A New Era

by Bluecatcinema

Setting A President

It was morning in Ponyville, and an assembly was being held at the School of Friendship. The expanded student body just barely managed to fit into the available seats, making it clear that future gatherings would require further seating.

The faculty were gathered on the stage, with Starlight stood at the front of the stage.

"Good morning, everycreature." She smiled. "Today, I have a big announcement: in light of the new student intake this semester, your teachers and I have agreed to institute the position of student body president."

The students murmured amongst themselves.


"Is that a good thing?"

"Hope so..."

"The student body president will act as a spokescreature for all students in the school." Sunburst clarified. "They may play a role in efforts on student activity events and planning, school policy support from students, recognition of developing issues pertaining to students, and communication between the faculty and the student body."

A number of the students looked slightly perplexed.

"In other words, the student body president will be your voice in the future of this school." Trixie added.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Rainbow Dash declared.

With the position now spelled out in laycreature's terms, the students started to show interest.

"Effective immediately, we will be holding an election to decide who gets the position." Starlight continued, as Sunburst stepped forward, carrying a stack of papers with his magic. "Anycreature who'd like to take on the position, please put your name on one of the sign-up sheets, along with the name of your running mate, who will become your vice president if you win, so choose wisely." She used her magic to place the papers on a desk by the stage. "Once you've done that, you can start making cases to your fellow students for why you think you're the best creature for the job, and what you plan on doing to help them and the school if you are elected. And in one week's time, we'll hold the vote. Good luck, and may the best creature win."

As the assembly ended, the Young Six and Chill Char started talking.

"An election?" Silverstream smiled. "How exciting!"

"If you say so." Smolder shrugged. "Compared to the Gauntlet of Fire, it seems like kind of a tame way to decide who's in charge..."

"Are you going to run, Gallus?" Chill Char asked.

"Pass." Gallus scoffed. "Sounds like way too much work for me..."

"But for a good cause." Ocellus noted. "Student body president is a prestigious position. The holder of the role has a responsibility to step up and focus on what the others need, to play a part in shaping their learning experience, and to be their voice in shaping the future of this school."

"Well, when you put it like that..." Gallus snarked.

"Real funny, dude." Sandbar rolled his eyes.

"Yona should run for president!" One of the new Yak students, a female named Yulia, spoke up.

"Yulia right!" Another yak, a male named Yohan, agreed. "Yaks best at everything, and Yona best yak in school. So Yona best candidate for president. It make perfect sense!"

"Yaks really think so?" Yona asked.

"Yaks know so!" Yulia grinned.

"Then Yona will run for president!" Yona smiled. She turned to Sandbar. "Sandbar be Yona's running mate?"

"Uhh... Sure!" Sandbar replied, momentarily surprised by the request. "Let's go for it!"

"Great!" Yona hugged him, inciting a brief blush. "Between two of us, election will be no contest!"

"Contest, huh?" Smolder mused. "Maybe I'll run for president, too..."

"You sure about that?" Chill Char asked. "I've seen how competitive you get on the Buckball field."

"That's sport." Smolder scoffed. "This is completely different. Besides, Professor Dash always says a little friendly competition can bring lots of creatures together."

"I suppose..." Chill Char muttered.

"If you're still worried, then why don't you be my running mate?" Smolder offered. "You can help keep me honest."

"Okay, sure." Chill Char nodded. "I'm in."

Moments later, both Yona and Smolder had put their names down for the election, their running mates' name written beside them.

"No matter what happens, no hard feelings." Yona said solemnly.

"You know it." Smolder nodded. "We'll still be friends, no matter what."

Smolder took Yona's hoof in her claw, and the two shook on it.

"Good for you both." Ocellus smiled. "Here's to a fair election."

"Hear, hear!" Chill Char smiled.

That evening, Yona, Smolder and their running mates' began the plans for their respective campaigns. A lot of ideas were thrown around, and before long, two election strategies were formed.

The next day, the two candidates began their efforts at winning over their fellow students.

