13 Flies

by sunshim_13

Interactions with Flash (Whenever You’re Around)

Anyways enough about the shit I like, it was currently the end of 1st Period and everyone was getting out of class. I was heading to my locker to get some things I need for my next classes. As I walk to my intended destination I bump into a guy with blue hair wearing a jacket, Flash Sentry.

Flash and I have always hated each other since 5th grade and I can’t even count how many times a day that he’ll have beef with me. Long story short, I beat him in a talent show in the 7th grade with my former middle school band.

“Heh getting lost there champ?” Flash says as he mocks me by calling me ‘champ’.

“Still won’t drop it won’t you,” I said.

“Come on everyone knows that you were just lucky,” Flash argues as he points a finger on my chest.

“Just like how everyone knows that two of your guitar broke at the same time midway through the song.”

“They were loose.”

“That’s what they all say Flash and besides it’s not even a big deal,” I said.

“Oh really? Tell it to the officials you had a perfect score back then in that talent show,” Flash says as he gave a death stare which has no effect on me.

“Fuck off, see ya in 20 years to never,” I said as I sighed and walked away from Flash.

I get to my locker to grab two of my notebooks for Science and History class. I looked at my watch and I’m 2 and an half minutes until the next class. I was running late so I had to run over there to save some time. I ran as fast as I could to get to class, but then I was sidetracked, and by that I mean I accidentally crashed into another girl.....