//------------------------------// // The Search // Story: Whatever Happened To Spike? // by Starlight Fan //------------------------------// Applejack heads to Sweet Apple Acres in search for Spike. “Big Mac have you seen Spike.” Applejack asked her brother. “Eee-Nope. Why Applejack?” Big Mac asks curiously. Applejack sighs and then answers “Spike accidentally burned our memory book and Twilight said stuff she shouldn’t have and now he left.” "Don't worry AJ I'll help find him." Big Mac said. Applejack smiles brightly as the two went off on the search to find Spike. Meanwhile Pinkie Pie used a megaphone to make an announcement. “Attention Ponyville, Spike has run away we need your help to find him pretty please.” Pinkie Pie announces. Everypony soon began searching for the little dragon as they were all quite fond of Spike. Meanwhile Fluttershy and Starlight were at the Changeling Hive. “Have you seen Spike he ran off and we can’t find him?” Starlight asked worried. “No I haven’t, I hope you find him I have the hive to look after, sorry.” Thorax admitted scared. “It’s okay, we understand.” Fluttershy said calmly. Meanwhile at the Dragon Lands with Ember and Rainbow Dash. “Why did Spike run away?” Ember asked angrily. “Um Twilight kinda drove him away.” Rainbow Dash explained meekly. “Listen Pinkie Dash, not really good with pony names, Spike is my friend so you better find him.” Ember lectured. “Can do.” Rainbow Dash said in fear before flying away. Back in Twilight’s castle the girls regroup. “Any luck finding Spike?” Twilight asked fearfully. “No sorry Twilight.” Starlight apologized. “I’ll ask Discord if he can help, but he might not be happy.” Fluttershy admitted meekly. “I can deal with Discord getting mad at me, I deserve it.” Twilight admitted sadly. “Twilight this is getting out of hand we have to alert Celestia.” Starlight said concerned. “What? No she’ll hate me, and she’ll take Spike away from me forever.” Twilight said in a frantic tone. “Twilight, Celestia wouldn’t do that to you, she knows how much you love Spike.” Starlight comforted. “Sigh you’re right, I’ll write a letter asking her to meet here.” Twilight stated. “That’s the spirit Twilight.” Starlight said happily. “I’ll go get Discord.” Fluttershy said flying out of the window.