Eternal Mercury

by Jhyme

The Element of Disharmony


Chrysalis groaned as she attempted to rise from the cold stone floor she lay on. She pulled one of her aching legs under her and pushed her body upwards. Her knees buckled and she fell face-first. She hissed as her face slammed into the mossy stones. A metallic taste filled her mouth; she spat and gasped for air as she tried to regain her breath. Damp air filled her lungs as she attempted to gain her footing once again. Her joints creaked at the movements. She managed to keep all four legs straight until she regained her balance, and when she felt she had enough strength, she began to explore and examine her surroundings. She squinted as she tried to see her way around, it was night, obviously, and nearly pitch black. Owls hooted in the distance, and an array of crickets chirped in unison. The force of Shining Armour re-rising his shield must have blown her back to the Everfree forest and knocked her out cold. Chrysalis frowned. She thought it strange that she survived; anyone else would have blacked out and never woken up. Never to see the light of Equestria again. It was strange for her, she felt as if something had intention to save her, a feeling she had never experienced before. She managed to adjust her eyes to the darkness just enough to get a good look at where she was. She stood in the middle of a large stone room, with an opening on each wall. She estimated that it had been at least a whole day since the wedding. At least Shining Armour and Princess Cadence wouldn't be in canterlot anymore. A cold breeze crept through cracks in the stonewalls. She started to wonder where she was. As she slowly wandered around her stone prison, she felt attracted to the darkest corner of the room. Like something was calling out to her, reeling her in. She noticed a flicker of blue light in the corner of the room but thought nothing of it.
“Firefliesss!” Chrysalis scoffed. There was a piercing hiss as a stream of mist flowed from the corner. The stream thrashed and curled, and in less than a second Chrysalis was shot across the room. She hit the wall with a ‘thud’ and was again, knocked out.

Chrysalis awoke again, in more pain than before. It was almost unbearable, and a familiar taste filled her mouth. The stones on this side of the room were cold to the touch, she felt like her face was burning. She reluctantly rose to her hooves and instantly cowered in fear. The blue mist had spread, covering half the wall. "What magic iss this!" She hissed as her legs became frozen in place, and gasped as she noticed the mist reaching out to her. It was almost touching the tip of her horn when it stopped, and retreated back to the corner. This was her chance; she should get out before any more damage is done to her, Permanently. But she felt it calling, keeping her there. Chrysalis knew that being here was dangerous, but she was intrigued, and she could not see an immediate exit from her stone prison. She cautiously approached the moss-covered corner and noticed a short marble pedestal, holding a shattered crown. It glowed a deep blue as she came closer. She noticed a deep humming noise, which grew louder and deeper as she came near. Cautiously, she tapped the crown with the tip of her horn. She reeled back in fear, as the crown seemed to explode, spreading the blue mist everywhere. Her face flashed a horrified expression as it started speaking to her.
“Welcome… to my prison…” it whispered, echoing in her ears.
“Who-who are you? What are you?” Chrysalis murmured questioningly.
“I am many things… but at the same time… nothing,“ it replied eerily.“A rift... What could have been... I have been studying you… I sense great power and potential in you… I also sense… anger”
“What do you want from me?” Chrysalis questioned sternly.
“I wish only to… help you,” it whispered. “I too have reasons for revenge… on canterlot… and Equestria.”
“You know of what happened?” Chrysalis groaned.
“I know everything…” The strange mist wrapped an arm-like tendril around Chrysalis, stopping her from fleeing if she chose so. But Chrysalis wasn't going anywhere. An opportunity had been presented to her, and opportunity for revenge.
“Tell me, if I do choose to accept your help, how will you help me get revenge?” she questioned.
“I can offer you great power… nearly unlimited, and unmatched. But in return… you must lend your... soul, to me… and do as I wish…” it offered.
Chrysalis thought on what it meant by, “lending her soul.” She knew it was risky, but no great feat is achieved without a few risks.
“Deal.” Chrysalis pronounced. The blue mist almost seemed to smile. It possessed her body, covering every inch of her dark, scale like skin. Her eyes grew a deep blue yet seemed empty. There was instant regret and her voice quivered as she shouted in pain and screamed, “Wait!”

Too late.


