Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness

by fluttershyfan17

Chapter 2: Aftermath

There was a tension in the great throne room of the Crystal Empire which threatened to break down each molecule of crystal in the walls. Small windows let in natural light, each embedded with a crystal-like filter naturally or done through the ancient magic of the kingdom, each with silky purple shades. This elegance rivaled the great halls of Canterlot, though Cadance would never admit it to Celestia.

Kaleb stood to one side of the hall, as he observed the other three groups who inhabited the hall. Cadance and Twilight sat on the thrones, listening to the current reports with great interest, but with a distant gaze. Particularly from Cadance, who kept glancing between the Equestrian Guard general who was giving the report and the Royal Guard, who were stationed near the doorway of the throne room.

Royal Guard troops had been guarding the throne room, but had been returning the hostile stares given from the Equestrian Guard troops, lead by the commander and general who spoke at the moment. Even making sure to have it clear staffs and swords were well on display from both sides. Some with a few hidden daggers.

It was clear there was always going to be tension at this meeting. As soon as Cadance and Twilight sent out a distress signal via magic, the Royal Guard arrived on the spot, followed by the Equestrian Guard about an hour later. After arresting the attackers still on the train and scattered injured across the surrounding area, Kaleb and everyone else were taken back to the Crystal Empire, leaving the Equestrian Guard to sort out the passengers.

After both princesses authorized the Royal Guard to take over the investigation, Shining Armor had left one of his lieutenants to continue to search the area, relaying messages between the area and Canterlot.

Kaleb wondered whether this was the source of tension, which had become apparent in recent years. However, it was always beneath the surface for him, never witnessing it until now. I need to know what is going on.

After Commander Bentley finished his report to the princesses, he coughed before continuing. “That is all there is to know at this time for the civilians. But the endangerment of Equestrian national security is clear, as this attack from foreigners clearly shows the hostilities will only continue to grow. And yet you continue to engage with them, as if the ones your put in charge is not capable of protecting a herd of geese let alone you…”

Bentley had crossed a line with that, as the Royal and Equestrian Guard’s gazes at each other clearly grew more hostile. Twilight openly glared at the light-blue pegasus, clearly growing agitated at the passive-aggressive nature of insults directed towards Kaleb and the Royal Guard during his report.

Just about as she was going to act, Cadance created a loud bell which echoed throughout the hall, silencing Bentley. “Commander, I will remind you along with everyone else where you are speaking, and you will adhere to the dignity and decorum set by this room. Speak out of turn again, and I will dismiss you from this chamber.”

“Just try it…I dare you…” Bentley muttered under his breath, as the rest of the Equestrian Guards hissed, some preparing their minds for battle.

“Bentley, calm yourself,” said General Tywin, the unicorn setting a hoof on his commander’s shoulders.

His fur was a lighter gray, mixed in with splotches of red hidden under a black tunic textured similar to armor. White hair and beard meticulously pulled back, and blue eyes cold and hardened as steel created an intimidating figure. However, his deep voice was as smooth and experienced as it was equally chilling.

“My princess, I apologize for the actions of my commander, as clearly he has much to learn,” Tywin began. “However, I have my concerns of what happened last night, and why more appropriate action was not taken.”

Kaleb looked directly at him, just as Twilight began to speak. “Master Taymar was chosen for this mission for a particular reason, as his abilities allow him to act in multiple roles from guardian to negotiation and secrecy.”

Tywin challenged Twilight. “Perhaps he would like to speak for himself instead of standing in the shadows of others.”

“The actions I took last night were not just improvised, General,” he said, keeping neutral and not allowing anything else to be betrayed. “It was meticulously planned between the Princesses and I in case anything were to happen. However, I did take into account the unplanned circumstances we found ourselves in. Civilians being held hostage due to magic, being the main one.”

“That may be, Master Jedi, but therein lies our disagreement,” Tywin stated simply. “Your philosophy requires a steady voice of peace, while mine requires a steady hoof with its pulse on the sword and stone. So; let me ask you for the attackers you spared; why are they still alive?”

Kaleb never wavered as he answered calmly. “If you uproot every sapling in the forest, there is no room for growth, only decay and destruction. I only kill in self-defense, and I am not an executioner. However, I spare those who I believe will have useful information, or who must answer for their crimes.”

The general acknowleged the answer, even if it was not the one he was seeking. “My troops and I must take our leave. However, let it be known on the thrones of my fathers The Equestrian Guard will always hold the interest of Equestria at heart. Princess Cadance, Princess Twilight.”

With that, he turned and strode out of the hall, Commander Bentley and the rest of the Equestrian Guard following. The Royal Guards opened the doors, allowing them to pass as they tried not to look the rest of them in the eye.

The door closed with a hollow bang, signifying the tension was over. Cadance let out a long, deep breath.

“If he would have spoken one more word out of term, I would have thrown him out myself,” Twilight muttered loudly.

“I understand the sentiment,” Cadance replied. “Let’s just be glad it ended there, Twilight.” She dismissed the royal guards, and turned to the Jedi waiting in front of her. “You may give your report when ready.”

Kaleb nodded. “Permission to drop the royal formalities for the remainder of this meeting?”

“Permission granted Kaleb,” she responded, with Twilight asking another question. “Where is your apprentice?”

“Taking a well-deserved day off,” he replied. “Especially after last night, she needed time to rest and recover.” An image flashed in his head of her spell protecting them.

Twilight nodded. “She’s sleeping as of a few hours ago, according to Rarity. I think that attack caught all of us by surprise.”

“Spike alerted Sweetie Belle to some inconsistencies in the geography, and the landslide was pony-made,” Kaleb began. “This was confirmed by Saddle Arabia by this morning.”

