//------------------------------// // A Poor Choice; Period // Story: Flurry Heart’s Sick Day // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Twilight; unaware of what to do; is currently holding Flurry Heart at a distance so she wouldn’t barf on her. However; Flurry Heart barfed again just now, and is currently whining and crying again; hoping that her aunt will do something about it that can help her feel better... . “Ooh; I don’t know what to do... . I’ve never babysat my niece while she’s sick before... . What am I gonna do?!” Twilight thinks to herself. However; before she could think of something; Flurry Heart grunted, and sighed with relief. Knowing what that meant; Twilight groans in disgust, and puts on a mask before doing the dirty deed of changing her niece’s diaper. Meanwhile; the Royal couple is currently on a train; going back to the Crystal Empire. While the train is currently moving; Shining Armor is thinking about something... . And something tells Cadence that something is up with him. With that; she clears her throat to get Shining’s attention, and asks; “honey; are you feeling okay?” Sighing in defeat; Shining Armor then replied; “no... unfortunately... .” Cadence; being the loving and caring wife that she is; moved closer to her husband, leans against him, and then asks; “what’s the matter dear?... .” Sighing again, and feeling sad; Shining Armor took a deep breath, and then replied; “it’s just.... I don’t know.... . Was I too hard on her?” Not knowing who he was talking about; Cadence asked; “who?... .” Sighing again; Shining Armor said; “Twilight.” Now realizing it; Cadence said; “oooohhhhh....” and sat up straight. Shining Armor then continued; “it’s just that she’s my sister.... and I have gotten into fights with her before when we were younger. But.... . What if I was too hard on her.... you know?... . Like.... what if I ruined my relationship as a sibling with her?.... .” Sighing too; mainly because she’s not feeling like dealing with this dilemma since she’s feeling bored and tired from riding in the trains for too long; Cadence turned to her husband, and says; “you know.... . Even though you were hard on Twily; I’m sure that she could handle it... right?” Sighing again; Shining Armor replied; “I don’t know honey... . I just never went that far with fighting with Twilight like that.... . I mean.... what if she hates me now?” Not wanting to hear anymore of her husband’s depressing mood; Cadence then leaned in close to her husband, and says; “if so.. then so what; right? I’m sure that she will forgive you.... . Twilight is after all your sister; right?... .” Shining Armor then says; “right?... .” Nodding; Cadence replies; “right! So don’t worry; okay?... .” Thinking for a moment; Shining Armor eventually came to the conclusion, and says; “you’re right honey. I’m sure that Twilight will forgive me... . I just honestly sure hope that Flurry Heart doesn’t give her a bad time like us; remember?... .” Thinking back as to what happened the last time Flurry was sick; Cadence then shivered at the thought, and then says; “yeah... *gulp*. I sure hope Flurry doesn’t give her a bad time... . Otherwise Twilight wouldn’t forgive both of us; right? Hehe.... .” Gulping also; Shining Armor said; “right....” and went to staring ahead so he could enjoy the rest of the ride home... . Meanwhile; back at the castle... . “Wow that was bad....” Twilight said as she was horrified. “I never knew that she could go that much!... . Have you?!.... .” Spike came out of the room breathing heavily and panting; as he was the one that helped Twilight change Flurry’s diaper. After a few seconds, he responded; “no I have not... . And I sure hope it doesn’t happen again.... .” Sighing heavily; Twilight said; “me too.....” and passed out on the floor from pure shock. With that; Spike did too, and fell right next to Twilight. With both of them out of action; Flurry Heart peeked out from the open doors, and looked around. Seeing that her caretakers were passed out; Flurry Heart dawwed at the sight, and flew to go get her caretakers some pillows and a blanket; as Twilight and Spike were passed out, and that she doesn’t want them to get sick either from the cold, or getting uncomfortable. After what seemed like hours; (despite it being only five minutes); Flurry Heart returned with two pillows and a blanket, and then laid them down in a little bed of sorts on the floor with her magic for her caretakers to sleep in. After that; she tucked them in, and gave them a kiss goodnight; as she remembers her parents doing this for her constantly whenever she would get sleepy. With that; she waved goodbye to them, and flew away to create some chaos.... .