//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: A Spectacular Spectrum of Colors // Story: Equestrian Musician // by Jason Monroe //------------------------------// Music Man POV As I exited the ruined castle I ended up getting distracted and accidentally broke a branch on a low hanging tree that was outside of the castle. I picked up the broken branch before putting out my left pointer finger and rotating it at a fast speed. I used my metal finger to smooth out the branch into a nice even cylinder. I put the wooden cylinder in my mouth before carefully using my fingers to hollow it out and add holes on the top in order to make my first new instrument in years; a flute. I smiled as I admired my own craftsmanship before hearing the sound of wings coming from behind me. I quickly rotated my head around and saw the cyan mare flying towards me at high speeds. I instinctively crouched before rotating my head around. The mare seemed angry at me, though I had no idea why she would be. I shrugged my shoulders before raising my flute up to my mouth and playing a song. A small part of the left side of my face opened up to reveal a second mouth and started singing the words of the song. As the song continued I noticed that the winged mare had slowly fallen to the ground and fell asleep. I was slightly saddened that I had to resort to using my magic, but I doubted that she would've allowed me to leave peacefully otherwise. I quickly walked away as I continued playing in order to ensure that she stayed asleep. Once I was far enough into the forest, I stopped playing and stored my flute inside of my chest cavity with my music box as the second mouth was soon gone. I continued walking through the forest and diverged from the path as I sought a way to throw off the ponies that were no doubt chasing after me now that I was no longer keeping them asleep. My walk led me through a field of blue flowers that emitted a magical signature, though they had no effect on me due to my body being impervious to magic. A ways past the blue flowers was a hut in a very small clearing in the forest. Hanging around the building were decorations that part of me said were meant to be welcoming despite their unwelcoming appearance. I approached the door of the hut and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before the door opened to reveal a familiar zebra wearing a long black tribal dress. After a few seconds of silence, Zecora spoke. "It is a surprise, that I would see you stand with my own two eyes. This is a delight, as day is coming from night." Zecora said with a smile that I reciprocated with one of my own. "It is a pleasure to finally speak, though I have had a rough week. I am Music Man, and I would like to stay if I can." I said while bowing politely. I looked up to find Zecora smiling at my reciprocation of her rhymes. I had learned from her many visits that her rhyming was a mental exercise used to prevent oneself from saying something that they would regret. "Stay you may as I have room to lay. A friend you are, even if bizarre." Zecora said as she walked inside. I followed her with a smile and closed the door behind me before noticing a familiar hat sitting on shelf on the wall. My eyes widened and I swiftly went over to the shelf before grabbing and putting on my rainbow fedora. It was thankfully unharmed due to the strange and unknown material that the Saint had made it out of. I turned to Zecora and bowed again. "I thank you for finding my hat, without it I looked like a twat." "Thanks are unnecessary, it's quite the contrary. You kept me from being alone, even if you responded like a stone." Zecora said with a gentle and appreciative smile. I lifted my head up again and my eyes locked onto a set of four instruments that I remember from Zecora's description of her homeland as well as from the list of instruments that had been placed in me by the Saint. The first was a tall string instrument that was similar in shape to a banjo, but with a much taller neck. The circular part near the end was made out of a gourd and had three strings attached to it. The second instrument was a cylindrical drum with a thinner cylindrical part as a base. It was made out of a tree trunk as well as a form of cloth, most likely from a plant rather than the leather of an animal. The last two instruments were small enough to fit in your hands and made from hollowed out gourds with strings of beads wrapped around the outside. These were traditional maracas, that much I knew without having to be told. Zecora smiled at my interest in the instruments before walking over to the Djembe and bringing over to a stool. She sat down with the drum in her legs before she started to play a song. As she started playing, I smiled before taking out my newly made flute and, rather than playing it, I started lightly taping it against the wooden table as well as my own metal body while a second pair of arms emerged from my sides and started playing the Akonting. We played together for half an hour while a slight rainfall had started, most likely due to my playing. We smiled at each other before I returned the Akonting to its resting place and put the flute back into my chest. "That was quite exciting, though it appears we have caused some lightning." Zecora said as she moved the Djembe back to where it was before. I sat down in a corner of the room before looking at Zecora. "I shall rest, as that would be best. Should my awareness be what you want found, it is my music box that must be wound." I explained before closing my eyes and powering off, causing my chest to open and for my music box to be revealed.