The Stranded Changeling

by Regular Antipony

Chapter 4: Escape from Friendship, Pt. 2

I’m still in shock because of both Princess Celestia and Twilight’s acceptance for me to live in Ponyville. How shouldn’t I be shocked – I’m just a stranger that happened to crash near there few days ago and now easily accepted just like this? Well… I think I should be happy and grateful that I don’t end up tragically, right...?

“Sky, I can’t believe Princess Celestia wants you to stay in Ponyville!” Twilight seems to be still in her contentment, “I can’t wait for you to get used with Ponyville and its residents! Come to think of the friendship…,” as Twilight continues to talk, I rather look confused at her – it is I who was accepted but she is more excited about this….

I’m starting to think about my past. Will it ever be destined to be discovered? I know it’s something that’s not important as per now but… my curiosity as a pony that has just experienced amnesia… sigh. I know thinking about it over and over again is pointless but… I’m still concerned about what Princess Celestia said earlier – too much for me to know the truth… at the moment. I’m certain that she, Twilight, and maybe also the others actually know my past – even I was told that we have met before – but for some reason… can’t say the truth to me. I’m just not sure whether my past is disgraceful or I’m still fragile….

“Sky, Sky, are you listening?” suddenly Twilight asked me, calling me back from my thoughts. “Oh, um…,” I gulped, “…no?” Well, at least I told her the truth. She just chuckles for a little, saying, “You’re like one of my friends – she doesn’t really pay attention when I get to talk about complicated things.” I just scratch my head, slightly embarrassed.

“So… what were you thinking?” Twilight asked. Uh-oh, how do I explain my earlier thought to her? “Err… I, uh… do you think that… Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville so that… I don’t think about discovering my past… a lot?” I stammered. She looks at me rather confused and serious – I pressed my back against my seat, scared. Not sure if I improperly said that….

“Oh, Sky,” Twilight replied, “of course she wouldn’t do it for such reason. She, and also I with the others, would be happy if you manage to discover your past. One thing she concerned that you didn’t have a place to stay, Sky, so that she sent you to Ponyville while learning about friendship….” Trust me; I’m left speechless with these ponies and their actions.

“Um, Twilight, there’s this one thing I want to ask aside from that,” I changed topic, “Have we ever met before?” At first Twilight is surprised but she begins to think about that, “Well… we did, Sky, but you were escorting me to Queen… I mean, Princess Celestia,” she explained, “You didn’t talk with us or even anypony.” Now I know why I couldn’t recall my memories about anypony in Canterlot….

Suddenly my stomach growls – I just realized that I haven’t eaten anything since I woke up in Fluttershy’s cottage. “Uh… I was carried with the exploration so that I forgot to eat something…,” I tried to make an excuse. “Silly Sky,” Twilight chuckled, “we were also hurried that we missed our breakfast!” She searches something from her saddlebag, “Fortunately, my parents gave me apples before I waited at the station. Here you go!” She gets an apple and gives it to me. Finally there’s something to eat…

Before I could say thanks to her, all of a sudden I smell something familiar – the same scent back then when I was exploring Ponyville which was coming from her friends and a random pair of mares? The source seems pretty close and the scent is somewhat intense. Could it be from this apple? For some reason, my instinct is forcing me with rage to feed on the scent’s source… but must I, in front of Twilight?

“T…Twilight, please… excuse me for a moment,” I stammered and hurriedly ran to the door leading to the next car while carrying the apple. I have to hurry, in case I might lose control over my body and go wild. I waited outside the back of the last car – the car where we currently sit – to calm down. My heart is beating fast but I’m trying to at least control my breath. I’m glad the scent goes away after a while outside, though….

“Sky, what happened?” Twilight comes outside worriedly. “I… a weird scent came and… it freaked me out!” I replied, still in shock, “I… I’m okay now; just go back to your seat while I’m eating this apple.” “Are you sure?” she asked, rather doubtful about me being alright at the moment. “Yes… and thanks for the apple, Twilight.” As she comes back inside, I munch on the apple – it isn’t that much but I’m glad I get to eat something…. Weird enough that scent earlier isn’t around while I’m eating.

As I return with a rather filled belly, Twilight asked me what happened earlier when she gave me the apple. I can’t really explain her since I myself don’t even know what it was. “Apparently my instinct keeps forcing that I should feed on something and the scent ignites my psychotic instinct if I’m overly exposed to it,” I explained. Not that both of us understand what I was saying, unfortunately….