"Vote for Smolder!" Smolder called to passers-by, waving a pennant with her colors on it. "We'll set this school ablaze!"

"Figuratively, of course." Chill Char added, passing out some homemade fliers.

"Yona for student body president!" Sandbar added as he passed out fliers of his own.

"It just good yak sense!" Yona added.

"Looks like their campaign trails are really coming along." Ocellus noted.

"I know." Silverstream grinned. "Isn't it exciting?"

"That's one way of putting it." The disinterested Gallus said dully.

"Come on, Gallus." Ocellus frowned. "This is serious."

"Seriously boring." Gallus rolled.

"Student politics aren't boring." Ocellus retorted. "They're a vital part of the educational experience. And one of our friends is going to be the one who gets to take on that role."

"They're gonna be the voice for every student here." Silverstream added. "That's something, isn't it?"

"Eh, I guess." Gallus shrugged. A furtive look appeared on his face. "So does this mean they'll be able to use their connections to snag some perks for them... And by extension, us?"

"They could." Ocellus admitted. "But it would be very unethical."

"Of course it would." Gallus groaned.

"At least we'll get to say we're close personal friends with the actual president." Silverstream pointed out. "That's something, right?"

"Yeah, sure..." Gallus pouted.

"The only problem is, who to vote for." Silverstream frowned. "Smolder and Yona are both our friends. How can we choose one over the other?"

"The same way any voter does: by choosing who they believe is the best fit for the position." Ocellus replied. "There's no room for personal favoritism here."

"Easier said than done." Silverstream sighed, glancing between the two candidates' fliers.

That evening, the Young Six and Chill Char were in the Treehouse of Harmony. Ocellus and Gallus were studying (Gallus less enthusiastically), while Silverstream was polishing the pearl shard on her necklace. The others were slightly weary from a day of campaigning.

"Did I say this wouldn't be tough?" Smolder asked. "Boy, was I wrong..."

"But worth it in the end." Chill Char pointed out.

"Yona say we all work hard." Yona declared, drinking a vanilla milkshake. "Earn little rest."

"We'll definitely need the energy." Sandbar declared. "The week's only just begun."

"Nice work out there, by the way." Smolder told Yona. "Especially the 'yak sense' wordplay."

"It just came to Yona." Yona chuckled. "But Smolder know how to talk to crowd too. Smolder truly worthy opponent for Yona."

"Right back at ya, pal." Smolder grinned.

"Isn't it great how they're not letting the election affect their friendship?" Ocellus asked.

"Sure is." Silverstream nodded, her pearl shard gleaming.

"Yeah, great." Gallus said absentmindedly, struggling with part of his assignment. "If only every part of school could be so easy..."

The following afternoon, Smolder was holding court in the lunchroom. She had put together a statuette of herself out of gems, all the better to catch the eye of her fellow students.

"You see this?" She asked. "These gems are flawless, just like my term as president will be."

"And if all those gems put together can make such a work of art, imagine what we'll be able to accomplish if we all work together and vote for Smolder?" Chill Char smiled.

As the students were admiring the statue, a loud honking noise filled the air, causing more than one student to drop some of their food. The source of the noise was Yona, playing the Yovidaphone. In-between sets, Sandbar addressed the students.

"We all know how good yaks are at making themselves heard." He declared. "And if Yona is voted student body president, she'll make sure all of your concerns are heard."

"Problems be heard more easily than entire Yovidaphone band!" Yona grinned.

At that moment, Yona unknowingly stepped on some granola a student had dropped.

"Whoaaa!" She yelped as she tripped over.

"Look out!" Chill Char cringed as the yak tumbled toward him and Smolder.

"Yikes!" Smolder yelped.

While Smolder and Chill Char managed to get clear, the statuette wasn't so lucky; Yona crashed right into it, smashing their painstaking work apart.

"Hey, watch it!" Smolder yelped.

"Oop, sorry!" Yona apologized as she regained her footing.

