Neon and Fluttering Hearts

by Quicksilvershimmer

Garden of Lights

Sometimes our minds subconsciously lock away and hide certain emotions in something similar to a time capsule. They're still there, still within the recesses of our minds but just out of the way for us to feel. Other things can be kept in these capsules as well, such as memories, long lost feelings, numbed scars so long forgotten. Have you ever wondered what it must be like to unlock these storage containers of the past, to unleash the entirety of its contents all at once?

"Hey Wally, still here with us?"

"H-Huh?" Wallflower Blush was subtly snapped out of her reverie thanks to Roseluck, who was looking back at her with a somewhat concerned expression. Derpy, who was tagging along for their trip shared a similar look.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I sorta just got lost in thought for a moment. Could you remind me what we were talking about again?" Wallflower timidly asked as her cheeks now tinged a familiar color of red.

To Wallflower Blush, it sometimes doesn't seem real that she's even here in the present at times. After all it has only been about two months since she's parted with the memory stone, a powerful object that enabled its wielder to erase any memory from any person they desired. First stumbling upon that rock was like an answered prayer for Wallflower, and after finding it she never imagined being able to live a normal life without it. Now however, ironically she questions why she ever felt like it was a necessity to her life in the first place. Though Wallflower does suppose the answer to that question may be clearer to her then she would like to openly admit. But that was something Wallflower figured she could dwell on later, as for right now she was on summer break spending time with her newly found friends at one of the biggest music festivals of the year.

Starswirled, a massive musical event hosting all sorts of different concerts ranging from a variety of different genres, many games and activities lined up for rows that were just as much of a rip off for Wallflower's money as a typical street fair, along with the occasional food vendor cooking up wafting smells that alone could make her mouth water. No matter where she goes, there is always some form of music dancing through Wallflower's head as she explores the festival with this tsunami of sound consistently following suit. Under normal circumstances, Wallflower would never come to an event like this. But one night time phone call and a set of two persistent but well meaning friends later, here they are spending their time together in the middle of the forest under the inviting glow of vendor lights brightening the grassy path ahead of them.

"Ahahaha!" Wallflower's friends giggled, fully turning back to her. Wallflower didn't even realize she trailed behind them this far. "We were asking you about where you wanted to go next? The night is still young after all so we should make sure to see as much as we can." Roseluck repeated her original unheard question, a look of energetic determination plastering her face.

"Ohh yeah! Heh, right I totally knew that. Um, if you girls don't mind can we take a small break?" Truth be told, they had been walking for the majority of the day seeing show after show, playing game after game with only a lunch break to catch their breaths. Wallflower's legs felt like they where going to collapse right out from under her, she wasn't always someone who kept up with her cardio frequently.

Realizing the state Wallflower looked to be in, Roseluck's face immediately shifted to guilt as she face palmed. "Oh no, I did it again didn't I? Im sorry Wallflower I got so caught up in the shows I didn't realize I was pushing you so hard."

Wallflower waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry so much about it, I probably should've mentioned something earlier but you and Derpy looked like you were having so much fun I, didn't want to ruin the mood..." Now Wallflower looked away a little guiltily, even now she seems to instinctively put other people before herself.

Old habits really do die hard, I need to try harder to be more open with how I'm feeling.

No matter how much time passes, Wallflower still seems to put herself last. She can't ever manage to put her opinions, thoughts or feelings out in the open for her friends. Even now, she still holds many dark emotions bottled within her out of fear for what they'd think about them.

The last thing I need is to feel their pity, not like when those other girls...when Sunset...

Wallflower shook her head, this wasn't the time to be thinking about the past. Not when it's meant to be a relaxing occasion. Looking back up, She noticed Roseluck turning to Derpy with her hand outstretched. "Hey let me grab that extra water bottle out of your pack would you?" Derpy nodded, turning around so she could access it easily. "Ok, just be extra super careful of my bell please, I need it for my performance later." Derpy added, only causing Roseluck to roll her eyes playfully, smiling softly as she rummaged around for the bottle.

After a few seconds of searching, Roseluck eventually stepped over to Wallflower once more with the bottle in hand. "Here Wally, this should help. There's a bench just a bit further on if you can tough it out for one extra little walk." She stated as she handed the water to Wallflower, who graciously accepted. After a long swig, she looked back up at her friends. "Just because I may be a bit out of shape still, doesn't mean I'm as fragile as a super model." She joked, getting them to giggle again.

As they began walking side by side once more, Derpy looked to Wallflower. "Isn't that offensive to super models? I mean don't we know a could people who work as models?" She stated, overthinking the joke a bit.

"Well, are you a super model?" Wallflower asked, shooting back a similar look.

Derpy thought about it before finally answering. "I guess not. But, I kinda think of you guys as ones. Maybe not as models exactly but more of just the super part."

That made Roseluck's eyebrow raise slightly. "Really? We're 'super' huh, how do you figure that?" She questioned as the three girls closed in on the bench they wanted to rest at.

Wallflower listened in to Derpy's answer as they kept walking, taking another sip of water. "Well, let me think. Oh! Like how whenever we're back at school and we're in the garden. I always seem to mess things up but, you two are always patient with me, teaching me how to do everything and never hating me for screwing up. Especially you Wallflower, even though it is your garden I'm grateful you let us share it with you. You're just such a kind and sweet friend, I'm glad to have someone like you in my life. I know I'm kind of ditzy, but I keep trying because of you guys, so that's why you're super to me, oh oh, and whenever we're out on trips like this, Rose you always have the energy to do everything! It's so cool! I always feel like you know how to have the most amount of fun wherever we go, it's never boring with you around."

Finally sitting down, the girls all caught their breath as Wallflower and Roseluck reflected on Derpy's words. Wallflower couldn't even believe the fact she just got a compliment, sure they've said nice things to her before, like complimenting the outfit they picked out together for her to wear for the festival or the little comments about her work in the garden but, she knew they where just being courteous.

But, this felt genuine. Like a legitimate form of appreciation for her existence. It felt so warm, yet part of Wallflower deep down inside wished that those words came from another's mouth. Sure it was selfish but she hasn't gotten many chances to feel something positive for herself in such a long time. She felt bad, but appreciated those words nevertheless.

I-I can't believe that I mean that much to Derpy. Why? All I am to you is just the extra right? The tag along just here to fill in the group, I don't deserve those words, if it wasn't for Sunset I wouldn't even be...huhh, no. Not now. I do deserve it, s-she would tell me that I do. But I can't deny that I would've preferred it if she said something like that to me instead.

