//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: As The Moon Shines Bright. // by Xaidon //------------------------------// WARNINGS: My very first fanfic ever (I dont know how to write one btw) and there might be a very little tinsy weensie of shipping a kiss that is. As The Moon Shines Bright. by Haider Tarik. ================================================================================================= The glowing moon was high above the skies shining the beautiful night up, and the silent street of Canterlot was as quite as ever. There used to be so much activity, but that was for the day to show, and for the night it would be the same silence as it has been night by night. Princess Luna stood high, and mighty above the castle tower watching for for any disturbance, but as the day before this one there has only been silence. "Another quite night as as usual..." sighted Luna, she quickly smiled, and thought to her self. 'I might as well take advantage of the situation. Luna walked the hollow halls that seems so peacefull, and quit, the guards minding their own posts. A guard's eye caught Luna's troubled face. "Princess Luna is all well, is there something that troubles you?" said the guard calmly. "All is well guard, we appreciate your concern" said Luna she quickly hastened her steps to reach her destination. Finally she stopped in front a massive door, she looked back to see how long she had gone, from one side of the castle to the other side since this, has been almost a nightly routine for her now, and still not knowing how far there is. She was only looking forward to one thing. Luna was excited her heartbeat increasing slowly, quitely she opened the massive door to enter the brightest room of all, not that it was the room that was beaming out with light, but instead whats at the end of the room. There she slept on a princess worthy bed shining bright as the sun itself. Luna silently went to the side of the bed, to see her beautiful big sister lay there peacefully. Luna couldn't remove her gaze away, nor could she blink. A comforting warmt grew inside Luna's body, a warmt that she had yearned for every time she was separated from her sister slowly Luna got closer to Celestia's face closer, and closer until Lunas lips reached her big sister cheek, a tear fell down from Luna's eye. 'Oh big sister you dont know how painfull it is to be separated from you, and now that we are finally together again we barely have time to talk to each other because of our royal duties, if there were only a way to be able to spend more time with you' thought Luna will still being silent. Luna started to cry silently she wouldnt wake her big sister after all it was her time to get her well earned rest she had to replenish her powers to raise the day a new. Luna dried her tears and headed towards the massive door when she reached the end of the room she turned around. "Sleep well big sister of mine i look forward to see your up rise" said Luna with a low voice, and went back to resume her chores. Celestia woke slowly up seeing to her surprise her younger sister standing next to her, and the sun shine high above the skies. "I..is this your doin Luna?" said Celestia surprisingly, since this is the first time she had noticed her little sister change night to day. "Yes big sister of mine, i have done this act, and wish for... us to be side by side during this day if.. if you dont have any objections that is?" said Luna with a shy look on her face, and turned her gaze away from Celestia direction for she had noticed that she was starting to blush, and she wouldnt want her big sister to notice this. Luna couldn't stop her self to return her sight back on her big sister that now sat at the edge of the bed closer to herself. it was impossible to not make eye contact, and with that Luna blushed up, and couldn't hide it, but she didn't care now to show her state to her big sister Luna felt complete as if there had been an empty gap inside of her that only her big sister, and no one else could ever remedy. 'I do not care if you should answer with a no, and wish to be alone for the day you have been that for over 1000 years now, what would one or two more days do? but all i care for is to know that your still are here that is enough to make me smile to feel comforted... Celestia you are, and will always be my haven' thought Luna to her self while smiling. Celestia's face that was full of joy turned into a troubled face, she lowered her head down to break their eye contact. "Luna my... dear i do remember that i have alot of chores to do, and that im preoccupied almost all the day" said Celestia sadly. She raised her heard to see her little sisters face that was smiling, but Celestia knew that the smile was just a mask to hide her little sisters true expression. Celestia sighted for a moment and stared out at the window. "...Luna dear do you not feel tierd, or worn out?" asked Celestia. "No sweet sister of mine your presence is enough to rejuvenate, and energize me" said Luna to Celestia, that apparently now began to blush a little and gotten her beautiful smile again. "If that is so would, you mind joining me durning the chores for today?" asked Celestia to Luna, and with out geting a chance to blink or