"'Sorry' doesn't fix my statue." Smolder growled.

"We spent all morning on that." Chill Char sighed.

"Yona didn't mean to do that." Yona said regretfully. "It was accident."

"Whatever." Smolder said coldly. "Try to be more careful in future, 'kay?"

"...Okay." Yona mumbled, slightly perturbed by Smolder's bluntness.

"...Good." Smolder said gruffly.

As Smolder made to set up somewhere else, Sandbar walked up to Chill Char.

"Smolder didn't have to be so rude, y'know." He pointed out. "It was just an accident."

"I know." Chill Char admitted. "But in Smolder's defense, Yona could have been more careful."

"Yeah, I guess..." Sandbar nodded grudgingly.

"Besides, you didn't have to come in here." Chill Char added. "You just had to bring your show in here."

"Because it's where most of the students are." Sandbar pointed out. "What are you getting at, anyway?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, nothing." Chill Char shrugged. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to help clean up the mess your candidate made."

Chill Char took his leave, leaving Sandbar glaring after him.

That evening, the seven were once again at the Treehouse of Harmony. But this time, there was no friendly talk between Smolder and Yona. Instead, they pointedly refused to talk to each other, both still sore about what happened at lunch.

"I'm thinking this isn't going to be as friendly a competition as it I thought it would be." Ocellus frowned.

"Come on, Ocellus." Silverstream assured. "One little accident isn't going to change things that much..."

"We've forgiven each other for worse, haven't we?" Gallus pointed out.

"You're probably right." Ocellus nodded. "By morning, Smolder and Yona will probably be back to being friends..."

The next day, Yona had set up a rally in the gardens. Several students were in attendance, listening to Yona's latest campaign promise.

"If students vote for Yona, Yona promise to make special areas for smashing." Yona announced. "Will even provide sturdy materials, suitable for smashing, rebuilding, and re-smashing!"

"What better way to unwind after a hard day's schoolwork?" Sandbar added, having arranged some wood to resemble a certain famous statue from Manehattan.

The observing students looked mildly intrigued by the prospect, except for the yaks, who were far more interested in the prospect of regular smashing.

"Yak smash! Yak smash! Yak smash!" They cheered.

Yona barely had a moment to rest on her laurels before a racket filled the air; emerging onto the school gardens was Smolder, she and Chill Char leading a small procession. Several students were playing their instruments from music practice.

"Oh, yeah!" Smolder blew on a Flugelhorn. "Vote for me, and there'll never be a dull moment!"

"We'll work hard, and play hard!" Chill Char chipped in.

The students in the procession whooped in excitement.

"Do you know any other presidential candidate who can be their own fireworks display?" Smolder asked.

To emphasize her point, she breathed a huge plume of flame directly into the sky, to much applause from the students.

"...Little showy, if you ask Yona." Yona pouted.

"And kinda loud, too..." Sandbar noted.

Unbeknownst to anyone, a single cinder from Smolder's burst of flame (the result of a chunk of peanut brittle stuck in her fangs getting brought along for the ride) was slowly dropping down. It landed right on Sandbar's sculpture, which started smoking.

"Sandbar smell something burning?" Yona asked.

"Well, yeah, but it's probably-" Sandbar started, only be cut off when a small flame erupted on his sculpture. "Whoa!"

The entire sculpture was quickly engulfed in flames. The students surrounding it scattered, catching the attention of Smolder's procession.

"Yona fix!" Yona leapt into the nearby pond, creating a splash of water which extinguished the half-burned statue.

"Everycreature okay?" Smolder asked, as she and Chill Char approached.

Yona glanced at Smolder as she drew nearer, then at the scorched statue, and reached a conclusion.

"Dragon did that on purpose!" She snarled.

"What are you talking about?" Smolder frowned. "I didn't even know you were there!"

"Likely story." Yona glared. "This clearly payback for Yona accidentally breaking dragon's model yesterday!"

"Do you really think Smolder would be that petty?" Chill Char frowned.

