//------------------------------// // Act 4 Chapter 30: Struggling Upon Return // Story: Patrilineality: Making Up For Time We Lost // by Melody Song //------------------------------// Act 4 Chapter 30: Struggling Upon Return “Are you sure about this Ocellus? You can stay here a bit longer, we’ll get permission with Twilight-” “No Thorax, it’s okay.” Ocellus adjusted her saddlebags, refusing to make eye contact with the king. Thorax watched her with sad eyes. “Okay. But Pharynx, dad, and I will go with you.” Ocellus hesiated, then nodded. Thorax gave her a comforting nuzzle, then turned to face Metamorphosis and Pharynx. “Are you sure we all have to go?” Pharynx asked “She needs us.” Thorax replied “But the guards-” “Can handle themselves for a day.” Metamorphosis nuzzled Pharynx. “And if they can’t, you can yell at them, you like doing that.” Pharynx sighed and nodded. “Okay… Ocellus does need us more than I need the guard rotations to be perfect… they never are anyway.” Metamorphosis nodded, then looked at Ocellus. She had stayed at the Hive for only a couple more days, then asked to return to school. Though Ocellus had claimed it was because she didn’t want to fall behind in her studies, Metamorphosis got the feeling it was more because Ocellus didn’t want to stay at the Hive any longer. “Come on then Ocellus.” Thorax nuzzled her. “Are… are you going to tell your friends?” Ocellus didn’t respond, merely taking off. Thorax sighed softly but took off as well. Metamorphosis and Pharynx followed, and the four changelings began flying in the direction of Ponyville. Eventually, they reached Ponyville, landing near the school. Ocellus hung her head slightly as they walked, pressing herself between Thorax and Metamorphosis. There were a few students milling about on the lawn, but Thorax led them past the groups. Or tried to, anyway. “Ocellus!” Smolder flew forwards, the rest of Ocellus’ group of friends behind her. Ocellus squeaked in alarm and sheltered under Metamorphosis. He blinked in surprise, but looked down at her, giving her a comforting gaze. “Celly, where have you been?” Smolder landed near them. “I-er, we’ve been worried about you.” “I-It’s nothing…” Ocellus whispered “Are you sure? You look upset.” Sandbar said, but Pharynx blocked him as he tried to come closer. “Leave the kid alone, if she doesn’t want to talk with you she doesn’t have to, okay?” Pharynx snarled “Hey, he’s just being nice.” Gallus defended, wrapping a wing over Sandbar. “Just back off.” Pharynx snapped Metamorphosis put a hoof on Ocellus’ shoulder. This was why they had insisted on Pharynx coming. To ward off any curious creatures. Of course, Ocellus’ friends would have been an exception, but she didn’t seem ready to talk to them. “Ocellus is fine, don’t worry.” Thorax assured the group. “We’re just taking her to Twilight’s office so she knows Ocellus is back.” “Come on Ocellus.” Metamorphosis urged, and Ocellus followed him into the school. Thorax and Pharynx joined them soon. “Are you okay Ocellus?” Thorax asked “I’m fine Thorax…” Ocellus whispered Metamorphosis and Thorax both nuzzled her. She smiled halfheartedly and led them to Twilight’s office. Thorax and Pharynx greeted Twilight and began talking with her. Ocellus sat down on the chair in front of Twilight’s desk, and Metamorphosis stood beside her, giving the nymph a comforting nuzzle. “Alright, I’ll let the other teachers know.” Twilight stepped over to Ocellus and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s okay if you need some time, I can talk to your friends-” “I’m okay…” Ocellus shrugged her off and stood up. “I-I’m just going to go to my room… I’m sure I have a lot of work to catch up on…” “Oh. Alright then…” Twilight watched her leave. “She’s been hiding in her room most of the time.” Thorax whispered Metamorphosis nodded. “I wouldn’t expect her to come to classes.” “Understood. I’ll ask Starlight to talk with her…” Twilight said, looking after Ocellus. “Alright. We’d better get going…” Thorax sighed, leading them out of the office. A few days later, a flash of green flames startled Metamorphosis as he talked with Thorax in the throne room. He blinked as a scroll manifested out of the flames. Apex, who had been running around and playing in the throne room, scampered over, amazed by the sudden flames. “What was that?” “That’s Spike’s fire, it’s how he sends messages.” Thorax grabbed a scroll that had fallen to the floor and unrolled it. “It’s Ocellus… oh no… Twilight said