turn her sight to her sister she was embraced by her little sister, that was hugging her with happines and joy. Celestia couldn't do anything, but place her front hove's on her sisters cheeks to get her attention, Luna stepped a bit back, but only to get kissed on her forhead by her big sister this made Luna blush even more. "your face is as bright as the sun" said Celestia while laughing at her little sister that was full of joy and happines and there wasnt anything that could take that away from her. As time flew chores after chores were done the two princess were enjoying the warm day, and there would sometimes now and then there would be a chance for them to exchange a few words, but each others presence was actually all they needed. The day was nearing an end, when suddenly a green flame burst out of no were in front of princess Celestia, the flame flickered away and inside the flame was a letter from no one other than Twilight Sparkle to princess Celestia. Luna frowned a little and turned her sight away from the letter. Celestia opened the letter out to read the contents. "....Oh Twilight dear" said Celestia that started to laugh. "Is the the letter to your amusement sister?" said Luna that clearly sounded irritated by the letter. "Is something wrong dear?" said Celestia to Luna that was looking for an answer, and not a question. "Well it's just that Twilight Sparkle took on a ursa minor by her self, and saved ponyville and learned the difference of showing off and doing whats right unlike this other pony i read about, that is all about showing off and bragging" said Celestia calmly to Luna. Luna didn't like this Twilight pony, that apparently could make her big sister laugh just by writing a letter. Luna felt a threat, that could take away her beloved sister away from her or was that already to late? was she losing Celestia again? or was it already to late? she never asked what happened in the last 1000 years that had passed by? all this thoughts were floating around in Luna's mind, she was starting to feel pain as if an empty gap was reopening again but this time larger than before. "Ce..lestia?" said Luna with a voice that sounded like it was about to break. "Yes dear little sister of mine?" said Celestia worrying about Luna's state. "Can we.. can we rise the moon together?" said Luna while looking as if she was about to fall to the ground. "LUNA! do not push yourself if your about to collapse you should get some rest, I can take care of the ni.." but before Celestia could finish her sentence she was interrupted. "NO!" yelled Luna "please beloved big sister do not take the night from me...not again" said Luna while whispering the 2 last words so Celestia couldn't hear them. "Luna... i cant deny your night, and im just worried about you" said Celestia calmly will still being worried of her sisters state. Celestia walked closer to her sister, and hugged her this seemed to calm Luna a bit. "Luna my dear little sister if the burden would ever be to much, know that you can always come to me and let me hold the burden for you" said Celestia calmly Luna's eyes became bigger, while her eye pupils become smaller the pain is gone the gap that had been there couldn't get bigger nor wider, it had reached its limit there were now questions. Worried about us? Take our burden?...again? this was just a few of the many thoughts that was floating around inside Luna's mind. "Sister it is time" said Luna with a tone that was calm and cold, this made Celestia worry about her sister, it was as if she was changing not for the good but for the worse again. The two princess sisters were once again on the top castle tower, and had sunken the sun down at the horizon to make room for the moon to shine the night up, but the moon were not shinning as bright as it had the day before nor the day before it. Luna followed Celestia to her bedroom, the massive door was swung open Celestia walked in to her room while Luna stayed outside. Celestia turned around to see her sister outside the room. "Luna?" said Celestia while she was worried about her little sister, but the door was slowly being closed by Luna. "Sleep well" said Luna to Celestia who only got to glance Luna's eye when the door slammed close. "You are changing dear sister" whispered Celestia while she was starting to shed a tear, right now the only thing she wanted was to lay down and, hope there would be a change to come in the morning. Luna stod in front the door for 30 minutes, she was lost in her own thoughts there was no more questions the gap was still there, but it was filled now by a nightmarish blue flame that engulfed the gap quickly. The bright sun was high above the skies shining the hazy day up, and the noisy street of Canterlot was as high as ever. There used to be so much less activity, but that was for the night to show, and for the day it would be the same noise as it has been day by day. Princess Celestia was awoken by the bright light of the sun. "Luna?...Luna?" said Celestia while rubbing her face with her hoof, but there was only silence, it was as if she was waiting for her younger sister to magicaly surprise her. Celestia knew that Luna had sometimes watched her in her sleep, and knowing that Luna was doing it more often. She could