"It would be an awful big coincidence..." Sandbar mused.

"You too, Sandbar?" Smolder winced. "It was an accident!"

"That what Yona said yesterday." Yona retorted. "Now dragon know how it feels to not have apology accepted."

"Oh, real mature." Smolder glared.

"You're okay with these baseless accusations?" Chill Char demanded of Sandbar.

"Hey, you didn't have to come out here." Sandbar threw the Kirin's words from yesterday back at him.

"Why, you..." Chill Char seethed, a wisp of flame burning above his mane.

"Come on, Chill." Smolder scowled. "We don't have to take this."

Smolder stormed out of the garden, her running mate right behind her.

"Good riddance." Yona sneered.

"Now, let's see if we can salvage this mess..." Sandbar scowled as he sifted through scorched wood of his sculpture.

That evening, Smolder and Chill Char and Yona and Sandbar stayed as far apart from each other as the Treehouse allowed.

"This is bad." Ocellus frowned.

"It does look pretty rough." Silverstream admitted.

"I knew getting into politics would be a mistake." Gallus said smugly. "Now look what's happened."

"It's just a little spat." Silverstream claimed, forever optimistic. "It'll probably blow over in no time, and they'll be good sports again."

"I hope you're right, Silverstream." Ocellus said glumly. "I really do..."

Friday came, and with it, the big debate. Smolder and Yona stood behind their individual lecterns, glaring daggers at each other. Chill Char and Sandbar sat on chairs on either side, similary glaring at each other. The other students looked on, Gallus, Ocellus and Silverstream wearing varying looks of trepidation on their faces.

"Thank you all for coming." Starlight announced, sat at a desk alongside Sunburst, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Now, we're going to take turns reading out questions submitted by your students, and you will answer the questions to the best of your ability."

"First question for Yona." Sunburst held up a sheet of paper. "If elected president, what will you do to improve lunchtime?"

"Yona will provide recipes for yak cuisine." Yona smiled. "Pine tree stew, turnip and bitterroot casserole..."

"And how will that improve lunch, exactly?" Smolder jeered.

"Yak food very filling." Yona retorted. "Good for constitution, and help with concentration."

The yak students cheered in agreement.

"Too bad it looks and tastes like burnt mud." Smolder smirked.

"Okay, Smolder, that's enough." Starlight cut in before Yona could fire back an angry rebuke. "Now for your question." She picked up another sheet. "If elected, what will you do for your fellow students?"

"Well, for starters, I'd offer each student their own private place to keep their most important possessions in." Smolder declared. "Like a dragon hoard, only not as out in the open. Oh, and lots of extra gems. To eat, or just to decorate with. It's up to you."

A number of dragon students were practically salivating at Smolder's last statement, and several of the other students were looking intrigued by the prospect.

"That's an... interesting offer." Starlight noted.

"Only for creatures who like staring at shiny things all day." Yona said under her breath.

Smolder narrowed her eyes, having heard Yona's jab.

"And our next question is for Yona." Fluttershy picked up a sheet. "Would you be listening to listen to other students' problems, and be willing to accept their input?"

"Of course." Yona nodded. "Yona very good listener! Listen to all fellow students."

"Except when they tell you to be careful around their Generosity class project." Smolder scoffed.

"That was accident!" Yona growled.

"Come on, folks." Smolder told the students. "Do you really want a fuzzy wrecking ball as president? Because I think you deserve a president who'll fix more stuff than they smash!"

"... Don't you think that's kind of a low blow?" Chill Char frowned.

"Just telling 'em what they need to hear." Smolder scoffed.

"...Okay..." Rainbow said awkwardly, as she read out the next question. "Smolder, if elected president, what will you do to make extracurricular activities more fun?"

"Good question." Smolder smirked. "I think I'd throw in some more challenging terrain. You know, some hidden spike traps, water geysers, maybe even throw in a Slingtail or too..."

While some of the students seemed intrigued by this suggestion (including the dragons), several others were clearly unnerved by the results involved from trying out such "improvements".

