//------------------------------// // Kindness Caves // Story: Fallen // by Rated Ponystar //------------------------------// Note, this was originally going to be a longer chapter, but I split it in the middle for dramatic effect. Special Thanks to Shadowsaint007 and Alphamon_Ouryuken for helping pre-read this chapter *** For the first time since I've been captured, I was afraid. My instincts were telling me something was wrong and that whatever Celestia had planned would be horrible. She said that whatever happened now was on me, which had sent warning bells in my head. I'm chained up and escorted by Celestia and three guards as we head down into the lower levels of the dungeon. This surprises me because I thought for sure I was going to be executed. Maybe burned at stake or something painful like that. But this can't be because Celestia would want my execution to be public.  Maybe she intends to torture me? I've heard some horror stories about what the ESS does to ponies to get them to "confess" their crimes when they are arrested. What few survivors we were able to save are traumatized for life, and some of them just end up killing themselves weeks after due to the suffering they went through. I can recall when my friends and I were trapped in Starlight's village and forced to listen to her constant recordings about how cutie marks were evil until our escape plan. God, was that annoying and mind-numbing. I never did learn why she hated cutie marks so much before she committed suicide in prison.  Eventually, we stop not at a torture chamber but in front of another cell. Celestia looks at me with a sinister glare before she opens the door, and I feel my heart sink into my chest upon seeing who it is. "Martin!" I scream, trying to get to my lover, but I'm forced back in place by the chains held by the guards. "Martin! Answer me!" "Flutter...shy?" Martin whispers as he raises his head. I nearly fall to my haunches in shock at how damaged he is. They stripped him of nothing but his boxes and hung him from a tied rope around his arms. He's no longer wearing his glasses and instead has a black eye around his right eye socket along with a bleeding and broken nose. His entire chest is covered with hoof marks, no doubt from ponies bucking him in rage, to the point where he's completely black and blue.  My eyes begin to water as I want nothing more than to rush over to him and hug him. Kiss every wound these monsters have given him before kissing his lips. I never thought I would see him again, and each night I prayed I could tell him I loved him one more time, but now I'd give anything to see him far and away from here. My tears are soon replaced with utter hatred as I snap and try to launch myself at a stoic Celestia like a wolf upon a lamb. "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you! You touch him again, and I will break your fucking horn and shove it down your throat!"  "...He really means so much to you?" Celestia asks while looking at Martin with disgust. "How you can love such a thing I cannot understand." "Because you're a heartless bitch who doesn't know what love is, Celestia!" I scream before taking a few deep breaths. "Martin has nothing to do with this! Let him go! He's innocent!" "He's a human," Celestia muttered, shaking her head. "No human is innocent." I turn to Martin and keep trying to reach him, even to the point where I feel the chains tighten around my limbs and neck. "Martin! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I promise I'll get you out of here!" Martin raises his head and just smiles at me, he tries to say something, but all he can do is cough. Even just hearing that makes me fall to my stomach and weep while my strength leaves me as I am powerless to do anything. Martin. The one human who treated me with such kindness that my heart fell for him not long after. The living proof to me that humans were capable of such goodness. We were each other's strength in these dark times. Because of him, I got to smile and feel joy in life again. Whenever I cried or found myself struggling in this mad world where I fought against my own country, he was there to hold me and support me like a rock. On days when he failed to save a life and took it hard, I sang to him as he lay his head on my shoulder.  I can remember when I finally confessed my feelings for him after a lot of encouragement from Lyra, Discord, and Angel. I thought he would reject me for sure, but instead, he held my hoof and said he felt the same way. I can remember our first kiss. The first time each of us said, "I love you." And the first time we made love. I was always a romantic growing up, and I once believed that I would find the soul mate that I would spend the rest of my life with one day. I never thought it would be a non-pony, much less a human.  We had so many plans after the war was over. Getting married, seeing sights, raising a family in North Carolina. All of these I dreamed of, and it kept me going because I wanted this future. Now I see it crumbling before me as the human I love lies before me, broken and beaten as a prisoner of Celestia just like me. "Why....why are you doing this?" I ask, looking up at Celestia.  "I said I would do anything for my ponies, and that includes being a monster," Celestia said as she poofed something into existence that made my soul freeze. It's a potion. Specifically, a rainbow-colored potion that is swirling inside the glass. I know it because it is the fear of every human in the world.  