by PacifistDoodl3r

"Those observant blue eyes she has..."


by Pacifist Doodler...

Swirly milk clouds in a sky so blue, gently glided their way across the sea above her head that nearly match the very colour of her hair. A brisk breeze of chill felt droned, slow, and ignored from cars striking past in mere seconds. Vibrant shades of green and grey shuffled on trees, giving a timid maraca sound in the process. The teen sat on a metal bench, taking in the sights while earbuds blocked any unwanted noise. She swung her legs and shyly nodded her head to the electronic pop song playing.

“Coco?” A familiar voice asked from behind her. But there was no reply. “Coco??!” The voice got louder, almost breaking the barrier of audible sound, “Heyy! Talking to you!” She tapped her shoulder, making her flinch.

“Huh? Oh...” A few fingers brushed away blue hair, taking out both earbuds, then turning off the song. “Yes?” She turned around to see Roma who thumped a foot on the concrete. She immediately gave a response, “Yes?”

“So... there may or may not be... something... or other- going on at the school?” Roma said, pushing an uncouth smile at her.

“I'm sorry... what? I- I only understood something about the school? What's going on?” Coco raised an eyebrow, slowly moving her hand to sink an earbud back in, readying the play button.

“If I told you something serious was going on at the school, you wouldn't want to go!” Roma raised an arm to motion over at the school, “It's very important!”

“So... maybe just tell me this important thing going on at the school? I kind of need to know what I'm getting into...”

Roma let out a long breath, adverting her eyes away from Coco, “I... can't! Coco, just trust me! Doesn't the mystery intrigue you?”

“I sort of need context. I mean- I would go but I'm not as brave as you'd think, Roma...” Coco stood up, dusting off her skirt, “You seem upset, wanna free scrunchy?” She took a scrunchy out of her pocket, flexing it with a hand.

“Will you just... blindly follow me to the school? It really is important.” Defeated, Roma looked at Coco with eyes that had seen better days. Were those bags under her eyes or the lighting?

“Sure. I am a little curious to whatever is happening now... sort of? I'll follow you.”

They passed by many streets and Coco started to started to feel exhausted.

”Geez, what's so important?” She thought, racing her feet with Roma’s, attempting to breathe comfortably. “Excuse me- I think we’re going a little too fast!?” She tried to tell her but Roma hurriedly swung her hands, shifted hips, and picked up the speed.

They suddenly stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change; prompting Coco to finally ask...

“What’s wrong!? With the school- please tell me? What is so important to be racing there?” She caught her breath, holding a hand to one worked up heart.

“I- uh... don’t-really-know! I totally just got a text from Fleur about the school being under attack or something!”

Coco shook her head, “Uhm, under attack? The six got this.”

“I think they’re busy!”

Coco cocked an eyebrow. “So you’re dragging me into danger because nobody else is trying to stop this terrible thing happening? What about the police? Firefighters? Call the IFB or-”

The walk light turns on, and they return to sped up walking.

“You just gotta believe me!” She adamantly exclaimed, pointing to the huge roof of the school.

“Oh- uhm... okay, to the school it is!” Coco awkwardly smiled, soon finding herself frowning. ”She's lying to me. Why” A voice echoed throughout her mind.

They were two blocks away, making the blue haired girl remember this exact street. Her street is close by, next to an old candy store. Oddly enough, a lot of cars parked around the school- people usually leave around this time. She felt something was definitely up. But was it danger?

They rounded the corner and just barely, from her peripheral vison, she saw two people run inside the school and slam the doors shut.

”Hmm?”, She put a curved finger to her chin slowing a hurried walk.

“Hey, Coco! We’re here!” Roma briefly squeezed her hand and ran towards the huge main building. She at last got to the sidewalk, adjacent to the student parking and brushed her hand against the metal fence because- it’s so satisfying to do.

She passed by the Wondercolt statue and skipped up the steps. Her heart ticked even faster as Roma closed the door behind her and disappeared behind the... glass?

”It appears the door and front windows were covered by black construction paper. I'm starting to feel weird.” Coco observed, squinting at dark figures behind it.

She started to take her time and slowly approached the door. A pale hand shook, fumbling with the handle. She exhaled a deep breath.

”So apparently the school is in trouble and nobody is here to help? Fleur told Roma about what happened- or at least gave her a little heads up... and of all people she spoke to me...” Coco gave a look of suspicion, floating a hand across the glass.

She sighed and pushed open the door, taking in the air conditioning and fans which blasted her with an aggressive swish of air. Coco gave a blank stare, attempting to process the scene in front of her.

SURPRISE!” Every student shouted- at least it... seemed like every student! The school is decorated similar to the Fall Formal cafeteria except... everywhere!

“What!” Coco jumped, dodging exploding confetti aimed at her. Hearing greeting shouts from all around.

Pinkie handed her a present wrapped in colorful paper.

“I threw you a going away party, silly! We're going to miss you!”


Roma patted her back, “I'm sorry we didn't really get to hang out all that much this year, but I won't forget you!”


Fleur offered her a cupcake and Coco hesitantly took it. It was chocolate with pink frosting. “I’m going to miss you too-”

WHAT!” She shouted again, this time, everyone gave confused looks along with Coco.

Flash scratched his head, “Uh, Coco, you can stop shouting... are you confused? I think we are too?”

“...Yes- I am! I'm leaving?”

“You didn't know?” Flash’s eyes widened, followed by him sucking in with his teeth.

“I didn't know!”