“Did you hear that sister?” Luna questioned her sister, lowering her paintbrush and twitching her ears. Celestia squinted her eyes and tried to concentrate. Luna hummed a short tune and returned to her painting. A moon surrounded by six stars, representing the elements of harmony. Luna designed much of the paintings around canterlot tower; even some of the famous stained glass windows in the halls of canterlot were inspired by Luna’s designs. Celestia walked out to her balcony and looked across Equestria. Everything seemed normal, pegasi flying as usual. Birds in trees and a dull roar of voices coming from canterlot town. But as she shifted her attention towards Everfree Forest, the sight horrified her. There was a blinding blue beam of light that shot up to the sky, coming from the centre of the forest. As she continued her fixated gaze on the beam, it started to arch down, towards canterlot! She panicked, as she stumbled across the room she yelled for the guards and ran to Luna. Her sister was her main priority. “What troubles you, sister?” Luna worried, as Celestia burst through the doors.
“I fear we are under attack, Luna.” Celestia replied, urging her to roll up her newly finished painting and retreat to a safer place.
“Will shining armours shield not protect the castle?” Luna wondered, with a tone of concern. Everything was happening too fast. Celestia’s heart was racing and adrenaline rushed through her.
“I fear not sister, this attack is of great magic.” She took another quick glance out Luna’s bedside window, before returning to her sister and guards. She estimated that there was about 1 minute before the beam hit canterlot tower. The guards escorted the Princesses down the curling stairs and returned to defending the royal castle. The beam crackled as it shot down through the sky. Sparks flickered as the beam widened. It struck the purple shield with a deep ‘BOOM’.
Celestia approached a large metal door, with dozens of poles and gears. With a wave of her horn, the gears twisted and spun as they became engulfed in a dull, blue light. The poles locking the door retracted and the door slowly creaked open.

Walls shook and cracked underground in the princess’s safe room. The shield started to crack as the beam widened to a pillar. Dust fell from the dome of the shield, before shattering and sending shards of purple glass flying. The beam continued speeding towards the castle, until luckily, a stray, flying shard of the shield reflected the beam off to the right. It barely grazed Princess Celestia’s balcony and plummeted down to the Canterlot royal garden. It shot past various plants and statues. The beam passed, and clipped the grasping claw of the statue of Discord, entity of chaos. The beam continued through the garden, passing statues of alicorns and ponies. It ended up in a room opposite to the entrance of Canterlot castle. The room lit up to reveal mossy and damp stones, as if the room had not been entered in years. In the middle of the room stood a statue of an alicorn. The moss-covered stones became stained with scorch marks as the blinding beam flew past them. It shot directly into the heart of the bowing alicorn statue, which stood on a podium. The statue stood proudly yet hung it head, as if it were facing death. The beam thinned as it loss strength and left a black mark on the statues chest. Dust rested as everything settled down, birds returned to their trees and tunes. Water from the lake calmed and animals came out from their hiding spots. The black mark left on the statue's chest seemed to seep inside the stone and soon disappeared. But a few moments later, there was a loud ‘CRACK’ and the black mark was larger than before. The earth shook as cracks formed in the statue's stone face. They spread out from the black mark on its chest and soon covered its whole body. Shards fell from the cracks and revealed scorched black fur. Steam seeped out from the missing pieces and filled the room. The pieces of stone grinded against each other as a hoof slowly moved from its podium.

“Tia… Did you feel that?” Luna quietly asked her sister, as they both exited their safe room. “I think it was-“
“I felt it too Luna, but do not jump to conclusions. Something is going on, and I fear we are being deceived.” She assured the guards she was fine as she passed them, and began to exit the tower. Celestia cautiously entered canterlot garden, with Luna close behind her. She noticed a thick fog appearing, which was unusual, especially since the weather pegasi had just been through the garden the day before, and cleared any clouds or mist falling onto the garden. Blades of grass crushed beneath Celestia’s steps. As she entered further into the garden the fog started to thin, and everything was more visible. But what Celestia saw horrified her.

He was back.
Everyone was in danger now; she barely managed to stop him before. If he has managed to break free from his stone prison, that means his power has already surpassed Princess Celestia and Luna’s combined. She feared even the Elements of Harmony could not stop him now. She had to stop him. While she still had a chance.