When Wallflower snapped out of her thoughts, she noticed Roseluck was dramatically rubbing a tear out of her eye, holding Derpy like she was a giant stuffed animal. "Ohh Derpy you absolute wholesome bean what would we ever do without you!"

Derpy looked as though she wasn't able to breathe, but the poor girl seemed to be enduring it for her friend's sake. Wallflower politely taped Roseluck's shoulder from around the other girl. "Eheh, hey Rose? If you keep squeezing her like that I don't think there's going to be much left of her for us to do with."

Realizing once more, Roseluck looked down instinctively releasing her loving death grip from their friend. "Oh, sorry. I keep going overboard, but that was just the most precious thing I've ever heard." She said happily.

"It was just a few kind complements and thoughts she has about us, is it really that big of a deal to nearly squeeze her half to death over?." Wallflower said, scolding herself internally for maybe being a little to honest.

"I know but, sometimes It's just the little things that make me grateful for meeting the both of you to begin with. Honestly before I met you guys, not many people really wanted to be my friend because I'm a bit of a hyperactive person, but then Sunset Shimmer introduced us all and you two accepted me so, I'm always happy to hear any words of praise, it tells me 'you're doing a great job Rose, keep it up', it's a good feeling." Roseluck finished, a whimsical look in her eye as she stared up at the night sky. Derpy only nodded in agreement, smiling happily as she herself took in the lively atmosphere for a second.

Wallflower, could hardly believe what she was hearing. Yet it was something that spoke volumes to her.

Is that, really all she needs to know to still feel appreciated? That, she still feels loved even after knowing us for such a short time? Sunset really has done so much for us, but If all of that is true for Rose then why do I feel so unfulfilled? So, empty...

Wallflower had little time to ponder that question before Derpy unexpectedly shot up from between the both of them. "OH NOO! My concert is gonna start soon! I need to go, I'm so sorry girls!"

"Oh shit! We forgot to keep track of the time, ughh we're unbelievable, Derpy do you need any help to find the right stage?" Roseluck offered, standing up to go with her.

"It's ok, I can manage! I can't keep standing here or else I'll be late! Gotta go I'm sorry bye!" Derpy said at such a fast pace that she could've rivaled Pinkie Pie with that speed as she ran off in a random direction, likely not in the right one.

"Derpy wait! Ohh damn it. I think she's gonna need help, do you want to come along?" Roseluck asked Wallflower, searching out for Derpy in the crowds. Wallflower normally without any hesitation would've agreed but, something inside her said to stay put.

"Uh, I would but I think I'd just slow you down again, my legs still feel like jelly." Wallflower half lied, sure she was still tired but part of her was really in need of some time alone right now. She knew Rose would help her without any problems.

Roseluck looked to her curiously but had no time to argue. "Huhh ok, but if anything whatsoever goes wrong call me ok? and remember if you need to go back to the RV just look for the big sign at the entrance!" She yelled back, half way down the hill on the hunt to find their other friend once more.

Once Roseluck was out of Wallflower's sights, she let out a heavy sigh as she relaxed a bit more. Examining her surroundings, Wallflower just now realized the bench she was sitting on was in fact on a small hill, however it wasn't on a very steep incline, leaving Wallflower to understand why she didn't notice it before. Yet the view from here was quite vast. She could see a large majority of the festival, maybe not everything but enough to make anyone look out in awe. Different lighting rigs from multiple set up stages clashed together to bathe the land below in an almost psychedelic rainbow atmosphere. It was like something out of a dream only her childhood self could conjure up.

As Wallflower took in the sights below her, she began thinking to herself once more.

Huhh, well Wallflower, they're gone now. Was it worth it? You're all alone again...back in your comfort zone just like it was before. Before you almost ruined her life.

The last time Wallflower was able to sit alone to reminisce in her darker thoughts, She honestly couldn't remember. Perhaps reminiscing is to positive of a term for it, maybe more along the lines of reliving the cause of these haunting memories and emotions was more accurate. Sure, she was glad she didn't need to think so hard about the horrible things she once did. Of course she does have two amazing and kind hearted friends to help her out of this hole she never seems to be able to climb out of, all she needs to do is open her heart about it. Just say what's on her mind, what's been holding her back in the same position no matter how many steps forward she takes trying to run from it.

But despite it all, she's still stuck. Why? Maybe she enjoys it, maybe she believes suffering with these feelings is some sort of penance for her past actions. Regardless, part of her hates and loves suffering within her past. Hates do to seeing that traumatizing demon rock and the depressing life she's lived with before. But loves simply because she is there with her, the girl that single handedly stripped away her one easy way out of this suffering forever, and the one Wallflower hasn't stopped thinking about since the last time she spoke to her, Sunset Shimmer.

Wallflower leaned back on the bench, looking out towards a stage in the distance absentmindedly, scoffing to herself harshly. It was ironic to her really, being head over heels for the same person who shattered her one and only security blanket in this world. Feeling butterflies over someone she once couldn't stand so much that she erased the memories her friends had of her just to watch that girl suffer like she did. It made Wallflower sick remembering that sly satisfaction she felt from making Sunset endure so much sorrow. Life truly works in mysterious ways, giving Wallflower these feelings she has for her savior.

There isn't much Wallflower knows about romance. She hasn't been 'in love' before so to speak so she can't base these unfamiliar feelings off anything from memory, only what she knows at this very moment. She knows that it started very shortly after the Memory Stone was destroyed, she couldn't get Sunset off her mind whatsoever and whenever they spoke back then it filled Wallflower with such a warm and cozy feeling as if her very soul was on fire, melting away the glacial frost that's accumulated over her heart throughout the last few years. She felt as if she was a real, fully fleshed out human being for the first time in her life and it was because of one person. Not the transparent, invisible girl she originally believed herself to be.

When Sunset slowly began talking with her less and less, instead of forgetting about her like Wallflower usually tended to do with others she simply retreated into her mind. A place full of dark and grey memories that chilled Wallflower to her core all over again, but now there was a tiny flicker of light. A spec of color she cherished more then anything, a little ball of firey scarlet and gold dancing through her mind, those little moments with her Sunset. Wallflower was always willing to endure reopening her past scars if it meant feeling Sunset's presence again. Sometimes she'd cry her eyes out so hard just to desperately cling to a single memory of her, despite the few she had. To Wallflower, a tear riddled face was worth everything if she could genuinely smile and feel that warmth once more even for a second.

Was it healthy? Probably not, but Wallflower didn't care anymore, the only thing keeping her from fading away from existence forever was her feelings for Sunset, because it's her only proof of not just being this hollowed out shell of a person Wallflower always believed she was. She'll chase that feeling forever, no matter her sacrifices made along the way. Coming back to reality again, Wallflower picked up the bottle of water again, taking another long sip as she noticed the stage out in the distance seemed to have a show starting. She set the bottle next to her once more, looking towards the stage intently.