The Conversion Potion. "No..." I whisper in horror. "This is a different potion," Celestia proclaims as she levitates it close to her. "One of the many prototypes we invented before the real one. The fault of this one is that it causes one to only go through a...half transformation. One that is painful and sometimes fatal."  My mind flashes back to the times I have seen humans turn into ponies before my eyes. The Conversion Bureau had proper magical equipment to help transform a human through a painless process that was a hundred percent safe. Without those, just having it splashed upon you will cause you to feel the entire changing process from start to finish. Every part of your body, from bones to organs, changes the moment it touches the skin. The whole process takes about thirty minutes to be done thoroughly. Yet those thirty minutes, your bones shink, grow, and modify themselves for pony anatomy. Your entire skeleton is reshaped along with your organs which are squeezed and stretched inside you like playdough. You develop new limbs like tails, horns, and wings, with extra hair growing all over your body. You feel your blood burning inside you like lava as you develop magic in your system. It's like your entire being is being slowly being molded and transformed by the burning hands of the devil himself as your complete structure is rearranged like a rubix cube. My mind only thinks of the horrors a half transformation could possibly do. "This is your last chance, Fluttershy," Celestia states as she inches the potion closer to Martin's face as he looks upon it with worry. "Use your element to help us, or I will make your boyfriend into a freak." I stare at Celestia and then at Martin, who is shaking his head.  "Even if I activate my element, the shield will still kill Martin because he's human!" I point out. "The means of which to create the shield isn't going to be activated around Equestria for some time. It needs the power of the Elements to function, but we can ensure that it doesn't activate while Martin is in Equestrian borders," Celestia stated. "Should you agree to do this, I swear, on the lives of all my subjects, that I will release Martin back to the human lands." "And if I don't?" "Then Martin will turn into an abomination that will be in constant pain that I will ensure he lives through even if humanity were to invade right now. And then you will be placed in a cell right next to him so you can hear his endless cries of suffering and pain. Knowing that your stubbornness caused this and it will be your fault. So what is it going to be?" ... ... ... God forgive me. "Yes," I whisper in defeat as I lower my head in shame.  "Yes, what?" Celestia asks, and yet I can hear a sense of satisfaction in her tone. "Yes...Princess Celestia." *** For the first time in what had to be weeks, I can see the sky. Not a day has passed since my surrender to Celestia's demands, and already I am being escorted through Canterlot in a jail carriage with my Element on my neck. At least four guards are surrounding me and giving me looks that could kill. No doubt they think I'm the living incarnation of Queen Chrysalis or something because of my rebellion. I look at the necklace on my neck that shows a bright pink butterfly jewel connected to a golden frame. I curse this damn thing, and I wish I was never the Element of Kindness. I honestly wish I could throw it into the biggest volcano in the world and let it melt into nothing. Because right now I don't feel very kind. I'm betraying humanity and my friends by doing this, but I couldn't help it. I lost Discord. I didn't want to lose Martin. It would break me, and he doesn't deserve to suffer for this.  Celestia told me that I would not be executed after using my element but rather placed in solitary confinement for the rest of my life. I'd rather take death, but if it means Martin gets to live as a human, then so be it. Not that I suspect I'll still live long enough anyway. One day she'll find a means to get rid of me, and I'll just be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere. A fate I hope for her one day as well. "We're here," one of the guards says as he opens the door and allows me out. There are other royal guards there as security as I walk outside, adjusting to the light before seeing where I am. Canterlot Stadium. I guess Celestia wants to make this into a show. It's not long before I am in the stadium itself where I am immediately hit with boos and curses from those attending. I look around and notice how full it is. The stands are practically filled with ponies of all kinds and ages. I see their hatred, their fear, and their disgust at me. Even the foals are mocking me. Yet they are the fools. They are the sheep.  