“What... I’m - I’m free!” Discord shouted. He fell to his knees and gasped for breath. “But how? How long has it been? Ha-ha! It seems not even the “almighty” Elements of harmony can stop me!” He mocked. Discord rose to his feet and stretched his limbs. He cracked the bones in his claws and sighed. He filled his lungs with damp air. He choked in disgust, but was grateful. “Oh what mischief I shall wreak! The ponies of Equestria haven’t even begun to see what chaos I have up my sleeves! Speaking metaphorically, of course.” He clicked his fingers and began to levitate off the ground. “Prepare yourself, Equest-“
His sentence was cut short as stone chains erupted from the ground. They wrapped around Discords feet and pulled him to the ground. “What? What magic is this? Show yourself!” Discord looked around for whoever had used this strange magic on him. footsteps approached as thick mist appeared around him.
“What was that about, wreaking chaos upon Equestria?” a voice spoke as it approached him. “Now you wouldn’t do that, would you Discord?”
“No... this is impossible! You can't be here!” Discord shouted at the figure appearing from the mist. “It seems not, but seeing as I am here now, lets have a little talk, shall we?” The figure was an alicorn with dusty black fur. Small chips of stone covered his body, which he occasionally shook off. He released the stone chains yet Discord stood still, he was frozen in fear, as if he had just seen a ghost.
“What happened? Why am I free?” The alicorn asked Discord sternly.
“I don’t know, I was turned to stone as well, by the elements of harmony. but I was freed by the same magic as you were!” he replied.
“Elements of harmony?” The alicorn asked.
“Right, I forgot. Celestia created them, to stop me, But you have to believe me, I had no part in whatever happened to us.” Discord pleaded.
“You expect me to believe that? After everything you did to me? After everything you did to Equestria?" The alicorn shouted. "I should kill you now. After what you did to me, you left me there. I had to watch you wipe out my people. My family."
Discord grinned at the memories. Good times. He chuckled.
"I know you Discord; I know what you can do. Fortunately for you, I also know what you can’t do. Your magic is not strong enough to have caused this. Think of this as a trial. Help me, and i wont kill you. But if you dare cross me.” The alicorn said.
“Oh, I wont!” Discord grinned.
“Now tell me, where is Celestia? I must speak to her.” The alicorn asked.
At that moment Celestia and her sister appeared from the mist. Celestia had seen Discord and shot a beam of magic towards him. With extreme speed, the alicorn teleported in front of him, taking the blow. He shrugged it off, and it didn’t even leave a scratch.
“Wha-?” Celestia gasped
“I knew it! Merc’!” Princess Luna shouted in glee. She galloped over to him and hugged him tightly.

Princess Celestia kneeled. She was lost for words, this was impossible. She didn't know what she found stranger, the fact that Prince Mercury had returned, or the fact that he had just defended Discord, the monster that turned him to stone.
“Prince Mercury... Why did you defend Discord?”
“He is of no threat right now, Celestia. It is good to see you, and you, Luna!” Mercury replied to her, as he returned Luna’s hug.
“I can’t believe this… I - we thought we would never see you again!” Luna exclaimed, as she returned to Celestia.
“Mercury how is it possible that you, and Discord are free? Mine and Luna’s magic powers combined were no match for the stone spell that was placed upon you.” Celestia asked, still keeping a watchful eye on Discord as he leaned against a statue, not speaking a word. “There was an extreme amount of magic, focused into a single stream. Yet I do not know who, or what could possess such power.” Prince Mercury replied.
“I do.” Discord remarked as he approached the circle or alicorns. Hands open as so they would not suspect an attack. “I have seen this kind of magic before, experienced it. During the war.”

An eerie silence hung in the air. Mercury's eyes were fixated on Discord, as he stared blankly at the ground.

“Come everyone, it is not wise to speak of such events out in the open.” Remarked Celestia, breaking the tension. “I shall gather Twilight and her friends to my quarters, she will be ecstatic to meet you, Mercury.”
“Not so much me though, I suspect.” Discord quietly chuckled.

“This is amazing!” Twilight gasped, circling Mercury. “A stallion alicorn!”
“A handsome one, at that!” Rarity exclaimed. Luna glared at her and shuffled closer to Mercury. “YOU are Prince Eternal Mercury! The rightful ruler of Equestria!” Gasped Twilight. “Princess Celestia has rarely spoken of you!” Celestia lowered her head as Mercury turned to her.
“Do not regret, Celestia. Those were dark times, no one should have to remember them.” Prince Mercury said in a forgiving tone. Celestia slightly smiled but returned back to her straight face.
“Well, meetin’ new friends is fun an all, but what is he doing here?” Applejack asked, staring down Discord as he floated in the corner of the room.
“Oh, did no one inform you? I am good now! According to Prince Mercury.” Discord smiled.
“Discord is helping us figure out what magic freed them both and destroyed Shining Armours shield, or so he says he is.” Celestia remarked. He merely shrugged and continued circling the room.
“I fear that I may know the origin of this evil magic. Celestia, sit down, I shall tell you all a tale.” Prince Mercury announced. “A few years before Discords reign, I was working on a spell. It was supposed to enhance mine, and every other alicorns magical abilities, enabling us to take better care of Equestria. But when I tested out the spell on myself, my magic abilities were drastically reduced, and I was left weak. Then a strange mist appeared to me, it had absorbed my magic and fled. I thought that was the end of it. That it would not get past the castles gates. I thought wrong. Celestia briefly informed me of what happened Luna. And I am sorry, for I fear what I let escape, possessed you and turned you into the being that was Nightmare Moon.”
Luna stifled a cry and closed her eyes. “I tried to tell you Tia, for so long I felt like the lesser sister. I was filled with anger and contempt, but you just told me to think nothing of it. I was so angry! Then one night something came into my room, it just took control of me, and I let it. For once I felt powerful, like I could do something! I’m sorry Tia, I… wanted to be Nightmare Moon.” Luna cried as she tried to finish her sentence. Crystal blue tear drops fell onto her sky bly coat.
“Oh Lu-Lu! I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you! Please forgive me.” Celestia cried as she wiped away her sisters tears.
“Ugh, these nicknames make me sick. Can you not simply use your given names?” Discord pleaded.
“Thank you Luna, and we all forgive you. From what I gather, it seems that this being requires a host, and when found, it greatly enhances the hosts magic abilities.” Mercury stated.

