//------------------------------// // A Terrible Feeling // Story: Flurry Heart’s Sick Day // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// After what seemed like hours; (despite being just a few hours exactly), Flurry Heart woke up, and yawned whilst stretching. Unfortunately; soon after she did that, she felt something coming up from her throat. And before you know it; she barfed all over her bed. (Well not literally all over her bed; just her blankets). Because of that bad feeling afterwards; Flurry Heart began crying, and babbling something incoherently; as she’s not feeling good, and recently just barfed all over her bed. Cadence and Shining Armor bursted into the room; having heard their daughter’s crying, and then stopped to see what was wrong. However; after seeing what lies before them; even they couldn’t believe it. “You think maybe...” began Cadence. “We should go help her”, Shining Armor finished. After giving Flurry Heart a bath; both parents went to the castle living room, and sat with Flurry Heart to check and see what’s wrong with her. But before they could start; Flurry Heart barfed again, and passed out from being sick. Worried; Cadence held her baby close while cleaning her up; while Shining Armor started cleaning up the couch, and started pacing around the room to think of an explanation as to why his only daughter was feeling like this... . Meanwhile... back in Ponyville... . *is pacing around back and forth*. “Ooh Spike; I feel terrible...” Twilight Sparkle said in utter distress. Spike turned around, and then asked; “and why is that?” Chattering on her hooves nervously, Twilight Sparkle said; “because I could be the cause of my own niece getting sick... .” Spike then asked; “and why do you think that?” Twilight then replied; “because I foolishly brought her into a hospital filled with sick foals! Ooh I hope I don’t get caught... . Shining Armor will never trust me again if I were to get caught... .” Unfortunately; Twilight didn’t know it, but Shining Armor already knew... . And he was already inside. “You were saying?” Shining Armor said while holding onto his daughter. Caught; Twilight blurts out; “oh no...” and awaited for a talking to.