Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


"Trixie. I understand you're-"
"No you don't!" Trixie replied. "The only time you ever met someone better than you at magic she was an alicorn whose talent literally is magic, and she was so impressed by you she took you as her pupil. You have never had any idea of what it's like to not be anything but absolutely amazing at magic."
Starlight flinched. She swallowed, thinking of what to say. "Ouch," she finally let out. "But you are right. And angry, which is why I won't hold this one against you." She stepped closer to the other. "Look. This isn't about which one of us is better at magic."
"It's easy to say that when you're not the third wheel." Trixie grumpily refused to look at Starlight. "You're probably the most talented unicorn in the continent, and meanwhile now he's become the closest thing we have to Discord in the noodle's absence."
"Come on now," Starlight said. "Just because Sunburst does have powers I don't think it's fair to compare him to Discord."
"He basically created life," Trixie rebuked, snapping towards Starlight. "Now I'm not just the least magical one, I'm not even needed for threesomes anymore."
Starlight stepped closer, and placed a hoof over Trixie's back. "Trixie. You don't need to be the most magically talented, and you know that. You're still our friend, and you're still special to us. You know you're not a third wheel, right?"
Trixie looked Starlight in the eyes, and her expression slowly melted. "It's one thing to be your friend. But now the world is in danger and you two are constantly helping out and I'm... I'm just here. Doing nothing. I'm completely useless in this whole situation, and I just have to sit by and watch ponies better than me risking their lives to try to save us. I know no one expects me to do anything, but you don't know what it's like to be unable to help in any meaningful way."
Starlight pulled Trixie in for a hug. "You are helping, and you know that. You've been doing great here with the school. And you're helping us just by being there for us."
"I don't feel like it's enough." Trixie returned the hug. "But I guess wasting time whining about it will do more harm than good. Do you still want that chocolate?"
"Of course I do," Starlight replied.