Our train finally arrived at Ponyville after a while. Since it’s only few hours left before sundown, I don’t think we have many – or even any – things to do for today. Besides, Twilight also needs to return to her home first and find a place for me to stay while in Ponyville. I don’t really mind if I have to sleep outside, but who knows?

“Well… here we are, Sky, Ponyville Library – home to thousands of books and to me, along with my assistant Spike. Come in,” Twilight introduces her home – wait, isn’t this the place I woke up at earlier today? No wonder she likes to carry books during our trip, her home explains her personality, duh. We both get inside and she begins unpacking things from her saddlebag while I continue to look around inside the library.

“Sky, you can stay here while in Ponyville,” Twilight said, “but the only room which is free is... the basement. Would you be alright with that?” “Yeah, sure,” I replied to her. Well, I slept there before so I don’t see why I should be complaining about it, though. Besides, she has extra mattress so I don’t have to sleep on the floor… yeah.

“Anyway, Sky,” Twilight continues to talk, “I think I’m taking you for Ponyville tour today, giving general introductions or two to you. You sure don’t mind, do you?” “Well, uh… it’s not like I have anything to do at my first day, Twilight, so I guess… yeah,” I replied. Yup, I think I need to prepare myself, for this day is going to be a tiring one….

“Twilight, talking about general introductions, you haven’t even introduced yourself to me… generally,” I replied. If it weren’t for one of her friends who said her name back then at Fluttershy’s cottage, I wouldn’t know her name without proper introduction…. “Oh, right,” she noticed that she overlooked the slight thing, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student and currently sent here to study the wonders of friendship. Nice to meet you, Sky!” She offers her hoof and I shake it with mine, currently bandaged.

All of a sudden, I could smell a faint scent just like at the train. It’s annoying me but… I think I could withstand it since it’s still really faint. I don’t know, this kind of scent is always ruining my moment with other ponies… I wonder if it prohibits me to make contact with them…. Still, I mustn’t lose to this scent!

“So… shall we start now?” Twilight walked to the door, carrying a writing pad, along with papers and quill, with her magic – she seems to be very organized. As I come closer to her showing affirmation, she begins to write things on the pad. “Since we don’t have much time before the sun sets, I think we’ll just visit my friends for today. Let’s go!”

I don’t think it’s a problem if I can’t visit all the point of interests in Ponyville – it is not that big as Canterlot so I can go on my own the following days, after all. My run back then at least gave me some overview so that I won’t get lost if I’m placed randomly in town… I hope. Anyway, I guess that building decorated like a cake is our first stop….

“This is Sugarcube Corner, Sky. You can buy sorts of bakery here and this is also the home of my friend, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight explained, “Remember the one who made you crashed in Fluttershy’s cottage?” Oh, right, that energetic and happy-go-lucky mare, “Yeah, I remember,” I said. She’s too easy to be identified, yes. “Let’s get inside,” as Twilight leads me to the bakery shop.

“Welcome, Twilight! Anything I can… ah!” the shopkeeper is somewhat surprised to notice us coming in. “It’s alright, Mrs. Cake, he’s with me,” Twilight explained. Wait, so it was I who surprised her? I don’t think I remember anything about her but… maybe this has something to do with my past? “Uhm… okay,” at least she calmed down now.

“Mrs. Cake, is Pinkie Pie upstairs?” Twilight asked. Before she could reply anything, Pinkie is already on the stairs, happily jumping down steps and notices us in front of one of the display shelves. “Twilight, Sky, hi there!” she greets us. Yup, this high-pitched voice can’t easily be forgotten since I woke up at Ponyville for the first time.

Pinkie then comes closer and looks at me – I’m not that type of pony who likes to be watched so I… back down few steps. Suddenly she dashes outside, leaving us in the Sugarcube Corner. As I try to catch up with her, I can’t find her anywhere in the street – I wonder if she took some zigzag route or just incredibly fast runner…. “Sky, let her be,” Twilight said, “Pinkie is so random at all times, so you shouldn’t be surprised about her.” “Uh… alright,” I hopelessly replied, while thinking why Pinkie went somewhere else by the time we want to meet up with her….