feel when Luna was standing there next to herself. Celestia enjoyed her sisters watch as it gave her peace in her sleep, knowing that her sister was right next to her, and she only had to open her eyes to see her beautiful little sister stand right there next to herself. Celestia rushed out the door ignoring her mane that was a bit out off shape, her crown was still laying beside her bed on a table, but that didn't matter know all that matters now was seeing her little sister. The massiv door was almost blasted away by Celestia's magic that nearly scared all the guards half to death, they rushed to Celestia's position. "My princess what seems to trouble you so much?" said 1of the guards that still seemed to be in a startled state. "Guards do tell me have you seen princess Luna?" said Celestia while breathing heavily. "Why yes princess Celestia... princess Luna walked by here, we thought she was to enter your chamber as always, but she didn't she only told us that she was going out for a walk" said 1 of the guards. "GUARDS! listen up you are to search the castle, and all of Canterlot for my little sister, and do not come back until you have found her, and make sure every guard every troops gets this message" said Celestia with a tone that made the guards a bit scared. Celestia also wanted to search badly for her sister, but she was needed at the throne room this burnt Celestia even more that she was putting her royal duty before her sister. Her heart felt as if it was about to break, the feeling of betraying her little sister was circling inside Celestia's mind. There was only 1 thing that was on Celestia's mind that day, and that was her beloved little sister Luna. Celestia was so unfocused durning this day she couldn't focus or get her act together, more and more she just felt that she wanted to break down in tears or just banish her self to some distant place, were she could be alone with her pain. 'If i were to lose you Luna i dont know what i will do... have i lost you sister? are you sad by something? if only there was something i could do?' thought Celestia to her self while she was mourning. She then thought about the moon, and smiled the moon reminded her of her little sister, she remembered that Luna told her once that when she looked at the sun shine bright it would remind her about Celestia, but she wasnt shining bright as the sun not at all, nontheless this gave Celestia a little hope that maybe the night would bring her little sister back to her. As the day went by, and the time to change from day to night slowly approached Celestia had been standing on the castle tower were she and Luna used to switch place to rule day and night for 3 long hours, but the waiting was nothing compared to the pain Celestia was holding within her. As she was ready to change the sceneario she felt a familiar prescence behind her. Celestia turned quickly around to stare into a pair of nightmarish blue eyes, she thought for an instance that Luna had reverted back to that dark and hollow form again, but her mane is still the same as before, and her fur were still as the bright night. Celestia wanted to closely study her little sisterr, but Luna had vanished the sun and brought up the bright moon. Luna walked past Celestia as if she didn't notice her prescence she just starred coldly beyond the horizon. "L..Luna" said Celestia with a low voice, but there was no reaction nor a response from Luna. Celestia looked hesitating until she finally tried to comunicate with her sister again. "Nightmare Moon?" said Celestia with a very low voice, she could feel fear inside herself not knowing what to do, but stand there and hope that her little sister would respond. Luna turned her gaze towards her sister her cold gaze were paralayzing and frightful, she just looked at her big sister until she finally walked towards her. Celestia stood frozen by fear and with concern for her little sister. Luna was 1 inch from Celestia until she embraced her big sister. Celestia was shocked she wasnt expecting this action from Luna. "My beloved big sister we didn't notice you standing there, shouldnt you be resting in your chamber?" said Luna with a cold and frightening voice. "Well of course, but i hoped i would find you here i was worried about your state you were no way to be found, but you are here now, and thats all that matters. I wanted to ask if you would acompany me to my chamber?" said Celestia with a smile. She was at ease her sister was still here, with a nightmarish twist, but Celestia wont give up on her sister somewere in that nightmare there most be a scared, and confused Luna that still can be saved. "It would honour us to acompany you to your chamber Big sister" said Luna with the same cold and frightening voice. As they walked the hollow halls that seemed so dreadful and cold, but there were no guards around to be seen they finally reached Celestia's chamber they both entered the room Luna closed the door behind them, Celestia placed her crown on a table that stood close to the bed, and finally laid on the bed while gazing worryingly at her little sister. Luna walked towards Celestia when she reached the edge of the bed she closed her eyes, and slowly Luna got closer to Celestia face closer and closer