she had a breakdown…” “A breakdown?” Metamorphosis looked over. Thorax nodded, pacing around. “Okay, I should probably go talk to her, Pharynx is busy but I think if I hurry-” “Thorax, let me handle it.” Metamorphosis nuzzled him. “You stay here and look after the Hive.” “O-Okay dad…” Metamorphosis smiled kindly, then nuzzled his son once more. Thorax smiled back slightly, then, grabbing Apex, headed off to return to his duties. Metamorphosis took off to begin the flight to Ponyville. When Metamorphosis made it to the school, Twilight was waiting outside to greet him. “Oh, Metamorphosis.” she blinked. “I was expecting Thorax would-” “I convinced him to stay at the Hive. But I can help.” Metamorphosis explained Twilight nodded and led him down the hallway. “Ocellus hasn’t been acting herself, but it’s not as bad as you predicted. She’s been showing up early to all her classes since you brought her back, I think mostly to avoid talking with her friends about it. But today she and her friends were in the library, and I think they asked her about what happened, and… she ran into her and Smolder’s dorm, locking herself in.” Metamorphosis nodded, then, Twilight led him down another hall. Twilight blinked in confusion. “That’s weird, if she locked the door, why is it ope-” Twilight broke off as they neared the open door. Metamorphosis looked in, seeing why. Ocellus was huddled under the blankets, Smolder curled up around her protectively. Gallus was standing by the bed, wings ruffled. Sandbar was leaning against him, and Silverstream and Yona stood nearby. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but Metamorphosis stopped her, stepping into the room. Ocellus looked up, eyes slightly reddened. “M-Metamorphosis…?” Metamorphosis smiled softly as he walked over, nuzzling her. “Hello Ocellus. Are you okay?” “I-I’m doing better…” Ocellus murmured, leaning back into Smolder, who blushed. “Good to hear.” Metamorphosis looked around. “Have you…?” Ocellus shook her head. Gallus stepped forward. “I’m about ready to know what’s going on.” “Me too!” Silverstream bounded over. “You can’t just not tell us if something’s wrong Ocellus, we’re friends!” Ocellus nuzzled against Smolder and closed her eyes. Metamorphosis put a hoof on her shoulder in comfort. “Th-The reason I had to leave was… was…” Ocellus’ eyes began to water. “M-My parents and siblings… they… they passed on…” “A-As in… died?!” Silverstream’s eyes widened in horror. “Oh Celly…” Smolder pulled Ocellus close, nuzzling her. “Ocellus, we’re so sorry.” Sandbar moved closer. “Seriously, we wouldn’t have pressured you to tell us if we’d known…” “It’s okay…” Ocellus whispered, giving him a slight smile. “Ocellus, it’s not.” Metamorphosis touched his muzzle to hers gently, sharing some love with her. “You’re clearly not ready to move on yet. You shouldn’t have returned to the school so soon…” “I had to… I needed to distract myself…” Ocellus murmured “A distraction is only that, a distraction.” Gallus spoke up. “Sooner or later you’ll feel the wound again, and it’ll just be even more painful.” Ocellus nodded. “I felt that today…” she looked up at Metamorphosis. “But I don’t want to go back to the Hive… not yet. I’m not ready.” Metamorphosis hesitated. Ocellus would need love and comfort to get through the remorse she still felt. The Hive could provide that, but she wasn’t ready to stay there for too long. That was understandable, due to everything that had happened. Metamorphosis thought for a minute longer, then spoke with a small smile. “Alright Ocellus.” he said softly. “In Thorax’s place, I will allow you to stay where you feel the most comfortable, provided you can make sure there will be plenty of love and comfort around for you when you need it.” “Definitely.” Smolder pulled Ocellus closer. “I won’t let anycreature hurt her, dragon’s honor.” “I’m sure you will uphold your promise, Smolder.” Metamorphosis smiled at her, then turned to Twilight. “I think I should go now. Ocellus has everything she needs.” Twilight nodded, wiping her eyes a little. “Y-Yes, come on then Metamorphosis…” Metamorphosis nodded, following her out of the room. As he left, he took one last glance back at Ocellus. She seemed to be settling down to sleep, curled in Smolder’s arms. Gallus was sitting by the bed with a wing over Sandbar, as if on watch. Yona and Silverstream were gathering a couple blankets from Smolder’s bed and bringing them over. Metamorphosis smiled softly. Yes, Ocellus would be okay here.