“What I found odd was they never were looking for us,” Cadance pointed out. “They never made any attempt to breach our car.”

He gathered his thoughts. “I have a theory. There were two groups involved. One who set off the landslide, and the other who attacked the train. Both working separately or together. If they weren’t expecting two Jedi to be on board, then why did they have those weapons?”

“It’s not unusual they would want upgraded weapons,” Twilight added. “But that is a good theory. Right now, we’re receiving intelligence by scroll from Canterlot. Most of it is going there, but they should have a large report by noon.”

She continued, using her magic to send a picture to Kaleb. “What we do know is what they were after. Those are Saddle Arabian fire rubies, which were magically sealed in the safe. Princess Amira confirmed the safe had been stolen a few months ago from a facility outside the capitol. Whoever stole it must had been trying to smuggle it into Equestria.”

Kaleb observed the red gemstones, noticing that even in the still picture, they glowed embers of red and orange. “And then another organization gets word the valuables are crossing the border, and attempts to steal them.” It makes sense, that explains why they weren’t attacking the Mane Six or any of the princesses. “Still, there’s a lot of unknowns. This still could hold true to my theory of multiple organizations.”

“Did you manage to get a look at who attacked the train?” Cadance asked.

“The symbol I saw in the pegasus’s necklace indicated it was Mountain’s Fury,” Kaleb explained. “A smaller organization that specializes in heists. They normally go after cargo trains, small-time operations that keep them under the radar. This was highly unusual, even for them.”

“We should have more information soon, as the members arrested are being held in Canterlot,” Twilight informed him. “For now, you can take a rest from what happened last night, and give us the full report.”

Kaleb nodded gratefully, as she must have sensed his weariness of unanswered questions and fatigue from the attack. Any more speculation could lead to misinformation or repeating what we already know. Taking a deep breath, he began his full report, taking up to an hour give every last detail.

After the full chain of events leading up to the treaty was told, Kaleb addressed Twilight and Cadance directly, as they stood from the chairs. “What is to happen now? I assume the Royal Guard is taking over my duties since we’re back in Equestria.”

“Yes, and your mission is concluded,” Cadance replied. “I think Celestia wants you in Canterlot to discuss the events of last night. When I get word from her, I’ll set up a portal that will send you straight there.”

Kaleb nodded in thanks, as Cadance formally dismissed him from the chamber. Turning to Twilight as Cadance walked out to see her daughter, he sent a grateful expression. “Thanks for standing up for me during the Equestrian Guard’s testimony, I really appreciate.”

“Even if they disagreed with your methods, they should have shown you respect,” Twilight replied. “Friends have each other’s backs, Kaleb. Don’t forget that.”

Even as a princess, Twilight still treated Kaleb as a friend and equal. They had their minor disagreements from time to time, but aside from ceremony, there was no change. The two walked out of the hall, talking briefly about schedule as A5 joined them.

She beeped a recap of what had been going on, indicating everyone else was having a late breakfast together. Twilight glanced at the time. “Shoot, I should probably go join them. I’ll let you two catch up.”

The droid looked at Kaleb, with a little bit of contempt as she asked him about the briefing. “I wouldn’t call it an interrogation, but it did feel abnormally long.” He paused. “Look, I’m sorry about last night. You were perfectly capable of protecting Twilight and Cadance, and I shouldn’t have overreacted. Something was off, I could sense it. I just couldn’t until it was too late.”

She reached her grasper arm out to Kaleb. “Thanks, you’re the best. And I’m not underestimating you.” He sighed. “What information did you manage to find from the broken comlink?”

Handing him the broken transmitter, she hinted towards the time of the logs. “That’s a good place to start. The logs will give us time of any attempted transmissions. Anything else I should know from this morning?”

A5 started on one thing, but hesitated with embarrassment. “It’s alright, you can tell me. Though I have an idea who it probably is…”

“KALEB!” A sharp voice broke off in the distance, as Rainbow Dash flew up to him, clearly not happy. “Explain to me why your droid isn’t accepting any of my challenges. You owe me, big time.”

“Ah, Rainbow Dash,” Kaleb greeted, clearly not surprised by the situation. “I’m assuming this is about the competitions you have been inviting us to over the years. But where do I owe you?”

She wasn’t fully in the mood for his greeting. “It’s more than delaying them. A group of robbers attack, and you didn’t think to bring me out to be your backup? I would have defeated them like that with the way the pegasi were flying.”

“There was a lot I didn’t know at the time,” Kaleb pointed out. “Including logistics. There was a plan in place; Sweetie Belle and I needed to stick to that. It’s adaptable for a reason.” An idea popped into his head. “But you can help me with something.”

Her head bobbed with excitement. “What do you need?”

“I need an assessment of flying conditions in the area where we were attacked,” Kaleb said carefully. “The mountains between Saddle Arabia and the Crystal Empire are unique due to their wind currents and air pressure. Whoever was flying had to be skilled; the area rivals the highest peaks between Equestria and YakYakistan. This is a task I know a Wonderbolt Reserve is capable of, and could greatly aid the Royal Guard.”

“You got it, Kaleb. I’ll have it to you in the next few days,” she accepted with excitement, then adding with a bit of extra challenge; “But this doesn’t mean I’ll let you off the hook for those challenges. I was pitching it to A5.”

The astromech droid looked at Kaleb, mentioning the breakfast conversation and handing him a piece of paper. “Twenty five events of skill and strength is too many. Can’t you narrow the list down?”

“But the point of the fall festival is to give people a show,” she argued. “An Iron Pony event would draw eyes wide, and this is part of the schools Homecoming Festival leading up to their dance. It has to be packed.”

Kaleb thought about what his apprentice would say knowing her dedication to the school. “Pick your top five, and we’ll discuss it from there.”