"Is that all dragon cares abut? Competition?" Yona scoffed. "This school, not Dragon Lands Summer camp! What next, dragon set up lava rivers?"

"Oh, like your suggestions are any better." Smolder scoffed. "I mean, smashing areas? Really? Leave it to a yak to come up with hair-brained ideas!"

"Leave it to dragon to come up with half-baked ideas!" Yona shot back.

Smolder seethed, steam jetting out of her nostrils.

"Okay, maybe we could leave the species out of this..." Chill Char stepped forward, trying to dial back the tensions.

"Dragon mock Yona's suggestions first." Yona glared at the Kirin. "Yona notice you not have much to say about that."

"Yeah, well... it's not like you're helping matters by taking everything Smolder says so personally." Chill Char spluttered a response. "For somecreature so strong, you've got pretty thin skin. Not something I'd consider to be a presidential trait."

"Don't talk to Yona like that!" Sandbar growled, his usually chill temperament heating up.

"Just telling it like it is." Chill Char retorted.

"Kirin only dragon's running mate because Kirin is hothead, just like dragon." Yona glared. "Yona think students not want vice president with temper issues."

"Good point, Yona." Sandbar nodded. "And he was calling you thin-skinned? What a joke."

"HEY, BACK OFF!!" Chill Char snarled, his Nirik flames and fangs emerging.

"You guys quit ganging up on my future vice-president!" Smolder demanded.

"In dragon's dreams!" Yona snorted.

"You're the one dreaming if you think I'll take that one lyin' down!" Smolder growled, more steam jetting out of her nostrils.

The gathered students were for the most part unnerved by the breakdown in communication. Among the exceptions were Yulia and Yohan.

"Show dragon who should be president!" Yohan yelled.

"Yaks best!" Yulia whooped.

"We'll just see about that, furballs." A dark green dragon male named Sear scoffed. "Smolder's gonna win this one for sure. Then we'll see who's the best!"

The faculty shared worried glances, well aware that events were starting to spiral out of control.

"Time for the Headmare to step in." Starlight said grimly.

However, before Starlight could make good on her decision, somecreature else beat her to it.

"That's enough!" Ocellus yelled, as she took to the stage.

Everycreature stared in surprise, well aware that the bookish Changeling usually wasn't prone to such outbursts.

"All this arguing has nothing to do with what being student body president is really all about!" She admonished both candidates. "This position isn't a prize to be won, or a title to lord over everycreature else. It's an obligation to put the needs of our fellow students first, a call to listen to others, and work hard to meet those needs, and ensure that everycreature is satisfied with their school experience!"

Yona and Smolder shared a remorseful look.

"Ocellus is right." Smolder sighed. "We took this whole thing too far."

"Yaks best at lots of things." Yona declared. "But Yona not best at acting like student body president."

"Me neither." Smolder admitted. "I treated this like just another competition. But this isn't a game to be won. Being president isn't a trophy to lord over everycreature. It's a responsibility, one I'm obviously not suited for. Which is why I'm stepping down as a candidate."

"Yona step down too." Yona said solemnly.

"That's very mature of you both." Sunburst said approvingly.

"But if you're both stepping down, then who's gonna be president?" Silverstream asked. "And are we going to have to start the whole election over again?"

"Ugh, I hope not." Gallus cringed.

"Looks like we're going to start a search for new candidates." Starlight suggested. "Anycreature else who thinks they're right for the job, feel free to apply."

"I think the right student for the job is right here." Smolder grinned.

"Yona think so too." Yona nodded knowingly.

"Really?" Ocellus asked, confused. "Who?"

"You, of course!" Smolder pointed.

"Me?!" Ocellus gasped.

"Changeling know everything about what being president really means." Yona noted. "So you should be running."

"Y-you really think so?" Ocellus said awkwardly.

"I'd vote for you." Chill Char smiled.

"Me too." Sandbar agreed.

"And me!" Silverstream grinned.