Well I guess I shouldn't completely sink into my mind for the moment, besides I'm meant to be happy right now, shouldn't go bursting into tears trying to piece together a conversation in my head I can barely remember at this point.

Part of that statement saddened Wallflower, but she couldn't think like that. She felt those feelings, she knows it, she just needs to try harder to preserve only Sunset's memories. Yet, as hard as she tries, recently it's almost like her traumatic memories are growing far more vivid as her experiences with Sunset seem to fade.

First her real life self seems to want to distance herself from me and now the one in my head wants to leave me too...makes sense.

Wallflower tried to tune out her subconscious as she crossed her arms and legs, fully reclining as far back as she could manage. She noted however that benches are definitely not meant to be ergonomic. The performance on stage looked to be dubstep related which Wallflower was pleasantly surprised to see as she didn't think electronic music would be played out here. Guess this was her lucky day.

I wonder who's playing? Hmm

Coming up with an idea, Wallflower slowly pulled her phone out from her back pocket, opening it up to the camera app. She pushed the slider fully forward, only to realize her cell has terrible focus quality at this distance.

"Well, good enough I guess... love staring at 2-D pixels anyway." She mumbled to herself, watching her screen with half interest. As she watched, the DJ's music began to up it's tempo while the screens on stage displayed beautiful animation of what Wallflower made out to be fireworks exploding over a giant digital sky, she looked up from her phone to get a better look as a shooting star passed over the display brilliantly, setting off more virtual explosions of color. Wallflower had to admit that whoever this was their performance is definitely impressive, part of her wished her own mind was full of that much vibrant color and light. Shaking her head, Wallflower looked down at her phone again.

Huh, it looks like Vinyl Scratch's show, that explains a lot actually, and she's pointing out to the crowd? Odd.

Wallflower kept watching, noticing a blurry image of what looks to be a girl hopping up on stage. She groaned a little, subconsciously blaming the mystery girl for messing with her camera's focus. However her demeanor completely shifted as she slowly began to see the back of the girl more clearly.

"Wait, that hair. That can't be... Sunset?" Wallflower paid closer attention to her blurry screen, intently watching what happened next.

Sunset seemed to pull out her own phone, allowing the DJ to plug her sound system into it through a cable. The moment it connected the screens on stage immediately changed into a retro arcade game style as Vinyl started playing music that matched the theme of what was happening. The game resembles something similar to a 2-D platformer, and the little sprite that was being controlled looks an awful lot like Sunset Shimmer, riding a unicorn.

Well that's ironic.

On the displays, the game began as the little Sunset sprite navigated her way through the heart of outer space as she jumped and dodged her way through the level. Unfortunately Sunset took a couple hits of damage leading her to be instantly defeated by a UFO that mocked her and the crowd maliciously.

"W-What?!?! No way, that can't be how it ends, Sunset is to good at video games to lose like that." Wallflower commented out loud to herself, disappointed to see her lose. Lately at school, Wallflower has been putting Sunset's gaming streams up in the background as she works in her garden, it takes alot of the stress away from working as she listens to her play. She loves her hobby but it dose put a strain on her body from time to time. Sunset's voice just gives Wallflower a pep to her step while working she never has without it. "Don't give up Sunset, y-you can do it, one more try!" Part of her desperately wanted Sunset to hear those words, wishing she could be down there to cheer her on herself. But Wallflower knew she was nowhere near that stage, besides it's not like Sunset cares what she thinks anyway right?

Just as Wallflower was about to put her phone away, the music started once more. The pixelated sounds continuing for another round as the Sunset sprite took to the level for another attempt, this time however she seemed to be playing differently. Effortlessly the little sprite weaved her way through every obstacle and enemy without taking a single hit of damage. Wallflower couldn't believe what she was seeing, it was almost like Sunset heard her cheers. Sure she probably didn't, that'd be impossible after all but Wallflower didn't care, in her heart it felt like her message got through to Sunset. That feeling alone set Wallflower's heart ablaze, she wanted to see her win and conquer this obstacle no matter what.

Even if it is just a video game, eheh...

Back on stage, Sunset looked as if she was planning something. As if on queue the Sunset sprite jumped onto a rocket perfectly, causing the crowd to cheer for her along with Wallflower as she carefully rode it up to the top. Once there the sprite jumped off the rocket with a full energy gauge, turning her into an angel like form that she used to make it to the end and clear the level.

The real Sunset Shimmer then jumped up onto the turntables, pumping a fist into the air in triumph as the crowd roared with applause. Wallflower couldn't help but smile, she felt like a dimwit but seeing Sunset beat the odds and celebrate winning a simple game like it was a crowning life achievement for her was something truly awe-inspiring.

Wallflower lightly rubbed her thumb over Sunset's celebratory face, smiling softly to herself. "I may not have been there myself, but I still watched you overcome your challenges. I'm proud of you Sunset, I hope you never change because you're a special and wonderful kind of individual so few and far in between in this world. One someone as messed up as me definitely doesn't deserve to be with, holding you down.."

A single tear rolled down Wallflower's face as she admitted that to herself. Closing off the camera, she put her phone back in her pocket as she stifled back anymore unnecessary tears from escaping her. She still has no idea why that upsets her, after all Wallflower is an absolute mess of a person still trying to straighten out her own life whereas Sunset has already overcome her past sorrows. She's on top of the world like a shining sun blazing over everyone, as Wallflower is still only a tiny seed in a field of grass with no defining characteristics, likely to be stepped on. Even if she has friends now who love and support her, what's the point in purpose if Wallflower's dream is already beyond the stars while she's chained to the ground forever, to amount to being nothing more then another faceless blade of grass just trying to be taller then the others.

They're all idiots, no one will ever come close to who Sunset is in this world. I won't either.

Wallflower exhaled a long painful sigh, unsteadily sitting up right once more. Maybe it was time for Wallflower to just move on, look for other reasons to keep living instead of obsessing over one person. But what else in this life is going to top or replace someone as beautiful and endearing as Sunset Shimmer? Gardening? Sure Wallflower prides herself on keeping up with her plants to keep them happy and healthy. They were there for her when no one else was, but that was just the easy answer to a life long question of what gives her life meaning. Are plants and gardening all she amounts too? Is there nothing more for her to live for besides botany? Her friends? Of course Wallflower loves Roseluck and Derpy but It's simply just a mutual love for the fact that they all love to work with plants in the gardening club, right?