“Fine, but you can at least convince A5 to let me fly your ship in a Wonderbolts show. She won’t let me…”

“With good reason!” Kaleb said slighty exhasperated. “You stole my ship when helping to repair it…”

“Borrowed…” Rainbow Dash corrected him. “You told me to test the engines. How else would you truly know they were good?”

“By starting on the ground, and not going up.” he said simply. “It took me weeks to redo the new coat of paint too.”

“You got to at least meet me halfway on this, I’ve got this whole new plan which will blow minds,” she convinced. “I’ve cleared it with my Commander.”

A5 looked at him, and beeped that he needed to let it go. “Fine, I’ll take a look at it. But I’m flying my ship. And narrow down your list of challenges to five, and we’ll talk from there.”

Rainbow Dash shook his hand. At that moment, both of them heard whistling in the sound of birdsong. “Do you hear that Rainbow Dash? What’s that sound?”

The birdsong continued, and Kaleb kept explaining, projecting his voice. “It sounds to me like a birdsong, More specifically, one of a sparrow. They’re probably around this time of here.”

Rainbow Dash was so close to groaning as he moved around, trying to find the not-sparrow. “And what do you think it’s trying to tell you?”

“I don’t know…perhaps it’s a mating call.” Kaleb said. Meanwhile, A5 was just observing, in on the entire act. “But what I do know, is when a sparrow is near…” He looked around one of the columns, and spotted Fluttershy hiding. “It’s always worth looking around.”

The two kissed, and Rainbow Dash finally had enough. “Damn your adorableness.” She flew away, not wanting to watch the display any longer, but still amused.

Kaleb and Fluttershy separated, both laughing loudly. “Good mating call, by the way. It sounded close to the real thing.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy replied. “But it was technically a robin, not a sparrow. You need to work on identifying birds by call.”

Most of the time, Kaleb just used the Force, but he was always eager to learn. “True. And I think Rainbow Dash and I have finally cut a deal on those competitions.” He told her about the festival.

“I think it’s an amazing idea,” she said. “She’s really grown, and I think you two see eye to eye on the flying.” She handed him a blueberry muffin, as she was still finishing up hers. “I managed to grab these from the breakfast. I’ve been busy finishing up the blueprints for the animal sanctuary.”

He nodded in thanks, taking a few bites. “The investor meeting is still tomorrow, right? With the Dr. Fauna’s clinic and the bank?”

“That actually got pushed back to a later date, we’re still trying to figure out a good time for everyone,” Fluttershy explained. Dr. Fauna was one of Fluttershy’s close friends, and was using her veterinary clinic to help fund the animal sanctuary. “Do you want to look over the blueprints with me this afternoon?”

“Princess Celestia needs me in Canterlot, otherwise I would,” he remembered sighing. “I know I said after the trip, but this is important.”

“As it should be,” Fluttershy agreed. “Nobody was expecting that last night. We can always get together back at home.”

He nodded. “I just feel bad for making plans only to break them at the last minute.”

She looked at him, taking his hand. “We’re a team, Kaleb. We work together, and acknowledge both of us has roles which hold importance. Go to Canterlot, I’ll be fine here today.”

Kaleb smiled, remembering why he cared for her. “I should be home late tonight, but I’ll send you a message through holoprojector.”

Fluttereshy nodded, hugging him one last time. “I’ll see you soon. Say hi to Dr. Bluejay for me.”

Spike gazed out at the horizon on one of the balconies of the palace, taking in the morning sun. His eyes moved around, looking at the ponies down below going about their day. I wish I could be that carefree, given these exams.

It was more than the academic pressures of school which was troubling him. Over the past seven years, something had changed. He was aware of it, as this lingering feeling was always with him. One which showed him a mirror, and the demon staring back.

Even with the mirror shattered, both in his mind and from shards in his bathroom, this shadow remained. The feelings of raw vitriol and hatred were strong. Even worse, it was a lighting rod for the emotions of others, feelings of fear, anger, hatred, and suffering. He experienced them all through their minds, as if given a piercing gaze into their souls.

And Spike did the only thing he knew in response; one which he turned to keep his feelings of greed and jealously in check: bury it. He hid this from Twilight, from Kaleb, and all his friends ever since that day. With all of these emotions running through him, it was overwealming, and nearly destroyed him. The only thing that had kept him in check were Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. His friends.

Still, even then, as he continued to gaze out at the horizon, it was to district himself from the feelings of anxiety from that night. He could sense the fear in the passengers, the greed and bloodlust of the robbers, and the suffering of those killed, the light fading from their eyes. Even hours after the attack on the train, those emotions remained.

Hoofsteps echoed behind him, and Sweetie Belle moved next to him, out of her Jedi robes and with a mug of coffee. “Hey, everyone is just grabbing breakfast. You want to join?”

“Yeah, I will in a few minutes,” Spike said absentmindedly. He continued to gaze out at the surrounding ponies. “It’s…been a rough night.”

“You can say that again,” Sweetie Belle added, sighing. “Nobody was expecting that attack, not even Kaleb.”

The two leaned over the railing for the next five minutes in silence. Spike looked over, and saw she wasn’t going to leave. “How do you do it?”

The young unicorn’s ears perked up. “Do what?”

“Manage to keep so focused…in those situations?” Spike asked. “When the world threatens to tear itself apart from fear and hatred.”

There was a standard response that Kaleb had taught her, but that didn’t always hold true for Sweetie Belle. “I don’t know…I guess I try to look at one thing at a time. And just focus on that…”

In those moments, Spike felt himself transported, as a quick vision entered into his head. One which showed the moments on the train.

