//------------------------------// // After the blast // Story: you don't need to steal Love // by Charalax //------------------------------// The area around was full of green grass with some trees scattered here and there, all surrounded by a wonderful blue sky. All of this did nothing but make Chrysalis even more angry that her plan failed, but her anger was forcefully pushed back by a stinging pain, bruises from the fall and burn marks from the magic Blast forced her to limp towards a tree and lie next to it to close her eyes and recover a bit. Her nap is surprisingly cut short by somepony touching her leg; Chrysalis opens her eyes and looks at whoever dares approaching her and sees this stallion who is actually wrapping her wounds and taking care of her. The audacity of this stallion, to actually get this close to her and not strike her down. Chrysalis is weak and could barely move, it is the perfect time for this pony to attack her and save his nation, maybe earn a praise and a medal from Celestia, but he instead is there, helping an enemy who tried to destroy his world as if nothing bad ever happened. "W-who are you?" the Queen managed to say, to which the stallion just smiled and answered "relax, I know who you are but I mean no harm, you need to recover. Can you get up? My house is not far from here" Chrysalis wanted to attack this pony, to kill him, be done with it and get back home to her hive; but she knew her strenght was never gonna be enough in this state and had no choice but to accept his help no matter how humiliating all of this is. "I...I can move..." she said getting up, but the pain of her bruises made her wince a bit. In a moment the stallion Picks her up, to her surprise, and carries her on his back; heading for the small road that lead deeper in the forest. "HOW DARE YOU..." Chrysalis was cut off "you're in pain, now let's go and get you a proper bed ok?" Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak then closed it without saying a word and laid on the back of this Pony. As much as she hated it he was right and she was better off listening to him. In a couple of minutes he reached his house and gently laid the changeling queen on his bed, going off to pick some more medical supplies in a nearby cabinet. "why are you doing this?" Chrysalis asked to him, he turned around and smiled "you are in need of help and I am not letting anyone suffer like that, not even you" Chrysalis looked better at him, he was an earth pony with a blonde mane, and a red cross as his cutie mark. It should have been obvious that he has a talent for helping others, no one casually approaches a wounded pony without knowing what to do "you never told me your name anyways" the pony turned around and put a soothing lotion on her bruised chest "I'm Autumn breeze", he said smiling, "and the real reason you helped me is?" Chrysalis asked again, sure to find the hidden reason. "I told you Chrysalis, it's because you're hurt and need to recover". She couldn't help herself but smile a bit, beaten and bruised and helped by an earth pony, if the hive finds out about it they will never let her hear the end of it for sure. "hmpf" she turned around in the bed to face the wall, and Autumn used the moment to look at her back as well "looks like you got the worst of it on the front, your back is mostly fine". Crhysalis scoffed and turned to stare him down "don't diagnose me now, as soon as I am back in shape I'm killing you and leaving this place!". Instead, he just smiled at her "of course, once you're healed you are free to leave", Chrysalis looked down and avoided his eyes, Autumn was there just to help her without any second meaning and she threatened him, but why was this feeling inside her? was it guilt? was this what guilt felt like? but no! she's evil! why would she feel guilty about anyting? "I'm gonna go out and get some wood for the fire, you should rest try to sleep"