“Well I think that’s enough storytelling!” Twilight said. “If all this about ‘the shade’ is true, that would mean that it has already found a host. But who would bear such anger to attract it?” Mercury wondered, as he turned to Celestia
“Chrysalis.” Celestia stated. “That would give reason for the attack on Canterlot too. Destroying Shining Armours shield could be the first step in her plan for a fully-fledged attack on Equestria. And with her new magic, i fear its possible... she could win.”

“But she has lost the element of surprise, and has only managed to take out the shield. She would be regaining her strength somewhere, plotting an attack.” Mercury added. “In the meantime, we should prepare. If this gets out of hand, there could be a war.”
“Should I call upon Shining Armour, sister?” Luna asked Celestia.

“No, I wouldn’t want to spoil his honeymoon.”


Twilight frantically paced back and forth in her room. Everybody had been given rooms in Canterlot tower for the time being until Mercury or Celestia called for them. “I don’t know what to do spike! I’m getting too anxious.” Twilight said to Spike.
“Don’t worry about it Twilight! I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems.” Spike calmly replied.
“Bad? This is terrible Spike! Chrysalis is stronger and she wants revenge on all of us! I can’t handle this, I need some fresh air.” Twilight stated as she exited to Canterlot town.
“Well count me out, I’m going to sleep this one off.” Spike said.
“We can get some Gems for you to snack on.” Twilight called in a singsongy voice.
Spike stumbled as he ran out the door.

Spike eagerly looked around for a stall that selled gems. He anxiously rubbed his claws together in excitement. But the further he got into town, the less excited he seem. As usual, Canterlot square was crowded with ponies, but today was different.
“Doesn’t everybody seem a bit quiet to you, Twilight?” Spike quietly asked. Twilight looked at him in a questioning way.
“What do you mean Spike?”
“I mean, nothing's… Happening! Usually there’s an argument or something happening in the street but today everyone is just… the same.” Spike said. “Everyone has that same look on their face. That smile. It’s creeping me out!”
“Just don’t worry about it Spike, I’m sure its just your imagination. Look, over there Spike, a stall that sells gems! Tell me which one you want and I’ll buy it for you, my treat.” Twilight offered. Spike frowned and continued rubbing his hands.
“Gee, thanks Twilight, they sure do look tasty! But I don’t know. The stall owner is looking at me funny.”
“Nonsense Spike, how about I go over there and buy what you want, you just wait here.” Twilight said as she made her way over to the gem stand.
“Hi there, I would like to purchase this Ruby please, is this enough?” She asked as she handed over a dozen bits.

“Yessss, gem is that much bitsss.” The stall owner hissed. A bead of sweat ran down Twilights face, she tried desperately to keep a straight face. She blinked twice, thanked the store owner, and rushed back to Spike.
“I think you’re right Spike, something weird is going on, and i don't like it. I think we should tell the others about this.” Twilight told Spike as they hurried home.


“Have you girls noticed anything… strange, happening in Canterlot?” Twilight asked her friends. The six friends sat in their weekly spa as they spoke of what they have done the past week in Canterlot. As usual, Fluttershy didn’t get out much this week; she sat at home and attended to Angel. Whereas Applejack took this stay at Canterlot as a chance to sell as many 'Sweet Apple Acres Apples' as possible. Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat and repeated.
“Girls? Notice anything strange? Nothing?” Rarity adjusted her eyelashes and focused her attention toward Twilight.
“Why, not at all dear. Why do you ask?” Rarity replied.
“Its just, me and spike have been noticing some strange thing in canterlot, we were just wondering if you had seen anything.”
“Oh, I’m sure its nothing Twilight. Maybe everybody is just tired.” Fluttershy whispered.
“Or maybe they’re planning a surprise party! And they all have to keep it super super secret!” Pinkie Pie added, devouring a cupcake that she had somehow managed to sneak in. Twilight cleansed her mind and forgot about it, she was sure it was probably nothing to worry about anyway.

was it?