Twilight continues to take me on the tour. “Let’s see… let’s visit Carousel Boutique, it’s just after the bridge near the village hall,” Twilight said. Boutique, seriously? I mean, I don’t seem to like being fancy and… it isn’t even the right time for me to visit places like that! Yet, knowing that I don’t have any other choice, I follow Twilight until we arrived in a rather round, purplish building – this must be the boutique. Maybe one of her friends is here?

“This is Carousel Boutique, Sky. My friend Rarity lives here,” Twilight explained. We get inside – it is somewhat bigger than I thought. Fashion stuff here, mirrors there… this ground floor is definitely Rarity’s shop of those dresses and accessories. “Hmm… Sky, could you wait here? I’m going to search for Rarity, I’ll be right back.” Twilight goes upstairs, leaving me clueless inside the boutique.

It’s this one mirror that caught my attention while I’m looking around inside the boutique – how do I look like? It has been my other curiosity since my first exploration around Ponyville. I come closer to the mirror with the hopes of good-looking or fine manestyle but… I was shocked by my own reflection – a pair of completely bluish-green eyes, overgrown canines, and a pair of clear, thin wings altogether in a black colt – is this an abomination? Maybe this is the reason Mrs. Cake shrieked by the time we came into Sugarcube Corner….

“Sky, where are you?” suddenly I hear Twilight calling for me. I don’t know whether I should run since some ponies would be afraid of my appearance or stay because of… their acceptance. I just realized that by the time I’m thinking about acceptance, it brings me back to when I crashed. That acceptance… they helped me regardless of my appearance… even my condition back then. I think the chance they wanted to give is far more important than these physical things. Yup, I shouldn’t run for they have believed this pony… even though he has physical issues. “I’m coming!” I replied.

I come to Twilight’s call and find her standing with somepony else and… a dragon? “Sky, this is Rarity,” she points the white unicorn, “and this here is Spike, my assistant,” she points at the baby dragon beside her – he greets me with smile. “Greetings, Sky Blackend, nice to meet you,” said Rarity. From the looks of her, I believe she is quite sophisticated and courteous… yep, she even owns this shop of fashions which are very exquisite that I can’t even explain. I just noticed that this mare is the one who said I was different from the “others” they have seen. As for Spike, well, despite of his tiny appearance, I don’t think he is to be underestimated since… he is a dragon, after all!

“Twilight, I can not believe that you came when I was working on my new design!” Rarity said to Twilight, “But no worries – it is alright since you want Sky to know Ponyville more.” “Well… I’m also thinking that Spike would be here to help you with your dresses so…,” Twilight said while chuckling a little to Spike. “What?” Spike’s face turned red. Except him, we all laughed – I think I’m starting to enjoy being in Ponyville with them…

Wait, this scent I had back then at the train… it’s coming again! It’s not quite strong, though, but I’m starting to feel slightly dizzy – I think it’s about time before I lose control over myself as their voices are blurring away. No, I must hold on and survive….

“Well, Rarity, I think we’ll continue our tour now,” Twilight said to Rarity, “Sky hasn’t seen the Sweet Apple Acres and we don’t want to come back late, right, Sky?” I just nod, currently still trying to hang on. “That is alright, dear,” Rarity replied, “However, if it is possible, can you come here the following day, Sky? I want to give you a fashion touch.” Oh, Rarity, why? I just nod quickly, hoping I can get out of here as soon as possible since I can’t seem to hold this scent any longer.

After Twilight tells Spike to come back to Ponyville Library before sundown, finally we can continue our tour to explore Ponyville. “Hmm…Carousel Boutique, check,” she checks her pad, “Next stop, Sweet Apple Acres! Come on Sky, let’s keep going!” For some reason, Twilight seems to enjoy being a guide for me in this tour – her willing, her enthusiasm, and her smile… I can’t believe I have to waste them because of this unwanted scent…. No, I won’t let her down, even though the scent is increasing in intensity.

I follow Twilight to a farmland which has mostly apple trees – I think this is why it earned the name Sweet Apple Acres. At the gate, we encountered two of Twilight’s friends: a light blue pegasus with rainbow mane and an orange pony with typical hat – seems like both of them had done some work at the farm, though. “…Aw, shucks, thanks Rainbow, that helped a lot,” said the orange pony, “Oh, look, howdy Twilight an’ Sky!” The other mare turned her back to see and greet both of us.

