Multiverse Hearts Volume 1: MLP World: Seasons 1-3

by RainbowRaptorDash1

Episode 1: The Reunion and Introductions

In the world of My Little Pony, in the night, with the full moon up high, with the picture of a mare's head, at the peaceful and happy town of Ponyville, the most friendliest place in Equestria on the planet Equuis, we see a giant cloud house up in the sky, having rainbow rivers, the mane logo (Pardon the pun), a cloud with a lightning bolt colored red, yellow and blue, and an upside-down star on the head of a dragon. It was the home of the fraternal twin foster-siblings, Rainbow Dash, a pegasus mare with rainbow-colored mane, cyan-colored coat, and the same cloud logo as her cutie mark, and Raptor, a rather strange dragon.

Raptor started out as a baby dragon with no wings, but able to fly a bit, was found and taken in by RD's parents and hatched the same day as Rainbow Dash was born. But as he grew, his blue colors grew darker and he became more of a speed demon like RD, performing a mythical event called "The Sonic Drakeboom," a sonic boom done by a dragon, summoning the spirit of a dragon to roar proudly and ferociously, echoing over the whole planet, maybe farther, along with Rainbow Dash performing the Sonic Rainboom, combination of a Sonic Boom and a Rainbow, causing the little drake to change physically, growing taller, changing his arms, and making his tail longer. A bit less than a year ago from now, he was taken on an adventure and changed again, getting spikes on his arms and legs, growing tall and longer, got a yellow area, and a yellow upside-down star appeared on his missile-shaped forehead, probably his cutie mark, even though he felt like he knew he found his talent when performing a Sonic Drakeboom when he was a small dragon.

He and his sister were sleeping peacefully, everyone in Ponyville was. But then Raptor had a strange dream; He was on a ground island, floating in space, bathed in sunlight. Not knowing what was going on, he decided to look around.

"Okay, no more laying around and time to find out what the hay is going on!" Raptor declared.

He flew from island to island, until finding one that was bathed in sunlight the most and had a tree growing beautifully. He landed and found someone; a turtle tortoise, an elderly one by the look of things, and he was standing on his two back legs, carrying some sort of emerald staff in his two front ones.

"Ah... You have arrived." The tortoise said.

"You brought me here?! If you did anything to RD or any of my friends I will-" Raptor threatened in anger as he was cut off but the tortoise.

"Calm yourself. You are only dreaming." The tortoise said in a soothing voice. Raptor couldn't help himself but listen to him and calmed down.

"Okay. If I'm dreaming, why am I here?" Raptor asked.

"Because... It will soon be time." The tortoise answered.

"For what?" Raptor asked, not getting the answer.

"For you... To reunite with your brothers and sister." The tortoise said as he showed images of a blue lizard, a blue canine, and a green owl (which changed from green to red, indicating a strange ability the owl has) much to Raptor's shock, surprise and disbelief.

"WHAT?! What about RD!?" Raptor asked worried.

"Do not worry, if you see Rainbow Dash as your sister, then she is." The tortoise said, much to Raptor's relief.

"But... Where do I find them?" Raptor asked curiously and sadly.

"They are not in this world. But there is a way... High in the sky, far above Ponyville, there is a glimmer of light that will open the gateway to my home." The tortoise explained.

"I'll go there, first thing in the morning. Name's Raptor. What's yours?" Raptor asked.

"My name is Oogway." Oogway said.

"Well, thanks for telling me this." Raptor said with gratitude.

"You are welcome. Besides, it is time to wake up. And please, give my regards to Princess Celestia." Oogway said, confusing Raptor.

"Say what now?" Raptor asked as cherry blossom petals started flowing around him, completely covering his line of sight.

"(Gasp!)" Raptor gasped as he woke up, wide awake, as Celestia's sun started to rise. He knew what he need to do. He tried to wake up Rainbow Dash, but since they were both "Greatest Nappers of all time," she was out cold. So Raptor decided to leave a note. After writing down and leaving that note somewhere his sister can easily find it, he went outside to fly far high above Ponyville, finding that glimmer of light.