Luna was painting a portrait of Mercury as he studied. Yet much to Luna’s frustration, he couldn’t keep still. He had so much to learn and catch up on, So much had happened in the near 2000 years he was a statue.
“stay still, I’m painting your mane.” She asked.
“Sorry Luna, There is just so much to learn! I have missed so much and I want to catch up on as much as I can, I will only be a second.” He replied

By the time Mercury had finished reading almost every book in Celestia’s library, it was almost midnight. Luna had dozed asleep and Mercury carried her to her quarters. Her stayed with her for a while, until he was sure she was asleep. He was about to crawl back into bed, until Princess Celestia entered her chambers and whispered if she could speak to Mercury. He quietly exited the room into the hall with Celestia.

“Prince Mercury, I know you and Luna are happy to be together again, but please, be careful.” Celestia said to Mercury.
“Luna was devastated when she lost you last time, when we lost you. She is my sister and I do not want to see her
heartbroken again.” Merucy smiled and nodded. He gently closed the door behind him but left it a crack open.
“I know, Celestia, and I don’t want her to be heartbroken either.” Mercury said.
“But I love Luna deeply, and believe me, if I could, I would spend every hour of the rest of my life with her. No matter what, I will not leave her. Not again.” Mercury though he almost saw a tear roll down Celestia's cheek.
Celestia nodded walked back to her room. A draft came in from an open window in Luna’s room and blew out the flame. Mercury flicked his horn as he entered the room again, and re-lit the flame. He closed the open window, and softly grunted as he fell into his silk-sheeted bed. Luna opened her eyes and turned he head towards Mercury.
“That was beautiful Merc’,” she whispered. “I love you too.”

It was their first kiss in 200 years.


“Princess Celestia? May I ask you something?” Twilight asked her mentor.
“Why of course Twilight, Fire away!” She replied as she lowered her teacup.
“I can’t help but ask, what happened to Prince Mercury?” Twilight wondered. “Pages even remotely relating to him have been torn from the books of Canterlot’s library.”
Celestia flinched at the question. She gulped down her mouthful of tea and gently placed the jewel encrusted cup on her table.
“Ah. I knew you would ask this sooner or later Twilight, but I did not expect it to be as daunting as this. Very well, sit down Twilight.” Celestia asked. Twilight grasped her teacup and sat on her cushion.

“It was nearly 2000 years ago… The Alicorns ruled and were a thriving race. Prince Eternal Mercury, Bender of the Elements was soon to be crowned king of Equestria, and all was peaceful, until… Discord.”

“Discord?!” Twilight wondered.

“Yes, Discord. He overtook our beautiful city, and turned it into a burning and hated place. He toyed and killed the Ponies of Equestria. Pegasi, Unicorn, Earth ponies, he didn't care. And when he got bored, he turned on us. Millions of our people died, he caused droughts and killed the land. But during his rage and chaos, he did not notice. Two sisters escaped from the burning tower of canterlot, two sisters. Me, and Luna. With our power combined, we restored life to the land, and then, we came for him. Never letting him stop, we chased him across the land. And when we finally cornered him… We turned him to stone. But the alicorns are a peaceful race. Doing that to someone almost destroyed us. So we vowed to never use such power like that again, and with that, we split our magic and formed the elements of harmony.” Celestia said as she occasionally wiped a tear from her eye.

“Thank you Celestia, I know that must have been hard for you, but you have not yet explained, how did mercury survive?” Twilight asked. Celestia sighed.

“Mercury was the first to go, before Discord could rule Equestria, he had to take out Prince Mercury. He was often regarded as Equestria’s most powerful alicorn, so it only makes sense that Discord would feel the need to take him out first.” Celestia replied, recalling her memories. “Before he went insane, Discord was once a citizen of Equestria. He was one of the Ten Senn’s, a group of ten survivors of a species, Discord, being the last living draconequus. The Ten Senn’s served the king and were treated like royalty, but Discord was always left out. The people of Equestria whispered as he passed them in the streets. They would call him such terrible things. “Beast”, “Crazy”, but worst of all, “Monster.” People only saw the dark in him. I only saw the dark in him. There was once a time where he loved me. But all I saw was a monster, and so, he became one. Discord left Canterlot, and when he returned, he was different. Being a Senn, he had constant access to the royal chambers. Discord entered Mercury’s chambers, and turned him to stone. In cold blood. Then everything started to fall apart. Instead of turning rest of the alicorns to stone, he just killed them. And if you ask me, I think he enjoyed it.”

Twilights face was as pale as the moon. She knew Discord could be dangerous, but murderous?

“Thank you, Princess Celestia, but I fear that I may regret asking you.” Twilight said, as she stared into the bottom of her empty tea cup.

