//------------------------------// // Twenty Past One on a Saturday Morning // Story: Tending to the Heart's Forgotten Garden // by Botched Lobotomy //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer and I were together for almost twenty years. I write it out like that, it sounds like a while. It sounds like too long. And I’m sure if I actually counted it up and went through and thought of all the little things we filled those years with, if we wrote out for each ‘this year we started college’ and ‘wasn’t Applejack’s wedding around then?’ and ‘of course, that was the summer we moved to Filly’, it would start to sound much closer to that number, but the point is it doesn’t feel like it. It doesn’t feel like long, at all. Marble keeps telling me to forget about her. To forget it all, to just move on, leave the past where it belongs and make the most of what’s to come. ‘You’re free now, Walls!’ In a sense, I suppose it’s true. Twilight hasn’t told me to forget. None of that group has – none of them have said much to me at all, in fact, besides the usual ‘Gosh, darling, I’m so sorry!’ and ‘I heard about the, uh, well...yeah. You doing okay?’ and those don’t count. They’re things you have to say. Not one of them has really tried to talk, except maybe Pinkie Pie, but some appointment cut her off, and she hasn’t called me up to finish. That’s okay. They were always more Sunset’s friends than mine, but still, it might have been nice... In fairness, I don’t think any of them really knows what to say. What can they say? I sure don’t know what I would say, in their position. Must be hard. Well, not as hard as it is for me, but... They didn’t tell me to forget, at least. They know it’s been too long for that. Six months, a year, okay. That’s fine. Take a week to cry, a month, and then you’re back up on your feet. Good as new, or so close no one will know the difference. Twenty years – that one’s a little harder. Once, I had a stone to do it for me. I glad it’s gone. There’s a hundred reasons to be glad of it, but now I’m glad it’s gone so that temptation isn’t sitting there. Because I would be tempted, and right now I’m not sure I could resist. Sorry, I’m rambling, I know. I’m all over the place. I’m out of practise. Concentrate. I... I don’t know where to start. Begin at the beginning, Wallflower. Where else is there to start? Yes, yes, I know, but it’s harder than it looks. Don’t rush me, me. You of all people can cut me a break here, I’d like to hope. Well. Here goes nothing. Sunset Shimmer 18:56 Hey 18:58 Hi. 18:58 How’s things? 19:00 Okay I guess. 19:01 Better now. 19:01 Sorry, that sounded bad. 19:02 You’re cool 19:02 I meant to say that I’m better than yesterday. 19:02 No need to apologise 19:02 >:[ 19:03 Sorry. 19:04 >:( 19:04 Grrr 19:09 So 19:10 Gardening club huh 19:10 What goes on there? 19:11 Besides digging up ancient memory stones, you mean? 19:11 Lol 19:11 Not much. 19:12 There’s gotta be something, right? 19:12 It’s mostly just a lot of gardening. 19:13 Okay 19:13 Hit me with your favourite plant 19:14 I don’t have a favourite plant. 19:14 Oh 19:17 It’s not like plants are very interesting. I don’t even really think about them much. I just take care of them. 19:18 I mean 19:18 Sure 19:19 Is that supposed to mean something? 19:20 No? 19:20 Okay. 19:21 If you say you don’t think about it, you don’t think about it ;) 19:22 Sorry? 19:22 >:(( 19:24 I don’t know what you’re trying to say. 19:25 I’m not trying to say anything 19:26 ... 19:26 Okay. 19:27 You don’t think about it, that’s fine! 19:27 Even though you’ve done it for years 19:27 & clearly put a lot of effort into it all 19:28 But sure 19:28 No thoughts 19:28 That’s cool ;) 19:33 ? 19:34 You can stop pretending to care, you know. 19:34 Um 19:35 I think I’m going to go. 19:35 See you tomorrow. 19:35 I’m not 19:36 *pretending to care 19:38 I’m interested if you are 19:38 We can talk about something else 19:41 I’m not pretending 19:48 Wallflower?