"Eh, why not?" Gallus shrugged.

"Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me." Sunburst smiled. "But it's up to you, Ocellus. Do you want to run for president?"

Ocellus glanced at her friends, who were all giving her encouraging looks.

"...Yes." She nodded. "I will run for student body president."

"Wonderful." Starlight smiled. "You can put together your campaign over the weekend, and present your case on Monday."

"I'm going to need a running mate." Ocellus noted. She once again looked upon her friends. "Any volunteers?"

"Ooh, pick me!" Silverstream waved her claw in the air. "I've already got an idea for a really eye-catching election poster!"

"Okay, Silverstream, you've got the job." Ocellus chuckled.

"Great!" Silverstream shook her Changeling friend's hoof. "You won't regret it!"

"Mind if the rest of us pitch in a little?" Smolder offered. "I'd like to make up for being such a boulder-head back there..."

"Yona like to make up for being bad candidate too." Yona said regretfully.

"We can all help." Sandbar smiled. "Right, Chill?"

"Try and stop me." Chill Char grinned, making it clear that there were no hard feelings between them.

The others stared pointedly at Gallus.

"...Okay, fine." The Griffon gave in. "Just don't ask me to write any speeches..."

"Thanks, guys." Ocellus beamed. "I'm lucky to have friends like you."

"And we're lucky to have a friend like you." Smolder smiled.

"Friend who is not afraid to speak up when friends not see bigger picture." Yona added.

"A friend who's going to make a great president." Sandbar grinned.

"Well, let's not assume so quickly." Ocellus said humbly. "There's still a lot of work ahead of us..."

After a weekend of planning, Ocellus began her own campaign on Monday. While her promises were less grandiose than what Smolder and Yona had been offering, they were both heartfelt and honest.

"So, what are you planning on doing if you become president?" A turquoise female dragon named Flare asked.

"I plan on instituting flexible study hours, and the chance to redo a project if you were unable to achieve a passing grade the first time." Ocellus replied, standing in front of a watercolor poster which depicted her standing proud.

"Seriously?" Flare smiled hopefully. "I could've used something like that for last month's Kindness project..."

"So can we count on your vote?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, count me in." Flare nodded.

"Fantastic!" Silverstream grinned. "Here, have a button!"

Silverstream handed Flare a button with a smaller version of the image of Ocellus on the poster emblazoned upon it.

"Thanks..." Flare said awkwardly.

Eventually, election day arrived. The students had all made their decisions, and the tension in the air was palpable as the results were tabulated.

Ocellus in particular was practically hyperventilating, her hooves shaking as the result drew nearer and nearer.

"Easy, 'Celly." Silverstream said in a calming tone.

"You got this, pal." Smolder assured her.

"No matter what happens, you can take pride in the fact that you ran a clean campaign." Sandbar smiled.

Ocellus couldn't bring herself to speak, but her slightly calmer breathing and reduced hoof shaking made it clear that she had heard her friends' wors, and appreciated them.

"The votes have been counted." Starlight confirmed. "And by an overwhelming majority, your new student body president is... Ocellus!"

The students applauded. Ocellus sat perfectly still, the news still sinking in.

"...I won?" She gaped.

"Of course you won." Chill Char smiled.

"Is it really such a big surprise?" Gallus smirked.

"I already got your inaugural party all planned out!" Silverstream grinned.

"Come on up, Ms. President!" Sunburst urged.

"Go on." Smolder nudged Ocellus.

Finally snapping out of her moment of shock, Ocellus awkwardly made her way down to the podium.

"Th-thank you all." She said nervously. "I am honored that so many of you thought I was the best creature for the job. I promise that I will do everything in my power to live up to the responsibilities and duties this position requires."

The assembled students cheered for their new president. But nocreature cheered louder than Ocellus' friends, who were nothing but proud of her for stepping up. There was no doubt in any of their minds that she was going to be a great president. And having Silverstream for a vice-president was definitely going to keep things interesting...