A Mentally Unstable and Powerful Changeling...Yeah

by Taken-By-Insanity

Chapter 3: A Wedding’s About to Happen and it’s Gonna Be NUTS!

“Well, Shade, you seem to be perfectly fine.” The headache that came with the impact stayed after the changeling left the couple, so they decided to have a doctor check on them. They may have a lot of power, but they weren’t so sure that they had a lot of durability as well.

They also had adopted a new persona, so that they wouldn’t be recognized or draw attention to themself. They now were a unicorn mare, who had a black mane and tail with a grey coat. Their eyes held no pupil or iris, leaving it a blank white space.
They were now Shady Drawing, a unicorn mare with the cutie mark of a book, which had a pencil and question mark on the cover.

They gave a nod to the doctor’s words, who was a white-coated stallion unicorn with a blue mane and tail. He had a scar over his cutie mark, which consisted of a syringe and scalpel making an X. The doctor moved his turquoise eyes over his clipboard before speaking again. “Everything seems to be in tip-top shape.” A sigh of relief could be heard from our main character before the doctor continued. “If that headache stays after you leave, I’d suggest getting some water and something to eat. You’re free to continue on your day. Do you have any questions?”

The disguised changeling shook their head and the doctor gave them the thumbs up to leave.

Outside the hospital, Shade decided that it would be best to figure out where she’ll be staying for the time being. A brief flash of red came over the void of white that were her eyes as this problem came to mind. Perhaps she’ll deal with that later. Instead, the library comes to mind. It would be nice to look through books so she could use her magic whenever without difficulty.

It was simple to find the said library, as it was a large building made of marble with the word ‘Library’ on the front of it. Past large oak doors, a seating area was the first thing that could be seen, a large sea of bookshelves filled to the brim was behind a desk, likely for checking out.

The doors slowly closed behind her as Shade looked at the tall shelves, not paying the others in the building any mind. The unicorn turned to the desk, seeing an older earth pony stallion with a red coat of fur, a graying mane/tail, and brown eyes. He wore a simple black suit and his cutie mark wasn’t visible from her position.

Shade walked over to the stallion and cleared her throat, catching his attention before speaking, “Excuse me, sir, could you direct me to where books about magic are?” The stallion gave a curt nod and pointed to the far-end shelf of the library.

After giving her thanks, the changeling-turned-unicorn walked over to the shelves and started to look. ‘Advanced Spells for The Magically Gifted’, ‘History of Magic Discovery’, ‘The Story of Starswirl the Bearded’ - aha! ‘Magic for Beginners’. Someone needed to reorganize this library, the order of the books was atrocious. Anyhow, Shade pulled the book off of its shelf and opened it to the index.

“Let’s see…Oh goody.” They said to themself. Just what she hoped to find. Shade walked to a seat that happened to be in the wide hall and sat before turning the book to its first chapter.

Chapter 1: How to Channel Your Magic

For you to channel your magic, you must find it within yourself. While this can be difficult, there are multiple ways to figuring this out...

Hours slowly passed within the quiet library, barely even a footstep being heard as Shade read through the book inside the magic section. “Okay, I should have no trouble with casting.” She whispered to herself, setting the book down for a moment. “But the rest of that book is what I can’t figure out.”

Shade tried looking through other books to get more points of view to look through but didn't find much of a difference between each author’s method of using their magic. It was all very uniform.

Shade supposed that she’ll figure out magic more another day. For now, she has to figure out where to spend the night for. It was obvious that the library wouldn't be open for most of the night, so she couldn't spend it there.

But where would she find something that met these requirements? Shade pondered this as she placed books back on shelves, before leaving the library while wishing the librarian a good night. The sun was noticeably setting, and the moon rising as Shade walked down the marble steps, finding the city of Canterlot to be becoming ever so less active. It was almost like clockwork, how most of the ponies were heading to their homes while others started to leave, getting ready to work through the beautiful night.

Shade didn't pay much mind to most of this as she started to walk, staring up into the blue, quickly fading to starry night sky. There wasn't a single cloud to ruin the fantastic view. As she strolled, the occasional passerby would stop momentarily, looking at Shade’s eyes. They were quite the oddity so it wasn’t too surprising.

”Maybe I should’ve given this disguise normal eyes? Nah, it’ll be fine.” Shade dismissed the thought. She was already in the rabbit hole so she might as well stick with her eyes being this way. Thoughts wormed their way through Shade’s mind as she roamed the streets of Canterlot, returning the occasional greeting and barely taking her eyes off of the sky. The stars and moon are always beautiful sights to see.


