//------------------------------// // Extended // Story: The Alicorn Problem // by Shady Mist //------------------------------// "I'm not a bucking princess!" Flurry yelled at her mother. "Me being an alicorn does not make me a princess" "Yes, it does Flurry." Cadence answered, trying to calm her down. "All alicorns are princesses." "You and the others all earned your wings or horn or whatever! I was born with these stupid things, I didn't do anything to become an alicorn!" She continued to yell. "Flurry, when you take over-" "You're bucking immortal, Mom!" "But I will retire in the future." "You don't even know if I'd still be alive!" "You're an alicorn Flurry." "But not an ascended one!" That made Cadence pause for a second before continuing to talk. "Flurry Heart, being an alicorn makes you a princess." Flurry Heart just growled at her mother and stomped away back to her room. "Flurry Heart please." Cadence begged for her daughter to come back and talk to her. Flurry just continued stomping away, not paying any attention to her mother. Cadence sighed. "Maybe tomorrow she’ll be calm enough to talk. I'll see how she is at breakfast and hopefully be able to have a more peaceful talk with her." Cadence said, before walking away, hoping. Later that night, Flurry Heart was stomping back and forth in her room. She growled. "Mom just doesn't understand. I'm not an alicorn. I'm just a pony with wings from Mom and a horn from both Mom and Dad. It's like the recessive genes of the Cake twins, only making less sense in their case. If they were one pony instead of twins they would be an "alicorn", only no pony would care because they're not related to stupid royalty. I'm just a pony, I'm not immortal like Mom, how am I suppose to take over and why would I need to if she's immortal, and would the ponies of the Crystal Empire even want me after how many years Mom has ruled over them? I even destroyed the crystal heart, why would they want me of all ponies to rule over them. I just... I just want to be a normal pony, not royalty, not my mom's successor, just a pony wanting to earn her way, not what she was given by her parents." Flurry Heart came up with an idea that night. Sneaking out of her room, making sure to avoid the crystal guards, she made her way to a specific closet that always questioned her, full of gardening and work like tools. "Don't know why we have gardening stuff in the Crystal Empire" Closing the door behind her, she goes to one of the shelves and grabs an axe with her magic. Using her magic to soundproof the room, she aims the axe at the base of one of her wings. Swinging down, she screamed in agony from the pain, blood spraying from the gash she made. She continued until the first wing was off, falling to the floor in a puddle of blood. Panting from the pain, Flurry began to prepare the axe blade on the other wing. Every swing of the axe caused more pain to surge through her body. Once the other wing was off, she now had her horn to deal with. Aiming with the hardest swing she can muster, the horn was gone, cutting off the flow of magic. Flurry's screams of pain was heard all through out the castle, waking her parents and alerting the guards. They rush to where Flurry's screams were coming from. Finding blood coming from under the door, they enter to find Flurry Heart panting, wingless and hornless, sitting in her own blood, with a bloody axe on the floor, and with her wings and horn laying there also in a puddle of blood. "Flurry Heart! What did you do?!" Cadence asked in shock. Flurry just turned to them, smiling.