Flurry Heart’s Sick Day

by Badguy400

A Reasonable Punishment

After being talked down by her own brother; Twilight began to look sad, and looks up at him; hoping that her brother would forgive her. Unfortunately; that’s not the case.... .

“Twilight....” Shining Armor began. “I cannot believe that you would do something like this. I mean; how careless can you get? It’s not like you at all... .” Twilight Sparkle was about to say something back, but she was cutted off by her brother saying; “you know what? Forget it! I hope you think about what you’ve done to our precious daughter.” Still disappointed; Shining Armor turned to his wife, and says; “let’s go honey; I’m done here... .”

But before they both left with Flurry Heart; Twilight dove down to her knees; (or the pony equivalent of one), and says; “oh please please please big brother; don’t be mad at me anymore. I’ll do anything!”

Stopping in his tracks; Shining Armor then turned to his pleading sister, smirks, then says; “anything?” before raising an eyebrow. Not caring of the future consequences that lie before her; Twilight accepts, and is waiting for a response. With that; Shining Armor then hands; (or hoofs) off Flurry Heart to his sister, and hands her a diaper bag. “This is all of Flurry Heart’s things; plus some medicine since it’s your fault that she’s sick.” Twilight whimpered and attempts to apologize. “It’s alright lil sis, but just don’t do that next time; okay?” Twilight nodded, and waited for another response. “Also; if anything else were to happen to her; or if you think you can’t handle it... then we’ll have no choice, but to out you from our family for good.” Twilight looked at her brother with wide eyes, and her mouth agape because she’s speechless. “I’m sorry Twilight... . But since you’ve been so careless of our daughter; I don’t know if I could ever forgive you for that; or love you for that matter... like any other sibling would have. Got it?” Twilight nodded with a frown, and then looked back down. “Good”, Shining Armor implied. “That’s good... .” Shining then turned to his wife, and said; “let’s go”, before leaving with Princess Cadence.

Now at a loss as to what to do next; Twilight sat there with a blank expression, tears still forming in her eyes, and then sniffled a little because she’s still sad. But... before she could do anything about it; Flurry Heart barfed again, and began crying. Something tells her that this will definitely not end well... . And she’s hoping that it doesn’t come to be... .