Wallflower groaned audibly, eliciting some looks from a few passing people as she laid her head in her hands. "Ughh...I wish those stupid rock shards I had just worked that night..I just wish that it would've worked one last time to er-"

Wallflower was suddenly cut off by a set of footsteps hurriedly approaching her direction along with the panting of someone who sounded like they were running a leg race. A few seconds of heavy breathing later, the assumed track star spoke up.

"Huhhh... Oh wow that was a longer run then I expected. Huhh hey excuse me, could I trouble you for the other half of your seat? I swear I'm gonna fall over if I don't get off my feet." She said, practically wheezing out half of her request.

Not really registering the girls voice Wallflower replied with a nod, still keeping her face in her hands. "Sure, it's all yours, I get how you feel." Thinking about it she probably should go find her friends anyway, Derpy must be going on sometime soon.

"Ohh thank Celestia you're an absolute life saver. I just finished a performance I wasn't exactly planning on being a part of and had to run away from a mob of people who wanted my autograph for some reason. Guess I understand how Post Crush must feel all the time now, eheh." The girl explained as she wobbled over, plopping herself on the other end of the bench with a huff.

Wait, her voice... Is that?

Looking up, Wallflower turned to her newfound bench mate. Her eyes widened in disbelief, this couldn't be happening it felt to good to be true. "Wait, S-Sunset?! W-Why are you... How did you even...?"

Without question, Sunset Shimmer was definitely sitting next to her right now. How or why didn't even matter, Wallflower was just greatful to whatever higher plain of being blessed her with such a chance meeting. She subtly studied Sunset's outfit and look, her hair was in a different style then she remembers last seeing her with, it looks wavier with a more wild and unkempt style while still retaining some of its curly nature from Sunset's old hair style. Despite it being matted from what Wallflower could only assume was sweat, Sunset's hair still somehow shines bright with its signature blend of blazing hot crimson and yellow that could rival the sun itself. Wallflower was surprised to notice her still wearing one of her older leather jackets, however the shoulder patches and zippers were replaced with a bright burgundy color set, the edges of the arrow designs on her arms also looked to be embroidered with a similar theme to match. Her pants also matched her jacket except for a large sun design emblazoning her left leg. Taking a few more seconds to catch her breath, Sunset finally turned to register Wallflower once more.

"Yeah that's little old me still getting herself into heaps of trouble, I'm like a broken reco- Wallflower?! Holy fuck, hi! It's been so long, where have you been all this time??" Sunset asked in pure disbelief herself, smiling as she expectantly looked to Wallflower.

Wallflower shifted a bit from excitement, this felt to much like a fantasy she'd imagine up for herself. "Oh heh, you know just around really, I haven't exactly went anywhere so.." She really wasn't sure what to say, her heart was beating fast enough to power a rocket engine.

Sunset's face drooped somewhat after hearing this, looking down guiltily. "So much for being a good friend, I haven't even checked in with you in weeks. I'm sorry for that, I've been struggling to find any free time to myself lately but I know that's a horrible excuse." Sunset looked up with a more somber expression, staring at the night sky similarly to how Roseluck did before.

"No no, really it's ok don't blame yourself! I understand, you have a lot of responsibility." Wallflower put her hands up defensively, chuckling nervously to herself.

Sunset leaned back in her seat, bringing her arms behind her head to rest on them. "Thanks but, it's still irresponsible of me not talk to a friend of mine for this long." She mused, causing the warmth that Wallflower wanted to have once again to well up in her soul after weeks of freezing cold emptiness. "So Wallflower, how have you been doing?"

For once, Wallflower wasn't exactly sure how to answer that question. She knew she could confide herself to Sunset about anything on her mind, the question was how long would it be until this feeling of happiness disappears with Sunset all over again after she leaves. Wallflower only looked down, a soft sad smile forming on her lips.

Might as well make the most of it, while she's here.

"Heh, would the usual 'I'm fine, don't worry' be enough to convince you everything is alright?" Wallflower asked, purposefully trying to get the point across that she wasn't alright at all.

Sunset thought for a moment. "When you say it like that, no I don't think it would. I take it something is on your mind?" She asked, leaning forward slightly.

Read me like a book, then again I guess I did make it obvious.

Wallflower usually has a natural talent for hiding her feelings, unless she wills others to see them that is. That question wasn't a slip in her emotions, it was Wallflower's last cry for help.

"You could say that, it's definitely more then one thing bothering me right now but, can I just start by telling you a story? Something I've never told anyone else. I don't mean to take up your time but, I think I can only trust you with this." Wallflower stated, turning to face Sunset again.

Sunset only nodded, setting her arms back in her lap as she folded up her legs into a crisscross position, turning to fully face her. "Of course, I'll listen to anything and everything you need to get off your chest, and don't ever think you're in the way. I'm willing to help a friend in need, including you Wallflower. You matter just as much to me as anyone else." She said showing her a soft and comforting smile.

Wallflower only smiled back, a slight sting in her heart. You don't even realize part of that sentiment is actually part of one of my problems.

Wallflower took in a long shaky breath before starting. "I'm gonna assume you remember that day when you and your friends shattered the Memory Stone, right?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Well admittedly when you blasted me with it, my mind blanked during that whole confrontation till it broke apart. but of course I remember that. Are you still having a hard time adjusting without it?" Sunset asked with utmost caution.

Wallflower shook her head. "No not exactly, you see when I went home that night I... well I had a panic attack. I was so afraid of how I was going to try and live after that point that I went off the rails. I cried, screamed, banged the walls and cursed the world for leaving me vulnerable like that. A part of me figured 'I should just end it there' just, go into the bathroom and let go. But, I couldn't do it, I stared at those pills just thinking 'No, this is to easy of a punishment for someone like me.' I guess looking back it was more of a fear of death then anything else, but that's besides the point."

Sunset could only listen on in silent disbelief that she was almost that close to losing someone she cared about and she wouldn't have even known. The thought of that shadowed over Sunset as Wallflower continued her story.

"When I was just about to give up and cry myself to sleep, I had another idea, one so completely reckless it would've ruined my life forever. Before I left school, I snuck back out to where I lost the stone. I managed to find enough pieces of it to make it glow so I thought it might still work one more time, I really had a bad time giving up that thing. In a last ditch effort I pulled out the remaining pieces I found and pressed them into my forehead. I wished that it would just work one last time to erase my own memories, I was so scared but I knew that was the only other way to make my mistakes and trauma disappear. No matter how hard I tried, how hard I wished it, no matter how bright it grew it wouldn't erase my memories. The more I cried the harder I pushed my hand into my face pleading with it to work that final time. I did that for three hours straight, just screaming.. I remember that my head was bleeding somewhat, my hair was a ragged mess and shortly after I noticed the blood mixed tears on my hand I passed out unconscious till next morning." Wallflower finally brought her tale to an end, tears now leaking down her cheeks as she questioned why she even told her all this.

