//------------------------------// // Spike Runs Away // Story: Whatever Happened To Spike? // by Starlight Fan //------------------------------// Spike woke up feeling happy, he felt today was gonna be a good day. Spike then saw Starlight walking in the hallway. “Oh hey Starlight how’s it going?” Spike asked. “Oh it’s going good so far, I’m heading over to Trixie’s to practice some magic.” Starlight explained. “Oh well I hope you have a good time, me I gotta go help Twilight with some things, I’ll be a bit busy while she goes out with her friends.” Spike explained. “Oh okay hope you have a good day.” Starlight said happily. “You too.” Spike said with glee. Spike sighed he never told anypony this but he always sort of felt left out when Twilight and her friends would leave. Spike then went and cleaned the castle, and was just dusting off the bookshelves when he saw Twilight’s scrapbook. Spike then looked at all the happy memories Twilight had with her friends and he did feel a bit left out as he didn't see himself in some photos so he wasn't sure if Twilight did care about him after all. Well even so Spike still cared about Twilight and was happy to see her being happy. Twilight and the girls were laughing and giggling they had an awesome day and they took many pictures along the way they met up with Starlight along the way. "Hey Twilight, I just got done practicing magic. What's going on?" Starlight asked happily. "Oh these are just photos we took and we can't wait to put them in our scrapbook." Twilight said in excitement. "I didn't know you had a scrapbook." Starlight said gleefully. "Oh yeah it's in the castle library I'll show it to you." Twilight said gesturing Starlight to the library. Spike then felt his nose tickle he was beginning to feel like he was gonna sneeze he tried to hold it but he sneezed fire onto the book. Spike then saw as all the pages were reduced to ashes. “Oh no, not again, oh I hope Twilight does not get mad at me.” Spike says scared. “Oh she is.” Twilight said as she glared at Spike while Starlight and the Mane 5 just looked worried for the dragon. “I was just about to show Starlight all of our memories together but you had to burn the book.” Twilight angrily said. “Twilight please I know what it looks like-“ Spike began pleading but Twilight cut him off. “I can’t believe you, all of my memories with my friends were in there, you know how much that meant to me and you RUINED IT!” Twilight yelled at Spike. “Twilight please I-“ Spike pleads but Twilight wouldn’t listen to him. “Save it." Twilight held a hoof up, Starlight then had enough of this and tried to stop this. “Twilight stop he feels bad enough as it is.” Starlight commanded in a concerned tone. “Stay out of this Starlight.” Twilight commanded angrily. “Out of all the times I had to put up with your nonsense this is the worst thing you’ve ever done.” Twilight said. “What do you mean?” Spike asked with tears. “How about making a mess in Applejack's farm for example.” Twilight explained. "Wait I never meant to do that." Spike defended himself. "It's true Twi he was just tryin' to help." Applejack spoke to defend the dragon but Twilight ignored her. Twilight continued “You’re kinda egotistical at times which is even more annoying than Dash at times." "Hey." Rainbow Dash said angrily. "That's not fair we all have egos." Spike defended himself. “You caused a misunderstanding with Thorax and Ember and acted like a bad friend.” Twilight glared making Spike whimper before he himself got angry. "I am not a bad friend." Spike said angrily making Twilight get madder at the dragon. “Oh really well you turned into a monster and attacked Ponyville.” Twilight shouted. "Not fair I had no control." Spike shouted out. "He's right he didn't." Rarity tried to defend the dragon but Twilight again would not listen. “And you destroyed our book.” Twilight said. "You know if you were my friend you'd understand that it was an accident." Spike bursted out angrily. "Spike that's a bit too harsh." Fluttershy spoke out meekly. “Honestly you’re much more trouble then you’re worth maybe I never should’ve hatched you from that egg.” Twilight yelled out before she realized what she said. The Mane 5 and Starlight looked at Twilight in shock and anger. “Oh Spike I didn’t-“ Twilight began with remorse before Spike stopped her. “Save it, I need to be alone.” Spike said before flying to his room. Starlight then glared at the alicorn “You happy now Twilight, you just made Spike cry and feel useless. I hope you’re satisfied.” before walking away in anger. Twilight then begins crying "What have I done?" she said in tears. "Twilight that was a bit harsh darling." Rarity comforted. "I'll say you made Spike cry." Pinkie Pie said. "I know and I'm sorry but it's best I stay away from him for now." Twilight admitted. Spike is seen crying in his room, he then begins thinking. Twilight’s right I’m too much trouble. Spike thought. Spike then looked at his window and came up with an idea. “I need to leave, it’s for the best.” Spike said in tears. Spike then wrote a note and then put it on his bed. Spike then flew out of the window and went off to the Everfree Forest where no pony would find him. Starlight then knocked on the door. “Spike you in there buddy?” Starlight asked comfortingly. No reply came. “Spike, I know what Twilight said was bad but I’m sure she didn’t mean it. Maybe if you two have a talk you can sort it out.” Starlight reassured but she still heard nothing. “I am respecting your privacy but as your magical unicorn friend I’m coming in anyway.” Starlight said in a playful tone. Starlight then teleported into Spike’s room and saw a note on the bed. To whom it may concern I, Spike the Dragon have run away, Twilight was right about me I am too much trouble and I don’t wanna ruin her life anymore, so I left, and I’m not coming back ever so don’t even try looking for me. Twilight if you are reading this I am sorry I was such a nuisance but now you no longer have to put up with me. Starlight was then super worried and called out Twilight’s name. “Twilight!” Starlight cried out running to the castle library. Meanwhile the Mane 5 were still in the library comforting Twilight “Twilight, Spike he-“ Starlight began before Rainbow Dash glared at Starlight and flew up to her angrily. “Leave her alone you jerk you already made her feel bad about herself she doesn’t need anymore bad news.” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I’m sorry but I need to tell her something.” Starlight apologized. “Hear her out sugarcube.” Applejack told Rainbow Dash calmly. “Fine but this better be important.” Rainbow Dash glared. “Okay Spike wrote this note, he ran away.” Starlight explained. Twilight then read the note and began crying again. “What have I done? Spike left and it’s all my fault why did I treat him so terribly why why?!” Twilight said in tears. “Twilight he couldn’t have gone far we’ll find him.” Fluttershy said comfortingly. “Maybe you’re right Fluttershy, but how will I ever forgive myself for what I’ve done?” Twilight asked crying. “Spike will forgive you trust us he loves you.” Starlight said hugging Twilight who hugged back. “Oh Spike.” Twilight said “Be safe.”