“I am sorry Twilight, I know that it is hard to believe, But Discord is more dangerous than he seems. Despite what he says, I want you to avoid him.”

Twilight left without a word and left Celestia alone in her chambers. Celestia began to sob as memories of her friends and families dying before her eyes flooded back into her mind. “Its my fault” She whispered.

"Its my fault."


Discord hummed as he searched through his chambers, if you could even call it a chamber. More like a dungeon, a prison, imprisoning him for all his past sins. Still, he was not complaining. He was happy to be even allowed in the castle. As he rushed through each book given to him, he noticed a pattern forming in them. Everfree forest has been a large source of magic ever since Nightmare Moon was defeated, but never before. It had attracted all sorts of dark magic and beasts from the night. Sightings of changelings, low humming heard from below, could Everfree forest possibly be the Changeling hive? He presumed that The Shade has resided in the everfree forest up until Chrysalis had stumbled upon it.

“Guards! I need to speak with Prince Mercury.” Discord shouted, clasping torn pages from books.

“Hrm. Odd.” Mercury frowned as he looked upon Canterlot. “The ponies of Equestria has been acting weird lately, I had better have a look around.” Prince Mercury left his chambers and continued down the winding stairs leading to the hall. Guards gave him peculiar looks as he passed them.
“How isss your day going, Prince Eternal Mercury?” A guard that had been hidden from Mercury’s sight cheerfully asked. Surprised, Mercury thanked him, and stated that he did not need to call him by his full name. The guard smiled and nodded his head, yet Mercury noticed that his eyes gave off a strange glow. They gleamed in the sun, yet were strangely eerie.
“May I have a word with you?” Mercury cautiously asked, slowly approaching the guard. The guard smiled, and replied with a nod. Creepily, the guard kept a straight face with the same smile on it. He never flinched. Mercury motioned for him to come up the stairs with him. The guard slowly creeped out from behind the pillar. Just before they climbed the stairs, Discord greeted Mercury holding a dozen torn pages.

“Prince Mercury, I think I know whe-“ Discord froze as he noticed the cheerful guard standing behind Mercury. “Mercury, I ask that you step away from the guard.” Mercury held a confused look on his face.
“This guard? May I ask why, Discord?” Discord dropped the pages he had and held up his hands in a defensive stance, magic at ready.
“Whoever you think that is, you are wrong. Now please, step away from him.” Discords claws sparkled with flames as he began stare down the smiling guard.
“Why, you don’t mean-“ Mercury’s mind clicked and he instantly put up a defensive shield around Discord and himself. “Changeling.” He said. “I should have known. A fight is the last thing we need, he may call others, if there is any. But knowing changelings, there most certainly will be.”
“We need to contain him, any ideas?” Discord asked.
“I can warp him to my quarters and we can deal with him there,” Mercury said, as he charged magic in his horn. “But who knows what he will do in the seconds that we are absent.”
“We will have to be quick then, on my mark. Three, Two, One!” Discords shouted, as Mercury warped the Changeling to his room. The two rushed to Mercury’s quarters only to find an empty room.
“The window,” Discord stated. “He must have flown out as soon as he got here.”
“This is bad.” Mercury said. “Changelings, in canterlot. Who knows how long they have been here, and how many there are. We must warn the others.”

“If they have not already been taken.” Discord murmured.


“I do not want any of you to panic, but it seems Changelings have infiltrated Canterlot.” Mercury addressed to everyone.
"Also, on a side note, i seem to be out of reading material. Perchance i could glance upon some of your coveted spell books of old, Celestia?" Discord interjected. Mercury mumbled in annoyance and sent him off.
“I want you all to be on the look out for strange behavior. Don’t take any chances, if someone is not acting like usual, confront him or her.”
“Oh my…” Fluttershy whimpered.
Rainbow Dash put a hoof over her shoulder and assured her.
“Its not like any of us will get taken! We are the elements of harmony, together nothing can stop us!” Rainbow Dash said.
Princess Celestia frowned and turned towards her balcony.
“To think…” She said. “We let them get in without a fight, without acknowledgement! Who knows how long they have been here, listening to our plans.” Celestia sighed.
“They could be anyone of us, so please, all of you, be careful.” Mercury said to everyone.
Celestia smiled as she escorted all of them to the door and asked to left alone with Princess Luna.

