//------------------------------// // One More Chance part 1: Moving to Ponyville // Story: One More Chance // by zodia //------------------------------// A few years ago Back in the Silvershores Rainbow Dash was still a teenager she was sent by her parents to study at a very well known Highschool in Silvershores she didn't decline since she knows it will be the best for her. When she got there she was nervous afraid that she might not fit in but she was wrong she got along with her classmates immediately. Her HighSchool life was very normal but full of joy and happiness she may seem not like it but she's one of the best students in her class it may not be in subjects but when it comes to sports she rocks it. That's of the reasons why she was able to attract many stallions but she was a real challenge that only one cut through her heart. And his name is Sora Elfire to put in description his a very charming and calm stallion he's not very good when it comes to subjects but when it comes to the magic he is number one. He's the one who never gave up just to win Rainbow Dash's heart it was a real challenge yes Rainbow even tried giving him a ridiculous task that is impossible to pull off but Sora he was able to do it. It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to realize that she was also falling in love with him, and that's how their love was born a challenging mare and determined Stallion a perfect match that cannot be denied. The both of them went through challenges, that every normal couple would have jealousy, misunderstanding, and other things. In the end their love pierces through it but one night they both got drunk and they did something that will change their life forever. One day Rainbow found out that she was pregnant she didn't go back to school and she carried the baby all through 9 months she didn't tell her boyfriend since she's afraid that he might leave her with the responsibility so after the baby was born she took care of it for a couple of days and since she's not ready for the responsibility she made the biggest mistake that anyone could ever do leaving their child on an orphanage. She leaves the filly with the documents and other papers in front of an orphanage little did she know on that night Sora was following her, he saw Rainbow putting the child on the ground on a basket along with an envelope just before Sora step out of the shadows Rainbow flew away not knowing that Sora was behind her watching. And after she left Sora approached the filly and saw some resemblance to him, When he took what's inside the envelope he saw that the filly was Rainbow's foal he kept reading and saw that Rainbow listed him as the father. At that moment he felt angry at himself for not knowing he did try reaching out to her those past months but he couldn't get to her. He cried in front of his young he touched her cheeks her little baby girl, when the foal smiled he cried, even more, he lifted the basket and took his foal back to his house and since he's just leaving alone and his parents died when he was young he was raised on an orphanage when he remembered he promised to himself and the foal that he will not let his foal suffer and feel the burden that he felt without having a parent. That's why he gave up his dreams, he left school for good and tried to make a leaving since he couldn't get anyone to take care of foal he taking his child to his many jobs and good thing his different boss from different didn't mind at all. Years have passed he always makes good foods for Sunny shine Blitz's birthday that what he names his daughter. Sometimes he wondered why Sunny is looking for his mother especially every mother's day and parents day so he asked her. Sora sat next to Sunny "Hey... umm do you...ever wondered who your mother is?" said Sora nervously. Sunny looked at his dad and gave a little smile "Some time's I do where mom is... *sniff*" said Sunny then she took a picture under her mattress. Sora recognized the picture he saw Him and Rainbow and when he saw that her daughter is started crying he hugged her. "I'm sorry sunny I'm sorry" said Sora, while tears came out of his eyes, the filly just cried that day. A few days later Sunny just got back from school and she can't wait to let her dad see what she made for him. When she opened the door he saw Sora laying down on the ground. She Rushed towards her father "Dad... daddy wake up... HELP!..." She shouted many times and good thing one pony went inside to see what's going and was able to save her dad's life. A few hours later when Sora finally woke Sunny called the doctor so they can finally know what happened to him. "So what's wrong with me doctor?" asked Sora The Doctor sigh "I heard from your daughter that your working multiple jobs every day and even in a hot summer your still working and it might be the cause of your heart attack" said the Doctor. "Overworked huh..." said Sora then he smiled. "I'm sorry daddy this is all my fault" said Sunny, then she started crying. Sora hugged Sunny" No it's your fault you are the best thing that ever happened to me every time I go home you always welcome me with a big smile on your face and I wouldn't trade that for anything" said Sora. "I love you dad" said Sunny. "I love you too sweetheart" said Sora. The Doctor smiled" *Ahem* Mr.Elfire I suggest not too overworked yourself again pls take a rest" said the Doctor. And another years have passed Sora was able to build a small canteen and since he can't keep up with the rest of the town's biggest restaurants so her daughter thought of an idea. "Dad what do you think of moving?" asked Sunny. Sora got confused "Moving I mean don't you love it here you have friends here right?" said Sora. Sunny put on a sad face "I don't really have friends... they may be playing with me but they always making fun of me and also I know that our small canteen is losing against other canteen's here in this town so I thought moving might be a good idea" said Sunny. Sora smiled "*Sigh* you may be still small but you think like a grown mare okay get the map and let's see where we can move" said Sora, Sunny made a big smile and