Sunset was speechless, she opened and closed her mouth a couple times but no noise came out. Suddenly the warm and inviting atmosphere of the festival grew dark and decrepit very quickly. "W-Wallflower I... I don't even know how to respond to that. You were really willing to throw away every single memory you had just to make the pain stop?"

"Pathetic, isn't it? I know now that it was stupid." Wallflower paused to sniffle away the accumulation in her nose. "It's worse because sometimes I wish it did work. Then I wouldn't have to deal with my awkward and stupid fuck ups, but then I think about what would've happened if it did? Where would I go? What would that new me do with herself with no recollection of her past?" She looked down at her feet, processing all of the 'what if's?' in her head as she subconsciously counted the blades of grass around her boots. "But you know, I didn't have the courage to erase every memory." Wallflower looked back up at Sunset directly with her tear stained face. "There are a set of memories about one person in particular that I couldn't, and still can't let go of." She smiled weakly, another set of tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes.

"Who, would that be exactly?" Sunset asked timidly as she pulled out a napkin she haphazardly stored in her pocket, gently wiping off a few of Wallflower's stray tears for her.

Wallflower hesitated before she answered. "I'd... rather not say right now."

"Alright, that's perfectly fine." Sunset scooched slightly closer to Wallflower, setting the napkin in her lap. "It's funny, you know when I was dethroned from my reign as the Queen Bitch of the school I had a similar problem coping with everything." She said, clearing her throat uncomfortably.

Wallflower definitely remembered that, Sunset was almost the equivalent to a lost puppy with no direction in her life after her true nature was revealed to the entirety of CHS. There were times when Wallflower actually wanted to try and reach out to her, even before they met, but Wallflower was just terrified of being bullied right along with her. She hated herself for that now.

"I remember, you used to walk between classes with such a depressing aura around you, like you had no clue what to do anymore, kinda like me now." Wallflower said, chuckling dryly to herself.

"Heh, well that's the biggest understatement of the year." Sunset commented, releasing a heavy sigh as she continued. "Back then I never undestood what it was like to lose. I always prepared, studied and planned so far ahead that I didn't think it was even possible for someone to undermine me. Then a certain purple alicorn came through to this world, gave me a severe reality check and now I'm somehow an advocate for friendship even though I barely know a thing about it. Weird how things play out." Sunset giggled lightly, a forlorn look quickly replacing her features. "But it wasn't that simple afterwards. People hated me, wanted me to suffer for every painful experience I put them through and honestly I couldn't blame them for it one bit. It felt like even people outside this universe hated me, like I was just some arrogant, bitchy children's cartoon villain who got exactly what was coming to her." Even Sunset started to to tear up a bit, remembering the sheer hatred that almost everybody harbored towards her back then, it was a powerful feeling Wallflower could sense just from listening to her speak. "Honestly, if it wasn't for those girls I highly doubt I would've lasted a month, whether it be from hate mobs tearing me apart or...worse. "

Sunset paused to wipe away her own tears, Wallflower still listening intently to what she was talking about. "If my friends never gave me that second chance, as cliché as it sounds I wouldn't be the me I am today. They gave me the strength and drive to just keep going, even if I didn't have a particular direction to go in. To keep trying and trying until I fell over from exhaustion, only to do it all over again the next day. Even when I messed up and made my own mistakes, when I still do it just encourages me knowing that just because I messed something up doesn't mean my life has to end. I know that because you'll be forgiven for it. Maybe not right away, but those that love you will show empathy to you because you matter more as the person you are to them then the mistakes that plaster your reputation." Sunset looked directly into Wallflower's eyes, speaking to her. "Wallflower, you don't have to be defined by the mistakes you've made. Not by ones people blame you for and especially not mistakes you hold against yourself. You yourself are what defines the life you want to lead and the person you choose to become."

Wallflower could swear Sunset's eyes were glowing for half a second as she spoke, the pure passion she had as she talked about how much she honestly believes in the power of empathy truly shows her as the embodiment of it itself. Wallflower could hardly process what she just heard.

That passion and feeling, it takes my breath away just listening to her talk about how greatful she is to be alive, that she's perfectly ok with messing up as long as her friends and loved ones are there to forgive her for it... You truly are someone special Sunset Shimmer, one in a million during a single lifetime, and I love you for that more then anything.

Wallflower smiled, unexpectedly wrapping Sunset in a hug, causing the other girl to blush lightly. "Thank you, so much. I really needed to hear that, especially from you." Wallflower said, wearing a big dopey smile as she embraced Sunset.

"Eheh, h-hey it's ok, You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I can help you feel better." Sunset stated, returning her hug happily. After a few seconds of this, they slowly let go.

"I didn't realize we shared the same kind of pain like that." Wallflower remarked, staring at Sunset as the fire in her soul was working on overdrive, she couldn't think about a bad memory even if she tried.

"I'll admit I had my suspicions you were in much more pain you were letting on but I didn't want to pry." Sunset stated. "I couldn't have ever imagined you trying to take your own life or erasing your memories. It's awful." She stared down at the space between them. "But, I'm greatful that you're still here and I'm greatful you're still you and not some memory-less husk version of yourself either." Sunset gave her another smile, genuinely happy that Wallflower is here with her.

"I appreciate that Sunset, more then you know." Wallflower said graciously, holding back the real appreciation she actually feels for Sunset.

No matter how happy she is in this moment, this unforgettable moment, Wallflower knows she can never truly have what she wants. Sunset is only sitting a few inches apart from her and she's inevitably a light year away from being Wallflower's. She knows she has a long way to go before she can even stand on comparable ground with Sunset. By that time Sunset will probably be happily married and in the arms of someone else, Wallflower supposed as long as she was happy, and always smiling that peacefully for the rest of her life, she'd sacrifice her happiness for that to be a reality.

After a few more minutes of silence between them, the warm atmosphere of the Music Festival returned once more to banish away the cold tension that hung from the two girl's conversation. Sunset spoke up, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Hey, Wallflower? Have you been to the Neon Garden here yet?" She asked calmly, looking over to her.

Wallflower's demeanor changed immediately, she didn't realize something like that even existed. "The Neon Garden? What's that? Is it an actual garden?" She asked a bit more excitedly then usual, her eyes full of a life she herself would've never thought possible.

