//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Dark Souls - Prepare for Ponies // by NahB //------------------------------// WARNING - SUPER SPOILERS FOR THE DARK SOULS DLC Karen rolled to the side as the beast in front of her smashed its impossible hand down. Taking advantage of its inability to move, she lunged forward and sliced at its side with her flashing golden sword. That was it, all it could take. The beast, what had to be the bringer of the Abyss here in Oolacile, fell to the ground motionless, and began to dissipate into base souls like all the other enemies she had encountered. She felt a pang of jealousy – she couldn’t die. Not truly. Were she to be “killed”, she would be brought back by the fire as a laughable shadow of a human. She hated being hollow – nothing felt truly real while her humanity was gone. Karen was Undead, and she hated it. Doomed to exist forever, even if her sanity went. Karen watched it dissipate… and then move again. Startled, she raised her shield in case it attacked. But instead of attacking, the beast raised its catalyst, and a terrible, dark sorcery began to form. “No!” She shouted, not caring that there was no one to hear her. She didn’t know what it was doing, but it couldn’t be good. Something like this, at the end of its life, would only lash out at everything around it. And a being of this power could easily destroy Oolacile and the surrounding area with that single lash. The sorcery gathered, and the world became darker and darker. Panicking, Karen brought out her black bow and nocked an arrow. Aiming quickly as the sorcery on the catalyst began to expand, she shot. Nothing happened. Eyes widening, Karen changed her tactic. This time she nocked a moonlight arrow in her bow, and let it fly. When the arrow came in contact with the expanding sorcery, it seemed to wink out of existence. Karen let out a sigh of relief and began to turn. Not a moment later, an unbearably loud noise erupted, originating from the beast’s catalyst, and the world exploded into darkness.