Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto

F* Daytime EoL

"Anything yet?" Indigo asked, lying on Lemon's bed.
"Not yet," Lemon replied. "Nothing new. Twi's probably still talking about things with Sunset, or deciding what they should tell us."
"Ugh." Indigo leaned back into the pillow. "Why did we even wake up early for this? It's not like we're going anywhere. This wait is killing me." She looked at the portal in the middle of their living room with one eye. "Maybe we should just tell her about this. In case it's not safe to be near one."
"She'd have told us about that if it wasn't," Lemon replied, without looking away from her computer screen. "And it was stress that woke us up. You know how it is. Find something to occupy your time with."
"That's easy for you to say. Your time filling activities involve staying right there so you'll immediately know when we get a message." Indigo rolled around over the bed some. "Mine involve going outside. You can't just tell me to go outside. What if Twilight writes back while I'm gone?"
"I'll tell you about it when you're back?" Lemon's tone perfectly conveyed her eyebrow raise without the need for Indigo to see it.
"Ugh," Indigo said again, followed by other such sounds of petty frustration. "You could at least entertain me while we wait."
"I'm not in the mood for sex right now, if you need it that bad you can just masturbate," said Lemon. A moment later, she clarified, "Okay, it's mostly because I'm busy right this moment and less a matter of mood. But I also think I'm closer to what Sunny would insist is a regular sex drive right now. It'll go away when I'm not so nervous."
"I didn't mean that and you know it," Indigo barked, snapping up into a sitting position.
"We always mean that as a possibility and we both know it," Lemon replied. After a bit of silence, just short enough for Indigo not to continue, she said, "We should have a threesome at some point."
"You'd be into it."
Indigo blinked. "Probably. That doesn't make you bringing it up now any less out of place."
"I was thinking Sunburst," Lemon continued, caring not for Indigo's words.
"Why him?"
"Because we're sure he'd say yes."
Indigo shrugged after a second of thought. "Guess you're right. What are you up to?"
"Did I tell about how I met the tall Moon horse that looks like CHS's vice principal while in pony land?" asked Lemon, still not following through on what Indigo was saying.
"You did not," Indigo replied. "When did it happen? Did you go in without me?"
"In my dreams. There. She can go through them and stuff," said Lemon. "It was on one of the first visits. I had a dream about transforming sort of like Twi did."
"Oh." Indigo adjusted herself and turned towards Lemon. "How was it?"
"I looked extremely hot." Lemon used the following silent pause to shift the conversation again. "I'm playing a game by the way. You can come watch if you want."