“Hm?” Shade stopped and took a moment to look at where she ended up. She was at the gates to the castle. “Oh, would you look at that?” She hadn't realized just how far she had been walking for, too busy with admiring the sky and keeping her head in the clouds to have noticed.

“Do you have business here ma’am?” One of the guards, a thestral, asked Shade, standing at attention with his spear beside him. He and the other guard were identical with dark blue fur and a light blue mane and tail. They both wore dark purple armor that covered most of their bodies, leaving their cutie mark to be unknown and their face to be vulnerable.

“Oh. No, I don't have business here. I apologize for my rudeness. I was admiring the sky and somehow wandered here,” Shade replied, nervously rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. “I'll get out of your hair, have a good night!” Shade then promptly turned around and walked away. ”That was awkward.~” Shade thought to herself.

The thestral guards glanced toward each other as Shade walked away before shrugging it off whatever thoughts they had. She wasn't a problem so they didn't need to do anything. 

Shade eventually came upon a small park with a view of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. Shade sat on a bench and looked out with a yawn. “I guess I can sleep here. Hopefully nobody disturbs me.”

Princess Luna has seen the odd dream here and there before, but what she saw when she entered a dream that night was Discord levels of odd. She had to double-check to make sure that she didn't stumble upon Pinkamena’s dream. Finding that she hadn't, she was more confused. Discord didn't dream while in his stone prison so it couldn't have been his dream, and miss Pinkamena was the only other one who dreamt of things like this.

Princess Luna wandered through the hallways made of vanilla wafers, passing windows made of rainbow lollipops. After turning a corner, she was in a completely normal hallway that kept going, with a door a little way to the left. It seemed that only the entryway was abnormal.

Luna walked up to the door and slowly opened it, finding an eerily familiar throne room that looked like the one she had a thousand years ago. Instead of the sun and moon taking up the banners and thrones, circles of grey and red were there. Sitting upon the thrones were two ponies with a third one standing between them.

The one to her left, where her throne would be, was a thestral stallion. His fur was white, but there was a certain dullness to its luminosity. Perhaps it was just a really light grey? The fur under his right eye was black, giving the image of him crying. A peculiar thing about this eye though, was that his pupil was a black skull with no iris to be seen. His right eye was covered by his grey mane so that side of his face was unknown but Luna could guess that it looked similar. He also wore a grey jacket, an uncommon thing for a pony to wear outside of the colder months of the year. What was most shocking had to be the state of his wings. They were nothing but bones, somehow a charred black.

She quickly looked toward the stallion on the other throne, finding nothing nearly as concerning. She sighed in relief before taking in the other stallion’s appearance. He was a unicorn that had a red coat of fur with a black mane and tail that faded to red. His right eye was covered with an eye patch with a skull on it, but his left eye was also partially unique. His pupil was split into a filled circle and an empty circle surrounding it. His iris was red and a jagged red marking could be seen under both of his eyes.

Luna turned her attention to the one in between. Between the stallions was a unicorn mare. Grey coat, black mane/tail. Her eyes held no pupil or iris, giving the idea that she was blind.

The Princess was confused. ”This dream is being manifested by all three of them. That can’t be the case, dreams only have one inhabitant manifesting it.”

The dream continued its course as Luna watched, hidden from view. The grey stallion gave a sad sigh and the one in red had a noticeable twitch in the eye after hearing that. Suddenly, the unicorn yelled toward the thestral, “Would you stop moping for a single second! Jeeze, you're more annoying than I thought!”

The grey one gave a roll of the eyes in response. “Would you say you're much better?” Miraculously, one of the stallion’s wings moved, a single set of the bones jerkingly moving to point at the unicorn stallion. It was noticeably very loud and made a cracking sound with every movement, making the hidden princess fringe at the sound. “After all, you have the shortest fuse in Equestria and hate every living thing.”

“So what, you think you’re better?!”

“I never said that.” The thestral’s voice was remarkably calm and he showed no signs of frustration as he continued the conversation, moving his wing to go back to resting on his back. The unicorn mare did nothing as this happened, opting to munch on a plate of vanilla wafers that appeared instead.

Half of the room began to distort as the stallion continued to lose his cool. Princess Luna could only guess that the room was heating up. Although, the left side of the room was unaffected. It seemed that only bickering was going to happen in this dream, leaving Luna to soon leave the dream. Though, as she did, she casted a small spell. ”I should keep an eye on these three. Maybe I can look up one of them in the waking world.”

Unbeknownst to the Princess as she left the dream, the room changed drastically, more thrones of various colors sprouting out of the ground as the banners gained more circles of color. Pink, black, green, orange, yellow, purple. All these colors and more were added to the room. There were more than just three people that made that realm...
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