//------------------------------// // C1 - Bearings // Story: Dark Souls - Prepare for Ponies // by NahB //------------------------------// LESSER EVERFREE Karen opened her eyes. Well, I’ve got eyes. Means I didn’t die. Her surroundings had changed quite a bit. No longer was the Undead in a deep chasm in the abyss – she appeared to be in a dark, uninviting forest. Unmoving, she studied her surroundings. It was a small clearing. Even though trees in this small area were sparse, the height of said trees made it so sunlight only fell through the canopy in small patches. Not twenty feet from her was a Bonfire, already lit. She attempted to rise, and found that her coordination was completely off. Her entire body felt strange – as if she weren’t herself anymore. She could, however, raise her head. She looked down to check herself and did a double take. What? Karen’s body apparently didn’t resemble a human anymore. She had four appendages that extended from her body and ended in a flat, circular shape. In fact, that, accompanied by the fact that her body was fairly elongated and she had a tail, she concluded that she was now a horse. What in the Abyss was that sorcery? How am I going to fix this? Karen slowly got her feet – hooves – under her and stood unsteadily. She took a look around her again, and saw that all her gear was clumped up behind her. She took a step toward it and fell flat on her face. Right. Horse. How do horses walk? Must remember. It took her a minute to remember. She’d been in Lordran quite a long time and hadn’t seen a single horse there, so had to rely on the time before she had become Undead. She took a few hesitant steps – Front right, back left, front left, back right. Repeat. It seemed to work. She made it to her gear, and then suddenly wondered how in the world she was going to put it on with hooves instead of hands. Frowning, Karen swiped aside the pile. There were her weapons, item pouch, cuirass, and hat, but nothing else. No sign of her leggings or gauntlets. Weird… the cuirass seems to have been converted to fit this form. Her cuirass was originally Ornstein’s – bought off of Domhnall for an unreasonable price, but it fit her style. Heavy, but mobile. That was her. Karen scooped it up with one hoof (heavy though it was) and placed it on her back. She grunted with the weight, but moved it around until it seemed like it would fit well. It had straps, but she had no idea how to tie them. She’d just have to move carefully until she found out how to use them. Karen grabbed her hat – a simple thing with a feather sticking out(soon as it fell off of that hollow in Darkroot she’d taken a liking to it) – and stuck it on her head. It felt funny, like her head jutted out a bit, but she ignored it due to it being a horse’s head, unfamiliar in every way. Her weapons presented another problem. How was she to grab her sword, shield, talisman and bow all at the same time? She pondered the situation a moment, and then angrily gave up on it. This is ridiculous! I’m a horse! What happened in that damnable Abyss? Karen stared at her sword and willed it to get itself up. As if that’ll- Her Golden Tracer suddenly flung into the air, a silver aura about its handle. Surprised, Karen fell back onto her backside and let the sword fall to the ground. I can do sorcery? But I’m untrained! But its applications would be invaluable. She concentrated again, and was able to pick up the sword with her newfound sorcery. Still in wonder, she used it to pick up her shield at the same time. By the Flame, this is amazing! But can I… She dropped her items and used that same sorcery to tighten the straps on her armor, securing it against herself. Pleased, she hovered her item pouch over and strapped it to her armor. She placed her bow on her back and her talisman around her leg, picked up her remaining items, and walked carefully to the Bonfire. It was no different than most Bonfires, except that it was fully kindled, which was a surprise. Either there was a happy firekeeper nearby, or the Abyss had fed it. Regardless, Karen sat in front of it and leaned in, letting the flame warm her face. Even when she felt hot and unpleasant, the Flame from a Bonfire soothed her, healing her wounds and easing her aches. She reached a hoof out to attempt to warp back to Firelink, but felt a resistance. Apparently this world, like the Painted World or Seath’s jail, was preventing her from using the warp ability she had taken from the Lordvessel. Then her first order of business would have to be to find a way out of this strange place and back to either Oolacile or Lordran – and get some answers. Karen rose from the bonfire and picked up her weapons with her strange new sorcery. Somehow, it seemed to work without the use of any catalyst or talisman – some new form of magic. Looking around, she found a path snaking through the dark forest. Here goes nothing. CANTERLOT BARRACKS Shining Armor stared at the giant wall of white. Nothing made sense anymore. He looked around his room, but found no way out except for that wall. It was silky to the touch, and seemed to resist him. He had nothing with him. His armor was gone, as well as his fighting pole. He was hesitant to go into that whiteness with nothing to protect him, but it seemed like it was the only way out. So? Nothing to do but the deed itself. He pushed himself through the dense fog, shuddering at its silkiness hovering just away from his coat. On the other side now, he looked around. He found himself in a large chapel-looking building. Well, this isn’t my barracks. UNDEAD BARRACKS He looked around and found a door in the back. However, smack-dab in the middle of the room, he found a sword in a pile of ashes. Curious, he approached it. Upon closer inspection, he found that the ashes were really ashes from bones – but why were they ashes? He put his hoof out and the pile of ashes suddenly burst into flame. Surprised, he fell back. Did I do that? Feeling a little braver, he approached the ashes (Fire, he corrected himself). As he grew closer, he found that the fire gave off a pleasant feeling – not warm, but pleasant. As if the fire wasn’t truly fire. Regardless, he found it comforting, so he sat a moment by it, basking in the pleasant feeling. But he had to move on. Something was happening here, and sitting in one place was going to solve nothing. He moved towards the large door at the other end of the room. He hesitantly put his hoof against it. The door was tough to push open, but he did it. On the other side of the door was another large room, but this time the ceiling was lower. The room had several holes in the side. Before he had time to do anything, a giant snake suddenly slid through one of the said holes. “Gah!” Shining cried, backing away from it. It oriented on him, and before he knew it, it was lashing at him. Shining barely managed to jump to the side and run away from the thing. He ignored the world when he saw an opening in the side of the room. He dove through it, and the gate held up suddenly crashed down behind him. Following that, he heard another crash – turning around revealed that the giant snake had smashed its head into the bars, bending them slightly. “What. The. Hay.” Shining Armor stared a moment, then turned and walked through the new hallway. Sitting around gaping wouldn’t get him to learn anything. Somepony had to still be around, and would explain this. Maybe one of the princesses could tell him. Hopefully he would be able to find his wife in- Shining Armor fell through a hole in the ground, and began to yell incoherently as he sped uncontrollably toward the forest below.