. "Deal?" "Deal," she said, grasping his paw and shaking it. "Now, why don't we do a little knitting of our own?" Clover blinked, slowly backing away before turning and walking down the hall. At least I know what was going on with them, now, he thought to himself. A bit...anti-climactic, though. Still, at least he was lucky enough to have overheard their conversation. And perhaps at lunch, he could tell his friends what he had seen, so then everyone in the class could know. He smiled a bit at that thought and continued onwards, heading for the courtyard.