I see my so-called "friends" waiting for me in the middle of the stadium with Princess Celestia and a large tarp covering some kind of tower-like object that is as high as a house. All of my friends have their Elements on, and each has various expressions centered at me. Applejack and Rainbow Dash's are glares that look like they could kill, but there is a certain smugness in the latter as if she's taking pride that I've given up. Rarity is looking at me with a bit of fear and disgust, and I can't help but smirk as I see that her left eye has some black and blue on it despite her attempts to hide it with makeup. Pinkie Pie is giving a sad smile, and Twilight just stares at me with a slight frown. "I'm glad you decided to do the right thing, Fluttershy," Twilight says to me as I reach the girls. "I know that this is hard for you, especially since you-" "Twilight, shut up," I say. I don't even care if she had her memory erased anymore. I'm too pissed off to care. I look at all of them. These five girls who I once treasured as family. "I just want you five to know… that whatever we had. Whatever we once were. It's over today. You choose to follow a megalomaniac driven by paranoia and hate. One whose caused the deaths of billions both before and after we came here." The five of them look confused by this, and yet I just continue. "Out of everypony here, I am the only one who really followed their Element in the end. The rest of you are a disgrace. I never want to see you again after this. Never. So let's just get this over with." I turn away and do not bother to look at their reactions. I don't even bother listening to Celestia's speech, but I'm sure it's filled with nonsense. I take this moment to pray that God forgives me for doing this. I pray that Martin will be okay. I pray that Lyra and the others will find a way to stop this. And I pray that humanity wins so that Equestria can be saved by this madness.  "...and now, Princess Twilight Sparkle will reveal our salvation!" Celestia finishes before Twilight uses her magic to remove the object. The towering thing didn't look all that fancy like I thought it would. It was a giant monolith made of some kind of metal I didn't recognize but was a shiny dark blue kind. It was designed much like an obelisk and held runes on it, but six grey crystals stood out. Most likely to save the stored energy of the Elements.  "Alright, now since Fluttershy wasn't here for this, I'll repeat it again," Twilight said as she looked at all of us. "We just need to be in the proper position, activate our elements, and the Harmony Pylon will do the rest. It will absorb the energy and store it until we're ready to use it for a test run." "Are we going to activate a shield around Equestria?" Rainbow Dash asked. "No, Princess Celestia said we're to hold on creating that big of a shield for a few days for some reason," Twilight said with a shrug. "But we can test it out by making a shield around the stadium." I say nothing before being pointed to by Twilight where to stand. I take a deep breath and walk to my position as the entire stadium goes quiet. Celestia smiles with satisfaction at the machine that she thinks will save them all, but I know she is just delaying the inevitable. The girls are all in their position, and I get ready as we all start closing our eyes one by one. To use an Element of Harmony, one has to remember all the memories and feelings they have inside based on their element. For me, as the Element of Kindness, I think about all the kind things I have done in my life. Once upon a time, those were memories I had with my friends, but now all I can think of are the memories after I defected.  I think about the time I helped Derpy put her daughter to sleep after a nightmare she had about Celestia taking her away from her mommy.  I think about helping Flash come to terms with his feelings for Lyra and helping him move on from Twilight. I think about the days I spent comforting patients, ponies and humans, while giving them hope that the future will be better. I think about Discord and our fun times together. How my best friend was there for me to the very end of his life. I think about all the times I sang all the orphaned children to sleep.  The times I helped the captured enemy get food and proper treatment.  And the animals I helped shelter in my new home with Angel Bunny taking charge. I think about my love for Martin and my desire to spend the rest of my life with him.  And it comes out. The familiar, powerful energy is coursing through my veins as my eyes began to glow with power. I could see and feel the familiar energy of the others floating in the air with me. Naturally, I can feel the energy, but I cannot connect with it. When we were friends, I could combine my power with the others, and we could use it to unleash the power of the Elements together. We were one. Our hearts and minds were united by our shared friendship and love for each other. Now, I cannot feel them. Nor can they feel me.  It really proves that our friendship is over. There is something tragic in that statement, and yet I feel nothing. Because I have long accepted it. I don't know what the girls are feeling about this, but I guess it doesn't matter since all that was needed was to activate our elements, and that was it. Sure enough, the Harmony Pylon is starting to turn itself on as the runes glow with various colors. I feel a pull of energy from the tower as the magic inside me from my Element reacts to it. Six beams of energy, each from us, hit the Harmony Pylon, and the crystals begin to fill up. Once each one is wholly colored in the respective Element colors, we start to power down and soon land back on our feet. I take a deep breath and sit down to fight the exhaustion kicking it. I haven't done this in fifteen years. Christ, I'm getting old. Twilight rushes over to the machine with joy on her face like a kid at Christmas. "It works! It really works!" Hearing her say this has ponies celebrating in the stands. I just stand there, away from it all, feeling bitter that I caved in, and yet there is no point in worrying about it now. "Great, let's have a party!" Pinkie Pie shouts, spreading confetti everywhere. "Actually, Twilight, I would like us to test this first to make sure it's really