Sweetie Belle moved with focus as she fought to rescue her master. There was one pony who fought her, tall and string, brimming with hatred. The light of determination versus the sheer anger of her opponent. Both their emotions were strong, and unresolved. But that changed in a flash as the lightsaber moved by instinct. And landed with a stab into his stomach. The pony’s emotions kept to anger even as the light faded from his eyes, and Sweetie Belle’s moved to guilt and fear. The feelings yelled out to him as if in a scream.

Spike let out a quick breath as he opened his eyes back up. It had only been a few seconds, a flash of times past, but every moment felt real. What the…what was that? How did that vision occur?

Sweetie Belle noticed this. “Hey, are you okay?”

He blinked rapidly and looked back at her. “Yeah, I think so. Just spaced out for a second.” Pausing, he looked at her again. “Are you okay?”

“I’m trying,” she said. “That’s all I can do at this point. While figuring out where to go from here…”

Because you killed that pony, Spike thought to himself. He didn’t judge her, but felt uncomfortable about the intrusion into her mind. “I see the way some ponies look at me, the way they stare. Sometimes, I honestly can’t tell whether things have gotten better or worse since the treaty with the Dragon Lands.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Then they’re idiots for feeling that way. Nobody should be judged by how they look.”

“I always felt welcome in Ponyville,” Spike remembered. “Even in school, they looked at me as Spike, not just a dragon. It’s when you get outside of those areas where some can be unwelcoming.”

“Even if only a few more ponies showed kindness, they can change that,” she muttered. “It starts with one, even a small act can make a difference.”

“It’s not that simple, though,” Spike added. “There have always been those who hated dragons, going back centuries. I know Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have done their best to change those attitudes over time, but it’s still there in small ways. I just wish I could change their minds.”

Sweetie Belle looked at him with agreement. “It takes all of us to change a world of hatred to a world of peace. You’re not alone; you have your friends and family. And I’ll stand with you, no matter what.”

Spike smiled, thanking his friend for the support. He longed for lighter topics of conversation. “How would you rate the coffee you’re drinking?”

Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments, taking another sip. “It’s pretty good, though a little warm for the summer. I just wish I had the chance to sample the blend in Saddle Arabia….”

“What, so you can analyze it and write observations in your coffee notebook?” Spike teased lightly. “If you’re considering opening a café one of these days, I would be first in line.”

She laughed. “You got me there. And I would make a special discount for all Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

The two shared a few more minutes of conversation before Sweetie Belle went inside. Spike gazed out at the horizon, the emotions within his mind picking up speed like waves on a choppy sea.

The moment Kaleb stepped onto the marble floors of Canterlot Castle, the portal closed behind him. Much smoother than teleportation, and better than first time. Walking down the small hallway, he had been transported too, he turned the corner into one of the main halls. It was moderately packed, with Royal aids and gardeners speaking loudly.

“Kaleb, over here!” Shining Armor waved, and Kaleb walked over. “Sorry for the delay, things have been hectic here. The castle is currently organizing the late Summer music festival, and resources had to be shifted because of what happened.”

He started walking hurridly, and the Jedi followed. “It’s alright, I’m just glad to be alive and breathing. How has the investigation been going?”

“Well, it’s just been a long night between getting communication established,” Shining Armor explained. “I got here around three in the morning, and have been supervising ever since. Flash got one hell of a wake-up call, but I assured him I would take over. He’s got his hooves full already teaching cadets here.”

Kaleb remembered his friend’s new post in Canterlot. We haven’t seen each other in at least a year because of the traveling. “Well, I’m sure he’s doing well. How many guards had to be transferred here?”

Shining Armor thought for the exact number. “We have at least forty to make sure security is fortified, but there’s at least two hundred more due to the festival. This is one of the biggest summer events Canterlot has ever hosted.”

He escorted Kaleb to the royal chambers, where Celestia and Luna were looking over reports. The door opened with a large creek, and the guard next to the doors jumped.

“I have to continue to meet with advisors, and send an update to Flash, but I’ll leave all of you to your work.” Shining Armor shook his head to keep awake, and closed the doors.

The princesses turned to face the Jedi, with Luna greeting him as Celestia finished writing something down. “Kaleb, good to see you, although I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.”

“Agreed, Princess Luna,” Kaleb replied, keeping the royal formalities for the greetings only. “Princess Celestia, it is good to see you as well.”

She nodded, smiling at him. “We have much to discuss. Come into the other room.”

Nodding, Kaleb followed them, the guard keeping a safe distance as he trailed them. Kaleb noticed the Royal Guard eyeing him with apprehension, and slight curiosity.

On the table of the small room, evidence lay scattered in organized areas, including weapons Kaleb recognized as playing a role in the attack. Undetonated gernades, vibroblades, and electrowhips all lay with equal spacing on the table, along with a variety of blasters. The cannon was propped up against the wall, with burning around the edge.

Kaleb paused, taking a minute to look at the weapons on the table in silence. “The Royal Guard did a good job in collecting these, and transporting them here.”

Celestia glanced at Kaleb, with Luna nudging her. He had already know who they had been looking at, and waiting for his reaction. “You are wondering why I have not drawn my weapon.”

There was silence in the room, followed by the guard in the door replying in a curious, but strong voice. “I do suppose they are wondering why, along with myself, and waiting for your reaction.”

Kaleb glanced at the princesses. “I would not draw my weapon and attack unless the changeling in the corner does so first.” He then turned to the guard. “I am a guardian of peace, and personally, I prefer to hold to the rules of engagement."

Celestia seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. The changling nodded in understanding. “Out of curiosity, what gave my disguise away?”

“It is quite excellent, enough to deceive everyone in the castle,” Kaleb complimented, knowing that whoever he was talking to was a possible ally. “However, the Force alerted me of the disguse. And I would sense if there were any magic controlling the actions of the princesses.”

