//------------------------------// // 4 - Flash Sentry - Anon-a-mess // Story: Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Side Stories // by Babroniedad //------------------------------// Flash Sentry - Anon-a-mess The first day of the holiday break, the D&D crew were gathered at Flash’s house, seated around the dining room table. Flash passed out sodas to everyone, except Velvet who was still nursing the large bottle of sparkling water she’d brought. “So!” called out Flash, “Who’s ready for some gaming? I bought some new quests I’ve been dying to try out!” Micro Chips nodded. “About time! We’ve been playing those same dungeons for so long I could run them in my sleep. Pass them over, let's take a look!” Flash passed the box of quests down the table. Velvet took it from him passing it on to Micro Chips. She spoke up. “So what’s the deal with this Anon-a-miss thing? Everyone seems to be totally spun up about it… I don’t get it. Why so much hate?” Brawley chimed in. “Right! I don’t even want to see it. I figure if I stay away from it, then I won’t get dragged into it.” Ringo nodded. Brawley continued. “I don’t see how so much gossip could come from one person. I bet it’s something stupid where someone gets outed for something lame, and then figures they know who told the site, and rat’s out something on them to whoever is running it. If everyone just chilled it would just die out.” “You know, everyone seems convinced it’s your old girlfriend that’s doing it. What’s up with that?” asked Sandalwood, sipping his soda and pulling a quest sheet from the box Micro Chips was holding. “I thought she was over that?” Flash nodded. “Yeah, me too! I heard even her friends are saying that! Man, I would be devastated if my friends thought I was doing something like that and I wasn’t!” nodded Velvet. “If she isn’t doing it, that’s a pretty low move by her friends!” Micro Chips set the box down, and Wiz Kid started digging through it. “Agreed Velvet! That’s a low blow - friends should look out for each other. Besides, anyone with a brain can see that it’s clearly not her.” “What do you mean?” asked Sandalwood. “I thought it was Sunset too.” “Think about it.” explained Micro Chips. “Look at the site. The account icon is a silhouette with her hair style, and is red and gold. Really? Seriously can anyone see that and not think, ‘You're kidding, right?’ when they look at it? She would have to be incredibly stupid to put something so obviously pointing to herself, then leave it there like a dare or something. And I know she’s not stupid - she’s been an honor student since she got here.” “That’s a really good point!” added Flash. “I was thinking the same thing! And how stupid would you have to be to post all this mean and honestly petty stuff about people, then make something that pointed to yourself like a flaming arrow, right? Even at her worst, Sunset was mean, but NEVER stupid. Heck, I didn’t even realize half the things she had going on until we’d been going out for months! She was good at making sure she wasn't in the middle of any messes she made. I can’t imagine her doing something so stupid. Anon-a-miss is stupid mean, she never was.” “My point exactly!” exclaimed Micro Chips. “There is no logical way that anyone could believe Sunset Shimmer is the creator of the Anon-a-miss page. It is clearly intentional misdirection by the account creator to lay the blame at Shimmer’s feet. Micro Chips took a drink of his soda. “I would guess that whomever created the account is trying to blame her so they are not suspected. They may have some other motive as well, but there aren't enough facts at the present to make a reasonable conjecture.” “Whatever the motive, that’s pretty whacked of someone to spread all that gossip.” said Velvet. “I hope they catch whoever it is and punish them for it.” Everyone nodded. “That really blows about her friends though. I hope someone is helping her out. I would hate to go through the holidays thinking everyone hates me.” “Sunset’s tough. She clearly knows she didn’t do it, so why should she care what haters are saying about her?” asked Flash. Velvet raised her eyebrow. “I wouldn't care how ‘tough’ I was. I wouldn’t want to think everyone had turned against me. I’d want to know there was at least someone who didn’t think I was to blame, so I didn’t have to feel so alone. “Flash, it’s just basic human nature! It has nothing to do with ‘tough’.” She muttered under her breath, “Guys, sheesh.” “Wow. You’re right Velvet. That’s a good point, I wasn’t thinking about that. Huh…” mused Flash. “So you going to call her?” asked Velvet. “We haven’t really talked since we broke up,” replied Flash. “Man, that'll be an awkward conversation... But when you put it like that, I guess I should just do it.” “Good! Do it tonight before you forget,” added Velvet. “Hey guys! Daylight's burning here. Are we going to play already?” asked Wiz, looking up from the quest book he was reading. “We should play this one! It totally works with the characters we rolled for our last quest.” Driving home, Flash couldn’t stop thinking about what Velvet had said. He had to call Sunset. Friend or not, there was no way he could let someone suffer thinking everyone was against them. Velvet was right - even if she were fine, letting her know that he didn’t think she was Anon-a-miss was the right thing to do. If she didn’t care, no problem. But if she did need to hear that, he did not want to be the one that didn’t say it when he could have. That night, after dinner, Flash went into his room and pulled out his cellphone. He still had Sunset’s number - he could never bring himself to delete it. To be completely honest, he had hoped that someday Sunset might straighten out, and maybe want to be friends at least. Scrolling through to her number, he pressed call. The phone rang, then went to voicemail. “Sunset, it’s Flash. Look, about this anon-a-miss thing… We need to talk.”