Sunset laughed a bit childishly, not expecting so much enthusiasm from the timid girl, it almost reminded her of Fluttershy with animals. "Hah, well kind of in a way. It's basically this hedge maze with a load of neon lighting rigs set up throughout it, it turned me around a few times but, lets just say I'm an expert navigator of it now." She explained, wincing at the amount of times she's had to chase down her pink and aloof friend through there. "Anyway, do you want to walk through it with me?" Sunset asked her slowly, looking at her expectantly.

Wallflower definitely wasn't expecting that, but she wasn't exactly going to complain if she got to spend more time with Sunset. "You want, to take me through it with you? I mean sure, I'd love too. Just let me text my friends and let them know I'll be back late." She said, giddily pulling her phone out to text Roseluck and Derpy her plans, Wallflower felt as excited as a school girl ditching class to go out on a date.

Sunset stood up, stretching her legs and arms to prepare for the journey. "You're still talking with Roseluck and Derpy? I'm glad you girls got to be so close, I hope I'm not stealing you away from them or anything." She said teasingly, smirking with that all to familiar look she likes to make.

Wallflower blushed a lot more then she would've liked in that moment, blushing was the one emotional response she happened to be terrible at controlling. "N-No you aren't, i-it's totally ok if we go hang out together, alone, to do the friend thing together, heh..." Wallflower stammered, absolutely loathing her sense of composure in situations like this.

"Hehe, well that's good to know, come along whenever you're ready, I'll just be down the hill." Sunset replied waving as she made her way over to the crowds.

Wallflower's phone dinged, prompting that her friends received her message and were alright with her last minute schedule change. Satisfied, Wallflower grabbed her things, pocketed her phone and began to catch up with Sunset. Suddenly, despite her wearing the biggest smile imaginable, a single tear leaked out again, causing Wallflower to stop to wipe it away. She wouldn't let Sunset see her cry anymore, not now.

No, I can't do this now. Pull yourself together Wallflower, when she leaves again then you can cry all you want. Not when she's here spending time with you for once.

With her final self pep talk concluded, Wallflower made her way back over to Sunset to begin their walk over to the Neon Garden, likely the last thing Wallflower will really do with her before Sunset leaves again, for the last time.

As the two approached the entrance, Wallflower struggled to contain both her inner gardener from nerding out about just how gorgeous the front of the Neon Garden looked, and the fact that she was practically on a date with Sunset Shimmer right now. A part of her knew all to well that this was the furthest thing from a date but Wallflower figured it couldn't hurt to indulge in her wishes at least a little. It definitely helped drown out the screaming voice in the back of her mind reminding her that she's hopelessly to far away from deserving this.

Crossing the threshold together, the girls were immediately enveloped in the warm glow of lights that splashed an entire spectrum of color along the grassy walls of the maze. With every corner turned, a new wave of neon danced along the walls that gave every hall it's own unique atmosphere of feeling. The greens and blues felt calming and reassuring, while the reds and oranges gave off a vibe of excitement and energy, seeing the two sets of colors bleeding through to eachother to create a small yet welcoming transition of purple gave Wallflower a similar feeling to walking between worlds.
It didn't seem real.

"I must be dreaming right? There can't be anything in the real world that's actually this beautiful." Wallflower commented, in complete awe of the variety of lighting designs strewn about. Sunset giggled at that, she wasn't exactly able to take this place in for herself when she was technically first in here, so this was just as much of a treat for Sunset as it was for Wallflower.

"Haha, hate to disappoint you but even reality has It's fair share of beauty to appreciate." Sunset replied, taking in the sights herself.

Peaceful silence fell over the two as they continued exploring the seemingly endless cave of neon. Wallflower couldn't help but notice that the leaves of the hedges looked as if they were well taken care of, it was a surprise for her just how well the natural green and healthy canopy surrounding them collided with the artificial but magnificent lighting that followed it's length the further they walked in.

Sunset stretched her arm nonchalantly, sighing in relief as they rounded another corner. "This is exactly the break I needed, between all the things I've been through lately, writing a song and just being plain busy, it's nice to just take in the little things." She said absentmindedly, talking as if her stress was melting away with every step.

Her interest piqued, Wallflower turned her head to face her. "Oh, well if it's anything know, you want to talk about I'm happy to listen, it's the least I could do for your help before. B-But, even if you didn't help me I'd still listen because I'd hate to feel alright if you're having problems with something." Wallflower awkwardly offered, sweating nervously.

Sunset giggled, pausing in her tracks for a second, prompting Wallflower to stop also. "I appreciate that really, but I think I'll be ok. Actually a lot of it is the reason why I'm writing that song, it's meant to help me deal with some of my inner stress. Like a letter to myself saying 'everything may be looking down, but it's gonna be ok.' it's a bit childish but, I think when I sing it out loud I'll feel much better." She explained, wearing a somewhat sheepish expression.

"I don't think it's childish at all." Wallflower shot back almost immediately. "I think that, it's really special that you can do something as complicated as write a whole song just to help yourself feel better." She smiled, internally surprised at this newfound confidence to speak her mind she never had before.

Where did this feeling even come from? That felt so instinctual to say that it wasn't like I had a choice.

Sunset could only look at Wallflower, stunned by her words as a light blush crept over her cheeks. "You, really think that? It's not weird that I don't just talk to someone about it instead of going out of my way to do this for myself." She asked, giving Wallflower a curious look.

Wallflower only smiled, looking her in the eyes. "I mean sure it's probably easier to talk things out with someone and there's nothing wrong with that, but what that song tells me is that you aren't willing to take the easy way out every time. It means you have the strength inside of you to at least stand up and fight your demons directly before assessing whether or not it's a battle you can win on your own. Gardening for me is pretty similar, It helps relieve a lot of stress despite it being hardwork sometimes. However instead of using your hobby to distract yourself from your problems, you use singing to face them head on so that to me, is praise worthy." Wallflower finished, leaving Sunset to contemplate those words.

"You know, you have a point. I shouldn't do everything on my own but at the same time I shouldn't always lay my problems onto others if I don't have too. It's not about being dependent or independent, it's about balancing both respectively." Sunset thought out loud, starting to walk slowly again with Wallflower in tow.

"Thank you Wallflower, I feel alot better about it now." Sunset said, flashing Wallflower one last smile of appreciation before continuing along the neon bathed path.

"N-No problem." Wallflower squeaked out, following suit. Her heart was pounding faster then it had been this entire night, Wallflower isn't even sure how she's able to see straight right now. With every step she takes this close to Sunset it gets harder and harder to keep her feelings for Sunset in check. If she wasn't careful her mind would betray her and the next breath out of her mouth would be 'I love you'.