working," Celestia states as she looks at the machine tower with wonder. "Can you create a shield around the stadium?' "Of course, just give me one minute," Twilight says as she goes to work on the controls. After doing what I assume to be calculations, she presses a big red button, and soon the crystals that have our stored magic start to glow. The runes blink in and out as everypony stands back in awe. I can't help but look at it with wide eyes. And then, just as it starts to power up...it goes dead. I'm even a bit surprised by how fast that happens, and there is a long silence upon everyone staring at the Harmony Python. "Uh, Twilight," Applejack asks as she points to the thing. "Did ya break it?" "What?! No, I thought I-" Suddenly, it turns on again, only the lights are blinking faster, and the crystals are glowing so bright that I'm forced to cover my eyes. The girls ask Twilight what is wrong as she tries to give answers, but nobody can hear her due to the roaring and rumbling of the machine. Ponies in the stands are starting to panic as Celestia orders everypony to step away.  Suddenly, there is a burst of energy followed by an explosion that knocks me off my hooves. I open my eyes upon landing on my back and gasp at the sight before me. A massive pillar of multi-colored magic is shooting up into the air as storm clouds form around it. Lighting ranges from every color in the rainbow, from red to violet, as it flashes in the skies. My heart beats as I know what this energy is as I have felt it multiple times in my life and used it. It's the Elements of Harmony.  No, as I focus more on it, it's more than just that.  I'm not the only one stunned as everypony around me, from my ex-friends to Celestia, stares at the pillar that has completely taken over the center of the arena. I look at how high the energy is going, yet I cannot see past the darkened clouds. I bet it can even be seen from space, and I wonder what the rest of the world is thinking upon seeing it.  The pillar then begins to take form as it shapes itself into something slowly representing a creature. The lighting and magic swirl around it as six mighty feathered wings made out of pure rainbow energy emerges, followed by four large limbs with golden halos around them. A tail is formed out of the end of the center. Followed by a large head with a horn on its head. Its entire body is like a living rainbow mixed with a golden aura as the formation of stars, constellations, swirls, and more galactical wonders move about its surface like leaves on a pond. An alicorn? No, something else. Even if it is taking the shape of such a creature, I feel that this is something else. I fear it might even be beyond Discord. My theory is soon proven as I gaze into its eyes for a split second and turn away as the feelings beyond comprehension enter me for that split moment.  Power. That is the closest that I can describe what I felt. A feeling of unlimited cosmic power that has no end. In that one split moment, I felt like I was an ant against a titan the size of a galaxy. Maybe even bigger. Once I collect myself, I turn back to this giant glowing being far larger than any dragon I have ever seen. It lands on the ground, and at once, the entire earth shakes with a quake that makes everypony fall to their knees. The sheer power and might that it eminates is nerve-wracking. I look at the others, and they two are staring at the giant being with utter fear and awe. Even Celestia is in utter shock and horror upon seeing such a thing. I cannot blame her for not even Discord or Tirek having such power and might before them. It oozes it, and I feel like this is not even a fraction of its strength.  It's mane of ethereal wonder flows in the air as its horn lights up and a voice is heard echoing across all of Canterlot, maybe even beyond it. It speaks despite there being no voice, yet it roars like an earthquake.   "YOU DARE? YOU DARE TO USE MY OWN POWER AS A MEANS TO RUIN MORE OF THIS WORLD? I HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND WILL END THIS NOW. YOU WILL NO LONGER CONTINUE TO USE THE POWER I BLESSED YOU WITH AS A MEANS TO CAUSE MORE CHAOS AND DEATH. I END THIS WAR THAT YOU DECLARED TO FIGHT IN MY NAME, BUT LIKE SO MANY BEFORE YOU, YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING OF WHAT IT MEANS TO WORK IN MY NAME." It is a voice of many voices and yet always united. Many genders and yet always one. Every letter is like hearing a tsunami clash with the earth, a volcano erupting, or a star exploding. These words are enough to force me to my knees.  "W-W-Who...Who are you?" Twilight mutters in terror as all is silent for a while before the being speaks again. "I AM THAT I AM. I AM THAT IS. I AM ALWAYS WHAT WILL BE. I AM THE BEGINNING, AND I AM THE END. I AM THE CREATOR AND THE DESTROYER. I HAVE MANY NAMES IN YOUR WORLD, THIS WORLD, AND WORLDS BEYOND YOUR COUNTING. THE DRAGONS CALLED ME BAHAMUT. THE DIAMOND DOGS CALLED ME SIRUS. THE GRIFFINS CALLED ME GRANDIUS. THE CHANGELINGS CALLED ME THE GREAT MOTHER. THE SIRENS CALLED ME SHE WHO BRINGS WATER. THE BUFFALO CALLED ME THE GREAT SPIRIT. THE ANCIENT PONY RACES CALLED ME FAUSTICORN, YNOP, GAEA, AND MORE. THE HUMANS CALL ME ANU, RA, AMATERASU, BRAHMAN, ELOHIM, JEHOVA, ALLAH, AND MORE. YET I NEED NONE OF THEM, FOR MY EXISTENCE IS WHAT I AM, AND ALL IS ONE WITH ME. BUT I AM KNOWN AS ONE WORD TO YOU. A WORD YOU CLAIM TO REPRESENT AND YET HAVE FAILED TO DO SO." And with a mighty voice, all of us realized who this was. "I. AM. HARMONY."