Celestia started to blush a bit, but was determined not to move to unplease her little sister Lunas lips reached her big sister cheek, a tear fell down from Luna's closed eye which opened again after feeling the cold tear run down her cheek. "Why are we kissing you big sister and why are we shedding a tear" said Luna with a confused look on her face, her voice was also less cold and frightening as it was before. Celestia noticed this and quickly she was siting on her bed. "Luna are you still in there" said Celestia hopefully getting an answer from her little sister, but instead Luna placed her hoof on her head as if she was geting a headache, and now rushed towards the exit. "LUNA! LUNA!... NIGHTMARE MOON!" screamed Celestia hoping she could stop her little sister from running away, and it worked to her suprise, but what followed was a dark stare that could send cold shivers to anything that would gaze upon this nighmarish blue eyes. "What did you call us?" said Luna and had regained her cold, and frightening voice that now sounded more intimidating than ever. "Nighmare...moon" said Celestia again this time calmly hopping she could calm her sister down, but it was all in vain. "DO NOT CALL US THAT WE DESPISE THAT NAME!" yelled Luna towards Celestia, the room was filled with a cold thick aura that made Celestia a bit uneasy, but she was ready to sacrifice something herself to save her sister. "Very well i know you are in there somewhere, and i tend to save you.... Nightmare Luna" said Celestia more calmly than before, but before she could react a dark light filled the room, and blinded Celestia for an instant when she opened her eyes she noticed that both of her front hoofs was pinned down on the bed, and above her stood now the fully perfect shaped Nightmare Moon that was pinning her down. Celestia was shocked, and speechless she just observed the situation that she was in. "DONT CALL US THAT... ARE YOU THAT EAGER TO GET RIDE OF ME AGAIN JUST SO YOU COULD GET AN REPLACEMENT!? DO I NOT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU ANYMORE? WAS THAT JUST A LIE WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOU MISSED.... ME?!" yelled Luna tears started to roll out from her eyes, Celestia could not fully fathom the situation. She tried to comunicate with what she now bellived to be Luna, but before she could say anything Celestia let out a silent squee sound, Luna had apparently calmly sat down on Celestia's lower belly part, and had both her hoofs in front og her eyes trying to hold the tears back. Celestia reach out her front hoofs to place them on her sisters cheeks to get her attention, Luna removed her hoofs from her eyes to reveal sadned eyes she then placed her hoofs gently on her big sisters warm chest this made Celestia blush a little, Luna felt a gentle heartbeat that slowly made a kind warmt flicker in her own body, this made her calm down a bit. "L..Luna i hope you know that im not going anywere nor are you we are gonna stay here together" said Celestia with a smile while staring directly into her little sisters eyes this made Luna blush a little. "Celestia we cant stay like this don't we have duties to do?" said Luna gently her voice had a sad tone, and her tears was slowly stopping rolling down her cheeks. "I have wacthed equestria for over 1000 years now, and i may have deserved a day off if i may say so" said Celestia with a funny tone hoping to get her sister to smile, but there was no change in Luna's current state. "Luna when you were brought back by the Elements of Harmony, and we were reunited i told you i missed you to, and shed tears for ower reunion we both did. My words that i spoke that day were all true my tears were of joy of you forgiving me, and i am ready to proof my love for you Luna i..i...in any way you seem fit" said Celestia while blushing even more, she lowered her head while still keeping eye contact with her sister. "Wha...what are you saying big sister?... anythying that i seem fit?" said Luna will having a serious look on her face, Luna placed her hoof on Celestia's chin raising slowly her head, Luna got closer to Celestia's face closer, and closer this made Celestia heart race a bit until Lunas lips was touching her sisters lips. Celestia closed her eyes, and looked a bit displeased but didn't break their kiss, Luna broke the kiss and looked with a change on her face. "You really meant anything, im so sorry i dragged you down to this situation im so sorry i.. i just thought you wanted to get rid of me" Said Luna with a broken voice will crying, Celestia placed her front hoof on Luna's chest. "Luna my love i would rather perish than seeing you suffer again" said Celestia with a warm and kind voice. Luna felt clear minded after hearing those words, and became slightly dizzy and tired. "Celestia im a bit dizzy" said Luna while swaying a bit. Celestia slowly placed both her front hoof's around Luna's neck, and slowly pushing her down so Luna could rest her head on Celestia's chest. "Hush now dear close your eyes, and rest now we will sort all of our problems together in the morning" whispered Celestia gently. "But sister what if somebody sees us?" said Luna with a very low voice will snivelling, this made Celestia open her eyes as if she had forgotten something that came back to her mind. "About that Luna my dear, i might have made all the guards and troops in the castle go look for you, and i might also have told them to not come back until they have found you meaning that we are all alone in the castle, so you should just ease your heart" said Celestia while giggling quietly to her self, and used her magic to cover herself and Luna with the Duvet. Luna felt Celestia's calm heartbeat, this made her own body, and mind relax. Luna gazed upon her big sister who was staring back at her. Luna grew accustomed with each heartbeat making her eyes grow heavier and heavier. "I love you big sister" Said luna with a very low voice, and finally dozed off. 