“My apologies for the confusion. Introductions seem to be in order,” Celestia said. “Kaleb, this is Thorax, leader of the Changeling Resistance.”

With that, Thorax revealed himself to the group, changing back into his changeling form. His ocean blue eyes looked at Kaleb, holding out a hesitant hoof. He shook it, remembering something from meditations. “I heard rumors of a rift in the changelings, but I didn’t fully know they were true.”

“They are,” Thorax added. “My father was well admired by many changelings, and he opposed Chrysalis’s rule and conquest. He was killed by Drogo after refusing to fight, causing a huge rift. I took over his cause, and there are many changelings who want to live their lives peacefully, not by the rules of war. Some of them were young ponies such as myself, others had families who feared for their children’s safety. We were expelled from the hive, and driven from our homes.”

Luna gave context. “Thorax came to us in peace, shortly before Starlight reappeared. Families were starving, and many would have died if we had not acted. We gave him a chance after he gave us permission to examine his memories.”

“Lives were saved because of this, and we are grateful for the support,” Thorax finished. “After Chrysalis is tracked down and arrested, Celestia and Luna promised us aid, support, and formal recognition of our hive if we sign of declaration of peace with Equestria."

Kaleb took all of this in. “Well then, it is a pleasure to meet you, even if it is under tense circumstances.”

Thorax nodded, as Celestia cleared her throat. “Well, with that in order let’s begin. As you are aware, Mountain’s Fury was responsible for the robbery on the train, and along with the valuables of the other passengers, it was their goal to steal the fire rubies hidden in the safe.”

Luna handed Kaleb a set of reports. “It’s been confirmed by Prince Haakem the landslide was triggered by detonation of mines. They were already placed into the soil, but it was the heat which triggered the explosion. He doesn’t have confirmation on who placed them there and why. We need your insight here.”

He looked over the reports, taking a few minutes. “And it looks like we don’t know why Mountain’s Fury was after the fire rubies either. That’s one of my questions at least.” Kaleb looked up at three leaders, laying down points. “My focus in on the motive; as in why they went after the rubies, and if they were hired, by who? My second focus is on how they got these weapons, and the final question is regarding the explosion which took down the bridge.”

“I can provide some information at least, from the Royal Guard’s interrogation of the suspects,” Celestia said. “Although the leader is gone, the second in command, said they were given the location of the safe, but they don’t know by who. It was an anonymous tip, and she felt like the risk was worth taking.”

Interesting, Kaleb thought. “What about the weapons? Every single one is from my galaxy, and subsequently my memories. Is it possible that Chrysalis could have supplied them with those?”

“I sense no changeling magic on any of these,” Thorax said, walking around the table. “Even with permanent spells, you would still be able to detect it. It is possible other magic could mask those spells though, but I don’t know which incantations would be used.”

“We’ll check for that,” Luna assured him. “How difficult is it to build these kinds of weapons?”

Kaleb thought for a moment. “Here, it would be nearly impossible. There are other elements from my galaxy that I’ve found here, but it’s in trace amounts in the limited time I’ve looked. You would need those and blueprints, and I’ve kept any in strict security.”

“In that case, we’ll look into seeing if there are any spells hiding the changeling magic,” Celestia decided, with Thorax approving. “There is something strange with the explosion of the bridge, though.”

The Jedi looked with focus. That does seem to be the mysterious part of all of this. “What is that?”

“Well to start, the explosives were placed on the bridge ahead of time it seems, they were all over,” Luna began. “And seemed to be detonated remotely, with a sensor on the tracks to arm it. The materials needed were stolen from a large construction sight on the other side of the mountains.”

Celestia continued, taking over from Luna. “Here’s the strange part though: eyewitness testimony placed a member of Mountain’s Fury at the scene, but he said he has no memory of stealing or rigging the explosives to the bridge, nor killing any of the security guards at the construction site. The wards placed on the room where the interrogation was held detected no lies, and examination of his memories proved to be worthless. There’s a gap of darkness in his memories between a few weeks before the raid on the construction site and the train heist.”

This fact legitimately shocked Kaleb, who was at a loss of words. Severe amnesia, but if that were the case, how did it happen? “I…don’t have an answer for that, I’m as stumped as you are. Is it possible that spells can alter someone’s memory, and were there signs of trauma to the head?”

Luna shook her head. “No injuries. There are certain spells, but none were detected. We can double-check to see if there were any, but it’s not likely our investigation will yield answers.”

Kaleb nodded. “Those are the areas I would focus on, in this case. What would you like my role in this investigation to be?”

“In an advisory role, for now,” Celestia answered. “Normally, I would request the Jedi take on this mission, but the Royal Guard has it handled for now. We’ll continue to be in contact, of course.”

The four walked out of the room and Kaleb spoke to them at the foot of the royal chamber doors. “If I think of anything else, I will contact you directly. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Thorax.” With that, the doors opened, and he left the room.

Kaleb made his way out of the castle, and onto the Royal grounds, which were currently being set up for the festival. The main stage was set up right in front of the entrance to the castle, with booths and tents being set up all around. Gardeners, cooks, assistants, and a small amount of guards were helping out, rushing around the Jedi like he wasn’t even there.

The sounds of electric guitar made it’s way through the side are Kaleb made his way towards, as the musicians continued to warm up and rehearse, playing a hard rock tune he just barely recognized. I’ve got to get tickets for Fluttershy and I, she would love this. He leaned against the tree, resting for a few minutes.

As the song finished with one long triumphant chord, the singer went right up to the mic, and yelled before heading out. “Rock on!”

Clapping could be heard, and Kaleb turned around to see a bunch of Royal Guard cadets cheering as he heard Flash’s voice ring out. “Alright, everybody, let’s get back to work. Trust me, you don’t want to hear me sing. I’m saving that for the festival.”

