//------------------------------// // Rules of Engagement // Story: Guarded Emotions: The Final Season // by Alabenson //------------------------------// “Has anycreature seen Moonwhisper?” Twilight called out as she trotted down the halls of the School of Friendship towards Starlight’s office. Pausing only briefly to knock once, Twilight opened the door and trotted in. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but have you seen Moonwhisper anywhere? I haven’t seen him all day.” “Well, I was trying to go over the specifics of being a student counselor with Trixie,” Starlight said as she gestured towards her couch, where Trixie was reclining. “But I guess we could take a quick break. You said you were looking for Moonwhisper?” “I wanted to talk with him about his thoughts on security for the coronation,” Twilight explained. “I know it’s not going to be for a few more months, but now that the leaders of all the other races are coming, I’m just a little worried that Moonwhisper might go a little overboard. I know he means well, but you know how he can get when he goes into ‘guard mode’.” “You mean like the time he tried installing a bunch of giant crossbows on the school roof?” Trixie asked. “Ballistae,” Twilight corrected. “Honestly, in retrospect I kind of wish we had let him do that. They might’ve come in handy when I was facing off against Chrysalis,” Starlight said. “But I can see why you might be worried about him going overboard. Now that I think about it, though, I don’t think I’ve seen much of Moonwhisper recently either. I’m not sure, but I think he’s been spending a lot of time in his room even since the whole ‘villain revenge’ thing happened.” “His probably still writing up his plans, then,” Twilight said. “Well, at least that means it won’t be too hard to stop him from planning anything to extreme.” With that, Twilight vanished in a flash of light. “So,” Starlight said as she turned her attention back to Trixie. “Now that that’s taken care of, why don’t we get back to discussing why you shouldn’t be handing out smoke bombs or fireworks to the students.” ********* “I realize that this probably isn’t the best time to ask you tis, you undoubtably have more concerns than you can possibly count already with your coronation, and…” Moonwhisper paused and swallowed before continuing. “But I’ve also come to realize that there’s never going to be a perfect time for this, and if I don’t do this now then I’m just going to keep finding excuses not to. Meeting you, being with you, has been the greatest thing that has even happened to me. You pulled me out of the darkness I had been drowning in my entire life and shown a light into my life that I never thought I’d see again. And…I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that whatever it is, I want to face it by your side. Forever. What I’m saying is…what I’m asking is…Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?” Moonwhisper paused and frowned as he regarded the picture of Twilight that he had taped to the front of his armor stand. “No, it still feels a bit off. I’m not…it doesn’t feel like I’m getting across how much she means to me. Maybe I should go back to opening by just telling her ‘I love you’.” “Yes.” “You think so? It feels a little too much like a cliché to me, but suppose it does get…the…” Dawning realization slowly settled on Moonwhisper’s mind as he spun around to see Twilight standing just a few feet behind him, smiling as her eyes watered with tears of joy. “Twilight, I, um…I didn’t hear you come in. That was…I mean, I was just—” As Moonwhisper frantically tried to think of an explanation or plan of action that didn’t consist of yelling ‘look over there’ and then leaping out the window, Twlight quickly closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. “Yes,” Twilight repeated as their kiss ended. “My answer is yes.” “I guess Starlight may have been right about not needing to overthink this,” Moonwhisper thought to himself before Twilight went in for another kiss, effectively putting an end to Moonwhisper’s waffling.