"Bingo!" Raptor said determined as the glimmer cracked, then split open, turning into a portal. Surprised, but undeterred, he went in, with the portal closing as it glowed incredibly bright, the light spreading throughout Equuis.

After the light faded, Rainbow Dash woke up, giving out a yawn as she got off her bed and stretched. She went out her room, realizing her brother wasn't up yet, smiling mischievously, decided to scare him awake in his bed. She went in quietly, only to find, to her surprise and disappointment, her brother not there.

"What the? Hey, Raptor! Where'd you go?" RD called, getting no response. She started to laugh nervously as she kept looking.

"Hehehe, good one, bro. Okay, you got me. You can come out now... Raptor?" Rainbow Dash called out, more worried this time, still getting no response. She got more scared by the second.

"Come on, Raptor, you're really starting to scare me. Raptor..." Rainbow Dash called out one last time, for the last time, no response whatsoever. She was really starting to lose it as she began searched quickly and franticly around and throughout the house.

"RAPTOR!!!" RD shouted out, terrified of what might have happened to him. But when something caught her eye, she stopped. It was a note, written by Raptor, much to Rainbow Dash's relief as she sighed heavily. She began to read it, but her eyes shot out, shocked, when she saw what the letter said.

Hey, RD
I'm gonna be heading out for a while, don't know when I'll be back. You won't believe what happened to me last night. While I was snoozing, I met this weird turtle guy named "Oogway" and he told me that I have 2 brothers and a sister. I know, I couldn't believe it either, but I couldn't help but trust him. So I'm gonna find them. Don't worry Rainbow, I still think of you as my sister, so it just means our family got bigger. So, I'll see you later.

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes, Raptor had other siblings, and he didn't even know it. She felt sorry for him, since he didn't meet them once. But she felt really happy when Raptor wrote that Rainbow will always be his sister, no matter what, letting a few tears spill from her eyes. Normally, she would deny it and say something got her acting sappy or something was in her eye, but since nopony was around, she let them fall.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot Castle, a tall alicorn with flowing aurora-colored mane, wearing a golden crown, necklace, and golden royalty slippers. It was Princess Celestia, the kind, passionate, and powerful princess and ruler of Equestria. After raising the sun, Princess Celestia noticed the flash of light and smiled as she said, knowing, "You're finally able to see the rest your family, Raptor. I wish you good luck, and hope that you come back. Thank you, for telling him, Oogway."

A blue canine's red eyes shot open, wide awake. He still remembered that dream; finding that tortoise beastkin, who was an old friend of Master Jubei, to his surprise and confusement, being told that he has three older siblings and that they were in different worlds. This canine beastkin was known as Soulfire Nanaya, the fraternal twin brother of the human-squirrel beastkin hybrid, Makoto Nanaya. His fighting attacks were as hard as steel, being able to sense the aura of others and use his own aura to attack his foes. The beastkin works at Sector 7 with his sister and Makoto's best friend, Noel Vermillion spying on N.O.L. and Relius for Kagura Mutsuki and Kokonoe Mercury. He knew that he might need some help finding them, so he decided to wake Makoto up. When he went into her room, Soulfire saw her sister, a girl with squirrel-like ears and a squirrel-like tail, wearing orange and black pajamas, still sleeping, out cold too. He decided to do something that was sure to wake her up. He bent over and whispered something.

"Kagura's trying to touch you again." Soulfire whispered into his sisters ear, making her wake up with anger.

"WHERE IS HE?! WHEN I FIND HIM, I'M GONNA-!" Makoto shouted with fury before her brother tried to calm her down.

"Sorry, Makoto, that was a lie. I needed to do something to wake you up." Soulfire said, getting punched in the face. He rubbed his sore cheek as he saw Makoto's glare from her eyes.

"Look, I need to talk to you about something. But let's get ready first." Soulfire said more clearly, helping Makoto calm down.