Then everything would be all over for me, I'd never get to have a moment like this with her ever again. Sunset would want nothing to do with me.

Wallflower at least figured if Sunset was just gonna leave her like before, as long as she kept her mouth shut about her feelings maybe they could meet randomly like they did tonight again someday, all she had to do was keep a lid on how she felt. She's done this plenty of times before, yet this feeling was different. It was fighting Wallflower, desperately trying to claw it's way out of her, longing for even the slightest chance Sunset might except her. It physically pained her to keep these emotions at bay for so long that an occasional tear would roll out of her eyes, which Wallflower would promptly wipe away before Sunset could notice anything. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up.

Rounding one last corner revealed an opening in the path, leading out to a courtyard like area full of more neon lighting designs in the shapes of simple flowers and plants that had their own unique glow under the open sky and accompanying moonlight. A crossroad like path was laid out in neon strips that lead them to what the girls assumed was an exit. However before they could go on, Wallflower stopped. Looking down, she clutched her chest as if struggling to keep some part of her from escaping.

"H-Hey Sunset? What were you planning on naming your song?" Wallflower asked innocently, not budging from her spot on the path.

Sunset paused, turning around to face her casually. "Oh that, well considering the lyrics I wrote for it, it'd make sense if I called it 'Let It Rain'. I booked a spot to play it live on an open mic stage tomorrow actually, I was hoping it would help get the feelings out faster, you know?" She finished, eyeing Wallflower with a slight look of concern after noticing her current body language. "Hey, are you feeling alright, you don't look so-"

"Let It Rain huh? I like that name. C-Can I come watch? When you sing it?" Wallflower cut her off, trying feebly to keep the subject on Sunset's song. It took everything in her power not to cry at that moment. On one hand if she attempted to run out of here it'd leave a bad impression on Sunset, not to mention she has no clue how to get out of this maze. On the other she can't seem to get a grip on her emotions, unable to let that question about going to see her go unsaid. Her mind was such a conflicting game of tug-o-war about telling her how she feels or not that her legs began shaking.

I'm stuck... I don't have anywhere to run. This is it, guess this really is gonna be my last time being with her like this. It was nice while it lasted, I'll cherish this night forever no matter how this ends.

Sunset tentatively answered her, taking a couple cautious steps forward in the off chance she was about to fall over. "Yeah, of course you can, you're more then welcome to-WALLFLOWER!" Sunset lunged forward, catching her by the arms before her legs gave out from underneath her.

Wallflower finally snapped, she couldn't win against the overwhelming feelings flooding from her heart, causing her to collapse from her mental exhaustion. Wallflower cried, almost as hard as when she tried erasing her memories. She felt worthless, she was crying over absolutely nothing because she was overthinking everything as she usually does. Sunset kneeled the both of them down, taking the crying girl into a hug.

"Y-You shouldn't have t-to see me like this, I'm so sorry I just can't take this anymore!" Wallflower cried, slowly letting out all of the pent up emotions she's felt for so long. Sunset let go of her a little to bring the both of them face to face, her face was as reassuring to Wallflower as always.

"It's alright. I'm right here for you, just tell me what's on your mind. I'll listen to every word you need to say." Sunset smiled, giving Wallflower her full attention.

The combination of lights and Wallflower's tears blurred Sunset's face from her perspective, but Wallflower knew somehow in her heart that no matter what, things would be ok. She's never felt more safe in her entire life. "A-Alright, but promise me you won't think worse of me for it?" Wallflower requested, looking down.

"I promise, you don't need to worry about a thing." Sunset reassured her.

With a shaky breath, Wallflower hesitantly spoke. "D-Do you remember, what I said when I was telling you about the stone, that there was one particular person and their set of memories in my head I couldn't bring myself to try and erase?" Wallflower asked slowly, nervously shifting a little. Sunset only responded with a quiet nod, allowing her to continue.

It's now or never I guess.

"The memories I couldn't erase, were the ones of you... I couldn't, bring myself to forget you because no matter how much I just wanted to erase everything that made me who I am, I couldn't let you go." Wallflower teared up once more, not choosing to look Sunset in the eyes. "Ironic, considering before I used to despise you just like everyone else once did before. But deep down, you saved me from apart of myself I didn't know I needed saving from and at the time, despite that being my one sole good memory I had of you, I couldn't throw that away for nothing."

Wallflower smiled to herself, tears still dripping from her eyes as she replayed that thought in her head, no matter what she promised never to forget what Sunset did for her. "Even after that day, you showed me how to live again. You introduced me to my friends who honestly up untill now I don't think I've fully appreciated, you've helped me out in the garden when the other girls couldn't make it, just out of your own free will. You always used to make time for me, you made me feel so special and for the first time in my life I think...I've genuinely fallen in love." Wallflower paused, looking up slightly to meet Sunset's gaze. "I love you, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset's eyes widened, unaware her friend has been harboring feelings like this for so long. "But, then you slowly stopped showing up. You got busier and busier untill one day you quit talking to me all together." Wallflower continued, her voice hoarse as her tone saddened. "It made me sad, so sad to the point where I just couldn't take reality seriously anymore unless you were with me. So I started retreating into my mind, just to relive my memories of you even if sifting through my past pained me. I just wanted to be with you, no matter how much suffering I went through because I couldn't stand being without the thought of you there. You make me happy, like my soul just lights on fire and burns away all the cold and dark feelings I have. I only did it because I was convinced the real you wanted nothing to do with me anymore." Wallflower concluded, sniffling to herself.

This was it, everything was out in the open now and Wallflower was at Sunset's complete mercy. She couldn't stand this suspenseful feeling in her chest, it conflicted with the relief she felt for telling her in the first place. It made Wallflower uncomfortable and she just wanted Sunset to tell her off so she could go cry about it.

Sunset unexpectedly lifted Wallflower's chin so she'd face her, she wore a guilty smile that could tell a whole novel of emotions. "Wallflower, I'm sorry I had no idea you were going through so much pain. It was right under my nose this whole time and I didn't see it." Sunset hugged her again, as she teared up herself. "Just when I thought I had this friendship thing finally under control I mess something else up." Sunset was physically shaking in Wallflower's arms as she silently blamed herself for all of this.

Wallflower gently began rubbing her back without a second thought, resting her chin on Sunset's shoulder. "Shh, it's ok. Everything will be fine, you're back now and that's all that matters to me." Wallflower slowly brought her head back around to meet Sunset's now tear stained eyes. "I mean you said it yourself, those who care will show you that they forgive you because the person that you are to them is always more important then the mistakes you make." Wallflower smiled, gently leaning forward to kiss Sunset's cheek.

