The Friendship Games: The Pack Of Careers

by TheGathering

Principal Cinch’s Speech Scene - Things Have Changed

They all waited in the shadows of the gym on either side of the party Pinkie Pie and the others had set up to invite friendship among them. So far, the Crystal Prep students weren’t doing their whole cocky, arrogant attitude yet.

“This is what we have to go up against?” Marvel whispers to Cato. “Seriously, I thought they were going to be stronger than this.”

Cato looks back at Marvel. “Don’t underestimate them yet, dude. They are basically like us, academic and athletic skills honed to a fine edge. From what it looks like though, they send their very best apparently.”

“Okay, bro” he says just as Cato catches sight of Ryan doing hand signals from the opposite side of the gym.

“Crystal Prep group, with principal. At mic” Cato repeats as sure enough, the music comes to a halt and is replaced by the sound of a voice that soon, Cato’s going to really fucking hate. At this moment, he and his friends stay in the shadows, not yet seen by any of the Crystal Prep students.

(Author’s Note here: Even if you know what Cinch says at this particular point in the movie, stay a while. Because I’m going to add a bit extra..)

“I like to thank Principal Celestia for her.. unconventional welcome” Principal Cinch said while standing at the mic. “It’s been four years since the last friendship games..”

“Four years?” Thaddeus whispers to Thresh. “Freaking Hunger Games Middle and High School Competitions were yearly back in Panem City. Why 4?”

“I think it’s based on the Olympics the nations have worldwide, I think” Urchin whispered. “Now shut up.”

All the while, Cinch kept talking. “..but it feels if as though nothing has changed.”

Cato smirked. That’s what you think, he thinks to himself. He knows in his heart that Cinch is dead wrong and can’t wait for the right moment to start the seed of truth to sprout in her brain.

“..Canterlot High continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest that has no real meaning of determining skill level..” Cinch continued, as Cato and his friends noticed the sad looks of Crystal Prep and Canterlot High students alike. That’s when Cato realizes something, one simple truth that changes his whole perspective and starts his burning hatred of Cinch. They’re not that way because they want to. They are that way because of her.

“..and Crystal Prep continues to field its top twelve students. It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses..”

The way Cinch placed emphasis on that word, Ryan swore he saw a vein pop on Cato’s forehead. Clearly, the Crystal Prep President was really getting on the monstrous boy’s nerves. Cato turned, and looked at Flash, who was deliberately standing at the back of the room. Flash looked back at Cato, waiting for the signal to do his thing.

“..your school remains committed to its ideals, however misguided they may be.”

Cato clamped a hand on his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. The only fucking misguided thing around here is you, you bitch!

“..I wish you all the best of luck, regardless of the inevitable outcome that is sure to happen to Canterlot High every time we do these games” Cinch finished, just as Cato nodded at Flash, who then spoke up. By now Canterlot High and Crystal Prep had separated into two packs, leaving Flash with a clear line of sight to the stage and vice versa.

“You know what they said, the status quo is always meant to be broken” Flash speaks up, catching everyone in the room by surprise. Cinch chuckles and looks down at Flash with a smug look on her face.

“Oh really? Do you think Canterlot High has even any chance of defeating Crystal Prep?”

“The answer to that is yeah, we do” Cato says out loud, the sound of his voice causing everyone on Crystal Prep’s side to jump. Cinch searches the auditorium, looking for the person who said that.

“Which one of you said that?!”

“Um, that would be me” Cato says as he steps out from the shadows, walking to the center of the auditorium while Flash walks to a spot just in front of him.

The effect was instant. The Crystal Prep girls either couldn’t stop staring in awe and adoration at the drop dead gorgeous hulk that just made himself known, while most of the boys were visibly intimidated and even scared at the sight of the monstrous hulking boy. Even Cinch couldn’t find the words immediately to bring up her rebuttal at the sight of Cato.

“W-what I-in the n-name of god are you?” she asks. Flash answers it for her.

“He’s a recent transfer here. And he’s not alone.”

One by one, the others walk out from the shadows and take their place in a line facing the Crystal Prep students. If the boys were intimidated or scared before, they were probably practically peeing their pants at the sight of Thresh, Ryan, Marvel, Peeta and the rest of the group.

“H-Holy crap” said someone from the Crystal Prep side.

“Our top twelve have to go up against that?”

Then, a rather arrogant voice rose up through the crowd.

“Guys, come on! They can’t be that challenging! Heck, the big blonde probably has more brawn than brains!”

Cato chuckled, while staring the Crystal Prep students down with a glare so cold that even the girls had to back up a step away from him. He then turns towards Cinch, and he speaks with every hating fiber of his being.

“The name’s Cato Hadley, and this is the year Canterlot High wins these games. Prepare to see your school go down.”

Applejack looks at Cato and sees the fire in his eyes. She sighs in anxious breaths. Cato, I hope you’re not biting off more than you can chew right now, love.