A New Life

by mjk 705

The Plan

"I have gathered you ponies here today for a very important reason!" I began "I am sure you all remember Discord, correct?" I heard a large amout of comotion from the crowd. "Well, as some of you are aware, he has gone into my world." I heard gasps from the crowd "But have no fear, I have a plan. Elements, please, come up here." they all did, and surprisingly, I didn't see a struggle to get Fluttershy up to the stage. "Today, more magic is going to be used more than ever for just one event! These 6 will use the elements, however, you are all going to help. As to how, you may ask, each and every single one of you are going to use your magic to transport it to Earth. The Elements should affect the whole planet, so there will be no missed shot. Then, I will go to Earth with the help of your magic one again, retreive Discord, and leave the rest to Celestia." I stepped down from the podiam I had been using, and went to the mane 6. "Okay girls, you ready?"
"Yes!" they said together
"Good." I ran a safe distance away. The six got in formation and soon, there was a rainbow coming up from the 6
"NOW!" I yelled. Soon, tons of glowing horns came from the audiance. A portal to Eath had been made, and the rainbow was shot right into it.
Tons of people worldwide looked up to the sky, just to se a rainbow crash down on them. Including Discord, who was the only one turned to stone. I don't know how, but I had actualy managed to see that.
After the vision, I jumped, just barely making it into the portal.
I found Discord's statue and grabbedit, and jumped back into the portal, taking a breath of relief that no crazy sculpist or other brony found it.
I lept out of the portal, and thankfully, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy carried me down, while I held Discord's statue like a little kid who just caut a big fish. Cheers from the crowd almost gave me a headache. When I got to ground, Celestia had been the first to approach me.
"Thank you for saving this world, and yours." she said to me, as a medal was put around my neck.
*Twilight's Library*
"Spike, can you get a scroll and a quil pen please?" I asked
"Sure thing!" he ran off, and soon, he came back with the materials I had asked for
"Here." said Spike, who was giving me the materials
"Thanks." I said.
"No prob." I sat down at a desk and began to write
"Dear Princess Celestia
Today, I learned that even when things seem tough, that you should never give up. Because if you just take the time to think, you can get through any situation
Your Faithful Human,
"Spike, send this to Celestia, please." I said
"Sure." Spike then spit out a green flame, and the letter vanished. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie came in
"Omygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I almost forgot! you know what we need to do for this?" she asked
"I sure do Pinke."
"Party time!" we both said together