Her Sentence as a Pony: Book Two

by GamingWolf

Chapter 1

Pezzonite eyes shine with mirth as they watch the little lavender filly jump around with glee. Princess Celestia smiles, a genuine smile, not one of her practice smiles for the nobles. Seeing the excitement in the little filly fills her heart with joy.


A feeling sadly foreign to her for too long.

Another feeling seeps into her heart an old acquaintance.


Time marches on and waits for nopony not even demigod alicorns. The time for her sister's release from the moon approaches. She needs the Elements of Harmony. She needs to find the Element Bearers. Somepony to bear the Element of Magic finally appears and sadly they are a young filly. The other Element Bearers will reveal themselves in time now that the key Element Bearer awakens—at least, Celestia hopes so. She turns her gaze to the window to see the rainbow explosion in the sky radiate across the land. She will need the names of all the ponies gaining their cutie marks at this time.

After repairing the school, Princess Celestia makes her way back to the castle to resume her tasks. A second explosion in the sky stops her mid-step and the orders for the Equestria Bureau of Investigation clatters to the ground slipping from her magic. A crimson wave emanates from the castle chills her bones. Her horn ignites as she teleports to the castle statue garden.

Flames lick the soles of bare feet. Chains whip across bodies. Wails and shrieks fill the air along with laughter and howling. Choking smoke from the burning bodies and furnaces leave hardly any breathable air.

"Need to keep running! Need to leave!"

Malicious laughter echoes.

Fresh air enters the lungs of the filly laying on the ground. Broken stone lays strewn around the filly. She coughs as her lungs acclimate to the overwhelming amount of oxygen. A red mane with black streaks covers the side of her white face not pressing against the green grass. White ears swivel around and listen to the various voices in the vicinity.

"Need to," her voice scratches the back of her throat as she labors to stand, "can't stop." Her breathing strains as she tries to steady herself with four wobbly legs. Her head continues to weigh her down and does not want to cooperate. "Move!" She growls in frustration and finally collapses to the ground after two minutes of fruitless laboring. The sides of her barrel rise and fall rapidly as she inhales shallow breaths. A loud thud next to her head grabs her attention. The air around her starts to rise in temperature and weigh heavily on her as if in the presence of a star. She grunts as she uses her chin to dig into the ground in order to turn her to face the nearby presence. Blinding light stabs her eyes close and elicit a wince.

The blinding light fades away and her eyes open to see a tall creature standing above her. A creature that fails to register in her brain. A look at their white feet and chest reveals the creature being smart enough to wear armor. A long white muzzle with large nostrils, perhaps holds a great sense of smell. Large eyes glare at her holding high intelligence and a flicker of hostility in the background. A horn protrudes from their head, an impressive horn, a dangerous stabbing looking horn. A crown adorns their head so a royal. Long, flowing hair billows in the nonexistent wind. Giant wings flare from the creatures back. Some sort of avian-mammal hybrid creature?

A defensive posture. Yet no fangs or claws. A prey species. the filly observes mentally. Obviously I am seen as a threat to them. Why? the white filly thinks to herself.

"Do you know who you are?" the creature speaks, which honestly surprises the filly.

Of course I know who I am and that is none of your business.

The filly opens her mouth to speak. An animal noise escapes from her mouth drawing looks of confusion from everypony.

Huh? That doesn't sound right.

The filly proceeds to neigh when she opens her mouth to speak again. She furrows her brows and releases a squeal of agitation. Such an animalistic and primal noise unsettles the creatures wearing armor and wielding weapons in the garden. The filly watches the large, white creature before her close their wings and their face soften.

"Do you understand me?" the creature asks.

Yes. The filly gives a neigh and head nod.

"Do you know who you are?"

The filly thinks for a moment. She closes her eyes and scrunches up her muzzle as she tries to recall her name. Flashes of fire pop up first. After a few more seconds of thinking she sees a face. A flat face creature unlike the large, white creature, with smaller eyes, a small nose, and a mouth. This new face starts melting, the skin falls off to reveal the muscle underneath. The filly shakes her head to get rid of the grisly image.

"Shade," the creature speaks which immediately grabs the filly's pale yellow eyes, "that is your name."




That name echoes and rattles around in the near empty space of the filly's memory. Different voices speak the name. The tone of the voices changes from happy to angry to sad and every emotion in between. Hearing the cacophony of voices wears on the white filly's mind and weighs down her head to the green grass.



"We are sisters, Shade." the creature's voice resounds in the filly's head which silences the other voices.

She opens up her pale yellow eyes to look up at the creature with confusion on her face, "What?" Her voice barely registering as a hoarse whisper.

A small smile forms on the creature's muzzle. "I said, your name is Shade."

The filly, Shade, begins to convuls on the ground as if an unseeable force shocks her. Flashes of creatures—ponies(! That's what they are!)—fly by on the back of Shade's eyelids. Bits of memory start to from and play as pictures flying at her.

"Shade!" a new voice calls out to her.

A memory plays out before her. A battle. A loss.

A betrayal.

Her eyes open to see the betrayer igniting her horn for an attack.