Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


"How long do you think it will take for Twilight to get back?" the stallion asked, walking through the streets of Ponyville as Pinkie Pie bounced at his side.
"She didn't give me a time," Pinkie replied. "She might be away for the whole day. Or maybe even multiple days, though I don't think she would stay away that long."
"This is unfortunate," said the stallion. Though really, it was actually peculiar. He had gotten there to Ponyville too fast, it seemed, and wouldn't be talking to Twilight just yet. Sure, he could always just wait, but it was still fascinating that what had happened had happened.
"I'm happy to have someone new here in Ponyville, we don't get many visitors since the Behemoth happened although we did get all those guards and researchers that came here to the castle and actually we had some new guards come in not too long ago and I threw them all a big party and I should actually do something for them again because it's been a while and- Hey!" Pinkie stopped in the air mid hop and looked back at the stallion, who'd stopped walking a brief bit before.
He wasn't particularly listening to Pinkie. Instead he was focused on something he'd spotted in a different street, looking at it from the intersection where he stood.
"Is everything okay?" asked Pinkie as she approached him again, after repeating the last half arc of her bouncing in reverse.
"Sort of," the stallion replied in the lowest tone he could manage, as to not alert the thing he'd noticed. Thankfully it seemed to be moving away from him, or at least not towards him.
"What is wrong?" Pinkie asked, also whispering. "And why are we whispering?"
The stallion pointed a hoof forward and slightly to the side. "Do you see that pony?"
Pinkie followed the direction with her eyes and squinted. "No."
"I see."