“Hi, Applejack and Rainbow!” Twilight greets them, “Been working in the farm?” “Eeyup, ‘t was a lot of work,” Applejack replied, “but ah’m glad Rainbow came to help.” “We did a contest, actually, and it was awesome!” Rainbow added. “Good for you two,” Twilight smiled and then turned to me, “Sky, this here is Applejack and Rainbow Dash.” From the looks of them, it seems like they two are best friends… or maybe best good rivals.

“Hi there, Sky, I can’t believe you’re quite fast at running away yesterday, but I’m still faster in my wings!” Rainbow bragged, “That’s alright, though, you’re still cool!” “Y’ know, Sky, Rainbow is the fastest flyer in Equestria, so it’s no doubt anypony here ain’t faster than her,” Applejack explained, “but she will never let you down, trust me.” Rainbow blushes a little – yes, I can see it in her tomboyish face – probably just little bit embarrassed….

As soon as they do their hoofbump, suddenly I can smell the scent with stronger intensity somewhere around here. Oh, no, why can’t it go away like… forever? I don’t want to look psychotic to them but this torture…. I can’t really pay attention to their, along with Twilight, talk now – all I want is to go and continue our tour for the rest of the day….

“Well, everypony, I think I should be going now, don’t want to go home late!” Rainbow said, “See you later!” Her flight speed clearly shows why she is the fastest flyer in Equestria; I can’t even see her after few seconds. “Well… care for some juice, sugarcubes?” Applejack asked. “Sure, I actually wanted to show Sweet Apple Acres to Sky,” Twilight replied. I don’t know if it would help to get the scent away….

I’m happy that Applejack can join us in Sweet Apple Acres tour after the juice but… I can’t really concentrate to her explanation since I have to contain myself with the scent. At least I managed to survive and complete the tour without either of her and Twilight knowing about this scent I’ve been having. There is still one place to go before the tour is officially over and that is Fluttershy’s cottage. Unfortunately, Applejack can’t join since she has to do some chores in the farm. Twilight and I then go on to our final destination.

“…finally Applejack and Rainbow understood that their friendship is more important than winning over competition,” Twilight concludes her story about those two mares we’ve met earlier. She notices that I’m currently concerned about something, which is the scent I kept on smelling. “Sky, what’s wrong?” she asked. I sighed for a moment, and say, “Twilight, I have been thinking about this since this afternoon but,” I stopped, “I don’t know whether I should say it or not.” “Just tell me what it is, Sky. I don’t think you’ll get better if you keep it yourself – maybe we can help?” Twilight starts to be concerned as well.

I take a deep breath, “It’s the scent, Twilight. It came over and over again, ever since I encountered it yesterday during my first exploration of Ponyville. In Carousel Boutique, in Sweet Apple Acres, even in Ponyville Library and here – it’s like, everywhere! I don’t know but… it apparently holds me back from making contact with everypony.” I begin to feel down and depressed, “I just want to be normal like everypony else.” I don’t know if I will drop tears in any moment….

“…It’s okay, Twilight, maybe I haven’t gotten used to it… yet,” I tried to motivate myself, knowing that she might couldn’t help since I don’t think she is able to smell the scent. I also regret my decision that I took her smile away, making her feeling down. I wish I hadn’t told her about this…. “Let’s just continue our tour to Fluttershy’s cottage,” I said.

Finally we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage – it sure brings back memories, back-tracking the road I used to pass in my escape yesterday. I’m glad that I get to visit this place since I really need to say sorry to Fluttershy about yesterday’s escape and her soup… yeah, I told Twilight that I want to say some words to Fluttershy before going back to Ponyville Library. Twilight begin knocking on her door, “Fluttershy, are you inside?” she called. We both don’t hear any response but after a while, the door opens and Fluttershy peeks a little.

“Oh, um, hi, Twilight and Sky,” Fluttershy greets us, slightly surprised about our visit. “Hi, Fluttershy! Sky told me that he wants to say sorry about yesterday,” Twilight replied. For some reason, she is somewhat scared of me now – probably because I have recovered from most of my injuries – or maybe just extremely shy? “Fluttershy, I’m really sorry that I made you worried yesterday,” I said, “I… was slightly curious about my past, that’s all. And I’m sorry I spoiled your soup.” I’m embarrassed – I can’t believe I said that soup thing to Twilight! I think it’s still okay to admit silly mistakes in the name of apology.

