//------------------------------// // Prologue: Flurry Heart’s not so Fun Day // Story: Flurry Heart is Hilarious // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Flurry Heart is currently having the time of her life: playing with her plushies, getting tummy raspberries from her mommy, and of course on some occasions; flying around the castle without her diaper on because she felt like it. However; all of that will soon come to an end eventually. How?... . Here’s how... . “Awwwww. Who’s my wittle baby pwincess?” Cadence cooed to her daughter. In response; Flurry Heart giggles, and babbles happily. After that; Cadence proceeded to bounce her daughter up and down whilst carrying her, and blowing a raspberry on her tummy. This repeated for a few more minutes, before her husband: Shining Armor; proceeded to enter the room, and summoned them for lunchtime. With that; Cadence hugged her daughter, and the two then proceeded to follow by flying so they can find their seats during lunch. “Alright”; Shining Armor began. “Enjoy.” After that; the Royal Family then proceeded to get into their seats, and then began eating. Few hours have passed, and Flurry Heart is now happily playing with her toy choo choo train. Meanwhile; Flurry Heart’s parents were just in their bedroom napping. Why? Food coma; that’s why. “Before the story continues; technically the train isn’t really Flurry Heart’s… . It actually belonged to Poundcake when he visited with his family to deliver sweets to them. That, and his parents scheduled for him to have a playdate with Flurry Heart; yet forgotten his toy train when they left.” “Oh well… . Poundcake can always have another toy train anyways… . And besides; he forgot all about it too… . Now; on with the rest of the story… .” Flurry Heart is just happily rolling the train car back and forth; when suddenly she felt the train car break, and seeing a wheel roll away from her. Soon after though; the rest of the toy crumbled beneath her hoof, and lied down in a piling wreck before her. Realizing that her toy was broken; she knelt down and started bawling while holding her broken toy in her hooves. With that; the parents rushed to their daughter’s aid, and tried comforting her. They tried constantly to calm her, but to no avail… . Sooner or later though; they decided to call Pinkie Pie for just the emergency such as this! Pinkie has arrived, and then started to tend to Flurry Heart’s crying. She first tried to fix the toy… but it eventually broke apart again, and then crumbled into dust. That made Flurry Heart cry even more now… . Next; she tried to rock her back and forth; as if to soothe her into a peaceful sleep. Yet sadly; that didn’t work either. Lastly; she tried to dance and sing the pig song; (or whatever it’s called). But unfortunately though… and just like the Cake Twins before when they were younger; Flurry Heart then proceeded to cry very loudly, and longer… . Pinkie Pie has tried everything to calm down Flurry Heart… but nothing seems to be working… . Suddenly; she got an idea! She then decided to blow a big and loud raspberry with both of her hooves covering her mouth while doing so. After that; Flurry Heart paused crying, and started laughing; (albeit with tears still running down her cheeks because she was crying before). Unfortunately though… what the Royal Couple didn’t know; is that what Pinkie just did is about to make Flurry Heart into something that they don’t want her to be… . Another Pinkie Pie… .