Once she backed away, Wallflower realizing what she's just done, went into a miniature panic, blushing super hard. "Oh fuck! Oh no no no I'm so sorry! T-That was a spur of the moment thing, n-nothing more I swear! I-I didn't mean to take advantage of you like that!" Wallflower profusely apologized, feeling extremely ashamed for letting her feelings get the better of her.

Sunset however couldn't get enough of it as she began laughing uncontrollably, almost falling over from clutching her stomach so hard out of laughter. "Hahaha, yo-you make it sound like you just sexually assaulted me or something, hehe!" Sunset giggled, finally calming down to notice Wallflower didn't seem to take her laughing as well as she still looked down shamefully. Thinking on her feet, Sunset thought of an idea that she knew would cheer them both up. "Alright alright, that was a pretty terrible joke, how about this instead." Sunset cleared her throat, talking in a sarcastically serious voice. "To pay for your hienous and overly saucy crime, I command that you, Wallflower Blush, close your eyes immediately to receive just punishment." She concluded, flashing Wallflower a snarky smile.

Wallflower blushed even harder, not sure what to think in this moment. "W-What for?" She asked shyly, looking visually nervous.

Sunset only shook her head. "You also have the right to remain silent, so you may carry out your punishment without any back talk." She said sarcastically once more, causing Wallflower to sigh, closing her eyes a second later.

What is she a police chief now?

After a short time of waiting with her eyes closed, Wallflower was about to question what the point of this even was before something she wasn't expecting happened. Wallflower felt a warm pair of lips pressing gently into hers, instinctively shooting her eyes open in shock for a second before closing them once more. Wallflower's mind was like a zigzaging stock chart shifting every which way as she attempted to process what was happening to her right now. This couldn't be real, there was no possible way in her mind that this could even be happening.

Sunset..i-is kissing me?!? T-This has to be in my head, o-of course it is. But this sensation, this warmth on my lips it' is real.

After a few more seconds of this, Sunset broke apart from the now overly flustered girl who seemed like she might explode. "There, now all is forgiven." Sunset remarked, giggling lightly.

"Y-You... You kissed me..." Wallflower commented, still having a hard time processing it.

"Yup, sure did." Sunset replied casually, standing back up as she offered her hand to help Wallflower to her feet. She graciously takes it, pulling herself up as she notices Sunset doesn't let her go, even after she's standing.

"B-But, why? It doesn't make any sense for you to feel the same way for me." Wallflower asked skeptically.

"Why does it have to make sense? Can't I just feel the same way because you make me happy too?" Sunset countered, squeezing Wallflower's hand comfortingly.

"Well, I guess but, I'm such an absolute mess and you have such a perfect and satisfying life without me. What else would I be to you if only just someone to hold you back?" Wallflower asked, still unsure about this whole thing. Wallflower has always considered herself to be below Sunset when it comes to the life she lives. Sunset is a wild, carefree individual who overcomes every challenge life throws at her, whereas Wallflower can't even seem to move on from the past trauma she's endured over her lifetime. What could Wallflower offer to Sunset to be worthy in her eyes.

Sunset thought about Wallflower's concerns for a bit, before finally taking Wallflower's other free hand and wrapping her fingers with hers, interlocking the both of them together. "Don't forget I'm still a mess to you know. I may not seem like it on the outside but I still even question myself sometimes. If I wasn't here you and everyone in this world wouldn't need to worry about the stresses of magic. Even now that's still and always is going to be a problem I caused because of my arrogance. But at the same time I'm happy to be where I am today. No it's not always sunshine and rainbows and I've basically been stuck with the world's shittiest janitorial job, cleaning up run away equestrian magic but I'm happy to have my life the way it is. My friends make me happy despite being major pains sometimes, my life makes me happy getting to do the things I love doing everyday like streaming games and singing with my band."

Sunset paused, looking directly into Wallflower's eyes. "And now, you make me happy too. I couldn't explain to you how the fundamentals of love work because I've never been in love before myself, even Flash Sentry was just a stepping stone to my popularity back then. But when I'm with you right here in this over saturated field of neon and wild grass, I don't think I'd want to picture myself anywhere else. I opened my heart to you and all you've shown me is kindness and support, despite feeling so much suffering. You went all the way to your limit just to make me happy. I don't think I want to see you necessarily risk your mental health for me but, I appreciate how much you really care. So yes Wallflower, you and I may be dealing with very different things, but that doesn't mean one of us is living a better life then the other. We're equally just as messed up, and thats ok." Sunset smiled, stepping closer to Wallflower once more. "Because I love you to, Wallflower."

Wallflower had no words to respond with to that, all she could do was let go of Sunset's fingers and jump into her arms again, holding her tight. "Please don't go, never again." She pleaded, desperately holding her in place. If this really was in a dream, or some tripy hallucination Wallflower had somehow fallen under, she didn't care as long as she stayed. This was the lightest and most free Wallflower has ever felt in her whole life, there wasn't anything this world could do to ruin this for her. This was her moment, her victory after so many losses, so many harsh past sorrows she's had to live through and Wallflower finally has a reason to be truly happy.

Sunset rubbed Wallflower's back reassuringly, making her relax her grip. "I'm not going anywhere anymore. I promise you." She replied, lightly kissing her forehead to prove it. Part of Sunset felt that despite not really experiencing love before, this to her just feels right. Her own soul even feels like a new fire that she hasn't sensed before was slowly growing with each second that passed knowing Wallflower's love for her. It was infectious, but in a good way, Sunset wanted nothing more then to help pull Wallflower out of this darkness she's been seemingly forever trapped in, and she'll start by never leaving her to suffer alone again.

Satisfied, Wallflower let go, taking Sunset's hand again. Once their embrace was over, the two girls turned and headed for the exit, Wallflower practically glued to Sunset's side as they went through the tunnel. Eventually they came across the way out, decorated in a full rainbow of neon colors, all of each flooding the archway with a soft glow that beautifully summarized the entire maze in a single hallway. Wallflower peacefully rested her head on Sunset's shoulder as they made their way out of the Neon Garden. Smiles plastered both the girls faces as they continued on into the every growing crowds, not intending to let go of each other for even a second.

"I love you." Wallflower gently whispered, not moving her head one bit from it's resting place. She breathed the air around her not like a hollowed out shell of nothingness, but as a true human being with a beating heart that felt love emanating from within herself. She felt so many stressful worries and all of her previous anxiety melt away like they weren't even there to begin with.

Sunset only smiled, nuzzling her lightly as they walked. "I love you too."