Later, after they got dressed and had some breakfast, Makoto asked Soulfire what was going on. Soulfire told his sister about the situations, much to Makoto's shock and surprise.

"WHAT?! You have olders brothers and an older sister!? And they're in different worlds?!" Makoto asked, completely caught off guard by the news.

"Yes. And this tortoise beastkin known as 'Oogway,' said there is one place to find the gate to help us find my siblings. But you're not gonna like the answer." Soulfire said with concern.

"Where is the portal? I wanna help you in any way I can. Besides, I'm really happy that you still think of me as your sister, even though I not related to you." Makoto said being loyal to her brother.

"Thanks. But do you really wanna know where he told me to find it?" Soulfire asked for confirmation from his sister to have the answer to her question.

"Yeah! I mean, what could possibly be bad about that?" Makoto asked.

Later, at this location...

"You kidding me? The Cauldron?!" Makoto asked annoyed, regretting her previous question.

"I'm serious. C'mon." Soulfire answered, unfazed.

But as they went near the Kiln, a glimmer of light began to crack in the air, creating a portal, sucking up the two beastkin.

"We just HAD to come here!" Makoto deadpanned.

"It's the only way to find them. I just hope we can find a way back." Soulfire said.

"Yeah! Me too! No-" Makoto agreed as she was cut off by being fully sucked into the portal with Soulfire.

As the portal closed, a huge flash of light shined over the entire planet, getting everyone's attention.

A blonde girl, wearing a blue suit with pistols in their holsters realized what that flash was about as she said, "Makoto..."

A red-cloaked man with white hair, a green eye and a red eye, and carrying a huge sword noticed the flash too, catching his curiosity. "Hmm?..."

A cat beastkin known as Jubei, one of the six heroes, knew what the cause of that light was.

"So, kid... You finally decided to go back to your home to see your family, huh, Soulfire? Strange timing as always, Oogway." Jubei said as he walked off.

At China, on Earth, in the Valley of Peace, a blue lizard, shaped like a chameleon, called someone to bring everyone to the Jade Palace, for that he has some important news. It was Chameleo, a heroic Inteleon who was born in and came from the Pokemon Ninja Village hidden in the Mist, in the Water Kingdom, which the village happened to be next to the Valley of Peace. He wrote a letter for his big sister, Owleta, to asked if she knew about something, and sent Zeng the Goose, the messenger, to deliver to her. Last night, while sleeping, he unknowingly met up with Master Oogway, surprised and happy that he was told by him that he had two younger brothers, and they were coming from their adoptive worlds to see him. He thanked his master as he began to wake up, leading up to now. As he met up with the others, the Furious Five, Master Shifu, and Po, the Dragon Warrior, came outside to him as from earlier, Master Shifu and Viper, a close friend of Chameleo, were asked to wake up and bring out the other kung fu masters in the Jade Palace, for he had something important to tell everyone.

After Chameleo told his team the news, everyone was shocked that he talked to Master Oogway last night, but they, except Master Shifu, were more shocked about the existence of his brothers. "You have WHAT?!" They asked, caught completely off guard by the discovery.

"Two younger brothers; a Garchomp and a Lucario from the looks of it." Chameleo answered. He noticed Master Shifu unsurprised by the news. "Master Shifu, you knew about this?" He asked his kung-fu master.

"Yes, I did." Master Shifu answered, much to everyone's shock, except Chameleo.

"You said nothing about it. But I understand why you did that. You wanted to help keep them safe. As much as I'm happy to finally see them, I'm just as or more than glad that they're okay. So thank you, Master Shifu." Chameleo explained and thanked Master Shifu as he bowed respectfully to his teacher, helping Shifu smile at the kung-fu shinobi's maturity at times.

"Whoa, when did you sound so mature?" Po asked.

"Hey, if I'm a big brother, I gotta act like one at times." Chameleo simply answered, making the team find it funny, because that was too true, as Zeng returned with a responding letter. "Already?" He asked surprised at the speed of the delivery.