'I know little sister sleep well' whispered Celestia quietly, who watched over her sister the whole night. Luna opened her eyes slowly to witness her sister's calm gaze, and warm smile. "CELESTIA! have you not slept durning the whole night?" said Luna surprisingly not noticing the changes that has happened to herself. "Luna dear can you change your form as you please?" said Celestia with a curious voice. Luna noticed finally that she wasnt in her Nightmare Moon form, but rather that she had reverted to her form when she was saved from the Elements of Harmony, but didn't care at the moment. "Big sister arnt you unwell do you wish for me to leave so you can get some rest? if you wish so i will.." but before luna could finish her sentence Celestia had placed her hoof on her sisters mouth. "Luna dear today i have no chores except to raise the sun, and rally the guards and troops, and if i recall i told you we will sort all of our problems together in the morning, so lets start raissing the sun together first". Luna noded and smiled and accompanied her sister. The sun was raised, and the guards and troops was finally able to stop the search. The two princess sisters day brought them to the gardens, Luna stood on the stairs that led to the entrance of the graden and watched her sister, that was walking around the garden looking at some roses, and flowers she turned her back on her little sister, and suddenly a green flame burst out in front Celestia, it was another letter from Twilight sparkle. Celestia did not open the letter to read the context, but instead she just stood there staring at the letter. "Arnt you gonna read it?" said Luna with a concern in her voice. "Luna...... when i banished you for a 1000 years i would presume i put you in a stasis of sleep am i correct, and could you think or dream of anything in your state?" said Celestia silently. "Ye..yes big sister i woke up on the longest day of the thousandth year duo to the aid of the stars, and no i didn't have any dreams nor thoughts there was only nothingness" said Luna with a worried face. "I see have you... ever... thought about how i manage to live without you for the last 1000 years?" said Celestia with a calm voice, and turned to face her sister. Luna's heart broke it felt as if someone was tearing it apart from the inside, Luna was quiet, and just stood frozen stiff unable to speak or move the thought of her big sister missing her for the past 1000 years never crossed Luna's thoughts. "I waited eagerly on some miracle that would reunite us again, and it did i just had to live with this pain until that miracle came. Luna i hope you know that you could never be replaced nor would i replace you for anything in all Equestria, i hope you dont see Twilight sparkle as your replacement sure she reminded me a bit of you, but i only took her in as my protégé nothing more or less, and shes a good filly so good that this letter she wrote isnt for me, but to you thats why i didn't open it" said Celestia with a smile that made Luna calm a bit down. Celestia walked towards her little sister, and handed her the letter, Luna opened the letter and read the context so Celestia could hear what was written on the letter. "Dear Princess Luna I was unsure to send you this letter, but finally came to an agreement with the others that we had to send this to you. It brings joy to our heart, that we have reunited Princess Celestia with her long lost sister, and we hope that you can live happily ever after, now that you are free from your imprisonment, and all luck to your future we hope it will be filled with joy, happiness, and a lot of laughters. Ps. we are looking forward to this years Nightmare Night. From The Elements of Harmony" Luna hold the letter close to her chest, when she was done reading it she led out a tear while smiling. Celestia embraced her sister with a hug, and Luna returned the hug. "I think i can see how you could manage to live all this years with your pain sister, the inhabitants of Equestria was worth protecting all this years, especially Twilight Sparkle she must have saved you from the brink of despair Celestia i wish to know what you have done these past years" said Luna wile looking up at her big sister with a big smile on her face. Celestia looked at Luna while studying her. "Luna your pretty face shines more bright than the moon dear" said Celestia while laughing, with her sister that finally had achieved peace. The end. =================================================================================================