“Tia…” Luna asked, with a somber tone in her voice. “You would try and stop me wouldn't you? If you though I was a changeling.” Celestia frowned and walked over to her distraught sister.
“It's just, if you were a changeling, I don’t think I would be able to bring myself to stop you. I have lost you once, I cant bear the thought of loosing you again.” She sobbed.
Celestia put a hoof around her sister and tried to comfort her.
“It is okay sister. Our love for each other is far too strong. A changeling would never be able to break into that bond.” Celestia replied.
"But that bond has been broken before!" Luna suddenly shouted. Celestia blinked at Luna's sudden outburst.
"You know I am so sorry don't you Tia?" Luna cried. Her sapphire eyes stared deep into Celestia's. "If I had known what I was doing! I would... I would never had done what i did!" Celestia stroked her mane and softly shushed her.

"Shh... It's okay, Luna. That's all in the past. I am the one who should be sorry... it was my egocentricity that made you feel the way you did. For that.. i am sorry." Celestia whispered. She ran her hoof through Luna's flowing mane as she softy sang a Lullaby.

"Once did a pony who shown like the sun, Look out on her kingdom and sigh.

She smiled and said "surely there is no pony, so lovely and beloved as I.

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory, that long was the shadow she cast.

Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved, and grew only darker as days and nights passed.

Lullay moon princess goodnight sister mine, Rest now in moonlights' embrace.

Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth.

Through cloud, and through sky, and through space.

Carry the peace, and the coolness of night, and carry my sorrow in kind.

Luna, you're loved so much more than you know,

Forgive me for being so blind."


“Too think! More of those ghastly bugs, in Canterlot!” Rarity groaned.
“We barely managed to survive last time we had to fight them.” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don’t want to have to fight any pony again.” She said to her friends.
“Ah its okay sugarcube. If we all stick together, we’ll never be beaten! Just like Dashie said, we have the power of the Elements of Harmony in us!” Applejack said to Fluttershy, trying to calm her nerves. All while Twilight Sparkle glared at each of her friends. She trusted them all, with her life. But like Mercury said, she couldn’t take any chances. She was looking for anything unusual about her friends. A peculiar twitch, a change in voice height, fidgeting, and of course, an unnecessarily amount of smiling. Which would be hard to tell with Pinkie Pie, as, she was always smiling.
“But if there is more people, doesn’t that mean more people in party’s?!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “And more people in parties is great! I know people always say that three’s a crowd but that’s silly, the more the merrier! And with more people that means more cupcakes to bake, and more cupcakes to bake mea-“ Pinkie Pie ranted.
This was going to be tough, Twilight thought to herself.

“I can already feel my power growing…” Chrysalis hissed, as she stretched her dull green wings and groaned as she cracked her joints. “It feelsss so good to be… Whole…” She smiled. Her dry, split fur had grown into an even coat. Her eyes gave off a more luscious glow and her mane was rich and flowing. She would almost be beautiful if not for her poisonous smile. Her horn oozed with magic, hard feats seemed easy since accepting the Shades offer. She strutted down the richly decorated hallway with a dozen changelings perched either side. they bowed as she walked past them, She had made a makeshift castle with what magic she felt she could spare. As she plotted her next move, She giggled as she imagined how everyone would react when she executed her plan. “Soon.” She whispered.




Discord asked. “Who can tell me the best way to defeat a changeling?”
Much to everyone’s dismay, Discord had volunteered to train everyone for when Chrysalis decided to attack. Discord had been taught an ancient technique as part of the Ten Senn’s. Everyone mumbled and chattered while he tried to educate them. All 6 ponies were there, minus Twilight. Celestia had sent her on an errand. Discord frowned and took a deep breath. “Keep calm Discord, they will take a while to warm up to you.” He said to himself. Pinkie Pie snickered as Rainbow Dash passed a sheet of paper towards her. Within seconds she burst out in a laughing fit and was rolling on the floor. Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eye as she helped Pinkie up. Pinkie squealed as Discord used his magic to snatch the sheet from her hooves. He growled as he read it. It was a poorly drawn picture of him which said, ‘Stinky dragon breath.’

“Really?” He asked.

“OKAY, I AM ONLY GOING TO SAY THIS ONCE, SO LISTEN UP!” Discord shouted, as he burnt the paper with a click of his fingers. Everybody’s eyes widened as they all sat down. Celestia heard the shouting and approached her balcony. “I have had more training in fighting than all of you combined! So when I ask you a question, you answer!”
Fluttershy whimpered at the thundering sound of Discords loud voice, but remembered what iron will taught her, and she stood up.

“Stun them.” She pronounced. “The best way to defeat a changeling is to stun them.” She repeated. Rarity smiled and quietly applauded her.
“Good, Fluttershy. Thank you.” Discord said politely. “I know this may be boring for some of you.” He said, glancing in Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s direction. “But please, try and pay attention. You may never know if this training will come in handy if Chrysalis does indeed, attempt to attack.” Applejack punched Rainbow Dash in the arm and whispered in her ear.