They laughed, and Flash walked out in front of them, wearing his Royal Guard uniform. The helm laid in the sweet summer grass, and the guard brandished a staff in his right wing. “So far, you’ve had experience with hoof-to-hoof combat, and knowledge with blades. But the cornerstone of Royal Guard tradition is the staff. This is what we’re well known for, with our skill rivaled by many. The staff represents a beacon, a light of hope to Equestria and any nation. No matter where they are, help will arrive.”

“Our next training session will be over basics tomorrow, but until then, let me give you a demonstration.” Without hesitation, Flash jumped, backflipping while switching his staff from wing to wing, spinning it with ease. Everyone clapped, their jaws dropping at the impressive display. “Movement is key. Remember that. Company, dismissed!”

The cadets moved out, talking loudly while gathering their materials. Kaleb moved from the tree where he was leaning against, and walked over to Flash. “Good demonstration, I think they’re really impressed.”

Flash turned around, with a surprised look on his face, and hugged his friend. “Kaleb! Good to see you, it’s been too long.”

“It’s been a very busy year, for both of us it seems,” Kaleb observed. “How has the training been?”

Flash picked up his helm and staff, and they began walking towards the pathway. “It’s been well, though being Captain of the Canterlot branch does have a lot of responsibility. I’m coordinating with Shining Armor every week, between filling out paperwork and training cadets.”

Kaleb nodded. “That does take up a lot of time. How are you able to keep up with that schedule?”

“Practice and routine,” Flash explained. “I have a few lieutenants under me who I coordinate with to make sure daily tasks are completed.” He pointed toward a small pavilion in the shade, where a cooler stood nearby. “I’m just about to have lunch, want to join me?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Kaleb followed Flash to the pavilion, which was only a small distance away. As they got closer he noticed another familiar face, playing cards with a few Royal Guard lieutenants.

Dr. Bluejay looked at the players before him. “Lieutenants, you have all laid down your cards. Some of you have a pretty good hand. But I must admit, it just might be better than mine.”

One of the lieutenants looked at him. “It looks like I win, you can stop the act now.”

He laid down his hand, as wide eyes stared down in disbelief at the doctor’s winning hand. “And that is how it is done. Never reveal you full intentions, for the eyes always give it away.”

Grumbling slightly, the lieutenants all shook his hoof and left as their break was now over. Dr. Bluejay turned his attention to the two entering the pavilion, with sandwiches and drinks in hand. “You two want in the next round?”

Flash chuckled. “I’ll pass on that, but I’ll take the company.”

“Same here,” Kaleb replied, shaking Dr. Bluejay’s hand. “But it’s good to see you all the same.”

“Great to see you as well Kaleb,” he said, looking out at the festival. “Are you coming to the festival this weekend?”

“I wasn’t aware there was one until this morning,” Kaleb explained. “I am hoping to grab tickets for Fluttershy and I, but they might have already sold out.”

“You should be fine, they still have plenty,” Flash explained. “I can reserve some for you two just in case. I have mine reserved for myself and Twilight.”

Dr. Bluejay took a sip of his tea. “So, how many non-dates would that make this? I keep losing count.”

“I don’t know, but hopefully this is the first official one,” the Royal Guard answered honestly. “And I’m nervous as hell. What if she doesn’t feel the same way? I’ve been holding off on asking since she became princess.”

“Twilight would not care about that, you know her,” Kaleb assured him. “And trust me, I think she’s been waiting for you to ask her for a while, she’s just anxious.”

“Keep your head clear and calm, and you’ll be fine,” Dr. Bluejay answered with ease before turning to Kaleb. “Now, I thought you would be still traveling to the Crystal Empire by now?”

Kaleb sighed. “We were attacked on the train ride back last night.”

Flash jumped up in surprise. “Shining Armor told me something had happened, but I didn’t realize the attack was on all of you. Is everyone alright, how’s Twilight?”

Kaleb held a hand. “We’re all fine, just shaken up. Nobody was seriously injured. But it was under very strange circumstances.”

At their insistence, the Jedi began to tell the story of final negotiations in Saddle Arabia, the landslide which forced the group onto another train, and the attack which led to the explosion of the bridge. He was sure not to leave any important details out, while using the Force to make sure they were not overheard. It took about twenty minutes to tell the full story, but it was one which needed to be heard.

After he had finished, including with what Celestia and Luna had told me, he took a few seconds to eat and drink, as Flash looked just as perplexed. “That is strange, particularly with the explosion and weapons. If the Royal Guard is handling the investigation, I can lend a hoof where I can.”

Kaleb nodded in thanks. “There is something you can help me with, both of you in fact.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “I need to know what quarrel exists between the Equestrian and Royal Guard.”

That was not the question they were expecting, but Dr. Bluejay didn’t look as surprised. “How long did it take you to figure that out?”

“I’ve noticed it more over the past few years, but it was prominent today in the Crystal Empire,” Kaleb explained.

Flash looked, making sure nobody else was around. “Look, this isn’t something to discuss lightly. Right now, Cadance, Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor are the only ones who know the full details along with myself.”

Kaleb had been expecting this resistance. “And I understand that. But I am a Jedi Knight, a guardian of peace in Equestria. I need to know what is happening and why.”

Dr. Bluejay, nodded. “Might as well tell him, it would do more harm than good if we don’t.”

“This isn’t something that just began recently, it’s been around for a long time,” Flash began. “The Equestrian and Royal Guard used to be one unit working together when they were first formed. With one unified goal and philosophy. That changed after Discord was first defeated, along with continuing attacks from the changelings. The Equestrian Guard went to the borders, while the Royal Guard moved inward.”