rushed to get the map. When Sunny gets the map she lay it down on the table. "Daddy I got that map" said Sunny, then Sora sat beside Sunny. "Okay let's see... hmm how about in Manehattan?" said Sora. "Daddy that's another city and it may give us more problems you know what the doctor said you cant overworked or be stressed out too much" said Sunny. Sora giggled "Okay mam then how about in... here Ponyville I heard they have two schools there and you can choose one and who knows you might even make lots of friends real friends" said Sora. "Okay Daddy Ponyville it is" said Sunny, and on that same day they started packing they even made the boring packing fun. Then the next morning they called in a company that will help them move all of their things to ponyville since on that same day they were able to find a house that is for sale in ponyville. All they have to do is to buy two tickets to Ponyville, Sunny was jumping around a how excited she was "Sunny careful you might your self" said Sora, but Sunny kept jumping around to the train station. "Daddy Hurry I can't wait I'm so excited I heard a princess live there and I heard that one of the schools is running by a princess " said Sunny, with a very excited tone of voice. "Yeah I to heard that the princess that is running the school is Princess Twilight" said Sora, Then Sunny's eyes widen since Princess Twilight was her inspiration. "Really! now I'm even more excited" said Sunny, When they got to the Train Sunny was always looking at the window. "Sweety if you keep looking out the window you might accidentally eat some bird poop" said Sora. "Eww... hehe I just so excited I can see a castle fro here" said Sunny, Then Sora also looked outside the window, and saw Princess Twilights castle in the distance. "Huh we look like this isn't that long of a trip then" said Sora, and after that quite a long ride they finally got to ponyville. And when they finally at the house that they bought they started unpacking. "Daddy look we can see Princess Twilights Castle from here" said Sunny. "Okay... come on help daddy unpack this hmm... how about take that room as your bedroom since it got a nice view of the castle" said Sora. Sunny smiled and went to her brand new room"Woah!... I can really see it from here" said Sunny, then she started unpacking her things and since her bed is already in the room she only unpacked the drawers and her toys, and her other things. Sunny takes a deep breath "Hoo wee I'm finally done... oh there's one more box" said Sunny, when she opened the box she saw a lot of letters and a couple of pictures. When she looks at the picture she saw her mother and two other ponies that's she's assuming it might be her mother's parents. And when she looked at the back of the picture she saw an address that is somewhere in cloudsdale. She read every single letter that's in the box she found out that her mother and father are exchanging letters when they still young. She smiled but when he heard his father coming into the room she immediately hides the box under her bed "Hey sunny come on let's get some ice cream" said Sora. "Okay daddy" said Sunny then she went out with her dad to get some ice cream. And while they're in the ice cream shop Sora brings up the school. "So do you wanna go to the Friendship school?" asked Sora. "Really to princess Twilights school?" said Sunny, with a big smile. "Well yeah if you want to?" said Sora. "Want to! I would love to!" said Sunny. "Okay so this is how it's gonna go Daddy will go tomorrow and see if I can find a job then once i got home the both of us will go to the friendship to enroll you does that sound good?" said Sora. "Uh-huh, its sounds great thank you daddy" said Sunny. "Your welcome sweety" said Sora, and after they have some ice cream they both went out and see what Ponyville could offer. Then Tomorrow morning Sora said goodbye to Sunny since his gonna go and look for a job so Sunny was left alone but she's not sad since Sora allowed him to go outside and make some friends. But that's not what on Sunny's mind she went to her bedroom and took the box under her bed. She took her grandparents to picture the one with the address in back and after that, she went to her dad's room to get the find the files that have her birth certification and other files that are a proof that she really is their granddaughter. Sunny knows that tricking her dad to move here just to meet her mother and grandparents will make him mad and sad, but she's desperate and she's hoping that her dad will forgive her for what she's done. And after getting what she needed she went outside and asked around on where she can find cloudsdale and luckily one pegasus was happily helped and even brought her there. All she has to do now is to find her grandparents she searched for a long time and the sun is at its peak and after she went home she searched for one final time and luckily she found her grandparent's house. She's very nervous since she has no idea what she's gonna say she went to the front door and knocked, and when someone opened the door he saw his grandmother. Windy whistles smiled "Ouu hello how can I help you" said Windy whistles, hearing her grandmother's voice for the first time brought her to tears. "Oh my are you okay... " said Windy, then suddenly Sunny hugged her. "Grandma... i... always wanted to meet you *sniff* it's me your granddaughter" said Sunny. Windy Whistles got confused "Grand-mother I'm sorry you might be miss taken me from your... " said Windy, she didn't be able to finish what she's gonna say since she felt something somehow it feels like she's related to her. Sunny kept crying and windy starts petting Sunny's head. "Come on... come inside" said Windy whistles, Windy made her sit down in the living room and Sunny gave her bag to her. "Pls... take a look inside... "Said Sunny in a Fading Voice. Then Windy took the bag "I'll just go to the kitchen and get you something to drink" said Windy Whistles, Sunny just nodded. When she got to the Kitchen Bow Hothoof asked her who is the Filly in their living room "Hon who's that?" Asked Bow Hothoof. Windy takes a deep breath "She