//------------------------------// // VI // Story: CelesTea // by Zeitless //------------------------------// "I'm back!" Celestia cheered upon opening the door to their apartment. There was no response. At least none which could be said in words. Instead the only sounds answering Celestia's greeting were faint electronic music followed by a foreign female voice shouting: "Snooow-NADO!" And a short break filled with special effects later the same voice continued, "Don't be ashamed, you ver beaten by zhe best!" For some ponies arriving at home and joining their sister would provide great joy and excitement. To play videogames together and share some snacks and softdrinks would be just the energy they need to end a long day of work. You would laugh about spontaneous jokes regarding the games, compete with one another, sometimes also take the competition too far and end up arguing. But in general you would make quality memories to remember. But as for Celestia and Luna this was not the case. Feeling exhausted and drained from the crowded streets and busy town hall as also from working through the paperwork with Golden Feather, Celestia decided it would be of more use to spend her remaining energy on making dinner. However while she was pondering between ordering fastfood or finishing the leftover apple cake a door slammed open across the room, some profane language was spoken and accompanying it the volume of the electronic music grew louder. Celestia instinctively winced upon this sensory overload. From the other perspective Luna found herself halfway through the living room before even noticing her sister. "Oh, hi Tia. Good evening," she moved on in steps as tensed as the frown on her face. Making an effort to maintain a smile Celestia replied: "Good evening to you too, sister. Is everything alright?" Stopping mid-gait Luna exhaled and let her head hang down: "It's just an opponent in a fighting game. She's so annoying," she groaned, shook her head, regained her composture and faced Celestia - a small spark of determination within her eyes: "Anyhoof, I'll beat her next time!" Celestia on the other hoof sighed in relief and smiled: "I'm glad to hear it's only something in a videogame," she chuckled, "and here I thought a serious matter had occured. On a more important note though, could you please use a soundbarrier? The moon has long risen and our neighbours likely want some rest as well." Luna was too frustrated from gaming to start an argument about the relevance of videogames with her sister at this hour. Also after Celestia had left the apartment she laid eyes open in her bed for a solid hour before she understood that sleep appearently had not been an option anymore. Hence being exhausted from sleep depravation, a long day of gaming and from occasionally cursing at the console Luna decided going along would be the easiest. She lit her horn and a moment later a translucent blue wall appeared around the entrance to her room. With it the sound was muffled out entirely. Noticing how her older sister turned her attention back towards the fridge for a second Luna took the opportunity to escape towards the restroom. On her way she let out a quick "have a nice evening", partially meaning it but mostly in an effort to keep Celestia from raising her voice again. Once again suddenly left alone Celestia took a moment to gather her thoughts. Luna had already begun avoiding her because she still has not apologized properly for rushing the entire tea-store business. In hindsight it was indeed inconsiderate to propose such an idea while the other pony had been distracted. She worried. The last thing Celestia would ever want was a misunderstanding to escalate into communication problems and avoidance, just as it had happened this long time ago. Thus Celestia grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and sat down. All the while ensuring to keep watch over the room and to not let Luna slip past her unnoticed. However when Luna returned she groaned. Resting her head where a few minutes ago her sandwich had laid Celestia let out slight snores. And although one eyelid was still partially raised Luna had no doubt her sister wouldn't wake up any time soon - even if she would lift the soundbarrier again. "So tomorrow she will be cheery and snarky?" Luna thought. She stared blankly at Celestia in an attempt to evaluate whether teleporting her to bed would be worth the effort. But figuring that a good night's rest is indeed quite important to anypony she lit her horn once again and in a purple flash Celestia disappeared into the bedroom. Facing back towards her gaming chamber Luna's eyes turned serious: "Now, you've survived me long enough. Time for your face to be kicked, Velvet!" A few sunrays tickled her muzzle before Celestia reluctantly opened her eyes. She did not feel like getting up, the warm blanket and cozy pillow made it even more difficult. However something in her mind kept nagging her as if she forgot something. It told her to start thinking and get moving, but Celestia conflicted internally and argued for a compromise of maybe just a few more minutes. But it only took her bare seconds till suddenly her entire body tensed and her eyes flashed open. She saw the sun already. She overslept. In an instant the bed was left empty and Celestia rushed to the kitchen for a rapid breakfast. She snatched an apple from a bowl on the counter and galloped outside, neglecting to brush her teeth. By now she had completely forgotten about last night's events and wouldn't question how she got to her bed until she was already halfway to her store. Meanwhile Luna rested sound asleep on her cushioned seat in front of the console. On the floor by her side laid two empty pizza cartons and half a dozen similarly empty bottles of cola. The room was lit only by some stray sunrays bypassing the curtains and the light from the television screen. It displayed a cattlekind on it's hindlegs holding a lasso thrown around a trophy. Big orange letters spelled out "VICTORY".