Dr. Bluejay took over from Flash for a few moments. “The Royal Guard was already having its own problems after Nightmare Moon was banished, torn between loyalty to Celestia or Luna. That nearly caused its own civil war in the process. Some were banished from the Royal Guard as a result, and so the Equestrian Guard took them in.”

Historical events and context seem to have played a large role, Kaleb observed. “How does that play into what’s happening now?”

Flash took a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “Over that time, the Equestrian and Royal Guard both developed their own code and philosophy, which brings us to our current problem. When it comes to which one of us has jurisdiction, we disagree about which one of us has the higher role within the government. Our ethics are so different, we are acting as two different agencies rather than one we still are classified as. So we are trying to separate, and work out which one of us has priority.”

“When they say two different philosophies, we mean polar opposite,” Flash added, before Kaleb can get his word in. “The Royal Guard believes defense requires more than war, but also reaching out an olive branch in compassion and kindness. Embodying the traits of the Elements of Harmony while also being prepared to defend if the occasion arises. We want to be the branch everyone looks up to, not matter who you are or where you are from. If you need help, we will be there to assist.”

“And the Equestrian Guard holds the opposite viewpoint?” Kaleb asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Dr. Bluejay answered. “They believe there can be no peace without hostility, and Equestria should remain separate from the other countries on the continent, not even signing any kind of treaty. Viewing everyone else as an enemy, and treating them as such.”

Even Kaleb seemed shocked at that answer, and Dr. Bluejay acknowledged it. “I thought the core values were the same as in the Royal Guard when I joined, but as many of us found out, it was not what it seemed. Many field medics along with me felt what they were saying went against our code; even more than a few soldiers felt so as well. We tried to change it, but it was without success. I was transferred to the Royal Guard the last few years before my discharge.”

“Hatred doesn’t lead to peace, only more bloodshed and suffering,” Kaleb said quietly. “I can’t believe that is allowed. I knew there was tension, but I didn’t realize it was that bad.”

“That’s why we’re trying to change it, and to come up with a solution before a fight breaks out,” Flash informed. “Equestria can’t go down this path, not after what has happened.”

Kaleb added his observations aloud. “They don’t seem to agree with the decision to sign peace treaties with our neighbors. General Tywin made that clear back at the Crystal Empire.”

Dr. Bluejay looked at both the Jedi and Flash. “Is he still in charge? I thought he would have retired by now. He’s recluse; keeping away from any public appearances and staying close to the borders.”

“I guess so,” Flash said. “His family has been in the Equestrian Guard for generations. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have kept him in that position because it’s inherited at this point. And because we still think we can come to a solution.”

Kaleb nodded. “I get the feeling the Equestrian Guard don’t view me favorably. Both because of my actions and my philosophy.”

“And also what you represent,” Dr. Bluejay added wisely. “You are a Jedi, a guardian of peace and harmony. They view that as a threat, no matter how you frame it. I would advise you to be careful around them.”

Flash added his view. “As well as staying out of the negotiations. Normally, I don’t like to tell you that, but keeping as far away as possible from this is what’s best.”

Taking a few moments to take all of this in, Kaleb analyzed the situation. If I’m one of the main conflicts of interest here, I need to stay out of this and hope for the best. “In that case, I will and hope everything goes well for Equestria’s sake. I’m sorry of bringing up a painful topic on such a nice day.”

“It’s alright, you needed to know this anyway,” Flash said. “I’ve got to file some paperwork, but it was nice having lunch with you two.” He stood up to go.

“Wait, there’s something I need to tell you two,” Kaleb realized. Well, if I’m going to start entrusting friends with this, it’s a start. Both Flash and Dr. Bluejay stared, not knowing what the information was.

“Before I catch the train to Ponyville, I’m going to stop at a small store by the station. It belongs to Ruby, who’s an old friend. She has been helping me restore an old piece of jewelry that was given to me by Fluttershy’s parents.” He rubbed his neck as he let out a chuckle of slight embarrassment. “More specifically, an engagement ring.”

Flash had been expecting the worst, but lit up with a large smile and laughter, clapping Kaleb on the back with his wing. “And I had been expecting more bad news! Congratulations, my friend!”

Dr. Bluejay chuckled. “It’s about damn time, Kaleb. But part of me had a feeling this would happen sooner or later. When are you going to ask the question?”

“When everything’s settled with the animal sanctuary,” Kaleb explained. “I had asked for her parent’s blessing a few months back, and they gave me her grandmother’s ring, which needed a lot of work. Twilight is planning on throwing us a party as soon as Fluttershy get final approval on the sanctuary, so that’s going to be the place.”

“Well then, I wish you the best of luck,” Flash expressed as he got up for real this time, heading out. “I’ll send you those tickets tomorrow.”

As the captain walked away, Kaleb got up and looked at the doctor. “This is one event where I don’t know what will happen. We’ve both been through a lot these past few years. But all I know is I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and for us to be happy.”

“Marriage is an adventure all its own,” Dr. Bluejay expressed. “I was married for nearly forty years before my wife passed. That journey is one which takes you by the hoof, and never lets go.”

He put his hoof on Kaleb’s shoulder. “You’re going to do fine. My advice is to take it one day at a time, and always remember why you love her. The leaves of time may wither and pass, but love will always remain.”

The two exchanged a few more words, and parted to continue their day.

Ponyville, Two Weeks Later

The sounds of late summer rolled through the air, as crickets chirped in the night. Near Fluttershy’s cottage, what appeared to be a wooden barn stood in the clearing in a clearing only one hundred feet away from the building. There were only a few windows on the side, which light crept out of in a simple manner. It was short, only about fifteen feet high, and smaller than most with a length of about fifty feet and a width of thirty five. But it served its purpose well.