said shes our granddaughter" said Windy. "Granddaughter Rainbow isn't even Married yet" said Bow Hothoof. "I know it sounds crazy but somehow I felt like she's related to us that she telling the truth" said Windy. Bow Hothoof took a glimpse on Sunny "She does have some resemblance to Rainbow but even she really is our granddaughter how come we never known it before plus there's proof" said Bot Hothoof. Windy heavily sighs "She did give me this bag maybe inside this bag has the answer" said Windy, Then they opened the bag and took out every single piece of paper in the bag, They went although those papers and they saw that she really is their granddaughter. "Everything here is real our daughter got pregnant when she's still a teenager" said Windy, then she just cried, Bow Hothood hugged her wife. "I'm assuming that if that Rainbow has no idea that her daughter is here how dare she does this to us to her daughter" said Bow Hothoof angrily, then they noticed that Sunny was standing there right behind them. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come here but I'm desperate to meet you and to meet mom" said Sunny while crying heavily, Bow Hothoof and Windy whistles hugged her. "No, it's okay... it's just right you did come here were happy to know that we have a granddaughter but were sad to know that your mother hid this from us " said Bow Hothoof. "Your grandpa is right it's not your fault... Is your father the one who raised you?" asked Windy, Sunny nodded. "Let's talk about it later, let's bond for now kay since its lunchtime" said Windy, Sunny and Hothoof agreed, and just talked about none related things about the current situation since Windy and Hothoof know how sensitive the subject is. And after that, it's time for her grandparents to know on kind of life she and her father had all through these years. "It's okay Sunny if you don't want to talk about it we can just ask your father... where ever he is right now" said Windy. "No, it's okay... I have to do this since I did something bad back then in Silvershores Daddy and I lived in a small house daddy always work hard his always doing multiple jobs when I was young. He said that he's always bringing me to work and his boss are completely okay with it... thx to his hard work that I was able to go to school and even made some friends but I always wondered how it feels to have a mother. But if I bring it up it might hurt my dad... so I didn't mention it to him so I just waited for him to bring it up himself... and he did I learned more about mom but he never told me where she lives. So I looked for it on my own and I stumbled upon one of dads things and it has lots of things in it and one of those things is my mom notebook she has her address there and it's here in ponyville but it's too far for me to go to... *sigh* and then one day my dad had a heart attack cause of overworked his working hard for me and then I got so angry to mom dad gave up everything for me she chose me instead of fulfilling his dream I know its real when he said sacrificing his dream is the best thing he did cause he got to meet me... if dad was able to do that then why cant mom why did she leave me did she even love me... I want to ask her those questions that's why I tricked father into coming here " said Sunny, then she started crying again. "Sunny I'm sorry" said Sora, while standing by the window. "Dad how did you!?" said Sunny. "I have magic remember" said Sora then he just walked towards the front door. And when the door opens Sunny hugged her dad "I'm sorry... I'm sorry" said Sunny while crying. "Shhh it's okay I understand" said Sora. Then after that Windy and Hothoof invited Sora to come inside so that they can properly talk with each other and know each other. Windy made them sit in the living room while she gonna take some tea in the kitchen and meanwhile Hothoof is with Sora and Sunny in the living room. "Okay first of how are you not falling on the cloud right now?" asked Hothoof. Sora smiled "Well as you can see Sunny is a pegasus like her mother and I'm just a unicorn and also I'm just using a spell that can make me walk on cloud like a pegasus" said Sora. "I must say it's impressive... I'm sorry that you have to raise Sunny all alone I'm proud of you, unlike our daughter you have guts to give up everything just for Sunny" said Hothoof, then Sunny became sad again. "HOTHOOF! seriously I'm so sorry dear" said Windy, then she offered Sora and Sunny some drink. "Well your daughter already told us everything we have to know she even brought some documents with her" said Windy Whistles. "Yeah I can see that I'm sorry for the trouble pls don't be mad at Rainbow she's just not ready for the responsibility" said Sora. Windy Sigh "I know she's not ready back then but it's still wrong... you chose to raise her without hesitation you suffered alone and surely raising a child all on your own is really hard she could have chosen to raise her with you but no she didn't instead she ran away leaving you with the responsibility that you two supposed to tackle together" said Windy. "Do you... think mom will be happy to see me?" said Sunny. "I'm not sure sweety I'm not sure" said Sora. Then Hothoof stand up "Then there's only one way to find out and that's taking her here without telling her the reason why she has to come here" said Hothoof with a sad tone voice with a mix of anger. "Hothoof do you think that's a little bit too much" said Windy Whistles. "It's not too much we supported her on every achievement she reached and now she has to do the same and make up for her mistake... Sunny needs a mother" said Hothoof. "What do you think Sunny?" asked Windy, then Sunny looked at her dad. "*Sigh* Fine let's do it I'll just prepare my self" said Sora, Sunny, Windy, and Hothoof felt the anger and disappointment coming from the tone of Sora's voice. "Sora do you still love our daughter?" asked Windy. Sora begins to cry "Yes... I still do" said Sora, then Sunny hugged her. "Hothoof get Rainbow Dash and act natural pls... we can't let her know that we already found out until she gets here" said Windy with a tone of disappointment.