Scootaloo's Shenanigans

by PrincessEnchanteDream

Chapter 1

One fine day in Canterlot City, three friends were bored out of their minds. They were the Canterlot Movie Club or CMC as they liked to go by, a strong, tight-knit group of close friends. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were house-sitting for Rarity as she and the other girls were out on a trip.

"I'm soo bo-oo-red" Scootaloo proclaimed for the fifth time.

"With you on that one, Scoots" Apple Bloom said, from where she was laying upside down on the couch.

Sweetie Belle was strangely quiet during all this.

"Earth to Sweetie Belle" Apple Bloom waved a hand in front of her friend's face "Are you there?"

Sweetie Belle grinned mischievously.

"Say girls" she began "Why don't know.... go explore around the house?"

The other two grinned back mischievously, bringing their hands together for a three way high-five.


"I'm taking Rarity's room" Sweetie Belle announced.

"Living room for me" declared Apple Bloom.

"Basement it is" Scootaloo said to no one in particular as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had already run off.

In Rarity's room, Sweetie Belle could hardly contain her excitement. She couldn't wait to search through her sister's room, eager to find blackmailing material. First she checked the drawers, then under then bed, then in the drawers again, and at last settled in rooting through the closet.

Apple Bloom was having quite the time, exploring around the living room. Giddy with excitement, she played around on the fancy looking instrument for some time, then replaced all the pictures on the walls, so that at first glance it looked normal, but upon close inspection, one could see that the pictures were tilted ever so slightly. Oh, Rarity was in for a time when she got back.

Scootaloo walked towards the basement and flipped on the lights. Down here, Rarity usually kept her spare materials or old, unused products. As she looked around, Scootaloo could see there was an old dusty almirah, a table with some scraps of paper and rolls of fabric and some spare mannequins. She opened the almirah door with some difficulty and immediately regretted it as she was greeted with a face full of dust. Scootaloo coughed and waved it away. From what she could see, it was mostly empty except for the trunk sitting at the bottom.

She hefted it out, but it was so heavy that she toppled backwards, the trunk falling from her hands with a loud crash.

"What was that?" Apple Bloom's voice called somewhere above her.

"Come down here AB and bring Sweetie with you" Scootaloo hollered back. She opened it up and stared inside. It was filled to the brim with costumes and play props.

Leaving whatever they were doing, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom rushed downstairs as fast they could. AB offered a hand to help Scootaloo up, while Sweetie inspected the trunk. Looking back at the other two girls, she could figure out what they were about to say.