Applejack had designed and built the hangar to be simple, as the architect insisted it resemble a barn at Sweet Apple Acres. Along with her style, it was a reminder and thank you from her, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom for the help Kaleb had poured in over the years with the farm. Even though being a Jedi was full-time employment, he still insisted on helping the family every year with the harvest, and during the spring and summer when he had the chance. He had never forgotten it was their employment and hospitality which made his first year in Ponyville memorable.

The hangar was divided into two sections; the first being where his ship was parked in the center, low to the ground. The area was large enough to provide ample space for it and any repairs. The two speeder bikes he kept were both off to one side, in custom-made holders which made sure they wouldn’t fall to the ground. The wall on the other side had shelves which held every tool Kaleb would need for maintenance.

The second part was at the very back of the barn, acting as an office. It was smaller, acting as its own room with a width of fifteen feet, and a length of ten along with a roof eight feet off the ground. A couch sat the length of the room, with a tall bookshelf right next to it. Two other bookshelves lined the other side, with windows on every wall of the room.

Kaleb sat at his desk, looking over a report he had written on the past mission. The room was illuminated by two lamps, one of which was on his desk. The data tablet he had on his desk showed a series of archival writings from the Jedi Temple, all of which centered around accounts of the High Republic.

His eyes were beginning to droop as A5 entered through the open sliding doors, announcing her greeting with the sound of an alarm. He jumped slightly as she did, and she greeted him with smug satisfaction.

“Thanks, A5. I needed that,” Kaleb yawned slightly, and finished up the last few touches on his report, putting the papers in a filing system under his desk. “How has your night been?”

She chirped about spending time with Angel, and then spent a few moments on the speeder bikes. “I’m glad it’s been going well, and I agree with the engines needing finer tuning.”

She looked at him with concern, as she had over the past two weeks. He acknowleged that. “I know, I’m disturbed by the information from Canterlot as well. There are too many unknowns, too many variables to count. The best thing we can do now is wait for further information.”

A5 referenced the weapons and tensions between the Equstrian and Royal Guard as her main concerns. Kaleb nodded. “Those are on my mind, but the main one right now the gap in memory for the one suspect. If there’s no evidence of injury or trauma to the head, than something else has to be at play.”

She asked about Twilight. “She knows the same amount as we do, and told me she would let me know of any more updates arrive. Secrecy is important, now more than ever. In the meantime, let’s focus on what we can do now.”

That calmed her down, and she indicated it was time for her to shut down. “Have a good night.” The astromech droid left the office and rolled out the door of the barn, moving back to the cottage.

Kaleb sighed and looked down at the writings on the datapad. These writings can only keep your interest this late for so long. Maybe I’ll switch to something else to keep the mind occupied.

After a few more minutes of reading, Kaleb turned off the device, and switched to a novel on Saddle Arabian wildlife. A half hour passed, and as he was reading about the reptiles which lived in the desert, he heard a knock at the door.

Fluttershy entered, closing the sliding door behind her. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late. A5 told me you were still here.”

“Yeah, I guess I lost track of time,” Kaleb said. Realizing he had been in the same chair for too long, he stood up, and sat down on the couch next to her. “The report needs to be as detailed as possible. I was waiting for Rainbow Dash to give me an overview of the mountains, and then polishing the final draft.”

“I’m sure Princess Celestia will appreciate that. Give it a good grade, probably an B.” Fluttershy chuckled at her joke along with Kaleb. “I still remember when Applejack and her family was building this. Laying down on the floor with a mattress, pillows, and blankets. Gazing up at the stars.”

"Those sliding panels on the roof are handy for more than take-offs and landings,” Kaleb added. “Adding the clear shields on the panels kept it dry and the sky visible, even in the hardest of rains.”

“I have good news,” she began, looking at him with excited eyes. “That dinner went well, and the bank has approved the animal sanctuary!

"That's amazing!" Kaleb replied in excitement, hugging her. "I am so proud of you."

The two reflected for a few minutes before Fluttershy noticed something. “You’ve been spending a lot more time out here than normal, even for after missions.”

He thought about what to see without giving away the secrecy. “I’ve…had a lot on my mind. And it’s more than just the attack on the train. I guess it’s the timing as well since….that anniversary is coming up in a week.”

She realized solemly what he was referring to. “How long has it been, since her death?”

“Maybe…seven or eight years,” Kaleb answered, his voice cracking slightly. “Time always seems to blend together during that period.”

Over the years, Fluttershy had noticed Kaleb’s vulnerability increase during the weeks leading up to the date of Master Johanna’s death. It was always small cracks, and though appearing miniscule, they had a large impact. He was aware of it too, but didn’t always realize it since it was on a subconscious level. Even with Lyra’s advice, it was a difficult time for him, and Fluttershy knew he needed support.

She noticed his tension, and put a wing on his back, guiding his head down to her chest. The two remained like that for a while, with Fluttershy brushing his hair gently. Finally, she spoke in a quiet tone. “She would be proud of you. Rebuilding your life; keeping the Jedi Order alive. Finding happiness.”

He nodded, communicating a look which told things only she would understand. “I think I should try and get some rest. I’ll close up here in two minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting outside,” Fluttershy said, moving up from the couch. She held his hand for another moment before leaving his office, walking past the ship to the outside.

Kaleb put away the book, knowing on the anniversary of her death, where he must go. The mourning traditions must still be upheld, always.

He used the Force to unlock the hidden drawer built into his desk. The engagement ring was still hidden, kept safe from Fluttershy in its navy blue velvet box. “There are many questions which need to be answered. Perhaps the light of the stars will reveal them.”

Closing the drawer, he turned off the lights in the office and hanger, and walked back to the cottage.