you don't need to steal Love

by Charalax

New emotions

Another night passed, this time Chrysalis slept a bit better and got up in the morning with a grumbling stomach "damn, I need to find some love".
From another room a nice smell filled the air. she smiled a bit and walked to the kitchen, where Autumn was cooking some veggies in a pan.
"oh, you woke up!" he said with his usual happy tone "feeling better?"

Chrisalys smiled "I am, thank you for asking." She the recolied visibly at those words, did she really thank him? a pony? what is happening to her? And what is that feeling inside of her? she did not have time to look for an answer, because her hunger disappeared and that was strange as well.
Chrysalis was sure to not have stolen love from anypony, yet her hunger satiated by itself without a reason.

"You should probably head out, some fresh air can do wonders" Autumn said with another smile "but remember to come bback so I can check on your wounds".

The Changling queen nodded and walked out, the fresh air surely would have helped her reason a bit better andfind out why her need for love disappeared the moment that strange feeling appeared.
Could that have been love? As soon as it appeared it vanishd, filled her stomach like a good meal usually does and as strange as it felt it was also kind of good, like a hug but on the inside.
"no way I am feeling love, for someone I barely know as well! it's just being stuck with him that messes with my brain".
Satisfied with her answer, Chrysalis continued her stroll in the forest, listening to the birds sing their morning songs and sat by a tree.
"but what was that feeling then?" Chrysalis sighed "I have to ask him, don't I?"
She got up from her tree and started back for the house, her mind full of thoughts and questions like never before. Questions about love and how it actually would feel to have it instead of just feeding on it, questions about that feeling from before and the most important question that filled her mind: will she be able to speak to Autumn about those feelings?