"That was fast." Sonic said, impressed at the short amount of time it took.

"Well, Master Chameleo, your sister was passing by here, so it was not hard to find her, but she went off after giving me that letter to give to you." Zeng explained, helping Chameleo feel more happy since he was going to get his answer sooner than he expected. He opened the letter and read its contents

I knew this day would come eventually. Yes, I did know about it, and I'm sorry that I never told you about them. But there was reason why no one told you, it's because they’re special, just like you, and have the other two legendary bird pokemon in them. Your brother, the one that hatched into a Gible, has the legendary thunder bird and the ecosystem guardian of order sealed in him, while the one that hatched into a Riolu, has the legendary fire bird and the brawler made of metallic liquid sealed in him. I'm so proud of you, protecting the planet, and caring for others, your friends and your brothers. As much as I would love to see them again, I can't because I've assigned to a mission that couldn't wait. I'm sorry, after I'm done, I'll visit a great friend of mine and try to get back to you so that I can meet our brothers. I miss you every day.
Your Sister, Owleta

Chameleo smiled as he finished reading the letter, glad that Owleta really does care about her brothers.

Then everyone noticed something appear just below the top of the entrance to the Jade Palace. A portal appeared as another appear much higher above it, both facing in the same direction, towards the heroes. Out of one of them came a Garchomp, and out the other came a Lucario and a squirrel-human hybrid wearing a black coat and hat, and then the portal closed. After they landed and saw each other, there was a pause between the heroes. After a while, the brothers ran towards each other and embraced with happiness, when Chameleo noticed something near the Garchomp's eyes.

"Are you crying, little bro?" Chameleo asked his Garchomp brother.

"Nah, I don't act sappy at all. I'm just glad I found you and our little bro." The Garchomp denied.

"I'll admit, I am crying a bit, but that means I'm happy to be with you all for the first time."
The Lucario said honestly.

"Well, we might know each other, but we don't know our names yet. Name's Chameleo."
Chameleo introduced himself.

"Well, I'm Raptor, number 1 coolest drake in all of Ponyville." Raptor proclaimed with pride as he introduced his name.

"Well, don't let that pride swell your head, Raptor. My name is Soulfire, and the squirrel-human beastkin is my fraternal twin sister, Makoto Nanaya." Soulfire teased his big bro as he introduced himself and his sister.

"It's great to meet you." Makoto said, greeting the older members of her new family.

Time passed, as everyone introduced each other to Raptor, Soulfire and Makoto. After that, they realized that the portal that Raptor came out of was still open

"Guys! You should definitely come back to Ponyville with me and meet my sister and friends! They're totally awesome!" Raptor said with excitement.

"Alright. Is that okay, Master Shifu?" Chameleo asked his teacher.

"Yes. It is important to know more of your family." Master Shifu answered.

"Thank you, Master. So, who wants to come with me, Raptor, Soulfire and Makoto?" Chameleo asked everyone that was present at the Jade Temple, who talked to each other about and decided who will go.

"Obviously, Chameleo, I'm going with you. Crane, Morrigan, Skylyzi, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Cheese, Big, Vector, Bladefin, Mamota, Vaida and Datozo are going with you as well. Po, Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Link, Princess Zelda and Impa want to stay here and help defend the Valley of Peace and Hyrule while we're gone." Viper asnwered as Chameleo slightly blushed, and everyone else agreed with her. Everyone said their farewells for now, and went into the portal, after that, much to the group of friends' shock that stayed behind to help protect their homes, the portal closed, and hoped that they could find a way back.

Meanwhile, in the portal, Raptor was telling the others all about his home, sister and friends, obviously enjoying it.

"You guys are gonna love Ponyville! And right on time too! It will be the Summer Sun Celebration in less than a week!" Raptor said with excitement.

But something appeared in the portal, attacking Chameleo, Viper and Crane, causing them to split up from the others. What will happen to our heroes? Find out next time, on Multiverse Hearts; My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

To Be Continued...