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy replied in her usual faint voice, “I’m glad you’re healthy now, anyway!” And a smile comes out from her face, forgiving me as she emanated the scent I’ve been trying to avoid – it is probably the strongest yet and directly hits me. “Sky?” Fluttershy called. I remain silent for some time but then I whisper to Twilight, “Twilight, I can’t.” I admit defeat – I turned my back and start to run away from them.

I kept on running from Twilight and Fluttershy. No matter what they say, I don’t care anymore – they keep emanating the scent which is slowly killing my consciousness without them knowing about it. Rainbow is true about me being quite fast in running away – Twilight even has to use her magic to slow me down. Even though her slowing magic hits me over and over again, my determination to escape makes the magic not much effective – I don’t want to lose to my instinct, completely.

As I reached quite far distance and lose Twilight and Fluttershy, I begin to climb a tree not far from the bridge to Ponyville. I hid myself on the branches – the leaves apparently make good camouflage. I waited there while I try to catch my breath and beat my instinct by forcing self not to outrage. I’m glad that I managed to escape both of the mares who are now going to Ponyville, thinking that I was still running. I wonder if this is the best decision I can possibly take….

I get down after a moment. I begin to walk in the other direction, back-tracking my escape lane so that I escape them for good. Yup, I finally lose Twilight and Fluttershy as the full moon replaces the sun as my guide. I’m supposed to be happy since I’m finally free from the raging instinct which is ignited by that scent… right? But for some reason… things aren’t the same anymore. There’s like something which is… missing.

As I aimlessly walked away from Ponyville, I end up at a raised ground near a lake’s edge. The breeze wind blowing nearby, swarm of fireflies dancing happily above the lake, the bright full moon shining; this… the peace I’ve always wanted since I first encountered the scent. I rest there, gazing at the beautiful lake and the vast skies while wondering about the decision I have taken earlier.

While my logic says it’s alright to leave them because my final goal is to discover my own past, part of me actually still wants to live with them, the Ponyville’s residents. It’s not because Princess Celestia and the others approved me to stay there but… their willing to take care of this pony with forgotten memories and probably disgraceful issues; their willing to share their love. They are like… family to somepony who is… all alone.

It is my wish to stay with them, yes, but must my psychotic instinct stays as well? Neither will also work if I followed my instinct – it doesn’t give me even a hint about what I should feed on from the scent’s source. I’m just a stranger to this place, and I shall not ruin their peaceful life. It’s my sole reason to pick this decision so that everything will remain stable, an escape from their friendship.

I cried. I can’t believe I have to reject their friendship in order to contain myself from raging out. I can’t imagine how sad would Twilight and the others be if I tell them about my decision, after all of their caring to me and stuff. Maybe sometimes it’s better for not knowing something instead of a late disappointment….

Suddenly somepony puts their hoof around my back, hoping that I would feel better. “Why are you crying in this very evening?” asked her. I turned my back just to notice that somepony is… an alicorn, probably a princess just like Princess Celestia. I was shocked that I hurriedly back away few steps and curl afraid of her. “Wait! Nothing to be afraid of, young colt!” she panicked. I peek a little from my bandaged fore hooves – she is clearly worried about me being sad, injured and all alone. I try to stand and face her even though I’m still slightly afraid.

“What had happened, oh unfortunate one?” she asked again. “…would you care for my long story, um, Princess...,” I paused since I don’t know her name. “Luna. Call me Luna. Please do go on,” she replied. I introduced myself and explained my story to her: my crash, my desire to discover my forgotten past, Princess Celestia’s acceptance for me to stay in Ponyville – she seems surprised about this one –, my insane instinct, and my escape from friendship.

“I… I just don’t feel fit in Ponyville,” I concluded. She doesn’t find it surprising, though – judging from my appearance should be enough explaining for her. I don’t know; she’s also different but… in a good way; I don’t think she had experienced bad things like if I give in to my instinct.

Princess Luna takes some time to think before saying, “I once also tried to escape friendship, just like you.” I am shocked – a princess like her once did the same thing as I am doing now? “I was drowned into despair; I defied my obligation as a princess since I could not experience the friendship my sister, Celestia has.” She looks down and closes her eyes, “I wish I had not given in back then. It was awful.”

“None could make me glad until Twilight and her friends shared their friendship, as well as my sister and her forgiving all the things I had done,” Princess Luna smiles joyfully. The same friendship I am trying to escape… actually saved Princess Luna from her dark past – is this the power of friendship? If only my instinct didn’t keep me away from their friendship, I would actually try to study the wonders of it, just like Princess Celestia ordered.

