//------------------------------// // 1-The Message // Story: Lost Colour // by Star Crest //------------------------------// She had done it. The Wall of Dimensions was open, but she had to be quick. It wouldn't be that way for long. She nodded to the small dragon on her gray back, who hopped off in response and pulled out a scroll and quill. The pony spoke, and the dragon wrote it down quickly. He then walked towards the large, glowing hole, which was closing rapidly. He blew flame from his mouth, which made the scroll disintegrate and vanish into thin air, while the flame traveled through the void on the other end, and as it went through, it turned... green. The first sighting of colour in ten-thousand years. The pony collapsed and the dragon rushed over to the exhausted mare, "The spell," she said weakly, "It was too much..." She closed her eyes. A final tendril from the Wall reached out, and restored what was lost to her. The dragon swore he heard whispers; Colour will be restored, The Universe Anew, Colour will be found again, Dear Princess of the Moon. Luna glowed colours unseen by the dragon's eyes, and again whispers; The deepest blue, The brightest white, The darkest black, Colours of the skies at night. A tear fell to the ground from her eye, and she spoke for the last time, “Good luck, dragon, and may the colours be with you.” He then realized he had no way of returning home. So he sat and waited staring at the Wall, crying softly. Spike's cheeks inflated and he burped out a letter from the princess, six mares were dancing to party music. Twilight picked it up and Pinkie stopped the music as the Unicorn's expression went grim, "Sorry to stop the party, Pinkie," Twilight began "No Problem," she interrupted loudly. The lavender pony spoke once more, "Princess Celestia needs us immediately." The Mares darted into Canterlot palace to see Celestia casting a spell, mouthing words as she did so, "We're here Princess," said the rainbow-maned pegasus, "we'll go 110% to save Equestr-" her speech was halted by a purple hoof in her mouth, "Ssh!" whispered Twilight, "can't you see that she needs full concentration?" Rainbow Dash almost snorted, "well, sorry I'm not the master of magic," Twilight glared at her instead of answering. The Princess then stood and all six of the friends looked up her, unsure of what she had to say, "My Little Ponies, I fear something far worse than anything has fallen upon Equestria." "Ah can guarantee, Princess, whatever it can be, we will handle it," proclaimed the orange country pony "It seems its much worse than that, AppleJack, you see," she finally turned to look at the group, "It isn't our Equestria." Shades darted by while the holding place of King Discord sat in the background. The shades were wearing hooded cloaks, and they entered the tree library hopefully unnoticed. The last one in was a short one, thought she heard rustling and turned to see what it was. Seeing nothing, she followed the rest inside quickly. They all hurried down to the basement, where a flag hung with a circle and the fabled Elements of Harmony drawn on it, making a six-pointed star, "Scouts, report," said the pony with the name Grey Dash, leader of the scouts and it is rumored that her distant relatives had a mane of all colours. A dragon hopped off one of the ponies' backs, "The message was sent succesfully," replied Round Spike, the only dragon in the rebellion, "and where is Night Mane?" questioned Streak Light, head of studies and sciences, "The spell to open the wall was too strong. The Princess of the moon... has left us," The dragon lowered his head in sadness, and all the others did the same. Triple Diamond, the spy leader, broke the silence, "We found a pony sneaking about, and we believe her to be one of Discord's spies. She is an earth pony with the ability of flight, spiral eyes, and she apparently wears a... a beanie," She had a confused expression in her long-lashed eyes for a split second, which faded quickly. Discord danced the tango with his wife in his arms, "Ah, ten-thousand years of rule. Yet we're still not tired of it!" A Unicorn with a white streak in her dark-grey mane spoke back, "its truly amazing how long these pathetic ponies will put up with captivation, especially with their precious 'princess' behind magic-proof bars," Discord looked into the Unicorn's eyes, "Must you use that wretched disguise?" The Unicorn cast a spell and her very skin burned which revealed black holed legs with bug like wings and a jagged horn matching the hooves, "Oh," said Chrysalis, stretching while still in the grasp of her husband, "It feels so much better to be myself again, that body is just so, so tight." Discord picked her up and held her in his mix and matched arms, bringing his face down to her's, "I'm so glad we agree," he kissed the changeling and carried her into the garden, now ruined and disorganized. Once they got there, he snapped his fingers, and clouds of an unusual shade appeared above them and rained chocolate milk, "Hm, hmmm hm mh hm mh," Discord began humming a tune, and Chrysalis started singing along with it, "Oh, I'm singing in the milk," her multi-toned voice echoed throughout the empty courtyard, the clouds followed them along. A mare with spiral eyes and wearing a beanie came up to the two of them, "Mommy, Daddy," she said to each of them, "I found them." _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Surprise was flying through the air, enjoying herself. All of a sudden, a green flame flew right back towards her. Now of course the natural reaction is to turn around and run for the sake of living. That's exactly what she did. The flame rolled towards her all the way back to Dream Valley, where she hit her pink friend head-on. They both started falling, the flame copying the action, "What are you doing, you foal!?" shouted Firefly angrily, "Now's not the time to argue," The white pegasus replied, going headfirst towards the ground, "look up, or, down, or, Grrahh!" she tilted Firefly's head while the blue mane attached flapped wildly in the wind. She was now looking towards the fire racing after them. She reacted quickly by grabbing Surprise under her forelegs, pulling up and out of the way just before they hit the ground. Surprise's yellow, untangleable mane relaxed at the slower speed, and she released herself to land on the ground, while a loud *pomf* was heard behind them. Firefly and Surprise walked over to the source of the sound, under the exact path of the green flame. Laying in the grass, surprisingly without scars or burns was a torn piece of paper. Firefly picked it up and gave it a confused look, "What?" asked her friend curiously, She held it up for her to see, "this is all it says" The ripped parchment had two words on it, the ink smudged and crooked as if the pony who wrote it hadn't written anything in a hundred years, 'is lost'