"I’m sorry I suppose…” Rainbow Dash mumbled. Applejack hit her harder and Rainbow hissed at her.
“I’m sorry, ok? I was just having a bit of fun.” She repeated.
“Me too.” Pinkie frowned. Discord smiled as he regained his sense of humour.
“I forgive you, but Rainbow Dash, that drawing was disastrous! I expected better from you! I am much more handsome than that!” He chuckled. Everybody laughed as Discord continued with his lesson, under the watchful eye of Princess Celestia from her balcony. She even smiled a bit.


“Hrm.” Chrysalis hummed. “Too bright, darker!” A changeling approached in front of her and changed its form to that of a pony. “Hmm, better, but too short. Next!” Chrysalis walked down from her throne and circled a crouching pony. She was chained to the ground and hung her head; her mane was bruised and dirty, covered with specks of blood. “Her coat is much darker, try and imitate it from this angle.” Chrysalis said, as she spun the pony around at the flick of her horn. The pony grunted and fell to the ground, her chains tangled around her hooves. The changelings cleared their throats and changed in cue. Chrysalis picked the most perfectly imitating one and sent him to canterlot.
“Do you see that dear? We have already infiltrated Canterlot, now we are infiltrating your precious group of friends! There is no way you can defeat us!” Chrysalis laughed. The pony just sat and laughed. Chrysalis scoffed and stormed back to her throne. “Please take her to the dungeon, minions.” She asked. “I am sick of seeing that grin on her face.”


“Hello Twilight dear! It is so good to see you again, how was your ‘errand’?” Rarity asked, as Twilight Sparkle entered her boutique. Rarity was fashioning armour designs on Mercury’s request, which Rarity was more than happy to accept. “Hi Rarity, thank you for asking but there’s not much to tell, just a basic delivery to the Unicorns in the east.”
“Oh well that all sounds interesting,” Rarity said, rolling her eyes. “Would you like to sit down? Princess Celestia sent me some lovely chamomile tea, and I would like to show you some armour designs Mercury had me draft.” Twilight took a seat and looked over the pages of drafts Rarity had drawn.
“Rarity, you do know armour is not supposed to have, pink flowers on it?” Twilight giggled. “And these colours will provide no environmental camouflage at all! We can’t go to battle in these, we will be dead in seconds!”
“But Twilight!.” Rarity whined. “Pink is in season! If I want to go to war, as you call it, I want to do it looking utterly fabulous!” Twilight smiled. The thought that Rarity could still keep a sense of style and cool headedness while Canterlot was being infiltrated around them, kept her positive.
“Rarity, would you mind changing the tone of my armour? I hate it when my colours are wrong.” Twilight smiled.
“Of course dear, darker or lighter?” Rarity asked, pulling out a purple pen.
“Darker. Definitely darker.”


“I fear Chrysalis is planning to strike soon. I do hope Mercury has arranged everything needed in time.” Celestia said to her sister.
“Do not fear, sister. I trust Mercury with my life, as should you. He will not let us down.” Luna grinned, she walked over to the balcony Celestia was looking out. Equestria seemed darker since the Changelings began infiltrating. Guards were constantly on patrol looking for them each day, but there still always seemed to be more than the last day. Changelings that had been captured are reluctant to reveal anything about Chrysalis’s plans, either that, or they simply do not know. Chrysalis is the kind who only reveals information to her most trusted minions, not the ones that are sent out on petty infiltration missions. No, the ones she trusts would be saved for missions of much more importance. Like a giant game of chess, move your bishop too early, are you are sure to lose.

Let the pawns take the fall.

“And what of Discord, do you trust him?” Luna asked her sister.
“There was once a time when I trusted him, even called him a friend. But that time is not now. You stay away from him Luna!” Celestia replied sternly. “He is savage… a monster.”
“Celestia!” Luna objected. She stared at Celestia, and was about to scold her until she noticed a tear rolling down her cheek.
“its my fault.” She sniffled. “Its my fault he killed us all.” Luna nudged her with her nose. “Its okay,” She whispered. “Its okay.”

“Ahh, fresh air!” Chrysalis yawned, stretching. She hissed as the sun glared in her eyes. She covered her face with here wings until she was in the forest clearing.
“Do we have everything prepared?” Chrysalis asked a Changeling that was following. “Yess my queen. The prisonerss are locked away and the soldierss are ready for your order.” Chrysalis nodded and looked ahead. A thick fog was falling upon Canterlot in the distance, and Chrysalis smiled upon the sight.
“SOLDIERS! PREPARE YOURSELF, AT DAWN WE FIGHT.” Chrysalis shouted to the army behind her. Chrysalis smiled and whispered to herself.
“At dawn, we fight. But for once…

Equestria will fall.