“Sky Blackend, come.” Princess Luna leads me to the lake’s edge, “Perceive our reflections – witness the differences between us and the others.” I begin to look at the lake’s surface – a dark blue alicorn standing beside a fanged colt with bandages covering his body; it’s not everyday everypony can see them around.

“It is not important how unique or terrifying our profiles are, Sky. Friendship defies them – none should even obstruct friendship from reaching anypony. I put my faith in it so that I will recall moments of friendship, ever shall despair drags me again,” Princess Luna said. She’s right; a friendship for a lone pony or even with their memories gone is the best mental amend available but….

“I really wish I could stay at Ponyville, Princess Luna, after all Twilight and the others had done to me but…,” I looked away from her, “…my psychotic instinct… it is keeping me away from their friendship. I don’t know why but it is telling me to feed something on them, over and over. I…,” I sighed, couldn’t continue. Princess Luna looks at me deeply, thinking that I might be just like her in the past… or maybe even worse.

“I… I don’t know why but I somewhat think that the one which invokes my instinct is… the friendship,” I randomly guessed. It’s true that the scent comes only when I’m around or talking with other ponies – actually I have smelt the scent by the time Princess Luna came – but… it doesn’t even make sense if I need friendship to be alive, literally.

Princess Luna doesn’t say anything but suddenly she hugs me – the scent increases in intensity. I’m struggling to free myself from her hug because I don’t want to lose to my instinct but… “It’s alright, calm thyself,” she said. I stop moving and close my eyes – I begin to understand that she is trying to share her friendship. I start thinking about how everypony kept on caring me even though I’m only a stranger, how they accepted me regardless of my disgraceful profile, how they… give a meaning of living as a pony with forgotten memories.

“I want to treasure all the friendship everypony have given to me,” I whispered. All of a sudden, my horn starts glowing green and the scent slowly fades away. Princess Luna then slowly frees me from her hug. I look at her endearing face, smiling at me, “Your instinct defied friendship… but fear nothing as your dreads are now subsided,” she said, “You have fully accepted friendship, Sky Blackend.” My horn stops glowing and this might be my first time smiling ever that I… cried happily.

“I… I want to go back to Ponyville,” I said while wiping out my tears. “Be that way. I will guide you,” Princess Luna replied. It’s not like I forgot the way back to Ponyville but… I think it would be great if both of us come together so I won’t feel awkward while saying sorry to Twilight and the others.

As we arrive at the bridge to Ponyville, we can see Twilight running around the town worriedly searching for me. “Twilight!” I called. She notices me and Princess Luna at the bridge – just in time when the other five mares come to regroup, about to go outside of Ponyville to look for me. They all go to the bridge and bow to Princess Luna.

“Rejoice, my subjects. Your friend, Sky Blackend, has friendship accepted and his instinct subdued!” Princess Luna exclaimed. “I’m really sorry I made all of you worried,” I said to them, “I will not escape anymore.” All of them cheered and expressed their joy – I can still smell their friendship but I just smiled; I know that I won’t have any problem as I accept their friendship and treasure it in my deepest heart. We then have group hug – it’s so warm and calming...

“Sky, please come with us to Ponyville Library!” Pinkie Pie holds my hoof, “Princess Luna can come too!” We all go there and arrived at the door. “Go on, Sky, open the door!” Wait, is this some kind of prank or…. I’m opening the door real slow and cautious, thinking that anything could come out anytime and….

“Welcome to Ponyville, Sky Blackend!” everypony, inside and outside shouted to me. I was rather shocked since that everypony means all of the Ponyville’s residents but I’m also very happy since them, all of them accept my existence here… even though I’m not sure how long would I stay at Ponyville.

“Pinkie arranged the welcome party for you since this afternoon, Sky,” Twilight explained, “You know, she’s always random!” Oh, right, that’s why she’s always easy to be identified. Still, I’m glad I get to know these ponies… my life would be totally different if I didn’t meet them at the first place. “Come on Sky, this party is yours!” Pinkie Pie pushed me to the center of the fully decorated library.

We partied – apparently I partied slightly awkward since I don’t even know what to do at parties – and we enjoyed our time together. The intense atmosphere of friendship… I could smell it. I realized that this friendship is needed in order for everypony to be “alive” so I shouldn’t run away from it….

Oh, friendship….